Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.

When bill was first accused, the average size of a tape recorder was roughly that of a shoe box, something not easily hidden, but thanks for such a stupid question.
Spiteful LOSERS like Paul Ryan, Mittens, and Jeb! have never used it (yeah sure) so they're free to condemn Trump, act all offended, and try to hand the country over to the diaper-wearing epileptic criminal Hillary Rodham. Yet we haven't heard about Trump actually grabbing one when not invited to ( women do like their "p" grabbed on occasion) so now what? Any fella who's ever been in a locker room, barracks, bachelor party or deer camp can't pretend to be offended so I guess that leaves us with Hillary's type of guy.

I've heard several women say things in private that make Trump's bawdy talk sound like choir practice...give me a break. Also in the news today, Wiki leaked Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches detailing how she LIES to her voters with a "public position" not intended to be confused with her "private position" which is what she follows. So there you have it.....a guy in middle-age crisis mode bragging about his supposed exploits with some soap opera dipshit who kept the tape and is now trying to get Trump dumped. But then let's remember what the alternative to the Donald is, eh?


Yeah, you've heard lots of guys use it in the locker room. Did you hear them use it in front of their boss at work? Or when they were on a job interview?

Here's the difference, bad language is a test of someone's ability to tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate. Trump doesn't seem to know the difference.
Lets cut through the bullshit, all these "men" from the left who are melting down over this have most likely said the same thing at some point in their miserable lives. Hell that have to be talking it because they damn sure aint doing it
If you cut through all the bullshit, the Democrats would have nothing to say at all.

Gee, that would be terrible, wouldn't it. :biggrin:
When Bill told Ted Kennedy that 20 years ago, Obama would be fetching them coffee instead of running for President, it was barely talked about by the left or the MSM. Just buried that right under the rug.
If Trump had said that, today's Democrats would be insisting that he hated black people, was rasssist, and that it proved he was completely unfit to be President. (Come to think of it, the Dems respond to ANYTHING Trump says, just that way)

But since Kennedy said that, it's no big deal, he didn't mean it, nothing to see here, move along.

And these people wonder why no one pays attention to them any more.
He used the P-word and said "God damn." In the liberal alternate universe, that's sufficient cause to keep him out of the presidency.

No it's not.
So let's see the Democrat list of things that are not disqualifiers.

Sexual Assault
Sexist remarks
Racist remarks
Anti-semitic remarks
Obstruction of justice
Serious illnesses
Taking bribes.
Getting your employees killed.
Sending a man to jail to cover for your crimes.

Does that just about cover it?
Trump is not being denounced for using a word. He is being denounced for the way he used it. He admitted to both attempting adultery and assaulting a woman as being acceptable. His excuse was that he has celebrity status as a rich person and therefore, it is OK for him to break both religious law and criminal law.

Hey, it's one of Hillary's boys now!
He didn't "admit" to anything and find us a woman he's actually "sexually assaulted". Meanwhile I'll name a half dozen that Billy actually did sexually assault with Hillary trashing their reputations for going public with it. Deal?
I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.
Yeah, but rape and sexual assault are perfectly okay, right, douche bag?
I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.

When bill was first accused, the average size of a tape recorder was roughly that of a shoe box, something not easily hidden, but thanks for such a stupid question.
BILL CLINTON IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. And there has NEVER been any suggestion or evidence he bragged about assaulting women.
Yeah, you've heard lots of guys use it in the locker room. Did you hear them use it in front of their boss at work? Or when they were on a job interview?

Here's the difference, bad language is a test of someone's ability to tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate. Trump doesn't seem to know the difference.

I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.

When bill was first accused, the average size of a tape recorder was roughly that of a shoe box, something not easily hidden, but thanks for such a stupid question.
BILL CLINTON IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. And there has NEVER been any suggestion or evidence he bragged about assaulting women.

BRAGGED, good lord, you can't make this shit up!
Lets cut through the bullshit, all these "men" from the left who are melting down over this have most likely said the same thing at some point in their miserable lives. Hell that have to be talking it because they damn sure aint doing it
If you cut through all the bullshit, the Democrats would have nothing to say at all.

Gee, that would be terrible, wouldn't it. :biggrin:
When Bill told Ted Kennedy that 20 years ago, Obama would be fetching them coffee instead of running for President, it was barely talked about by the left or the MSM. Just buried that right under the rug.
If Trump had said that, today's Democrats would be insisting that he hated black people, was rasssist, and that it proved he was completely unfit to be President. (Come to think of it, the Dems respond to ANYTHING Trump says, just that way)

But since Kennedy said that, it's no big deal, he didn't mean it, nothing to see here, move along.

And these people wonder why no one pays attention to them any more.
Only because you all completely miss the point of Clinton's statement: which was how far we have come as a country. He was not denigrating blacks at all: just the opposite. Are you all really too dense to get that? Unbelievable.
This is delicious! Go Hillary!!!!!

He had a 20% winning before the tape. HE IS NOW TOAST!
It will be interesting to see where he stands with women in the next poll. I suspect he will also loss some men supporters. Many men respect women and that kind of behavior doesn't fly.

\Do you actually expect us to believe you've never made crude remarks about women? Why do leftwing douche bags come off sounding more sanctimonious than anyone in the religious right?

You better believe it Brit your man is toast.
Gov of Utah Rep. Gary Herbert withdrew his support to Trump.
Sen. Rep. Jason Chaffetz also withdrew his support to Trump........ This is just the start.
He was a newlywed at the time to Melania. Sick piece of shit!

didn't it say BEFORE he got married to Melania----and didn't
it say he did not succeed? Sounds like boy talk to me
Jesus Christ, what kind of 'boys' do you hang out with?

Straight one apparently. The gay ones talk about grabbing dick, or so I'm told.
Missing the point dodo head.

Pssstttttt, a dude will know what dudes talk about in private much more than a dudette will.

Now run along dear
Spiteful LOSERS like Paul Ryan, Mittens, and Jeb! have never used it (yeah sure) so they're free to condemn Trump, act all offended, and try to hand the country over to the diaper-wearing epileptic criminal Hillary Rodham. Yet we haven't heard about Trump actually grabbing one when not invited to ( women do like their "p" grabbed on occasion) so now what? Any fella who's ever been in a locker room, barracks, bachelor party or deer camp can't pretend to be offended so I guess that leaves us with Hillary's type of guy.

I've heard several women say things in private that make Trump's bawdy talk sound like choir practice...give me a break. Also in the news today, Wiki leaked Hillary's Goldman Sachs speeches detailing how she LIES to her voters with a "public position" not intended to be confused with her "private position" which is what she follows. So there you have it.....a guy in middle-age crisis mode bragging about his supposed exploits with some soap opera dipshit who kept the tape and is now trying to get Trump dumped. But then let's remember what the alternative to the Donald is, eh?


Yeah, you've heard lots of guys use it in the locker room. Did you hear them use it in front of their boss at work? Or when they were on a job interview?

Here's the difference, bad language is a test of someone's ability to tell the difference between appropriate and inappropriate. Trump doesn't seem to know the difference.
I had a boss who took us to a strip club in San Francisco and paid for us to watch two women use dildos on each other.
Trump is not being denounced for using a word. He is being denounced for the way he used it. He admitted to both attempting adultery and assaulting a woman as being acceptable. His excuse was that he has celebrity status as a rich person and therefore, it is OK for him to break both religious law and criminal law.

Hey, it's one of Hillary's boys now!
He didn't "admit" to anything and find us a woman he's actually "sexually assaulted". Meanwhile I'll name a half dozen that Billy actually did sexually assault with Hillary trashing their reputations for going public with it. Deal?

Unfounded accusations vs a video tape. A presidential candidate vs someone not running. Keep trying. You'll still fall on your ass, but at least you can say you tried.
Mark Cuban is on twitter saying Trump is toast, all his golf courses and hotels are toast... and any of his employees that don't quit right away will make themselves unemployable in the future.

You don't know the difference between saying FU and denigrating women? Thinking about, engaging in and bragging about deviant behavior toward women? You really don't see the difference?

You don't know the difference between joking around and white cum stains on a White House Inters you see the difference...of course I could go into the $850K settlement to Paula Jones for her SEXUAL ABUSE court case.... Yiou fucking people are so AFRAID of Trump, you have to drag out Porn queens, and 30 year old statements!
I'm currently listening to Trump's so-called apology. It's really pathetic. But, but, but Bill Clinton.
Has he got Bill on tape saying things like he said? It's one thng to talk about liking women; it's another to talk about grabbing their privates or any other part of them, of kissing them, etc. AGAINST THEIR WILL. Of doing it w/o their consent and bragging about getting away with it because he is a celebrity. Of essentially bragging about deviant behavior. Of bragging about attacking married women in this way.

This isn't just lewd, it deviant, anti-social.

When bill was first accused, the average size of a tape recorder was roughly that of a shoe box, something not easily hidden, but thanks for such a stupid question.
BILL CLINTON IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. And there has NEVER been any suggestion or evidence he bragged about assaulting women.
IN other words, that was then, this is now.

You leftwing douche bags are pathetic.

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