Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it...
What a fuckin LIAR you are!!
Gotta resort to that Repub propaganda to support the Trump clown?
:) :)
For the accurate record, Hillary was assigned that rape case, the perp was CONVICTED, and she laughed about the LEGAL aspects of the case.
. So I'm a liar for watching a video on this site, and the repeating what I saw ? Now I went to snopes and checked it out, and yes there was a few things different about the case on snopes, but I still can't understand how Hillary couldn't get off of a case that involved a 12 year old female having been alledgedly raped, and her having to defend her rapist. Wow.
Why don't you investigate before swallowing CRAP, or is that above your intellectual level?

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?
A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.
Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case
Good grief look whose talking. You are giving me your interpretation of the case, but someone I guarantee you can come along next, and swing it right back the other way, so then it's all about just who sounds the most honorable and authentic on such a thing, and then we make our informed decision on whether we believe it or not. Now I did see on snopes that it said that most was wrong in the original interpretation someone gave, and just as snopes is there for, it sought to correct the record, and hoped that it did.
My interpretation?
Can you not see my source?
What point do you disagree with?
I can't wait to see your "interpretation" ...
. Back and forth, back and forth.. Not playing these little liberal games.. I already stated my thoughts, and that is that.
What a fuckin LIAR you are!!
Gotta resort to that Repub propaganda to support the Trump clown?
:) :)
For the accurate record, Hillary was assigned that rape case, the perp was CONVICTED, and she laughed about the LEGAL aspects of the case.
. So I'm a liar for watching a video on this site, and the repeating what I saw ? Now I went to snopes and checked it out, and yes there was a few things different about the case on snopes, but I still can't understand how Hillary couldn't get off of a case that involved a 12 year old female having been alledgedly raped, and her having to defend her rapist. Wow.
Why don't you investigate before swallowing CRAP, or is that above your intellectual level?

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?
A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.
Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case
Good grief look whose talking. You are giving me your interpretation of the case, but someone I guarantee you can come along next, and swing it right back the other way, so then it's all about just who sounds the most honorable and authentic on such a thing, and then we make our informed decision on whether we believe it or not. Now I did see on snopes that it said that most was wrong in the original interpretation someone gave, and just as snopes is there for, it sought to correct the record, and hoped that it did.
My interpretation?
Can you not see my source?
What point do you disagree with?
I can't wait to see your "interpretation" ...
. Back and forth, back and forth.. Not playing these little liberal games.. I already stated my thoughts, and that is that.
What thoughts ... that represent reality??
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....

no...most guys do not talk about it being ok to grab women without their consent. most men in business do not harass the women in their employ by saying to the men around the table "you'd f**k her, wouldn't you? i'd f**k her".

you know what the problem is with that video, harry? it's EXACTLY who we knew donald is. he's a pig. And the minute he tries to talk about bill cltinon, he's done.... if he's not done already...

and before you say "monica".... monica never complained about their relationship and *he* never humiliated her.... that was the work of her "friend" linda tripp and her puppet master lucianne goldberg. and a "man" who cheated on all three of his wives and thinks you should walk up and grab women by the p***y has no business even mentioning it.
so jill when was the last time you were in the company of a bunch of guys sitting around and shooting the shit?.....and i dont mean mixed company,just guys....if the subject of women come up it can be just like the trump talk....

Big difference between locker room talk and sexual assault
. Who comitted a sexual assault??
You think America is in good shape after 8 years of Obama? What's good about it?
You think USA is now as bad as it was before Obama took over in 2009?

Let's make America shitty again -- vote for Trump :)
The economy always recovers after a recession. Obama did nothing to improve matters, but now we're $20 trillion in debt, our healthcare is in the toilet, and our Constitution is in tatters.
I questioned the same thing but when you listen to the tape, there is definitely someone else in the bus and someone had to be holding a camera when they were getting off the bus.

I'm not shocked by Trump's vulgar language or disparaging comments about women. I would expect that. What I didn't expect is he would allow such a tape to be made. This was incredibility stupid on his part. Although in 2005, he was a showbiz celebrity and the image this tape creates would not be damaging then, you would think he would have some vision of his future where such an image would be devastating.

What all this means is Trump isn't as smart as he claims. He can't seem to remember his position from one day to next thus he makes conflicting statements. His stream of consciousness babble in his interviews is a strong indication that he's very unorganized. His business is not as successful as he claims and his personal life is completely undisciplined. How can anyone believe this guy would make a good president? Yes, I know he has a good spiel. That's his bread and butter.

Without a doubt there is somebody else on the bus: the person who recorded him. The question is whether Trump knew he was being recorded and if it was done illegally. Because Trump was a celebrity at that time too, and he would have known quite well if he was indeed being recorded or not. And if so, I doubt he would have said the things he did.

I suspect that he had no idea he was being recorded. As for what took place outside of the bus, of course that was planned. And if he had no idea he was being recorded, the person(s) responsible should be held liable if not criminal if they broke any state laws.

Nobody said Trump would make a good President. Neither would make a good President. But with our freedoms hanging on the line, it's important to keep Hillary out no matter who she's running against.
AY YAY YAY NOBODY is going to fawn oall over your DISTORTED MAP Faun! just google these maps and see that they all look different. Oh and by the way many of your Blue states are undecided too. Pennsylvania and Nevada will go TRUMP.
AY YAY YAY NOBODY is going to fawn oall over your DISTORTED MAP Faun! just google these maps and see that they all look different. Oh and by the way many of your Blue states are undecided too. Pennsylvania and Nevada will go TRUMP.

I think he has Ohio as well. Trump signs all over the place in our state.
You think America is in good shape after 8 years of Obama? What's good about it?
You think USA is now as bad as it was before Obama took over in 2009?
Let's make America shitty again -- vote for Trump :)
The economy always recovers after a recession. Obama did nothing to improve matters, but now we're $20 trillion in debt, our healthcare is in the toilet, and our Constitution is in tatters.
Did you not realize that it's the Republican Congress that passed the budgets?
And how is it that the Constitution is in tatters?
Making up shit again? LOL!
AY YAY YAY NOBODY is going to fawn oall over your DISTORTED MAP Faun! just google these maps and see that they all look different. Oh and by the way many of your Blue states are undecided too. Pennsylvania and Nevada will go TRUMP.

I think he has Ohio as well. Trump signs all over the place in our state.
. Sunday will sure let everyone know where it all stands after that.
. Sunday will sure let everyone know where it all stands after that.

I have my doubts. Americans have short memories and a lot can happen between now and nearly a month from now. Hillary will get some ticks in her numbers, and then they will come back down again I suspect.

The only people upset by this are the liberals, and they weren't going to vote for Trump anyway. Our cowardly Governor came out today to say he wouldn't support Trump. Like gee, you would have supported him if not for this tape? Seriously.
View attachment 92705 3e8e2ccef7d8190aef8184492d741ab8.jpg images (5).jpg stock-photo-ukraininan-coal-miner-ready-for-hard-work-231606778.jpg Men-The-Experience-At-Riviera-Las-Vegas-Review-And-Interview-with-Host-AJ-2014-4.jpg View attachment 92710
Nobody gives a shit.

Trump will be the next President....get used to it. :2up:

his whole campaign is imploding.
Hmmmm . . right, a 0.1% decline in the polls is an "implosion."

I'm sorry but Ohio and Iowa are now in blue. They turned back to blue a couple days ago.

Hillary is up to 329 electoral votes. trump is down to 208 electoral votes.

However, that doesn't consider the video bomb that released yesterday. It's very possible that his electoral votes will continue to decrease.

2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight
Admit it. they are both deplorable candidates.

Our kids, our troops . all Americans deserve better choices than these 2 clowns. Not even worthy to call themselves candidates for President of these United States.

Clinton is qualitatively better than Trump. The last bastion of the turd polishing that has been the GOP's sole task since Trump's nomination is 'Hillary is just as bad'.

No. No she's not.
She's 1000 times worse than Trump - primarily because she plans to destroy this country. said the same thing about Obama eight years ago

They said the same thing about Bill Clinton in 1992.

They said the same thing about every democratic candidate since Clinton too.

The reality is that Bill Clinton and Obama were good presidents who turned around the collapsed economies that both of the bush presidents created.
images (7).jpg
("The reality is that Bill Clinton and Obama were good presidents who turned around the collapsed economies that both the Bush presidents created." ) THERE IS SOME TRUTH TO THIS OBSERVATION of yours I shall concede you this lightbearer Dana Clown Goldmember...
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didn't it say BEFORE he got married to Melania----and didn't
it say he did not succeed? Sounds like boy talk to meimages (2).jpg
I questioned the same thing but when you listen to the tape, there is definitely someone else in the bus and someone had to be holding a camera when they were getting off the bus.

I'm not shocked by Trump's vulgar language or disparaging comments about women. I would expect that. What I didn't expect is he would allow such a tape to be made. This was incredibility stupid on his part. Although in 2005, he was a showbiz celebrity and the image this tape creates would not be damaging then, you would think he would have some vision of his future where such an image would be devastating.

What all this means is Trump isn't as smart as he claims. He can't seem to remember his position from one day to next thus he makes conflicting statements. His stream of consciousness babble in his interviews is a strong indication that he's very unorganized. His business is not as successful as he claims and his personal life is completely undisciplined. How can anyone believe this guy would make a good president? Yes, I know he has a good spiel. That's his bread and butter.

Without a doubt there is somebody else on the bus: the person who recorded him. The question is whether Trump knew he was being recorded and if it was done illegally. Because Trump was a celebrity at that time too, and he would have known quite well if he was indeed being recorded or not. And if so, I doubt he would have said the things he did.

I suspect that he had no idea he was being recorded. As for what took place outside of the bus, of course that was planned. And if he had no idea he was being recorded, the person(s) responsible should be held liable if not criminal if they broke any state laws.

Nobody said Trump would make a good President. Neither would make a good President. But with our freedoms hanging on the line, it's important to keep Hillary out no matter who she's running against.
When the words "the Donald has Scored' was said there were several people, one with a camera on the bus. Several people got off the bus before Donald and Bush. One of them had to have a camera. At one point, he looked right at the camera. The whole purpose of this trip was to tape Donald. He had to know he was being taped. Also, you can bet Donald would have said something if this tape was made without his knowledge or consent.

I have a problem with the idea anyone would be better than Hillary or anyone is better than Trump. That makes no sense.
When the words "the Donald has Scored' was said there were several people, one with a camera on the bus. Several people got off the bus before Donald and Bush. One of them had to have a camera. At one point, he looked right at the camera. The whole purpose of this trip was to tape Donald. He had to know he was being taped. Also, you can bet Donald would have said something if this tape was made without his knowledge or consent.

I have a problem with the idea anyone would be better than Hillary or anyone is better than Trump. That makes no sense.

Sure it does, because I can't remember an election when I voted for somebody.

I didn't vote for Romney, I voted against DumBama.
I didn't vote for McCain, I voted against DumBama.
I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting against Hillary.

Now as for the bus, why were there only cameras outside of the bus and not inside if they wanted to record what Trump was saying on the way? I mean, if it was planned to record Trump on the bus, how hard would it have been to have a camera man on the bus recording it?

So my opinion still stands: Trump had no idea he was being recorded. After all, WTF would hold on to such a thing 11 years later? It's kind of creepy like Monica holding on to the dress that was never washed.
I think the point is why would Trump allow himself to be taped saying these things. Apparently, he was ok with it at the time. In 2005, that image was not really damaging but today it certainly is. If I voted for Trump, I would be pretty embarrassed if my 10 year old daughter pointed to this video and ask, is this the guy you voted for?

It wasn't clear how it was taped. For all we know, Trump didn't know a thing about it. And if that was the case, is there any law against it?
I questioned the same thing but when you listen to the tape, there is definitely someone else in the bus and someone had to be holding a camera when they were getting off the bus.

I'm not shocked by Trump's vulgar language or disparaging comments about women. I would expect that. What I didn't expect is he would allow such a tape to be made. This was incredibility stupid on his part. Although in 2005, he was a showbiz celebrity and the image this tape creates would not be damaging then, you would think he would have some vision of his future where such an image would be devastating.

What all this means is Trump isn't as smart as he claims. He can't seem to remember his position from one day to next thus he makes conflicting statements. His stream of consciousness babble in his interviews is a strong indication that he's very unorganized. His business is not as successful as he claims and his personal life is completely undisciplined. How can anyone believe this guy would make a good president? Yes, I know he has a good spiel. That's his bread and butter.

It's standard practice in the media whether it's news, TV or movies, the very first thing that is done is anyone who is going to be on camera has to sign a media release to be videoed and to use your image on TV.

Not one second of filming will happen with anyone before those media releases are signed.

Not only did he know that he was being video taped, he gave his consent to be taped and for the video to be used on TV.

I've worked on a couple so called reality shows. I'm a photographer but I also had to sign a media release.

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