Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it...
What a fuckin LIAR you are!!
Gotta resort to that Repub propaganda to support the Trump clown?
:) :)
For the accurate record, Hillary was assigned that rape case, the perp was CONVICTED, and she laughed about the LEGAL aspects of the case.
. So I'm a liar for watching a video on this site, and the repeating what I saw ? Now I went to snopes and checked it out, and yes there was a few things different about the case on snopes, but I still can't understand how Hillary couldn't get off of a case that involved a 12 year old female having been alledgedly raped, and her having to defend her rapist. Wow.
Why don't you investigate before swallowing CRAP, or is that above your intellectual level?

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?
A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.
Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case
Read about the rights of the Accused and get back to us
WTF??? Anything to add?
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oh please.... he becomes obsessive & acts out in a childish destructive manner.... look at Rosie O'donnel. he has held a grudge against her for 10 freakin years. over what? some silly comedic routine she went into about him with the cacklers on the view.
this... THIS is what he can't let go of.
... & it was silly funny shit.

Yes, and who brought up Rosie in the first place? Trump? No, it was Hil-Liar.
Actually it was Megyn Kelly. She's been exposed as a closet Hillary supporter.
I think it's against the law in California to record someone without their knowledge. If Dim had been on the receiving end of this treatment, all you would be hearing about from the media is what an outrage it was for someone to violate his privacy this way.

The reason I'm suspicious is that it's not likely Trump would have made such statements knowing he was being recorded.

Even though Trump didn't spend one-tenth of Hil-Liar, elections still cost a lot of money. And if somebody is responsible for Trump losing, they should be responsible to reimburse Trump for the costs of this election.
What a sad state of affairs and what pitiful choices we have on election day. IMHO we should do a reboot on the whole nomination process. Neither principal obtained their victory ethically.
Trump bribed Super Delegates prior to the Primaries?
Just Trump business as usual lying and cheating all the way.
Pretty simple. Claim the whole process null and void due to fraud. Claim Obama interim President till we can redo the whole nomination process. bar Hillary and Trump from ever participating again due to lies, deceit and other unmentionables.
Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it...
What a fuckin LIAR you are!!
Gotta resort to that Repub propaganda to support the Trump clown?
:) :)
For the accurate record, Hillary was assigned that rape case, the perp was CONVICTED, and she laughed about the LEGAL aspects of the case.
. So I'm a liar for watching a video on this site, and the repeating what I saw ? Now I went to snopes and checked it out, and yes there was a few things different about the case on snopes, but I still can't understand how Hillary couldn't get off of a case that involved a 12 year old female having been alledgedly raped, and her having to defend her rapist. Wow.
Why don't you investigate before swallowing CRAP, or is that above your intellectual level?

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?
A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.
Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case
Good grief look whose talking. You are giving me your interpretation of the case, but someone I guarantee you can come along next, and swing it right back the other way, so then it's all about just who sounds the most honorable and authentic on such a thing, and then we make our informed decision on whether we believe it or not. Now I did see on snopes that it said that most was wrong in the original interpretation someone gave, and just as snopes is there for, it sought to correct the record, and hoped that it did.
My interpretation?
Can you not see my source?
What point do you disagree with?
I can't wait to see your "interpretation" ...
And once again, the single most outrageous thing you can do to a Trump reveal the truth.

Well we might be able to do the same with Hil-Liar, but as a professional criminal, she (like her husband) destroys all the evidence.
THE POWER IS OUT IN ABOUT 4 STATES. guess they are too busy to really care about such stupid "news". boo hoo Liberals! nobody cares. All this Trump stuff is milder than anything...
What a sad state of affairs and what pitiful choices we have on election day. IMHO we should do a reboot on the whole nomination process. Neither principal obtained their victory ethically.
Trump bribed Super Delegates prior to the Primaries?
Just Trump business as usual lying and cheating all the way.
Pretty simple. Claim the whole process null and void due to fraud. Claim Obama interim President till we can redo the whole nomination process. bar Hillary and Trump from ever participating again due to lies, deceit and other unmentionables.
You said Trump cheated to win the Nomination.
I asked you to elaborate.
Your Post is NOT an elaboration of your statement regarding Trump.
AND>>> if you are a Hollywood Liberal you better be talking about Haiti and putting your money back into that again...
What makes you imagine he had any political ambitions 11 years ago?
Who knows ... 11 years ago, what was in his mind except thoughts about "pussy".
My point was, that if you are going to run for POTUS, your history will be scrutinized and that's the way it is!
If he can't take the heat, then he should not be POTUS!!

It's only scrutinized if you are a Republican. Democrats get a pass. They can even be accomplices to rape and still run for office.
BS; everyone running for POTUS gets scrutinized by the opposing parties, if not reporters.
Horseshit. The media ignores all the dirt on Hillary. You only find out about it on the internet. The media reported that Hillary's performance when she testified before Congress was flawless even though she admitted to lying multiple times.

Horse Shit! I watched all eleven hours of it and she never admitted a goddam thing.

Hillary Clinton's 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony - Breitbart

Hillary Cared Deeply About the Human Cost.

. . . . . .

Hillary Thought The Attacks Had Something to Do With a YouTube Video.

. . . . . .

Hillary Didn’t Use Sidney Blumenthal As an Advisor.

. . . . . .

Hillary Was Transparent About Her Emails.

. . . . . .

Chris Stevens Was Responsible for His Own Death.
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....

no...most guys do not talk about it being ok to grab women without their consent. most men in business do not harass the women in their employ by saying to the men around the table "you'd f**k her, wouldn't you? i'd f**k her".

you know what the problem is with that video, harry? it's EXACTLY who we knew donald is. he's a pig. And the minute he tries to talk about bill cltinon, he's done.... if he's not done already...

and before you say "monica".... monica never complained about their relationship and *he* never humiliated her.... that was the work of her "friend" linda tripp and her puppet master lucianne goldberg. and a "man" who cheated on all three of his wives and thinks you should walk up and grab women by the p***y has no business even mentioning it.
so jill when was the last time you were in the company of a bunch of guys sitting around and shooting the shit?.....and i dont mean mixed company,just guys....if the subject of women come up it can be just like the trump talk....

Big difference between locker room talk and sexual assault
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....

no...most guys do not talk about it being ok to grab women without their consent. most men in business do not harass the women in their employ by saying to the men around the table "you'd f**k her, wouldn't you? i'd f**k her".

you know what the problem is with that video, harry? it's EXACTLY who we knew donald is. he's a pig. And the minute he tries to talk about bill cltinon, he's done.... if he's not done already...

and before you say "monica".... monica never complained about their relationship and *he* never humiliated her.... that was the work of her "friend" linda tripp and her puppet master lucianne goldberg. and a "man" who cheated on all three of his wives and thinks you should walk up and grab women by the p***y has no business even mentioning it.
so jill when was the last time you were in the company of a bunch of guys sitting around and shooting the shit?.....and i dont mean mixed company,just guys....if the subject of women come up it can be just like the trump talk....
I think the point is why would Trump allow himself to be taped saying these things. Apparently, he was ok with it at the time. In 2005, that image was not really damaging but today it certainly is. If I voted for Trump, I would be pretty embarrassed if my 10 year old daughter pointed to this video and ask, is this the guy you voted for?
. The gloves need to come off on Hillary now.

Because the truth is out about dumb disgusting Donald?

Yeah that ought to work.
Admit it. they are both deplorable candidates.

Our kids, our troops . all Americans deserve better choices than these 2 clowns. Not even worthy to call themselves candidates for President of these United States.

Clinton is qualitatively better than Trump. The last bastion of the turd polishing that has been the GOP's sole task since Trump's nomination is 'Hillary is just as bad'.

No. No she's not.
She's 1000 times worse than Trump - primarily because she plans to destroy this country. said the same thing about Obama eight years ago

Yeah, the alt-right folks have kinda shot their wad on the whole 'destroying america' horseshit with Obama. When they've been caught crying wolf for 8 straight years its rather hard to take them seriously when they go for year number 9.
You think America is in good shape after 8 years of Obama? What's good about it?
Admit it. they are both deplorable candidates.

Our kids, our troops . all Americans deserve better choices than these 2 clowns. Not even worthy to call themselves candidates for President of these United States.

Clinton is qualitatively better than Trump. The last bastion of the turd polishing that has been the GOP's sole task since Trump's nomination is 'Hillary is just as bad'.

No. No she's not.
. Yes, yes she is..
Not after the DNC cheating Bernie out of a fair shot, she has zero moral ground.

Reboot the whole process.. We deserve better than these moral lepers.
Admit it. they are both deplorable candidates.

Our kids, our troops . all Americans deserve better choices than these 2 clowns. Not even worthy to call themselves candidates for President of these United States.

Clinton is qualitatively better than Trump. The last bastion of the turd polishing that has been the GOP's sole task since Trump's nomination is 'Hillary is just as bad'.

No. No she's not.
She's 1000 times worse than Trump - primarily because she plans to destroy this country. said the same thing about Obama eight years ago

Yeah, the alt-right folks have kinda shot their wad on the whole 'destroying america' horseshit with Obama. When they've been caught crying wolf for 8 straight years its rather hard to take them seriously when they go for year number 9.
You think America is in good shape after 8 years of Obama? What's good about it?
Ordering coffee in Spanish.
You think America is in good shape after 8 years of Obama? What's good about it?
You think USA is now as bad as it was before Obama took over in 2009?

Let's make America shitty again -- vote for Trump :)
I think the point is why would Trump allow himself to be taped saying these things. Apparently, he was ok with it at the time. In 2005, that image was not really damaging but today it certainly is. If I voted for Trump, I would be pretty embarrassed if my 10 year old daughter pointed to this video and ask, is this the guy you voted for?

It wasn't clear how it was taped. For all we know, Trump didn't know a thing about it. And if that was the case, is there any law against it?
I questioned the same thing but when you listen to the tape, there is definitely someone else in the bus and someone had to be holding a camera when they were getting off the bus.

I'm not shocked by Trump's vulgar language or disparaging comments about women. I would expect that. What I didn't expect is he would allow such a tape to be made. This was incredibility stupid on his part. Although in 2005, he was a showbiz celebrity and the image this tape creates would not be damaging then, you would think he would have some vision of his future where such an image would be devastating.

What all this means is Trump isn't as smart as he claims. He can't seem to remember his position from one day to next thus he makes conflicting statements. His stream of consciousness babble in his interviews is a strong indication that he's very unorganized. His business is not as successful as he claims and his personal life is completely undisciplined. How can anyone believe this guy would make a good president? Yes, I know he has a good spiel. That's his bread and butter.

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