Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Leftist hypocrisy... didn't bother them at all when Barry did it...

"Gotta have them, ribs and pussy."

Admit it. they are both deplorable candidates.

Our kids, our troops . all Americans deserve better choices than these 2 clowns. Not even worthy to call themselves candidates for President of these United States.

Clinton is qualitatively better than Trump. The last bastion of the turd polishing that has been the GOP's sole task since Trump's nomination is 'Hillary is just as bad'.

No. No she's not.
She's 1000 times worse than Trump - primarily because she plans to destroy this country. said the same thing about Obama eight years ago

They said the same thing about Bill Clinton in 1992.

They said the same thing about every democratic candidate since Clinton too.

The reality is that Bill Clinton and Obama were good presidents who turned around the collapsed economies that both of the bush presidents created.

The reality is they both sucked.
" 3e8e2ccef7d8190aef8184492d741ab8.jpg So my opinion still stands: Trump had no idea he was being recorded. After all, WTF would hold on to such a thing 11 years later? It's kind of creepy like Monica holding on to the dress that was never washed."
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....

no...most guys do not talk about it being ok to grab women without their consent. most men in business do not harass the women in their employ by saying to the men around the table "you'd f**k her, wouldn't you? i'd f**k her".

you know what the problem is with that video, harry? it's EXACTLY who we knew donald is. he's a pig. And the minute he tries to talk about bill cltinon, he's done.... if he's not done already...

and before you say "monica".... monica never complained about their relationship and *he* never humiliated her.... that was the work of her "friend" linda tripp and her puppet master lucianne goldberg. and a "man" who cheated on all three of his wives and thinks you should walk up and grab women by the p***y has no business even mentioning it.
so jill when was the last time you were in the company of a bunch of guys sitting around and shooting the shit?.....and i dont mean mixed company,just guys....if the subject of women come up it can be just like the trump talk....

Big difference between locker room talk and sexual assault
doesnt have to be in the locker could be in someones living room watching a game,out on break at work,i witnessed one at a wedding,the groom and co. rating the maids of honor...
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!

This thread creates over a thousand posts, most indignant about something Trump said about women years ago. In the meantime, the p.o.s. clintons spent a career f'ing over and raping women. By the way, the clintons must really be upset. The hurricane left hundreds dead in Haiti and the clintons have to waste time campaigning here instead of spending time trying to make a few hundred million off this new tragedy.
Admit it. they are both deplorable candidates.

Our kids, our troops . all Americans deserve better choices than these 2 clowns. Not even worthy to call themselves candidates for President of these United States.

Clinton is qualitatively better than Trump. The last bastion of the turd polishing that has been the GOP's sole task since Trump's nomination is 'Hillary is just as bad'.

No. No she's not.
She's 1000 times worse than Trump - primarily because she plans to destroy this country. said the same thing about Obama eight years ago

Yeah, the alt-right folks have kinda shot their wad on the whole 'destroying america' horseshit with Obama. When they've been caught crying wolf for 8 straight years its rather hard to take them seriously when they go for year number 9.

Yeah....they want to make America great again like when Bush crashed the whole goddam thing.
I think it's against the law in California to record someone without their knowledge. If Dim had been on the receiving end of this treatment, all you would be hearing about from the media is what an outrage it was for someone to violate his privacy this way.

The reason I'm suspicious is that it's not likely Trump would have made such statements knowing he was being recorded.

Even though Trump didn't spend one-tenth of Hil-Liar, elections still cost a lot of money. And if somebody is responsible for Trump losing, they should be responsible to reimburse Trump for the costs of this election.

Except he is personally responsible for both defrauding his supporters and losing the election (where is the $1B he said he would spend?)
Except he is personally responsible for both defrauding his supporters and losing the election (where is the $1B he said he would spend?)

How did he do that, by making half-million dollar speeches for twenty minutes to people hoping to gain influence once he became President?
he has a consistent history of 'remarks' & behavior reports are just coming out from the apprentice. many witness' are saying he's a fucking orange dirtbag.
. Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it... Your talking blowhard talk by Trump, but Hillary is the more ominous character in this race. So what does that make her voter base that is holding their noses on her ???

lol, perhaps you can learn yourself some facts cowboy, instead of repeating talking points that just ain't true....

Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?

A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.

Did Hillary Clinton volunteer to defend a child rapist in 1975, accuse the 12-year-old victim of fantasizing about older men, later state that she knew he was guilty but got the charges dropped and laugh?

In 1975, Hillary Clinton — then known as Hillary Rodham — taught at the University of Arkansas School of Law, where she founded the University of Arkansas School Legal Aid Clinic. It was during this time that she defended Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl.

Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case

Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
Hillary Clinton's role in a 40-year-old rape case became the focal point of a viral meme in 2016, but the claims made about it were mostly inaccurate.

Kim LaCapria

Updated: Aug 13, 2016

Claim: Hillary Clinton successfully defended an accused child rapist and later laughed about the case.

mostly false
WHAT'S TRUE: In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Rodham was appointed to represent a defendant charged with raping a 12-year-old girl. Clinton reluctantly took on the case, which ended with a plea bargain for the defendant, and later chuckled about some aspects of the case when discussing it years later.

: Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.
Audio tapes from the 1980s of Hillary Clinton describing the case to journalist Roy Reed surfaced in 2014 and were incorporated into a video clip associated with the image macro's claims...

The audio on these tapes is difficult to understand, but Clinton can be heard describing the case as "terrible." She did audibly laugh or chuckle at points, not about "knowing that the defendant was guilty" (which makes little sense, given that the defendant pled guilty) but rather while musing about how elements of the case that might ordinarily have supported the prosecution worked in the defendant's favor (i.e., observing that the defendant's passing a polygraph test had "forever destroyed her faith" in that technology)

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist, Laughed About It

At PolitiFact, we decided to review what’s known about the case to see if Clinton accurately portrayed how she came to represent the defendant. Because some of the key players have died, we won’t issue a rating on our Truth-O-Meter.

Overall, we did find a few inconsistencies in Clinton’s recollection of the nearly 40-year-old events. But we also found significant evidence suggesting she had little choice but to take the case. And the story itself provides insights in the early career of a potential 2016 presidential candidate...'

Shit, I've had extremely lewd discussions about women all my life. I am 60-years old.

So what?
You are an asshole too.
No, I'm kind of a typical man, but you wouldn't understand being neutered and all.
Your and Trump's behaviour is typical of insecure little men. Secure, intelligent men respect women.
How would you know? I doubt you've ever met one.
I have certainly met many insecure men, such as yourself.
Except he is personally responsible for both defrauding his supporters and losing the election (where is the $1B he said he would spend?)

How did he do that, by making half-million dollar speeches for twenty minutes to people hoping to gain influence once he became President?

When you are contributing some money because you think he’ll spend it wisely and mix it with his own $1B commitment, you should expect responsible spending as well as his follow through on the commitment. Instead, he is canceling ad buys in the swing states and his ground games is something of a joke.
When you are contributing some money because you think he’ll spend it wisely and mix it with his own $1B commitment, you should expect responsible spending as well as his follow through on the commitment. Instead, he is canceling ad buys in the swing states and his ground games is something of a joke.

When you contribute money, it's up to them how they spend it--not you.

He's running for the United States presidency. As long as the money goes for that effort, there was no fraud.
Shit, I've had extremely lewd discussions about women all my life. I am 60-years old.

So what?
You are an asshole too.
No, I'm kind of a typical man, but you wouldn't understand being neutered and all.
Your and Trump's behaviour is typical of insecure little men. Secure, intelligent men respect women.
How would you know? I doubt you've ever met one.
I have certainly met many insecure men, such as yourself.
You've never met me.

Maybe if you stopped hanging out in gay bars you might meet men of a different caliber.
Leftist hypocrisy... didn't bother them at all when Barry did it...

"Gotta have them, ribs and pussy."

Wow, so he's reading a book relating what someone else said.

That's just the same as Trump saying he can sexually assault married women because he's rich and famous.

Meanwhile, according to conservative website "Red State"

UH OH: CNN Reports Pence Is Considering Dropping Out | RedState
. Might have been reading what someone else said, but if you have a moral compass, then you would have looked at what someone else said, and you would have said to yourself that your not gonna read that because it is disgusting and not something to be repeated out loud. But here Obama is reading something like that out loud, and in public, so what does that say for Obama's moral compass ?? He should have thought to himself I can't repeat something as ignorant as that, and I won't.
When you are contributing some money because you think he’ll spend it wisely and mix it with his own $1B commitment, you should expect responsible spending as well as his follow through on the commitment. Instead, he is canceling ad buys in the swing states and his ground games is something of a joke.

When you contribute money, it’s up to them how they spend it--not you.

He's running for the United States presidency. As long as the money goes for that effort, there was no fraud.

Does it hurt to talk out of both sides of your mouth like that?
Responsible stewardship of contributor’s money is job number one.
And when he said he’d spend $1B of his own money…I guess that was the first in a long line of lies you guys swallowed.
he has a consistent history of 'remarks' & behavior reports are just coming out from the apprentice. many witness' are saying he's a fucking orange dirtbag.
. Still yet we have a woman that got a man off for raping a 12 year old girl, and then joked about it... Your talking blowhard talk by Trump, but Hillary is the more ominous character in this race. So what does that make her voter base that is holding their noses on her ???

lol, perhaps you can learn yourself some facts cowboy, instead of repeating talking points that just ain't true....

Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case

Q: Did Hillary Clinton volunteer in 1975 to defend a rapist, who was found not guilty, and laugh about it in an interview in 1980?

A: Clinton defended an accused rapist, but she did not volunteer. He pleaded guilty to a lesser offense. She laughed when recalling unusual aspects of the case.

Did Hillary Clinton volunteer to defend a child rapist in 1975, accuse the 12-year-old victim of fantasizing about older men, later state that she knew he was guilty but got the charges dropped and laugh?

In 1975, Hillary Clinton — then known as Hillary Rodham — taught at the University of Arkansas School of Law, where she founded the University of Arkansas School Legal Aid Clinic. It was during this time that she defended Thomas Alfred Taylor, a 41-year-old man accused of raping a 12-year-old girl.

Clinton’s 1975 Rape Case

Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist
Hillary Clinton's role in a 40-year-old rape case became the focal point of a viral meme in 2016, but the claims made about it were mostly inaccurate.

Kim LaCapria

Updated: Aug 13, 2016

Claim: Hillary Clinton successfully defended an accused child rapist and later laughed about the case.

mostly false
WHAT'S TRUE: In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Rodham was appointed to represent a defendant charged with raping a 12-year-old girl. Clinton reluctantly took on the case, which ended with a plea bargain for the defendant, and later chuckled about some aspects of the case when discussing it years later.

: Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.
Audio tapes from the 1980s of Hillary Clinton describing the case to journalist Roy Reed surfaced in 2014 and were incorporated into a video clip associated with the image macro's claims...

The audio on these tapes is difficult to understand, but Clinton can be heard describing the case as "terrible." She did audibly laugh or chuckle at points, not about "knowing that the defendant was guilty" (which makes little sense, given that the defendant pled guilty) but rather while musing about how elements of the case that might ordinarily have supported the prosecution worked in the defendant's favor (i.e., observing that the defendant's passing a polygraph test had "forever destroyed her faith" in that technology)

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist, Laughed About It

At PolitiFact, we decided to review what’s known about the case to see if Clinton accurately portrayed how she came to represent the defendant. Because some of the key players have died, we won’t issue a rating on our Truth-O-Meter.

Overall, we did find a few inconsistencies in Clinton’s recollection of the nearly 40-year-old events. But we also found significant evidence suggesting she had little choice but to take the case. And the story itself provides insights in the early career of a potential 2016 presidential candidate...'

. Well everyone will have to make their own opinions based upon the entire story or facts in the case, but as the above states that there are alot of gray areas to fill in, and that most of it was inaccurate, but yet some of it was accurate. Now how much was accurate, and was the accurate part quite damming if interpreted in that way ?

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