Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

So, it comes out that Donald Trump said some suggestive things and pursued a woman back in 2005. Here's my response: "What does that have to do with anything?" He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male. And I'd say it's about time we had an alpha male as president. I'm sick and tired of these spineless, feckless, gutless leaders who refuse to make a stand, refuse to stick their neck out, and refuse to be courageous.
This latest dust-up in the media just shows how liberalism and feminism have brainwashed our society to hate strong, powerful men. Just think about the giants of the past. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. General Patton. Etc. These men were strong, alpha males. In today's society, they would have been relentlessly attacked - called bigots and oppressors. Our nation has become a collection of gutless pansies.
If you want our president to be a politically correct pansy, than vote for another candidate. However, if you want a strong leader, a powerful leader - one who isn't afraid to make a stand and be courageous - than vote for Trump. Vote for the alpha male.

So you think you've come up with a great excuse for sexual assault.

Good one.

Go team you.

So when did two men having a private conversation become "Sexual Assault"?
AY YAY YAY NOBODY is going to fawn oall over your DISTORTED MAP Faun! just google these maps and see that they all look different. Oh and by the way many of your Blue states are undecided too. Pennsylvania and Nevada will go TRUMP.

In the Trump world real men who are married and their wife is having their baby
go after other married women and go after that pussy.....

And any man who doesn't like that behavior isn't a real man...
Anyone who doesn't like that is just a scum sucking liberal weanie...

We love Trump ....

That's the feeling of those real Americans who have had enough ....
Time to make America Really Great.....
"View attachment 92725 So my opinion still stands: Trump had no idea he was being recorded. After all, WTF would hold on to such a thing 11 years later? It's kind of creepy like Monica holding on to the dress that was never washed."
So Trump didn't notice the mic on his lapel?
So, it comes out that Donald Trump said some suggestive things and pursued a woman back in 2005. Here's my response: "What does that have to do with anything?" He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male. And I'd say it's about time we had an alpha male as president. I'm sick and tired of these spineless, feckless, gutless leaders who refuse to make a stand, refuse to stick their neck out, and refuse to be courageous.
This latest dust-up in the media just shows how liberalism and feminism have brainwashed our society to hate strong, powerful men. Just think about the giants of the past. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. General Patton. Etc. These men were strong, alpha males. In today's society, they would have been relentlessly attacked - called bigots and oppressors. Our nation has become a collection of gutless pansies.
If you want our president to be a politically correct pansy, than vote for another candidate. However, if you want a strong leader, a powerful leader - one who isn't afraid to make a stand and be courageous - than vote for Trump. Vote for the alpha male.

So you think you've come up with a great excuse for sexual assault.

Good one.

Go team you.


Where's the sexual assault?

The assault Trump admitted to.

Who complained?


But on your attempted reasoning here, if a man beats up his wife but she doesn't file a complaint,

does that mean she wasn't beaten up?
He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male.
You want a stupid "alpha male" running the most powerful country?
That's like having a frat boy running a Fortune 1 company.
So, it comes out that Donald Trump said some suggestive things and pursued a woman back in 2005. Here's my response: "What does that have to do with anything?" He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male. And I'd say it's about time we had an alpha male as president. I'm sick and tired of these spineless, feckless, gutless leaders who refuse to make a stand, refuse to stick their neck out, and refuse to be courageous.
This latest dust-up in the media just shows how liberalism and feminism have brainwashed our society to hate strong, powerful men. Just think about the giants of the past. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. General Patton. Etc. These men were strong, alpha males. In today's society, they would have been relentlessly attacked - called bigots and oppressors. Our nation has become a collection of gutless pansies.
If you want our president to be a politically correct pansy, than vote for another candidate. However, if you want a strong leader, a powerful leader - one who isn't afraid to make a stand and be courageous - than vote for Trump. Vote for the alpha male.

So you think you've come up with a great excuse for sexual assault.

Good one.

Go team you.


Where's the sexual assault?

The assault Trump admitted to.

Name the accuser, and document the charge.
No, not you. You're a nobody. I'm talking about Crazy Donald. I would love to see him "take the gloves off." It'll be the end of his campaign.

According to the left, it's been the end of his campaign since he first announced he would be running.
So, it comes out that Donald Trump said some suggestive things and pursued a woman back in 2005. Here's my response: "What does that have to do with anything?" He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male. And I'd say it's about time we had an alpha male as president. I'm sick and tired of these spineless, feckless, gutless leaders who refuse to make a stand, refuse to stick their neck out, and refuse to be courageous.
This latest dust-up in the media just shows how liberalism and feminism have brainwashed our society to hate strong, powerful men. Just think about the giants of the past. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. General Patton. Etc. These men were strong, alpha males. In today's society, they would have been relentlessly attacked - called bigots and oppressors. Our nation has become a collection of gutless pansies.
If you want our president to be a politically correct pansy, than vote for another candidate. However, if you want a strong leader, a powerful leader - one who isn't afraid to make a stand and be courageous - than vote for Trump. Vote for the alpha male.

So you think you've come up with a great excuse for sexual assault.

Good one.

Go team you.


Where's the sexual assault?

The assault Trump admitted to.

Who complained?


Name them.

Or pound sand.
Yeah, that would take precisions…you opted for the man who is 10X as dishonest. Congratulations.
I’m asking all dumbasses this question…

What are you going to do when Hillary is sworn in?

Not much you can do. Maybe pray a lot. But the best thing we can do is encourage our representatives to not appoint any supreme court justices and do what we can to strengthen the Congress and Senate. For right now, remind our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers what is on the line here.

If Hil-Liar gets in, we could easily lose our constitutional rights to own a gun. Criminals will have a party from coast to coast. Her buddies on the SC will allow her to grant amnesty and even open the border to more foreigners. More foreigners means more terrorist attacks and more criminals. Remind our friends that our foreign enemies could all blackmail the new President if she gets in. I'm sure many have broken into her toy server.

There is a lot on the line this year.

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