Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Alpha males.

He who beats his chest the most, hoots daily, obessessively tweets about the remarks from an insignificant former Ms Universe, feels a compulsive need to demean and insult - is not an "alpha male" deserving of an excess of excuses for his adolescent behavior in the mistaken idea that it is the natural masculinity of an "alpha male".

This was pretty obvious when he fell apart in the first debate and resorted in an obsessive week long twitter storm against a woman who's truthful remarks pissed him off. If he's an alpha male how in the hell did a woman like Hillary play him so easily?

He's an adolescent male.
Maybe we have.

We've got a bunch of right wingers who believe talking shit about women makes them "manly men." How much more pussified can you get?

Plus trump is 60 yrs old! And doing this in front of strangers .
nat if you did the same thing with the guys you would be the same way when you stepped out and were now in front of the ladies.

maybe........but the switch from pig to "gentleman" helps to show Trump's phoniness and immaturity.
yea just like 99% of every guy who does the same thing including me and how is what he did any different?....
nat4900, I will take a wild guess and assume no female (assuming you are a male) has ever shown an interest in you thus far in your life. Any evidence to the contrary please post it.
He just confirmed what many already knew about him, everything he does is a narcissistic power trip. One just cannot attribute those comments with someone who has any interest in being a public servant. There's probably more to come too, saving the really damaging shit till now was a masterstroke.
Feel free to explain how they will repeal the 2nd amendment. I need a good laugh.

Simple. When a case gets challenged to the Supreme Court, they simply rule we don't have a constitutional right to guns in this country outside of those in a state militia which of course really doesn't exist.

What that would mean is that any city or state could make any gun regulations they want. They could place a $10,000 tax on guns, maybe $5.00 per round of ammunition, get rid of CCW laws, force gun owners to have liability insurance, make it illegal for somebody to use a weapon for self-defense in their home. The sky would be the limit because you would no longer have a constitutional right to fight them with.

Several years ago my city suggested they be allowed to sue gun manufacturers for victims of their weapons. Of course if they could have done that, gun manufacturers would no longer sell firearms in or around the city. But they wouldn't spend the money knowing that it would eventually be ruled unconstitutional, so they gave up the idea.

That may not be the case if some Commie leftists flood our courts. You don't have to repeal the 2nd Amendment. You can get the same results other ways.
I wasn’t aware the rules for changing the constitution were being voted on in this election. But then again, I’m not a right wing nut job with shit for brains.

And obviously ignorant as to what Supreme Court justices can do as well.
Which is why it's imperative Hillary wins the election. So she can fill Scalia's seat with a bleeding heart Liberal.
That's exactly why it's imperative that she lose. She might put Obama or Loretta Lynch on the Supreme Court. Talk about disasters.
Political Correctness, safe spaces, trigger warnings, participation medals?

Oh no, not at ALL.


Your ridiculous myths and contrivances such as ‘political correctness’ and ‘safe spaces’ exhibit your ignorance of, and disdain for, a free and democratic society, and the right of the people to express themselves in the context of our free and democratic society, absent unwarranted interference from government or the courts.

Indeed, accusations of ‘political correctness’ represent the right’s desire to stifle free expression and dissent, to compel conformity, and undermine public debate.

Conservatives’ fear and contempt of a free and democratic is the true threat, not the myth of ‘political correctness.’
Political Correctness, safe spaces, trigger warnings, participation medals?

Oh no, not at ALL.


Do you think that's it, Mac? Is everyone being "too PC" in their reactions to Trump saying "Grab them by the pussy"?
I still remember when the right found groping women offensive and abusive. Some of them even called it rape. But that was when Bill Clinton was the groper. Now that it's their candidate, groping is cheered on as an alpha-male accomplishment.
He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male.
You want a stupid "alpha male" running the most powerful country?
That's like having a frat boy running a Fortune 1 company.
You'd prefer a Lying Crooked Rape Enabler?
And this is an example of rightwing misogyny – the ignorant, hateful, wrongheaded notion that women ‘enable’ someone’s bad acts; such as Clinton somehow being ‘responsible’ for her husband’s actions.

From an objective, factual standpoint, Clinton is infinitely more qualified to be president than Trump, whatever her perceived faults and failings, where Trump is unfit to be president and wrong on the issues, his lewd statements notwithstanding.
So, it comes out that Donald Trump said some suggestive things and pursued a woman back in 2005. Here's my response: "What does that have to do with anything?" He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male. And I'd say it's about time we had an alpha male as president. I'm sick and tired of these spineless, feckless, gutless leaders who refuse to make a stand, refuse to stick their neck out, and refuse to be courageous.
This latest dust-up in the media just shows how liberalism and feminism have brainwashed our society to hate strong, powerful men. Just think about the giants of the past. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. General Patton. Etc. These men were strong, alpha males. In today's society, they would have been relentlessly attacked - called bigots and oppressors. Our nation has become a collection of gutless pansies.
If you want our president to be a politically correct pansy, than vote for another candidate. However, if you want a strong leader, a powerful leader - one who isn't afraid to make a stand and be courageous - than vote for Trump. Vote for the alpha male.

So you think you've come up with a great excuse for sexual assault.

Good one.

Go team you.


Trump's words of 11 years ago assaulted no one.
The asshole is you and your deplorable pussified ilk.
I wasn’t aware the rules for changing the constitution were being voted on in this election. But then again, I’m not a right wing nut job with shit for brains.

And obviously ignorant as to what Supreme Court justices can do as well.
Which is why it's imperative Hillary wins the election. So she can fill Scalia's seat with a bleeding heart Liberal.
That's exactly why it's imperative that she lose. She might put Obama or Loretta Lynch on the Supreme Court. Talk about disasters.
Republicans and conservatives made this election about Scalia's seat. They gambled on getting a Republican in office who would nominate a conservative.

They got what they asked for.

I hope Hillary nominates the most Liberal person on the planet and Democrats win the Senate and confirm them.

Not counting on conservatives learning a lesson from this but I can always hope.
I wasn’t aware the rules for changing the constitution were being voted on in this election. But then again, I’m not a right wing nut job with shit for brains.

And obviously ignorant as to what Supreme Court justices can do as well.
Which is why it's imperative Hillary wins the election. So she can fill Scalia's seat with a bleeding heart Liberal.
That's exactly why it's imperative that she lose. She might put Obama or Loretta Lynch on the Supreme Court. Talk about disasters.
Republicans and conservatives made this election about Scalia's seat. They gambled on getting a Republican in office who would nominate a conservative.

They got what they asked for.

I hope Hillary nominates the most Liberal person on the planet and Democrats win the Senate and confirm them.

Not counting on conservatives learning a lesson from this but I can always hope.

So you think they should have gotten a Republican who would nominate a hardcore leftwinger?

I love morons like you who think it's smart somehow for Republicans to adopt leftwing policies.

The laughs just never stop.

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