Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Of course you did. You said it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court. What's the alternative?
I said no such thing. You are truly deranged.
Feel free to explain what you said.
Fuck you, deranged, deplorable. It's not my job to teach you English. But being the kind-hearted Liberal I am, I'll give you a clue..... the word, "stupid," which you ascribed to me -- is actually nowhere in my post.

Just as I thought: it means exactly what I said it means. If it didn't, you wouldn't be getting so hysterical about answering my question.

BTW, I haven't claimed you used the word "stupid" in your post.
Your dementia worsens. Here you are ascribing the word, "stupid," to me despite your moronic denial that you didn't...

"You said it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

You made a fool of yourself in your original post, so now you want to quibble about trivia.

Typical leftwinger.
So, it comes out that Donald Trump said some suggestive things and pursued a woman back in 2005. Here's my response: "What does that have to do with anything?" He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male. And I'd say it's about time we had an alpha male as president. I'm sick and tired of these spineless, feckless, gutless leaders who refuse to make a stand, refuse to stick their neck out, and refuse to be courageous.
This latest dust-up in the media just shows how liberalism and feminism have brainwashed our society to hate strong, powerful men. Just think about the giants of the past. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. General Patton. Etc. These men were strong, alpha males. In today's society, they would have been relentlessly attacked - called bigots and oppressors. Our nation has become a collection of gutless pansies.
If you want our president to be a politically correct pansy, than vote for another candidate. However, if you want a strong leader, a powerful leader - one who isn't afraid to make a stand and be courageous - than vote for Trump. Vote for the alpha male.

Naming all those great men of the past. They wouldn't pass politically correct muster today. I doubt if ww2 would have been won either.
I said no such thing. You are truly deranged.
Feel free to explain what you said.
Fuck you, deranged, deplorable. It's not my job to teach you English. But being the kind-hearted Liberal I am, I'll give you a clue..... the word, "stupid," which you ascribed to me -- is actually nowhere in my post.

Just as I thought: it means exactly what I said it means. If it didn't, you wouldn't be getting so hysterical about answering my question.

BTW, I haven't claimed you used the word "stupid" in your post.
Your dementia worsens. Here you are ascribing the word, "stupid," to me despite your moronic denial that you didn't...

"You said it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

You made a fool of yourself in your original post, so now you want to quibble about trivia.

Typical leftwinger.
We've established you're deranged and don't understand English. You think that's trivial?
Another alpha male heard from:

Bob is not a tough guy. He just plays one in the movies.

Not a word out of this guy deniro's mouth about clinton's emails. He's as bad as most of the hildabots on this board.

WTF would he bring up the e-mails for? You totally missed the point.

I think you miss my point. Who cares what this floozy dinero says. The clinton emails should be what the focus is on, but it's not.
Feel free to explain what you said.
Fuck you, deranged, deplorable. It's not my job to teach you English. But being the kind-hearted Liberal I am, I'll give you a clue..... the word, "stupid," which you ascribed to me -- is actually nowhere in my post.

Just as I thought: it means exactly what I said it means. If it didn't, you wouldn't be getting so hysterical about answering my question.

BTW, I haven't claimed you used the word "stupid" in your post.
Your dementia worsens. Here you are ascribing the word, "stupid," to me despite your moronic denial that you didn't...

"You said it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

You made a fool of yourself in your original post, so now you want to quibble about trivia.

Typical leftwinger.
We've established you're deranged and don't understand English. You think that's trivial?

We've established that you disputed my characterization of your post, but you don't want to explain why it's wrong. You're running away like a scared little puppy.
Fuck you, deranged, deplorable. It's not my job to teach you English. But being the kind-hearted Liberal I am, I'll give you a clue..... the word, "stupid," which you ascribed to me -- is actually nowhere in my post.

Just as I thought: it means exactly what I said it means. If it didn't, you wouldn't be getting so hysterical about answering my question.

BTW, I haven't claimed you used the word "stupid" in your post.
Your dementia worsens. Here you are ascribing the word, "stupid," to me despite your moronic denial that you didn't...

"You said it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

You made a fool of yourself in your original post, so now you want to quibble about trivia.

Typical leftwinger.
We've established you're deranged and don't understand English. You think that's trivial?

We've established that you disputed my characterization of your post, but you don't want to explain why it's wrong. You're running away like a scared little puppy.
Why on Earth do you think it's my job to explain English to you? :cuckoo: It's perfectly understandable to any person capable of comprehending English. That obviously rules you out and does not become my burden because you're a flaming imbecile. :eusa_naughty:
Political Correctness, safe spaces, trigger warnings, participation medals?

Oh no, not at ALL.


Your ridiculous myths and contrivances such as ‘political correctness’ and ‘safe spaces’ exhibit your ignorance of, and disdain for, a free and democratic society, and the right of the people to express themselves in the context of our free and democratic society, absent unwarranted interference from government or the courts.

Indeed, accusations of ‘political correctness’ represent the right’s desire to stifle free expression and dissent, to compel conformity, and undermine public debate.

Conservatives’ fear and contempt of a free and democratic is the true threat, not the myth of ‘political correctness.’
Too funny.

It's all yours. Own it, for a change.
Just as I thought: it means exactly what I said it means. If it didn't, you wouldn't be getting so hysterical about answering my question.

BTW, I haven't claimed you used the word "stupid" in your post.
Your dementia worsens. Here you are ascribing the word, "stupid," to me despite your moronic denial that you didn't...

"You said it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

You made a fool of yourself in your original post, so now you want to quibble about trivia.

Typical leftwinger.
We've established you're deranged and don't understand English. You think that's trivial?

We've established that you disputed my characterization of your post, but you don't want to explain why it's wrong. You're running away like a scared little puppy.
Why on Earth do you think it's my job to explain English to you? :cuckoo: It's perfectly understandable to any person capable of comprehending English. That obviously rules you out and does not become my burden because you're a flaming imbecile. :eusa_naughty:

Still avoiding an answer to the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Why do leftwing douche bags always run away when I ask them simple, easily answered questions?

BTW, you don't speak English. You speak liberspeak.
Political Correctness, safe spaces, trigger warnings, participation medals?

Oh no, not at ALL.


Your ridiculous myths and contrivances such as ‘political correctness’ and ‘safe spaces’ exhibit your ignorance of, and disdain for, a free and democratic society, and the right of the people to express themselves in the context of our free and democratic society, absent unwarranted interference from government or the courts.

Indeed, accusations of ‘political correctness’ represent the right’s desire to stifle free expression and dissent, to compel conformity, and undermine public debate.

Conservatives’ fear and contempt of a free and democratic is the true threat, not the myth of ‘political correctness.’
Perhaps you should learn about Political Correctness. It is not about granting freedoms in a Constitutional Republic, but about repressing dissent by use of the mob (democracy)...
He knows. But as a full-time member of the Regressive Left, he is a liar.

They have a lot to protect - PC has been their most valuable strategy for a long time.
Your dementia worsens. Here you are ascribing the word, "stupid," to me despite your moronic denial that you didn't...

You made a fool of yourself in your original post, so now you want to quibble about trivia.

Typical leftwinger.
We've established you're deranged and don't understand English. You think that's trivial?

We've established that you disputed my characterization of your post, but you don't want to explain why it's wrong. You're running away like a scared little puppy.
Why on Earth do you think it's my job to explain English to you? :cuckoo: It's perfectly understandable to any person capable of comprehending English. That obviously rules you out and does not become my burden because you're a flaming imbecile. :eusa_naughty:

Still avoiding an answer to the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Why do leftwing douche bags always run away when I ask them simple, easily answered questions?
I'm avoiding nothing. My post is still there. It's completely understandable to any English competent person. What I'm not about to do, is teach you English. If you re-read it and still can't understand it, that's on you, not me.

BTW, you don't speak English. You speak liberspeak.
This exchange of ours proves you're an imbecile ... and wrong. My post is completely comprehensible to any competent person.
You made a fool of yourself in your original post, so now you want to quibble about trivia.

Typical leftwinger.
We've established you're deranged and don't understand English. You think that's trivial?

We've established that you disputed my characterization of your post, but you don't want to explain why it's wrong. You're running away like a scared little puppy.
Why on Earth do you think it's my job to explain English to you? :cuckoo: It's perfectly understandable to any person capable of comprehending English. That obviously rules you out and does not become my burden because you're a flaming imbecile. :eusa_naughty:

Still avoiding an answer to the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Why do leftwing douche bags always run away when I ask them simple, easily answered questions?
I'm avoiding nothing. My post is still there. It's completely understandable to any English competent person. What I'm not about to do, is teach you English. If you re-read it and still can't understand it, that's on you, not me.

BTW, you don't speak English. You speak liberspeak.
This exchange of ours proves you're an imbecile ... and wrong. My post is completely comprehensible to any competent person.
Yes, it is understandable, and I characterized it exactly correctly. The problem is that now you are trying to deny saying what you clearly said.
Added 2 NEW threads to this topic. All the GENERALIZED comments need to be in one discussion.
Where you can all fight about this to your heart's delight (while the country suffers)..

CHECK THE FORUM LISTINGS before starting new threads.
We've established you're deranged and don't understand English. You think that's trivial?

We've established that you disputed my characterization of your post, but you don't want to explain why it's wrong. You're running away like a scared little puppy.
Why on Earth do you think it's my job to explain English to you? :cuckoo: It's perfectly understandable to any person capable of comprehending English. That obviously rules you out and does not become my burden because you're a flaming imbecile. :eusa_naughty:

Still avoiding an answer to the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Why do leftwing douche bags always run away when I ask them simple, easily answered questions?
I'm avoiding nothing. My post is still there. It's completely understandable to any English competent person. What I'm not about to do, is teach you English. If you re-read it and still can't understand it, that's on you, not me.

BTW, you don't speak English. You speak liberspeak.
This exchange of ours proves you're an imbecile ... and wrong. My post is completely comprehensible to any competent person.
Yes, it is understandable, and I characterized it exactly correctly. The problem is that now you are trying to deny saying what you clearly said.
Your own words betray you. You wrongly claimed I said it was "stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

As I never said that, it's clear that the comprehension problem lies with you.
We've established that you disputed my characterization of your post, but you don't want to explain why it's wrong. You're running away like a scared little puppy.
Why on Earth do you think it's my job to explain English to you? :cuckoo: It's perfectly understandable to any person capable of comprehending English. That obviously rules you out and does not become my burden because you're a flaming imbecile. :eusa_naughty:

Still avoiding an answer to the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Why do leftwing douche bags always run away when I ask them simple, easily answered questions?
I'm avoiding nothing. My post is still there. It's completely understandable to any English competent person. What I'm not about to do, is teach you English. If you re-read it and still can't understand it, that's on you, not me.

BTW, you don't speak English. You speak liberspeak.
This exchange of ours proves you're an imbecile ... and wrong. My post is completely comprehensible to any competent person.
Yes, it is understandable, and I characterized it exactly correctly. The problem is that now you are trying to deny saying what you clearly said.
Your own words betray you. You wrongly claimed I said it was "stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

As I never said that, it's clear that the comprehension problem lies with you.

That's how I characterized what you said. So far you have posted nothing that refutes it.
Why on Earth do you think it's my job to explain English to you? :cuckoo: It's perfectly understandable to any person capable of comprehending English. That obviously rules you out and does not become my burden because you're a flaming imbecile. :eusa_naughty:

Still avoiding an answer to the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Why do leftwing douche bags always run away when I ask them simple, easily answered questions?
I'm avoiding nothing. My post is still there. It's completely understandable to any English competent person. What I'm not about to do, is teach you English. If you re-read it and still can't understand it, that's on you, not me.

BTW, you don't speak English. You speak liberspeak.
This exchange of ours proves you're an imbecile ... and wrong. My post is completely comprehensible to any competent person.
Yes, it is understandable, and I characterized it exactly correctly. The problem is that now you are trying to deny saying what you clearly said.
Your own words betray you. You wrongly claimed I said it was "stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

As I never said that, it's clear that the comprehension problem lies with you.

That's how I characterized what you said. So far you have posted nothing that refutes it.
It's not incumbent upon me to educate you. If you don't understand English, oh well. :dunno:
Still avoiding an answer to the question, I see.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Why do leftwing douche bags always run away when I ask them simple, easily answered questions?
I'm avoiding nothing. My post is still there. It's completely understandable to any English competent person. What I'm not about to do, is teach you English. If you re-read it and still can't understand it, that's on you, not me.

BTW, you don't speak English. You speak liberspeak.
This exchange of ours proves you're an imbecile ... and wrong. My post is completely comprehensible to any competent person.
Yes, it is understandable, and I characterized it exactly correctly. The problem is that now you are trying to deny saying what you clearly said.
Your own words betray you. You wrongly claimed I said it was "stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

As I never said that, it's clear that the comprehension problem lies with you.

That's how I characterized what you said. So far you have posted nothing that refutes it.
It's not incumbent upon me to educate you.

It is incumbent on you to explain yourself when you deny you said what you obviously said.
I'm avoiding nothing. My post is still there. It's completely understandable to any English competent person. What I'm not about to do, is teach you English. If you re-read it and still can't understand it, that's on you, not me.

This exchange of ours proves you're an imbecile ... and wrong. My post is completely comprehensible to any competent person.
Yes, it is understandable, and I characterized it exactly correctly. The problem is that now you are trying to deny saying what you clearly said.
Your own words betray you. You wrongly claimed I said it was "stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

As I never said that, it's clear that the comprehension problem lies with you.

That's how I characterized what you said. So far you have posted nothing that refutes it.
It's not incumbent upon me to educate you.

It is incumbent on you to explain yourself when you deny you said what you obviously said.
Nope, it's not incumbent to explain myself because you're too stupid to keep up.

Quote me saying, "it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court," as you idiotically claimed I said.

You won't because you can't because I never said that but you think I did because you're a conservative idiot.
Yes, it is understandable, and I characterized it exactly correctly. The problem is that now you are trying to deny saying what you clearly said.
Your own words betray you. You wrongly claimed I said it was "stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

As I never said that, it's clear that the comprehension problem lies with you.

That's how I characterized what you said. So far you have posted nothing that refutes it.
It's not incumbent upon me to educate you.

It is incumbent on you to explain yourself when you deny you said what you obviously said.
Nope, it's not incumbent to explain myself because you're too stupid to keep up.

Quote me saying, "it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court," as you idiotically claimed I said.

You won't because you can't because I never said that but you think I did because you're a conservative idiot.

You've jumped the shark on this issue. You were caught saying something stupid and now you're making a fool of yourself trying to deny it.
No, I'm kind of a typical man, but you wouldn't understand being neutered and all.
Your and Trump's behaviour is typical of insecure little men. Secure, intelligent men respect women.
How would you know? I doubt you've ever met one.
I have certainly met many insecure men, such as yourself.
You've never met me.

Maybe if you stopped hanging out in gay bars you might meet men of a different caliber.
Thank you for proving my point.
There's a thread about the pussification of America. You might want to address it there.
Your own words betray you. You wrongly claimed I said it was "stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court."

As I never said that, it's clear that the comprehension problem lies with you.

That's how I characterized what you said. So far you have posted nothing that refutes it.
It's not incumbent upon me to educate you.

It is incumbent on you to explain yourself when you deny you said what you obviously said.
Nope, it's not incumbent to explain myself because you're too stupid to keep up.

Quote me saying, "it was stupid to have a Republican candidate who wants to appoint conservative justices to the court," as you idiotically claimed I said.

You won't because you can't because I never said that but you think I did because you're a conservative idiot.

You've jumped the shark on this issue. You were caught saying something stupid and now you're making a fool of yourself trying to deny it.
Just like I predicted, you won't quote me because you can't because I never said what you claimed I said; but you think I did because you're a conservative idiot.

You're nothing if not predictable. :mm:

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