Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

You almost got it right.
President of the Learning Annex, Bill Zinker, said that Trump is by far the best speaker with the largest draw. Zinker, pays Trump anywhere from $1 million to $1.5 million dollars an appearance, adding that Trump attracts massive audiences.
Think Clinton Got Big Speaking Fees? Here's What Trump Gets

Hillary Clinton's speaking fees are well less than the average celebrity speaker charges. Her fees run typically $50,000 to $200,000 well below Donald Trump's 1.5 million fee. The notion that Clinton accepts speaking fees in return for political favors is ridiculous because she was not in office when she made these speeches and there was no certainly that she ever would be.
The fight over Hillary Clinton’s speaking fees is ridiculous

That might be an issue if Trump was yesterdays news. But Bill has been out of office for over a decade and a half. HIs voice is almost as annoying as Hillary's.

Trump has held on to the limelight right up till he declared his candidacy. Sure you will make big bucks for speaking if you are currently active in something, just like I would expect Bill to make that kind of money right after he left the White House.
You want a stupid "alpha male" running the most powerful country?
That's like having a frat boy running a Fortune 1 company.
You'd prefer a Lying Crooked Rape Enabler?

Better than a lying crooked rapist , like Trump.

Who did Trump rape?

Case details, please.

His first wife . So she said in a deposition , under oath.

Charged? Convicted?

Is that your standard ? Was bill convicted ?
so jill when was the last time you were in the company of a bunch of guys sitting around and shooting the shit?.....and i dont mean mixed company,just guys....if the subject of women come up it can be just like the trump talk....
I think the point is why would Trump allow himself to be taped saying these things. Apparently, he was ok with it at the time. In 2005, that image was not really damaging but today it certainly is. If I voted for Trump, I would be pretty embarrassed if my 10 year old daughter pointed to this video and ask, is this the guy you voted for?
. The gloves need to come off on Hillary now.
Bring it.
LOL, who me ???? Hey I am appalled at both canidates activities in the past, but it is what it is right. None perfect no not one, and let he who can cast the first stone cast it.
No, not you. You're a nobody. I'm talking about Crazy Donald. I would love to see him "take the gloves off." It'll be the end of his campaign.
. Is that what you think American citizen's are "nobodies", heck I thought we were all deplorables, and especially if we won't conform to your perverted agenda's???? I say this, will the real corrupted idiots please stand up, oh you are standing aren't you democraps (on your heads)... Now go and sit down, shut up and quit ruining our lives !!!!!
There have been more tapes from the Howard Stern Show emerge this weekend which confirm Trump's misogynistic attitude toward women, overt racism, lack of discipline, and self control. You're kidding yourself to think Trump voters are unmovable regardless of what he says or does.

A "Clinton is worse" attack is just not working anymore as more and more real evidence keeps coming out revealing the true character of Trump. Most of the attacks on the Clintons are just accusation, many of which have been totally disproved 10 or 20 years ago.

We'll see. The issues about Trump have nothing to do with him running the country. Hillary on the other hand has proven herself to be unworthy and untrustworthy to take the White House. Who knows what kind of jeopardy she's already put the country in by putting classified material on her Crackerjack server that a high school geek could have broke into.

I understand the left is going to make a big deal out of Trump's recording to take the voters mind off issues like that and the corruption that spread through the FBI. But I went to Google news today, and I seen a story about how GOP voters are urging the RNC to stick behind Trump. I didn't read the article, but if you want to look for it, it was in Google News today.
You want a stupid "alpha male" running the most powerful country?
That's like having a frat boy running a Fortune 1 company.
You'd prefer a Lying Crooked Rape Enabler?

Better than a lying crooked rapist , like Trump.

Who did Trump rape?

Case details, please.

His first wife . So she said in a deposition , under oath.

Charged? Convicted?
When Ivana married Trump, there was a martial exemption in the rape laws which meant he could rape her as much as he chose. However that changed in the 80's. Maybe that's why he divorced her.
There have been more tapes from the Howard Stern Show emerge this weekend which confirm Trump's misogynistic attitude toward women, overt racism, lack of discipline, and self control. You're kidding yourself to think Trump voters are unmovable regardless of what he says or does.

A "Clinton is worse" attack is just not working anymore as more and more real evidence keeps coming out revealing the true character of Trump. Most of the attacks on the Clintons are just accusation, many of which have been totally disproved 10 or 20 years ago.

We'll see. The issues about Trump have nothing to do with him running the country. Hillary on the other hand has proven herself to be unworthy and untrustworthy to take the White House. Who knows what kind of jeopardy she's already put the country in by putting classified material on her Crackerjack server that a high school geek could have broke into.

I understand the left is going to make a big deal out of Trump's recording to take the voters mind off issues like that and the corruption that spread through the FBI. But I went to Google news today, and I seen a story about how GOP voters are urging the RNC to stick behind Trump. I didn't read the article, but if you want to look for it, it was in Google News today.
Congress writes laws... the president drives agenda, makes national security decisions, and is a symbol and representative of our country. If you don't think temperament has anything to do with the job then you are soarly mistaken. Trump has proven to be aggressive and attacking towards his opponents, extremely reactionary, lazy in making baseless accusations, and undisciplined in his ability to stay on message. Not to mention the way his messages offends and divides a wide variety of different groups. This means something to many people and is an important factor in who they vote for. For those undecideds that don't subscribe to the partisan games or are fully devote to a single ideology, these "character" issues could be the deciding factor about who they vote for.
There have been more tapes from the Howard Stern Show emerge this weekend which confirm Trump's misogynistic attitude toward women, overt racism, lack of discipline, and self control. You're kidding yourself to think Trump voters are unmovable regardless of what he says or does.

A "Clinton is worse" attack is just not working anymore as more and more real evidence keeps coming out revealing the true character of Trump. Most of the attacks on the Clintons are just accusation, many of which have been totally disproved 10 or 20 years ago.

We'll see. The issues about Trump have nothing to do with him running the country. Hillary on the other hand has proven herself to be unworthy and untrustworthy to take the White House. Who knows what kind of jeopardy she's already put the country in by putting classified material on her Crackerjack server that a high school geek could have broke into.

I understand the left is going to make a big deal out of Trump's recording to take the voters mind off issues like that and the corruption that spread through the FBI. But I went to Google news today, and I seen a story about how GOP voters are urging the RNC to stick behind Trump. I didn't read the article, but if you want to look for it, it was in Google News today.
. Great point where as his issues have nothing to do with how he runs his business or how he would run the country, but on the other hand everything that Hillary has done was pertaining to her job or was her protecting some scumwad in public life.
Congress writes laws... the president drives agenda, makes national security decisions, and is a symbol and representative of our country. If you don't think temperament has anything to do with the job then you are soarly mistaken. Trump has proven to be aggressive and attacking towards his opponents, extremely reactionary, lazy in making baseless accusations, and undisciplined in his ability to stay on message. Not to mention the way his messages offends and divides a wide variety of different groups. This means something to many people and is an important factor in who they vote for. For those undecideds that don't subscribe to the partisan games or are fully devote to a single ideology, these "character" issues could be the deciding factor about who they vote for.

Okay, but are those issues (even if you agree with them) more important than somebody that has repeatedly proven they are unfit for the presidency?

I've made this comparison on USMB a couple of times:

Let's say that a person takes a job with a company. The company gives the employee a cell phone to do business with. Later they suspect that the employee is doing great harm to the company. They ask for the cell phone back, but instead of turning it over to the company, the employee takes a hammer and smashes the company cell phone.

The question is, should this employee be fired, or should they get a promotion to a much higher position with the company?

By voting for Hillary, that's exactly what voters are doing. I'm no Trump fan, but I see too much danger in letting Hillary into that White House. Just because the fix was in and she hasn't been prosecuted doesn't mean she's innocent.
Who did Trump rape?
Case details, please.
His first wife . So she said in a deposition , under oath.
Charged? Convicted?
When Ivana married Trump, there was a martial exemption in the rape laws which meant he could rape her as much as he chose. However that changed in the 80's. Maybe that's why he divorced her.

Thanks for info.
Further detail:
"The criminalization of marital rape in the United States started in the mid-1970s and by 1993 marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes."
Great point where as his issues have nothing to do with how he runs his business or how he would run the country, but on the other hand everything that Hillary has done was pertaining to her job or was her protecting some scumwad in public life.

And now that it's likely our foreign foes have information they got from her server, who knows how many will be able to blackmail her into doing things that favor them?
There have been more tapes from the Howard Stern Show emerge this weekend which confirm Trump's misogynistic attitude toward women, overt racism, lack of discipline, and self control. You're kidding yourself to think Trump voters are unmovable regardless of what he says or does.

A "Clinton is worse" attack is just not working anymore as more and more real evidence keeps coming out revealing the true character of Trump. Most of the attacks on the Clintons are just accusation, many of which have been totally disproved 10 or 20 years ago.

We'll see. The issues about Trump have nothing to do with him running the country. Hillary on the other hand has proven herself to be unworthy and untrustworthy to take the White House. Who knows what kind of jeopardy she's already put the country in by putting classified material on her Crackerjack server that a high school geek could have broke into.

I understand the left is going to make a big deal out of Trump's recording to take the voters mind off issues like that and the corruption that spread through the FBI. But I went to Google news today, and I seen a story about how GOP voters are urging the RNC to stick behind Trump. I didn't read the article, but if you want to look for it, it was in Google News today.
I think, the issue of Trump's misogynistic, racist attitude would have a hell of a lot to do with his ability to govern. How can any women that sees or hears about these tapes feel comfortable working with this man who says he can get away with grabbing a women's pussy because he's rich and famous. What black person would want to work with this guy after the things he's said about blacks. As president, Trump will be meeting with women, black, and Hispanics heads of state. His documented bigoted attitude will put two strikes against him before he walks into the room. Can you picture Trump meeting with the black caucus in congress or justifying why he'll veto a bill that would help black neighborhoods, or a bill that would protect women. As president, these tapes would taint his administration from the day he took office.

One of his top choices for the supreme court issued a statement yesterday condemning Trump, saying he could never work for such a man and he would make a terrible president. Yes, these tapes will certainly effect his ability to govern.
Congress writes laws... the president drives agenda, makes national security decisions, and is a symbol and representative of our country. If you don't think temperament has anything to do with the job then you are soarly mistaken. Trump has proven to be aggressive and attacking towards his opponents, extremely reactionary, lazy in making baseless accusations, and undisciplined in his ability to stay on message. Not to mention the way his messages offends and divides a wide variety of different groups. This means something to many people and is an important factor in who they vote for. For those undecideds that don't subscribe to the partisan games or are fully devote to a single ideology, these "character" issues could be the deciding factor about who they vote for.

Okay, but are those issues (even if you agree with them) more important than somebody that has repeatedly proven they are unfit for the presidency?

I've made this comparison on USMB a couple of times:

Let's say that a person takes a job with a company. The company gives the employee a cell phone to do business with. Later they suspect that the employee is doing great harm to the company. They ask for the cell phone back, but instead of turning it over to the company, the employee takes a hammer and smashes the company cell phone.

The question is, should this employee be fired, or should they get a promotion to a much higher position with the company?

By voting for Hillary, that's exactly what voters are doing. I'm no Trump fan, but I see too much danger in letting Hillary into that White House. Just because the fix was in and she hasn't been prosecuted doesn't mean she's innocent.
I think Hillary critics have a point by criticizing the shady way things went down with the email situation. I think it was a mistake on her part. I also think it is getting overexaggerated by the right. She is protecting her communications so they don't get exploited by political opponents, just like Trump is protecting his financials from being exploited. She wasn't neccessarily hiding pay for play or illegal activity. Of course nobody knows any of this for sure.

Fact is you are going to vote for Trump because you relate with him more than Hillary. Just like Clinton supports relate with her more. Both are shitty candidates... it is unfortunate that we just can't have an honest conversation about the successes and failures of both opponents
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!

boys will be boys
You want to know how damaging this is to trump? It doesn't matter what you or I think. It's independents or undecideds.

My bro is rich but he voted for Obama in 2008. He then went back to the dark side and he and I get in many arguments politically but he's not a complete right winger.

I asked him about trump today and he can't vote for him now.

Some Republicans will even vote for hillary and many more will stay home.

Best October surprise and I bet more are coming
Great point where as his issues have nothing to do with how he runs his business or how he would run the country, but on the other hand everything that Hillary has done was pertaining to her job or was her protecting some scumwad in public life.

And now that it's likely our foreign foes have information they got from her server, who knows how many will be able to blackmail her into doing things that favor them?
. Most Americans are thinking about free stuff anymore, and that is why they (the democrats) came up with this idea about free college. They know that future college goers fearing debt, and college students or young people who have aspirations to go to college for free will vote, and that is THE ONLY REASON they came up with that flip flopping lie they decided to push on that voter base. Americans who believe in responsibility, a merit based education, hard work, paying their fair share, and being great non-dependent citizens are those the democraps figure will be to busy to vote, so they're getting no attention by these democraps at all, and never will. The democraps know who will keep them going, and they are the dependents, and the donors who pay to keep the dependents dependent, and are doing it for a myriad of reasons.
Last edited:
I think, the issue of Trump's misogynistic, racist attitude would have a hell of a lot to do with his ability to govern. How can any women that sees or hears about these tapes feel comfortable working with this man who says he can get away with grabbing a women's pussy because he's rich and famous. What black person would want to work with this guy after the things he's said about blacks. As president, Trump will be meeting with women, black, and Hispanics heads of state. His documented bigoted attitude will put two strikes against him before he walks into the room. Can you picture Trump meeting with the black caucus in congress or justifying why he'll veto a bill that would help black neighborhoods, or a bill that would protect women. As president, these tapes would taint his administration from the day he took office.

One of his top choices for the supreme court issued a statement yesterday condemning Trump, saying he could never work for such a man and he would make a terrible president. Yes, these tapes will certainly effect his ability to govern.

It's the job of the President to make decisions on behalf of the country, not be a well liked person by everybody and not talk like a regular guy at a bar.

Bill Clinton was screwing around with a girl around his daughters age--in the White House! He was reelected. That's on top of the multiple affairs he had before then.

But I guess according to the left, words are stronger than actions. Trump talked about what his celebrity could get him, Bill used his celebrity status to actually get what he wanted.

And just what did Trump say about blacks that got you so bothered? This is the first I heard of this.
. Most Americans are thinking about free stuff anymore, and that is why they came up with this idea about free college. They know that future college goers fearing debt, and college students or young people who have aspirations to go to college for free will vote, and that is THE ONLY REASON they came up with that flip flopping lie they decided to push on that voter base. Americans who believe in responsibility, a merit based education, hard work, paying their fair share, and being great non-dependent citizens are those the democraps figure will be to busy to vote, so they're getting no attention by these democraps at all, and never will. The democraps know who will keep them going, and they are the dependents, and the donors who pay to keep them dependents for a myriad of reasons.

It's been like that for decades: Democrats creating more and more government dependents. But if any of those grabbers have any idea how our government works, they would realize Hillary is just blowing hot air. She would have to get any of her idiotic ideas past the Congress and Senate. That isn't going to happen.

And it's the same way with Trump. He can have all the ideas he wants, but if he can't get them passed, that too is hot air.
Who did Trump rape?
Case details, please.
His first wife . So she said in a deposition , under oath.
Charged? Convicted?
When Ivana married Trump, there was a martial exemption in the rape laws which meant he could rape her as much as he chose. However that changed in the 80's. Maybe that's why he divorced her.

Thanks for info.
Further detail:
"The criminalization of marital rape in the United States started in the mid-1970s and by 1993 marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes."
Until 1975, every state had a “marital exemption” that allowed a husband to rape his wife without fear of legal consequences. I think it was about 1980, that New York revised their laws.

Thinking back to 50's and 60's, I knew some real jerks who felt it was their right to do anything they choose to their wives. It's hard to image that many women then had to live through this. Thankfully, things have changed.
Marital / Spousal Rape Laws and Penalties | Criminal Law
I think Hillary critics have a point by criticizing the shady way things went down with the email situation. I think it was a mistake on her part. I also think it is getting overexaggerated by the right. She is protecting her communications so they don't get exploited by political opponents, just like Trump is protecting his financials from being exploited. She wasn't neccessarily hiding pay for play or illegal activity. Of course nobody knows any of this for sure.

Fact is you are going to vote for Trump because you relate with him more than Hillary. Just like Clinton supports relate with her more. Both are shitty candidates... it is unfortunate that we just can't have an honest conversation about the successes and failures of both opponents

Correct. I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting against Hillary.

There is only one reason a person would go through the expense, the maintenance, the scrutiny of having their own server, and that is to hide things from the people and our government. Nobody has their information bleachbitted if they were trying to get rid of yoga lessons or wedding plans. Who does that???

But that information she had belongs to the citizens, Trumps tax forms not at all. As an officer of our federal government, she was obligated to show everything she was doing when it came to business. She didn't. She destroyed the information instead. She wiped her sever clean, and smashed government cell phones with a hammer.

Of course we depended on the FBI to bring a conclusion to all this, but now we find the FBI is just as corrupt and part of the cabal that is running our country like the mob used to do in major cities across the US.
The fact that Liberals and Democrats shit themselves over a Media recording vs. a deposition saying the same thing ought to disturb everyone. Liberals cherry pick.
Who did Trump rape?
Case details, please.
His first wife . So she said in a deposition , under oath.
Charged? Convicted?
When Ivana married Trump, there was a martial exemption in the rape laws which meant he could rape her as much as he chose. However that changed in the 80's. Maybe that's why he divorced her.

Thanks for info.
Further detail:
"The criminalization of marital rape in the United States started in the mid-1970s and by 1993 marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes."
Until 1975, every state had a “marital exemption” that allowed a husband to rape his wife without fear of legal consequences. I think it was about 1980, that New York revised their laws.

Thinking back to 50's and 60's, I knew some real jerks who felt it was their right to do anything they choose to their wives. It's hard to image that many women then had to live through this. Thankfully, things have changed.
Marital / Spousal Rape Laws and Penalties | Criminal Law

Sounds like Sharia Law. Conservatives are trying to stop this. Liberals are looking to enable it.

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