Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

His first wife . So she said in a deposition , under oath.
Charged? Convicted?
When Ivana married Trump, there was a martial exemption in the rape laws which meant he could rape her as much as he chose. However that changed in the 80's. Maybe that's why he divorced her.

Thanks for info.
Further detail:
"The criminalization of marital rape in the United States started in the mid-1970s and by 1993 marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes."
Until 1975, every state had a “marital exemption” that allowed a husband to rape his wife without fear of legal consequences. I think it was about 1980, that New York revised their laws.

Thinking back to 50's and 60's, I knew some real jerks who felt it was their right to do anything they choose to their wives. It's hard to image that many women then had to live through this. Thankfully, things have changed.
Marital / Spousal Rape Laws and Penalties | Criminal Law

Sounds like Sharia Law. Conservatives are trying to stop this. Liberals are looking to enable it.

lol... uh-huh. wanting to chain a females hands behind her back & force her to be an incubator until she gives birth or criminally punish her if she does terminate a pregnancy.... & believing this nation is a Christian nation, that the POTUS needs to be christian & should be fueled by 'christian' law is no different than what you so fear & abhor, but embrace it because it's the 'correct' religion.
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What I or you believe about such matters is irrelevant. Human nature is largely immutable. Guys talk about women in earthy terms, women talk about guys in much the same way.

That's just how it is.

Now, it could be different with you. I suppose you and your friends sit around in your jammies and talk about curtain arrangements and cute stuffed animals.

Never have crossed paths with anyone pretending to be a spokesman for the majority who actually was.

I've never heard anybody say forcing yourself on a good looking woman makes you an alpha male either, but more than one has stated guys who do so are the same kind of pussies who think beating on them makes you a badass.

Who knows? Maybe you and yours meet every week and write fan letters to Bill Cozby too.

It's amusing to read these blathering statements full of commentary that you obviously just make up. I am curious if you really believe it or if you realize that you are blowing smoke. Just having some fun perhaps?

Bill O had a special show just before the debates. One of his guests was Bob Woodward who as many know, works for the Washington Post. According to Woodward, "somebody" gave the Post the Trump tape. Couldn't say who it was and also included he didn't expect the Post to reveal the source of the tape.
Yeah, saw that
What I or you believe about such matters is irrelevant. Human nature is largely immutable. Guys talk about women in earthy terms, women talk about guys in much the same way.

That's just how it is.

Now, it could be different with you. I suppose you and your friends sit around in your jammies and talk about curtain arrangements and cute stuffed animals.

Never have crossed paths with anyone pretending to be a spokesman for the majority who actually was.

I am a spokesman for no one but myself.

I've never heard anybody say forcing yourself on a good looking woman makes you an alpha male either, but more than one has stated guys who do so are the same kind of pussies who think beating on them makes you a badass.

Your knowledge of human nature is thin. Drop the wishful thinking, and things will become much more clear.

Who knows? Maybe you and yours meet every week and write fan letters to Bill Cozby too.

Too funny, and BTW it's "Cosby".

Now, please learn to quote properly in this venue, and drop the pretty colors. It's damned juvenile, and definitely Beta.
If yall spent half the time talking about how conservative economic policy would better the country instead of trying to convince the world that Clinton is a criminal I think it would be an easy win. Too bad Trump is the one the GOP chose to represent them

It doesn't benefit us to cry over spilled milk. I didn't vote for Trump in the primary, but I'm not about to be like the other sore losers, take my ball and go home. Hil-Liar is a threat to our security and freedom. Only an idiot wouldn't point that out in this race.
That's over bloated bs and most people know that. If you honestly think that all the stomping around and calls for Hillary to go to jail is helping your cause then you are fooling yourself. All it does is strengthen the divide
This case was reviewed extremely thoroughly by the FBI and the conclusions was made that it was careless but not illegal and it was. It recommended to press charges. Now you claim a corrupt FBI and continue to make the case against Hillary. That just isn't going to fly for the non partisan free thinkers. Step out of the bubble and take a good look. It just makes you look like a nut job

Right. The agents claimed they had all kinds of restrictions when investigating Hillary. In fact, the reason Comey could claim Hillary never lied to them is because they didn't ask one question the Congress did about her emails. I believe Comey claimed he never even knew about the Congressional investigation. Some thorough investigation, huh?

If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat..............
Yeah, another big government conspiracy. Keep running with that
Just locker room talk?


Charged? Convicted?
When Ivana married Trump, there was a martial exemption in the rape laws which meant he could rape her as much as he chose. However that changed in the 80's. Maybe that's why he divorced her.

Thanks for info.
Further detail:
"The criminalization of marital rape in the United States started in the mid-1970s and by 1993 marital rape became a crime in all 50 states, under at least one section of the sexual offense codes."
Until 1975, every state had a “marital exemption” that allowed a husband to rape his wife without fear of legal consequences. I think it was about 1980, that New York revised their laws.

Thinking back to 50's and 60's, I knew some real jerks who felt it was their right to do anything they choose to their wives. It's hard to image that many women then had to live through this. Thankfully, things have changed.
Marital / Spousal Rape Laws and Penalties | Criminal Law

Sounds like Sharia Law. Conservatives are trying to stop this. Liberals are looking to enable it.

lol... uh-huh. wanting to chain a females hands behind her back & force her to be an incubator until she gives birth or criminally punish her if she does terminate a pregnancy.... & believing this nation is a Christian nation, that the POTUS needs to be christian & should be fueled by 'christian' law is no different than what you so fear & abhor, but embrace it because it's the 'correct' religion.

As usual, Liberals have priorities backwards. They view words from extreme Christians to be a bigger threat than the actions from extreme Muslims. Actions speak louder than Words.
Congress writes laws... the president drives agenda, makes national security decisions, and is a symbol and representative of our country. If you don't think temperament has anything to do with the job then you are soarly mistaken. Trump has proven to be aggressive and attacking towards his opponents, extremely reactionary, lazy in making baseless accusations, and undisciplined in his ability to stay on message. Not to mention the way his messages offends and divides a wide variety of different groups. This means something to many people and is an important factor in who they vote for. For those undecideds that don't subscribe to the partisan games or are fully devote to a single ideology, these "character" issues could be the deciding factor about who they vote for.

Okay, but are those issues (even if you agree with them) more important than somebody that has repeatedly proven they are unfit for the presidency?

I've made this comparison on USMB a couple of times:

Let's say that a person takes a job with a company. The company gives the employee a cell phone to do business with. Later they suspect that the employee is doing great harm to the company. They ask for the cell phone back, but instead of turning it over to the company, the employee takes a hammer and smashes the company cell phone.

The question is, should this employee be fired, or should they get a promotion to a much higher position with the company?

By voting for Hillary, that's exactly what voters are doing. I'm no Trump fan, but I see too much danger in letting Hillary into that White House. Just because the fix was in and she hasn't been prosecuted doesn't mean she's innocent.
I think Hillary critics have a point by criticizing the shady way things went down with the email situation. I think it was a mistake on her part. I also think it is getting overexaggerated by the right. She is protecting her communications so they don't get exploited by political opponents, just like Trump is protecting his financials from being exploited. She wasn't neccessarily hiding pay for play or illegal activity. Of course nobody knows any of this for sure.

Fact is you are going to vote for Trump because you relate with him more than Hillary. Just like Clinton supports relate with her more. Both are shitty candidates... it is unfortunate that we just can't have an honest conversation about the successes and failures of both opponents
As one commentator said this morning, it's disgusting. As president, Clinton will face a hostile republican House that will create even worse division than Obama faced. Trump as president, would spend his full term in office fighting off impeachment. I'll vote for Clinton because she is less likely to get us into another middle eastern war. Trump is far to temperamental an undisciplined. I could see him provoking a nuclear exchange with North Korea with comments about Kim Jong Un's wife or a break with allies in the middle east that are critical to our fight against terrorism. He's just too much of a loose cannon.
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True, Trump was a Dem who was friends with Bill and Hillary 11 years ago.
Also proves she's in bed with the 1%.
View attachment 92880
Hillary was/is in bed with Trump??
Wall Street and Soros own Hillary. Goldman Sachs helped create the Cap and Trade scam that Obama was pushing because they'd make out like bandits.
You are so naive, Clementine.
Wall Street cares mostly about money, and that means supporting winning candidates, whether Republican or Democrat. Hillary is winning.

"More than 500 donors, including many Wall Street executives, who gave money to a Republican presidential candidate who dropped out have since given money to Clinton, according to analysis by the nonpartisan organization Crowdpac cited by the Journal."
True, Trump was a Dem who was friends with Bill and Hillary 11 years ago.
Also proves she's in bed with the 1%.
View attachment 92880
Hillary was/is in bed with Trump??
Wall Street and Soros own Hillary. Goldman Sachs helped create the Cap and Trade scam that Obama was pushing because they'd make out like bandits.
You are so naive, Clementine.
Wall Street cares mostly about money, and that means supporting winning candidates, whether Republican or Democrat. Hillary is winning.

"More than 500 donors, including many Wall Street executives, who gave money to a Republican presidential candidate who dropped out have since given money to Clinton, according to analysis by the nonpartisan organization Crowdpac cited by the Journal."

You are the naïve one. She isn't getting money from them because she is winning, she is winning because she has been getting money from them from the start. Isn't she up to a billion so far in campaign donations? I'm sure some of that was spent on bonuses for people in the media who have helped to bury some stories and make others appear more substantial than they are.
True, Trump was a Dem who was friends with Bill and Hillary 11 years ago.
Also proves she's in bed with the 1%.
View attachment 92880
Hillary was/is in bed with Trump??
Wall Street and Soros own Hillary. Goldman Sachs helped create the Cap and Trade scam that Obama was pushing because they'd make out like bandits.
You are so naive, Clementine.
Wall Street cares mostly about money, and that means supporting winning candidates, whether Republican or Democrat. Hillary is winning.

"More than 500 donors, including many Wall Street executives, who gave money to a Republican presidential candidate who dropped out have since given money to Clinton, according to analysis by the nonpartisan organization Crowdpac cited by the Journal."
You are the naïve one. She isn't getting money from them because she is winning, she is winning because she has been getting money from them from the start. Isn't she up to a billion so far in campaign donations? I'm sure some of that was spent on bonuses for people in the media who have helped to bury some stories and make others appear more substantial than they are.
So, explain this (from a year ago) when Wall Street thought.a Repub could win, before Trump got nominated:

"Wall Street donors are favoring Republicans over Democrats in the 2016 campaign — a reversal from the last time Clinton ran for president when she and then-Sen. Barack Obama out-raised their GOP rivals with the financial sector’s cash."
So let me get this straight, guy. Hillary recorded Trump in 2005 (when was Still a democrat and a Bush critic) because she knew she might run against him some day.

More likely, it was a sound check guy who recorded it and kept it because he thought it was funny.

You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.
So let me get this straight, guy. Hillary recorded Trump in 2005 (when was Still a democrat and a Bush critic) because she knew she might run against him some day.

More likely, it was a sound check guy who recorded it and kept it because he thought it was funny.

You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.
Its been reported that Access Hollywood found that tape and held it for a few days as they consulted with lawyers about whether or not they can release it... While they were doing this it was leaked by somebody in the studio to the Washington Post.
Oh it is a problem because it probably came from the Hillary camp. It was probably recorded illegally as well. And of course, timed perfectly just before the debate.

The funny thing is that last night in the debate when Hil-Liar was backed into a corner, she came out and said "I take the high road." I guess that's the same high road she took when all those "anonymous" emails came out claiming DumBama wasn't born in this country when she was running against him.

So let me get this straight, guy. Hillary recorded Trump in 2005 (when was Still a democrat and a Bush critic) because she knew she might run against him some day.

More likely, it was a sound check guy who recorded it and kept it because he thought it was funny.
. Some guy thought it was funny so he kept it like Monica kept her dress eh ? And if that was your thought about him thinking it was funny, then that means you thought it was funny also. Do you realize that you have no place in a woman's world now, otherwise if you thought it was funny also ? I guess your just gonna have to settle for a woman's scorn, because there won't be anymore getting to1st base, 2nd base, and lastly no 3rd base with a women anymore, and this if you even think about it much less talk about it... ROTFLMBO. Congrats your now on Trump's team. See how easy that was ? Now no more locker room talk out loud for you.
. Libs act like they are these perfect little angels when it is convenient for them to do so, but meanwhile they are busy making up sex acts & alternative lifestyles to fit with them, and this they do while the conservatives on the other hand are out there on their jobs WORKING & discussing all sorts of things that are mostly just talk about the things in which the libs are giving them guidance to either act like or to talk about. So if a Republican is caught speaking like an everyday normal lib, then ohhhhhhhh nooooo the world has just come to an end as according to the libs ?? Wow.
Do you all realize that when a man or a woman attempts to get to first base, second base or 3rd base, that it could be interpreted easily by a reluctant date (even if it is just a kiss being involved in the move made) & (it all depending on what a woman wants or likes), that it can be played as an act of aggression in which might cause the date to reject the move if it is made at the wrong time ??? Did anyone think for a second of the kinds of women that exist in Hollywood (not saying all of them), but the ones that may have taught Trump the bad mouth thinking in which he repeated or directed at them once he was exposed to those types of women he had encountered in that world ???? Now does that say that Trump would treat all women the same ??? No it doesn't... That's how it was trying to be played upon the American people though.. Anderson Cooper trying to set the tone early on in the debate, by trying to force the idea into people's minds that Trump's words were an actual assault on a woman was flat out right a political attack with no merit involved.. And if Trump did get to any base with a woman in the way that he talked, then everyone has to consider the type of woman he may have gotten to that base with. She may be the type of woman who loves a man to be forward, and talk dirty to her, and if so then who the hell are we to say she's wrong for that, and him for giving her what she wants ?? It's none of our business.
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Do you all realize that when a man or a woman attempts to get to first base, second base or 3rd base, that it could be interpreted easily by a reluctant date (even if it is just a kiss being involved in the move made) & (it all depending on what a woman wants or likes), that it can be played as an act of aggression in which might cause the date to reject the move if it is made at the wrong time ??? Did anyone think for a second of the kinds of women that exist in Hollywood (not saying all of them), but the ones that may have taught Trump the bad mouth thinking in which he repeated or directed at them once he was exposed to those types of women he had encountered in that world ???? Now does that say that Trump would treat all women the same ??? No it doesn't... That's how it was trying to be played upon the American people though.. Anderson Cooper trying to set the tone early on in the debate, by trying to force the idea into people's minds that Trump's words were an actual assault on a woman was flat out right a political attack with no merit involved.. And if Trump did get to any base with a woman in the way that he talked, then everyone has to consider the type of woman he may have gotten to that base with. She may be the type of woman who loves a man to be forward, and talk dirty to her, and if so then who the hell are we to say she's wrong for that, and him for giving her what she wants ?? It's none of our business.

Man…you guys will go to any length to protect Donald.
True, Trump was a Dem who was friends with Bill and Hillary 11 years ago.
Also proves she's in bed with the 1%.
View attachment 92880
Hillary was/is in bed with Trump??
Wall Street and Soros own Hillary. Goldman Sachs helped create the Cap and Trade scam that Obama was pushing because they'd make out like bandits.
You are so naive, Clementine.
Wall Street cares mostly about money, and that means supporting winning candidates, whether Republican or Democrat. Hillary is winning.

"More than 500 donors, including many Wall Street executives, who gave money to a Republican presidential candidate who dropped out have since given money to Clinton, according to analysis by the nonpartisan organization Crowdpac cited by the Journal."

You are the naïve one. She isn't getting money from them because she is winning, she is winning because she has been getting money from them from the start. Isn't she up to a billion so far in campaign donations? I'm sure some of that was spent on bonuses for people in the media who have helped to bury some stories and make others appear more substantial than they are.

If you have a Trump issue, I’m sure somewhere out there there is a Trump brand tissue.

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