Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.

And why is this a bad thing. If Trump had something that juicy on Hillary, he'd do the same thing.

October Surprise, Baby!!!

You had no problem when they dragged up a bunch of shit John Kerry did in the 1970's to discredit him in 2004.
Some guy thought it was funny so he kept it like Monica kept her dress eh ? And if that was your thought about him thinking it was funny, then that means you thought it was funny also. Do you realize that you have no place in a woman's world now, otherwise if you thought it was funny also ?

It was funny the way Archie Bunker is funny. YOu don't laugh with him, you laugh at him.

I'm sorry you don't get this point.

The thing with Trump is we've all had our good laugh, now it's time to get serious.
And why is this a bad thing. If Trump had something that juicy on Hillary, he'd do the same thing.

October Surprise, Baby!!!

You had no problem when they dragged up a bunch of shit John Kerry did in the 1970's to discredit him in 2004.

If that's what they did, fine, just admit to it. Tell the public who the lowlife was that recorded this private conversation. Let us know who his (her) connection is with the Hillary camp. I know this is very difficult for any Democrat, but be honest for a change.
I speak for nobody but myself.

Great! Thanks for clearing that up....

What I or you believe about such matters is irrelevant.

Guys talk about women in earthy terms, women talk about guys in much the same way.

That's just how it is.

Otherwise, all I'd have to go by is the rhetoric...... Which from here looks a helluva lot like somebody saying "We have already established that Trump was merely discussing women in 'earthy terminology' (wow ..... encouraging someone to use their position as an opportunity to molest women sounds much better when a conservative does it), the very same way all men and women instinctively discuss one another. Therefore your point of view is irrelevent."
You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.

And why is this a bad thing. If Trump had something that juicy on Hillary, he'd do the same thing.

October Surprise, Baby!!!

You had no problem when they dragged up a bunch of shit John Kerry did in the 1970's to discredit him in 2004.
. There really is no place in the interviewing process of this job, for these types of back and forth's to be going on in this election (or) for the invasions of each other's private lives to go on like we are seeing go on now. The job should be like any other high end job interview, where as the job interview should be carefully laid out as pertaining to the qualifications of the job itself, and this should be only in respect to whose education, work experience, and history is tapped for the types of job requirements in which are to be met by the person or person's being interviewed in these debates. Then the job should go to the one who is best suited for the position as is based on these specific criteria's or things that are involved, and in which the American people want to have in the position. Clinton should be disqualified, because her job history absolutely doesn't pass the smell test as is based on her history, and worse she could be guilty of handling classified materials hap-hazzardly or illegally. She is quick to throw stones while living in a glass house, and that is flat out amazing.
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So let me get this straight, guy. Hillary recorded Trump in 2005 (when was Still a democrat and a Bush critic) because she knew she might run against him some day.

More likely, it was a sound check guy who recorded it and kept it because he thought it was funny.

You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.
There are a couple stories out there but I don't think anyone has stepped forward to claim the honor. The existence of the tape appeared in an AP story not long ago. That's a fact. It's pretty definite that the Access Hollywood librarian discovered the tape and it got to some Access Hollywood producers. Supposedly they reviewed the tape and discussed releasing it. Who actually released, how much they got for it and to who they released it is a bit of a mystery. I'll bet they got a pretty penny for it. I wonder if they offered it to Trump.
Do you all realize that when a man or a woman attempts to get to first base, second base or 3rd base, that it could be interpreted easily by a reluctant date (even if it is just a kiss being involved in the move made) & (it all depending on what a woman wants or likes), that it can be played as an act of aggression in which might cause the date to reject the move if it is made at the wrong time ??? Did anyone think for a second of the kinds of women that exist in Hollywood (not saying all of them), but the ones that may have taught Trump the bad mouth thinking in which he repeated or directed at them once he was exposed to those types of women he had encountered in that world ???? Now does that say that Trump would treat all women the same ??? No it doesn't... That's how it was trying to be played upon the American people though.. Anderson Cooper trying to set the tone early on in the debate, by trying to force the idea into people's minds that Trump's words were an actual assault on a woman was flat out right a political attack with no merit involved.. And if Trump did get to any base with a woman in the way that he talked, then everyone has to consider the type of woman he may have gotten to that base with. She may be the type of woman who loves a man to be forward, and talk dirty to her, and if so then who the hell are we to say she's wrong for that, and him for giving her what she wants ?? It's none of our business.
Taught Trump? Exposed to these kinds of women? Give me a break. Trump has been a playboy since the 70's In the 80's with a wife and kids at home he was bedding models, showgirls and whatever. He said his biggest concern in those days was sexual transmitted diseases. He claims he had all his girls checked for VD by his doctor before he would date them. Pictures of Trump with high priced escorts would routinely appear in the Inquirer and other scandal sheets. When he made the tape we're all talking about for Access Hollywood, he had been married to Melania only few months. Imagine having something like that at home and still catting around.
What I or you believe about such matters is irrelevant. Human nature is largely immutable. Guys talk about women in earthy terms, women talk about guys in much the same way.

That's just how it is.

Now, it could be different with you. I suppose you and your friends sit around in your jammies and talk about curtain arrangements and cute stuffed animals.

Never have crossed paths with anyone pretending to be a spokesman for the majority who actually was.

I am a spokesman for no one but myself.

I've never heard anybody say forcing yourself on a good looking woman makes you an alpha male either, but more than one has stated guys who do so are the same kind of pussies who think beating on them makes you a badass.

Your knowledge of human nature is thin. Drop the wishful thinking, and things will become much more clear.

Who knows? Maybe you and yours meet every week and write fan letters to Bill Cozby too.

Too funny, and BTW it's "Cosby".

Now, please learn to quote properly in this venue, and drop the pretty colors. It's damned juvenile, and definitely Beta.

Technicalities .... what a surprise.

Folks who can't defend their bullshit always make the best format and spelling police.

Hey .... anything to salvage a little dignity, right?
If that's what they did, fine, just admit to it. Tell the public who the lowlife was that recorded this private conversation. Let us know who his (her) connection is with the Hillary camp. I know this is very difficult for any Democrat, but be honest for a change.

Why, so your brownshirts can threaten this person and his family? Don't think so.

I don't care who recorded it, and I don't care who sent it to the Post.

Trump said these things. THIS IS WHO HE IS!

This is always been who he is. But you guys can't see past your anger and your hate and you've been willing to ignore it
There really is no place in the interviewing process of this job, for these types of back and forth's to be going on in this election (or) for the invasions of each other's private lives to go on like we are seeing go on now. The job should be like any other high end job interview, where as the job interview should be carefully laid out as pertaining to the qualifications of the job itself, and this should be only in respect to whose education, work experience, and history is tapped for the types of job requirements in which are to be met by the person or person's being interviewed in these debates. Then the job should go to the one who is best suited for the position as is based on these specific criteria's or things that are involved, and in which the American people want to have in the position. Clinton should be disqualified, because her job history absolutely doesn't pass the smell test as is based on her history, and worse she could be guilty of handling classified materials hap-hazzardly or illegally. She is quick to throw stones while living in a glass house, and that is flat out amazing.

Hey, guy... here's the thing.

If it comes to Resumes, like you would do for any other job, Hillary has the qualifications- Secretary of State, Senator, First Lady.

Trumpenfuhrer doesn't. Failed businessman and reality TV Rodeo Clown.

Trump has cheapened the process merely by being in it.

If it comes to the interview, Hillary has a command on facts and figures. Trump is clearly winging it. What's clear from his two debates is that he really doesn't understand the issues.

Now, are some good arguments you can make against Hillary, but they are nullified by the fact that Trump is completely unsuitable for the job. Even Republicans are admitting that now, as they unendorse him and denounce him.
Hey, guy... here's the thing.

If it comes to Resumes, like you would do for any other job, Hillary has the qualifications- Secretary of State, Senator, First Lady.

Trumpenfuhrer doesn't. Failed businessman and reality TV Rodeo Clown.

Trump has cheapened the process merely by being in it.

Yeah, she has the experience alright, and what has she done in her experiences is the question?

The truth of the matter is that if the presidency was a private entity, neither would be hired. One only has business experience and success that could apply to the job, the other is a criminal that's gotten away with so much crap it's almost unbelievable.

But if an employer only had one choice, he would hire the person with little experience over somebody that had a clear record of underhandedness, lying and putting her company at great risk.
Why, so your brownshirts can threaten this person and his family? Don't think so.

I don't care who recorded it, and I don't care who sent it to the Post.

Trump said these things. THIS IS WHO HE IS!

This is always been who he is. But you guys can't see past your anger and your hate and you've been willing to ignore it

You mean like your side did with Bill Clinton?
So let me get this straight, guy. Hillary recorded Trump in 2005 (when was Still a democrat and a Bush critic) because she knew she might run against him some day.

More likely, it was a sound check guy who recorded it and kept it because he thought it was funny.

You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.
There are a couple stories out there but I don't think anyone has stepped forward to claim the honor. The existence of the tape appeared in an AP story not long ago. That's a fact. It's pretty definite that the Access Hollywood librarian discovered the tape and it got to some Access Hollywood producers. Supposedly they reviewed the tape and discussed releasing it. Who actually released, how much they got for it and to who they released it is a bit of a mystery. I'll bet they got a pretty penny for it. I wonder if they offered it to Trump.
Regardless, if it was illegal for the conversation to be recorded in that state without a person's knowledge to begin with, then the person who illegally did the recording should be brought up on charges per the investigation into the matter.
Do you all realize that when a man or a woman attempts to get to first base, second base or 3rd base, that it could be interpreted easily by a reluctant date (even if it is just a kiss being involved in the move made) & (it all depending on what a woman wants or likes), that it can be played as an act of aggression in which might cause the date to reject the move if it is made at the wrong time ??? Did anyone think for a second of the kinds of women that exist in Hollywood (not saying all of them), but the ones that may have taught Trump the bad mouth thinking in which he repeated or directed at them once he was exposed to those types of women he had encountered in that world ???? Now does that say that Trump would treat all women the same ??? No it doesn't... That's how it was trying to be played upon the American people though.. Anderson Cooper trying to set the tone early on in the debate, by trying to force the idea into people's minds that Trump's words were an actual assault on a woman was flat out right a political attack with no merit involved.. And if Trump did get to any base with a woman in the way that he talked, then everyone has to consider the type of woman he may have gotten to that base with. She may be the type of woman who loves a man to be forward, and talk dirty to her, and if so then who the hell are we to say she's wrong for that, and him for giving her what she wants ?? It's none of our business.
Taught Trump? Exposed to these kinds of women? Give me a break. Trump has been a playboy since the 70's In the 80's with a wife and kids at home he was bedding models, showgirls and whatever. He said his biggest concern in those days was sexual transmitted diseases. He claims he had all his girls checked for VD by his doctor before he would date them. Pictures of Trump with high priced escorts would routinely appear in the Inquirer and other scandal sheets. When he made the tape we're all talking about for Access Hollywood, he had been married to Melania only few months. Imagine having something like that at home and still catting around.
Woe, woe, woe wait one dang minute here, so you mean to tell me that all this acceptance of the new alternative lifestyles, homosexuality, sister wives, legalizing pot, relaxing liquor laws to sell it on Sunday, transgenders invading the restroom's, and every dang thing else Hollywood & the government (when run by the libs), has pushed on this nation was a con job or some kind of sick joke ??? Donald engages in some of the bull crap that Hollywood dishes out as being normal, and the libs have a dam stroke over it ???? Do you realise who you are defending Flopper ??? Why is Donald not allowed to enter the very world in which this government and Hollywood has pushed on us now ?? Then soon as it is found out that Donald is hip to the scene as well, you liberals are shocked ?? If you are shocked at Donald Trump, then quit pushing your dam lifestyles & your perversions on this nation you bunch of dam hypocrites.
Yeah, she has the experience alright, and what has she done in her experiences is the question?

The truth of the matter is that if the presidency was a private entity, neither would be hired. One only has business experience and success that could apply to the job, the other is a criminal that's gotten away with so much crap it's almost unbelievable.

But if an employer only had one choice, he would hire the person with little experience over somebody that had a clear record of underhandedness, lying and putting her company at great risk.

Okay, Racist from Cleveland... your buddieshave spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Mrs. Clinton, and after 25 years of investigating her, have come up with--- nothing.
You mean like your side did with Bill Clinton?

i don't have a side. You see, the ting is, I'll be the first one to admit, Clinton has some serious impulse control issues when itcomes to women. (But then again, the guy probably has women throwing himself at him all the time, I doubt 99% of men could withstand that kind of temptation.)

What I don't hear from Clinton is the misogyny, the racism, the narcissism we get from Trump.
Hey Trump!...

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- Anne Frank -
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“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.” (for Trump followers)
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- Andrew Klavan, Empire of Lies -

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We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
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“But you can't make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them. It can't last.”
- Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451

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