Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Yeah, she has the experience alright, and what has she done in her experiences is the question?

The truth of the matter is that if the presidency was a private entity, neither would be hired. One only has business experience and success that could apply to the job, the other is a criminal that's gotten away with so much crap it's almost unbelievable.

But if an employer only had one choice, he would hire the person with little experience over somebody that had a clear record of underhandedness, lying and putting her company at great risk.

Okay, Racist from Cleveland... your buddieshave spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Mrs. Clinton, and after 25 years of investigating her, have come up with--- nothing.
. Well when you are an expert at fooling the American people the way Hillary and Bill has done, then we only have the people to blame if they vote for those types of miseries again. It's all about FREE stuff, and the one that promises the most of it that gets the dependents riled up, and the donors are backing her, because where there is a huge hole created, and then it has to be filled, then they exclusively get to fill it. In a Democrats mind the party wins, the donors win, and the poor are satisfied to be poor, just as long as that government assistance keeps pouring in. The working class gets killed in it all. When the free market system fails, then the volunteer workforce will become slaves in the new communist socialist system created from it all.
I bet good ole Obama's "Pajama Boy" never had any lewd comments about women.

The little pussy piece of shit.
i don't have a side. You see, the ting is, I'll be the first one to admit, Clinton has some serious impulse control issues when itcomes to women. (But then again, the guy probably has women throwing himself at him all the time, I doubt 99% of men could withstand that kind of temptation.)

What I don't hear from Clinton is the misogyny, the racism, the narcissism we get from Trump.

You don't hear or see a lot of things Joe. That's why I posted that story of the Cleveland white guy with a toy gun who got gunned down by police in the other thread that you didn't bother to respond to.

Bill Clinton has been described by many women as unattractive. Sure, he had the power and the charm at one time. But if you dream that Clinton had women throwing themselves at him, imagine the problem Trump had.
Okay, Racist from Cleveland... your buddieshave spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Mrs. Clinton, and after 25 years of investigating her, have come up with--- nothing.

Hundreds of millions of dollars? Have a credible link to that claim Joe?

They found all kinds of things about Hil-liar. The problem is she is part of the cabal that our criminal federal government is today. Now everybody, one, two three, THANK YOU OBAMA!

As Trump pointed out in the debate, she violated a subpoena and erased her emails instead. As Gowdy pointed out, she lied on several occasions in a congressional testimony. She put our country at risk and if elected President, will put herself in a position of being blackmailed by our foreign enemies.

You may be happy with Chicago politics where you live, but the rest of us don't want it. DumBama didn't leave Chicago, he brought Chicago to the White House, and it's damned time to clean Washington out, even if it means electing Donald Trump to do it.
Now, those same fanatics are insisting that a few lewd comments (not to women) DO disqualify Trump from being President.

No, what disqualifies him is the Misogyny
And the Racism
And the Homophobia
And the Xenophobia
and the mocking of the disabled
And the slandering of Gold Star Families and Veterans
and the vast ignorance of anything entailed in the job.
And the fact he thinks he can act like a Banana Republic Dictator.
Now, those same fanatics are insisting that a few lewd comments (not to women) DO disqualify Trump from being President.

No, what disqualifies him is the Misogyny
And the Racism
And the Homophobia
And the Xenophobia
and the mocking of the disabled
And the slandering of Gold Star Families and Veterans
and the vast ignorance of anything entailed in the job.
And the fact he thinks he can act like a Banana Republic Dictator.
. You sound like a Hillary clone Joe... Everything Trump has said and done has been put through the lib word twister, but he still gives the Clinton cabal the dookey pants like they ain't never had before. :popcorn:
So let me get this straight, guy. Hillary recorded Trump in 2005 (when was Still a democrat and a Bush critic) because she knew she might run against him some day.

More likely, it was a sound check guy who recorded it and kept it because he thought it was funny.

You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.
There are a couple stories out there but I don't think anyone has stepped forward to claim the honor. The existence of the tape appeared in an AP story not long ago. That's a fact. It's pretty definite that the Access Hollywood librarian discovered the tape and it got to some Access Hollywood producers. Supposedly they reviewed the tape and discussed releasing it. Who actually released, how much they got for it and to who they released it is a bit of a mystery. I'll bet they got a pretty penny for it. I wonder if they offered it to Trump.
Regardless, if it was illegal for the conversation to be recorded in that state without a person's knowledge to begin with, then the person who illegally did the recording should be brought up on charges per the investigation into the matter.
It seems likely that Trump knew he was being taped. It's not like someone was taping him using a telephoto lens from across the street. There were 4 people in a confined space in the RV. Unless there was a hidden camera which seems unlikely, Trump had to be aware of the camera. And when he got off the bus there had to be camera withing a few feet of him. Considering Trump's paranoia, he would be screaming his head off if this was shot with a candid camera. Also remember Trump at the time was making lewd tapes on the Howard Stern Show. He was not running for president and he was seeking notoriety.
So let me get this straight, guy. Hillary recorded Trump in 2005 (when was Still a democrat and a Bush critic) because she knew she might run against him some day.

More likely, it was a sound check guy who recorded it and kept it because he thought it was funny.

You must not read very well that early in the morning. Where did I even imply that it was Hillary?

More than likely it was some leftist who got his hands on that tape and sent it to the Hillary camp. Then the weekend of the debate, they sent one of her minions to the Post so they could run it.
There are a couple stories out there but I don't think anyone has stepped forward to claim the honor. The existence of the tape appeared in an AP story not long ago. That's a fact. It's pretty definite that the Access Hollywood librarian discovered the tape and it got to some Access Hollywood producers. Supposedly they reviewed the tape and discussed releasing it. Who actually released, how much they got for it and to who they released it is a bit of a mystery. I'll bet they got a pretty penny for it. I wonder if they offered it to Trump.
Regardless, if it was illegal for the conversation to be recorded in that state without a person's knowledge to begin with, then the person who illegally did the recording should be brought up on charges per the investigation into the matter.
It seems likely that Trump knew he was being taped. It's not like someone was taping him using a telephoto lens from across the street. There were 4 people in a confined space in the RV. Unless there was a hidden camera which seems unlikely, Trump had to be aware of the camera. And when he got off the bus there had to be camera withing a few feet of him. Considering Trump's paranoia, he would be screaming his head off if this was shot with a candid camera. Also remember Trump at the time was making lewd tapes on the Howard Stern Show. He was not running for president and he was seeking notoriety.
There was a microphone attached to his lapel.
It seems likely that Trump knew he was being taped. It's not like someone was taping him using a telephoto lens from across the street. There were 4 people in a confined space in the RV. Unless there was a hidden camera which seems unlikely, Trump had to be aware of the camera. And when he got off the bus there had to be camera withing a few feet of him. Considering Trump's paranoia, he would be screaming his head off if this was shot with a candid camera. Also remember Trump at the time was making lewd tapes on the Howard Stern Show. He was not running for president and he was seeking notoriety.

If there was a camera it's one thing, but there was no camera involved. Anybody can plainly see a camera, but not an audio recording device. Hell, I can record somebody that way using my cell phone and nobody would know the difference. The cell phone is in my top shirt pocket. How would anybody know I was recording them?

I don't know if Trump is taking action on this. Just because we didn't hear about it yet doesn't mean he isn't. He may very well wait until after the election. He may have his people investigating this to try and figure it all out first which would be the smart thing to do.

Yes I used to listen to Trump when he went on the Stern show. But as Rush Limbaugh explained, Trump never tailored his life around politics like professional politicians did their entire life. Professional politicians make sure they don't say anything that may make them look bad. They make sure their tax records look good for the public. They don't trust anybody be they friend or foe, and suspect anybody and everybody to sink their ship down the road.

Trump did not lead his life that way.
Ken Starr's Panty SNiffing investigation cost $70MM... YOu easily get into 9 figures if you add them all up.

What did Star have to do with Hil-Liar?

He investigated Whitewater, Rose Law Firm, Vince Foster, Filegate, Travel Gate, all the usual "Hillary did a bad thing" accusations which all turned up to be big nothingburgers.

You guys have been accusing Hillary and Bill of all sorts of criminal conduct since the 1990's, and the worst thing you've come up with after spending hundreds of millions in investigations and hearings is "Bill Lied about Getting a Blow Job".
Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005
The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

At that point in the audio, Trump and Bush appear to notice Arianne Zucker, the actress who is waiting to escort them into the soap opera set.

“Your girl’s hot as s---, in the purple,” says Bush, who’s now a co-host of NBC’s “Today” show.

“Whoa!” Trump says. “Whoa!”

“I’ve gotta use some tic tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump says.“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful -- I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

“Whatever you want,” says another voice, apparently Bush’s.

“Grab them by the p---y,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Wow, is all I will say!

This go's to the hypocrisy of the left. All day long they will go on about how disgusting this proves trump to be, yet the people who say it are cool with abortion mills selling cut up fetuses and they accept money from black dudes like JZ who go on much the same way as trump did and even make money doing it. Obama hangs out with JZ, Is a fan of what he calls music and begs JZ for money. This is typical of the left in pretty much all ways, and it points out how the left has given up any and all objective free thought. Welcome to the machine Niggas I can say it now because Jay Z did.
It seems likely that Trump knew he was being taped. It's not like someone was taping him using a telephoto lens from across the street. There were 4 people in a confined space in the RV. Unless there was a hidden camera which seems unlikely, Trump had to be aware of the camera. And when he got off the bus there had to be camera withing a few feet of him. Considering Trump's paranoia, he would be screaming his head off if this was shot with a candid camera. Also remember Trump at the time was making lewd tapes on the Howard Stern Show. He was not running for president and he was seeking notoriety.

If there was a camera it's one thing, but there was no camera involved. Anybody can plainly see a camera, but not an audio recording device. Hell, I can record somebody that way using my cell phone and nobody would know the difference. The cell phone is in my top shirt pocket. How would anybody know I was recording them?

I don't know if Trump is taking action on this. Just because we didn't hear about it yet doesn't mean he isn't. He may very well wait until after the election. He may have his people investigating this to try and figure it all out first which would be the smart thing to do.

Yes I used to listen to Trump when he went on the Stern show. But as Rush Limbaugh explained, Trump never tailored his life around politics like professional politicians did their entire life. Professional politicians make sure they don't say anything that may make them look bad. They make sure their tax records look good for the public. They don't trust anybody be they friend or foe, and suspect anybody and everybody to sink their ship down the road.

Trump did not lead his life that way.

Agree. And it's a fact that some politicians get a pass while others dont. Hiller has made a bevy of racist remarks as has many famous democrats yet she gets a pass. Imagine how it would have been had Trump said any of these things,

Top Ten Examples Of Hillary Clinton’s Racism The Media Chooses To Ignore

#1 – In 1974, after Bill Clinton lost his bid for a Senate seat, Hillary lashed out at campaign manager Paul Fray calling him a, “f*cking Jew bastard!” This outburst was witnessed and confirmed by 3 people, so it definitely happened.

#2 – As First Lady, Hillary called young black men “super-predators” indicating that she thought all young black males were violent criminals. She also said, “We have to bring them to heel,” like young blacks are the same as dogs. Despite thinking this was incredibly racist, blacks still support Hillary.

#3 – While serving in the US Senate, Hillary tried to make a joke that disparaged a civil rights icon and demeaned all people from India. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station?” asked Clinton.

#4 – In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. Considering the main “proof” of Trump’s racism is that he opposes illegal immigration and wants to build a wall, isn’t it odd that Hillary gets off for having said the same thing?

#5 – During the 2008 democratic primaries Hillary Clinton’s campaign started the “birther” rumors, questioning Obama’s US citizenship. They even circulated the now famous picture of Obama in full Muslim garb. Somehow Trump’s campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is racist, but Hillary’s role in starting the birther movement is not.

#6 – Also during the 2008 presidential race, Hillary’s husband Bill said this of Obama: “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.” Hillary didn’t say this one but her husband did and she certainly never disavowed it.

#7 – Shortly after announcing her candidacy, Hillary said “all lives matter” in a black church. I don’t think this one is racist, but lefties, black activists, and Hillary herself all do, so it makes the list. Plus as is the case with most of this stuff, if Trump had said it liberals would freak the hell out.

#8 – In November of 2015, Hillary called people in this country illegally “illegal aliens.” Trump is a racist when he says “illegal aliens,” why isn’t Hillary?

#9 – In April of this year, Hillary joined NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on stage at a democratic fundraiser for a scripted joke about how lazy black people are. The two liberals made reference to “colored people’s time” which is a super-racist way of saying black people are chronically tardy and lethargic.

#10 – April was a great month for Hillary’s racism, as she also made a comment disparaging Native Americans. She said she had experience dealing with wild men when they “get off the reservation.” In essence she said Native Americans are savages who must be segregated from the rest of society.

As a bonus:

#11 – On a black radio show, Hillary pandered to black voters by claiming she always carries hot sauce in her purse. It was racist when Donald Trump pandered Hispanics by eating a taco bowl, but not racist when Hillary pandered blacks. How does that work?
Ken Starr's Panty SNiffing investigation cost $70MM... YOu easily get into 9 figures if you add them all up.

What did Star have to do with Hil-Liar?

He investigated Whitewater, Rose Law Firm, Vince Foster, Filegate, Travel Gate, all the usual "Hillary did a bad thing" accusations which all turned up to be big nothingburgers.

You guys have been accusing Hillary and Bill of all sorts of criminal conduct since the 1990's, and the worst thing you've come up with after spending hundreds of millions in investigations and hearings is "Bill Lied about Getting a Blow Job".[/QUOTE

The only reason you say that is because you want to sit at the cool kids table.

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