Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

Yeah, that would take precisions…you opted for the man who is 10X as dishonest. Congratulations.
I’m asking all dumbasses this question…

What are you going to do when Hillary is sworn in?

Not much you can do. Maybe pray a lot. But the best thing we can do is encourage our representatives to not appoint any supreme court justices and do what we can to strengthen the Congress and Senate. For right now, remind our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers what is on the line here.

If Hil-Liar gets in, we could easily lose our constitutional rights to own a gun. Criminals will have a party from coast to coast. Her buddies on the SC will allow her to grant amnesty and even open the border to more foreigners. More foreigners means more terrorist attacks and more criminals. Remind our friends that our foreign enemies could all blackmail the new President if she gets in. I'm sure many have broken into her toy server.

There is a lot on the line this year.
Well you've already lost your sanity, so what else do you have to lose? :dunno:
Maybe we have.

We've got a bunch of right wingers who believe talking shit about women makes them "manly men." How much more pussified can you get?
Yeah, that would take precisions…you opted for the man who is 10X as dishonest. Congratulations.
I’m asking all dumbasses this question…

What are you going to do when Hillary is sworn in?

Not much you can do. Maybe pray a lot. But the best thing we can do is encourage our representatives to not appoint any supreme court justices and do what we can to strengthen the Congress and Senate. For right now, remind our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers what is on the line here.

If Hil-Liar gets in, we could easily lose our constitutional rights to own a gun. Criminals will have a party from coast to coast. Her buddies on the SC will allow her to grant amnesty and even open the border to more foreigners. More foreigners means more terrorist attacks and more criminals. Remind our friends that our foreign enemies could all blackmail the new President if she gets in. I'm sure many have broken into her toy server.

There is a lot on the line this year.

I wasn’t aware the rules for changing the constitution were being voted on in this election. But then again, I’m not a right wing nut job with shit for brains.
Ten times as dishonest? Who? Let's see Murders worldwide because of the obama-clinton team Measure in the tens of thousands. Murders attributed to Donald Trump,,,,,,>>>>>>>>ANY???? Guess what I choose life !!!! You liberals suck every pile of dog excrement from shittywood the NFL, NBA >>>> as they rape beat, kill, and generally go through life with a smile creating ACTUAL carnage, All except who???? oh yeah Donald Trump. SELECTIVE BIGOTS as always You say "IT'S OK for me to murder babies, but "DON'T YOU SPIT ON THE SIDEWALK !!!"
I wasn’t aware the rules for changing the constitution were being voted on in this election. But then again, I’m not a right wing nut job with shit for brains.

And obviously ignorant as to what Supreme Court justices can do as well.
Which is why it's imperative Hillary wins the election. So she can fill Scalia's seat with a bleeding heart Liberal.
Leftist hypocrisy... didn't bother them at all when Barry did it...

"Gotta have them, ribs and pussy."

Wow, so he's reading a book relating what someone else said.

That's just the same as Trump saying he can sexually assault married women because he's rich and famous.

Meanwhile, according to conservative website "Red State"

UH OH: CNN Reports Pence Is Considering Dropping Out | RedState

True, he's reading the book. That he picked himself.

He's also reading the excerpts from the book, that he picked himself.

There must be some reason why that book and why those excerpts.

Oh right... pussy.
In that now infamous video of Trump's sexist and piggish statements, there is a nuanced revelation that we should also consider.

After Trump's moronic statements (cheered on by others on that bus), you may note that Trump got off the bus and was acting like a "perfect gentleman" toward the subject of these guys sexual objectification.

To me, his action.....right after his what in-bred phony and hypocrite he really is.....Pretty much what we would expect from a charlatan who has spent months spewing "promises" (like he would bring coal miners' jobs back......or that he would fix the corrupt tax system.....or that he has better plans than our generals to defeat ISIS.....or even about building a "beautiful" wall) promises NEVER meant to be kept....and probably laughing at the idiots who actually believed his demagoguery.
Thanks for the bump erudite as ever, aren't you?
nat if you did the same thing with the guys you would be the same way when you stepped out and were now in front of the ladies.....this whole thread is kinda pointless...
He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male.
You want a stupid "alpha male" running the most powerful country?
That's like having a frat boy running a Fortune 1 company.
You'd prefer a Lying Crooked Rape Enabler?

Better than a lying crooked rapist , like Trump.
Right....hitlery would rather rape little girls.....
He is an alpha male. Alpha males are conquerors. They conquer business. They conquer nations. They conquer women. That is the hallmark of an alpha male.
You want a stupid "alpha male" running the most powerful country?
That's like having a frat boy running a Fortune 1 company.
You'd prefer a Lying Crooked Rape Enabler?
Better than a lying crooked rapist , like Trump.
Trump raped someone, outside his fucking mind?
Political Correctness, safe spaces, trigger warnings, participation medals?

Oh no, not at ALL.


Agree - there's a lot of silliness there.

But the excuse making for Trumps uncivilized behavior is also a lot of silliness.
nat if you did the same thing with the guys you would be the same way when you stepped out and were now in front of the ladies.

maybe........but the switch from pig to "gentleman" helps to show Trump's phoniness and immaturity.
Alpha males.

He who beats his chest the most, hoots daily, obessessively tweets about the remarks from an insignificant former Ms Universe, feels a compulsive need to demean and insult - is not an "alpha male" deserving of an excess of excuses for his adolescent behavior in the mistaken idea that it is the natural masculinity of an "alpha male".

This was pretty obvious when he fell apart in the first debate and resorted in an obsessive week long twitter storm against a woman who's truthful remarks pissed him off. If he's an alpha male how in the hell did a woman like Hillary play him so easily?

He's an adolescent male.

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