Breaking !

Poor Donald. He was riding high last night after his address to Congress, and then the shit hits the fan tonight. Well that's what happens when you blow Putin and then try to lie about it later
obama has been a busy little bee dreaming this crap up.

No one has names. Everyone is anonymous.
here ya go boys, use this ..

Hell's getting HOT in the WH about RIGHT NOW !!

Yeah, and it's not just because Kellyanne Conway was squatting on the sofa in the oval office, either. Hehehe
What really happened in that photo of Kellyanne Conway squatting on the Oval Office couch
Damn, she's hot!

Show me an intellectually honest liberal and I will show you a Conservative in the making.
The White House has AC.

they better open the freezer door ...
Why? Nothing in your link that we have not already heard and none of it linked to Trump but you keep living the dream if thats what you have to do to get through to 2020.

UB Bad dood .. since the story broke an hour ago ... check the date on the link :eusa_whistle:
Try reading the article it's the same old same old just put in a different package like I said whatever gets you through the day.
damn good thing Trumpbots don't give a shit, they've got a lot to not give a shit about
why is it OK for the democrats to be friendly with the Iranians, but if Trump call Vlad/Vize Verza.......he needs to be impeached?
Don't be too complacent with the Repugnicants; I'm betting many of them are going to try to boobytrap Trump's platform.
damn good thing Trumpbots don't give a shit, they've got a lot to not give a shit about
Thomas L Friedman is a Globalist, Supply Side Scumbag.
You support him, so you must be a Globalist, Supply Side Scumbag.
I love the one meeting described. OMG he met with the Russian ambassador along with other ambassadors at a Heritage Foundation gathering.


Doing his job.

However, Justice officials acknowledged that Mr. Sessions had spoken with Mr. Kislyak twice: once, among a group of ambassadors who approached him at a Heritage Foundation event during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July and, separately, in an office meeting on Sept. 8.

The contacts were first reported by The Washington Post."

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