Breakthrough Cases Are NOT the Problem

I just posted several links proving that you're FOS.
No you didn't, you posted some silly propaganda pieces that ignore the exact same issues that have plagued this scamdemic from the get go. Do you even read the silliness you posted? They claim an unvaccinated guy died, after he was already in the hospital for a major stroke, but no, it had to have been the Chinese Plague that killed him, couldn't possibly be what actually put him in the hospital in the first place. You folks are unreal. That has been the reality since this whole farce started.
No you didn't, you posted some silly propaganda pieces that ignore the exact same issues that have plagued this scamdemic from the get go. Do you even read the silliness you posted? They claim an unvaccinated guy died, after he was already in the hospital for a major stroke, but no, it had to have been the Chinese Plague that killed him, couldn't possibly be what actually put him in the hospital in the first place. You folks are unreal. That has been the reality since this whole farce started.
We can't stop you from being stupid Al. Just please stay home and away from civilized society.
If those who are afraid of the vaccine got the vaccine, we could get past this. As it is, with so many refusing to get vaccinated, this will go one indefinitely, killing thousands, destroying families, ruining the economy and bringing to an end modern life as we know it. Virtually anyone who dies of Covid 19 now and of all its variants is someone who refused to be vaccinated and the unfortunate children who had no choice about the vaccine.

I've already had covid. I don't need the vaccine

Learn some basic science you feckless nazi.
We can't stop you from being stupid Al. Just please stay home and away from civilized society.
You should probably tell that to the hordes of diseased illegals invading our country, you hypocrite. That's how we know this whole thing is a farce, you don't care about them, and they go from the border to your 'civilized' crime ridden shitholes, they aren't out in my neck of the woods. If you cared even one iota, securing the border would be more important than worrying about unvaccinated Americans in rural America. You idiots worry about me, who you'll never see, yet don't give a crap about the illegal that bags your groceries or washes your dishes at the restaurant, if you aren't too afraid to leave your house? Who the stupid one here? Wow!
I've already had covid. I don't need the vaccine

Learn some basic science you feckless nazi.
Your "natural immunity" probably lasts about as long as the vaccine. Unless you get tested for antibodies once every couple of months, you don't know Mr Smarty Pants.

Your "natural immunity" probably lasts about as long as the vaccine. Unless you get tested for antibodies once every couple of months, you don't know Mr Smarty Pants.

Clearly you don't know shit about how viruses work.

Typical anti science demoKKKrat cult member.
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You should probably tell that to the hordes of diseased illegals invading our country, you hypocrite. That's how we know this whole thing is a farce, you don't care about them, and they go from the border to your 'civilized' crime ridden shitholes, they aren't out in my neck of the woods. If you cared even one iota, securing the border would be more important than worrying about unvaccinated Americans in rural America. You idiots worry about me, who you'll never see, yet don't give a crap about the illegal that bags your groceries or washes your dishes at the restaurant, if you aren't too afraid to leave your house? Who the stupid one here? Wow!
Always blame the illegals. It's as natural as breathing for Trumptards. ;)

But the evidence is clear: The problem is the unvaccinated population. If more people got the vaccines, the current surge wouldn’t be as big; it certainly wouldn’t lead to the levels of hospitalization and death now seen across the US. This was true months ago, and remains true today.

Unvaccinated people still make up the vast majority of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. They’ve made up more than 94 percent of reported Covid-19 cases in states with available data, a report last week from the Kaiser Family Foundation found. They’ve also made up similar, or higher, shares of hospitalizations and deaths.

Then there’s what really happened in the Provincetown outbreak. The headlines noted three-fourths of people infected by the virus were vaccinated. But among the more than 900 cases tracked as a result of the outbreak, just seven led to hospitalization — and there were zero deaths. If this was 2020, when there were no vaccines, closer to 90 people would have been hospitalized and about nine would have died, based on hospitalization and death rates over the last year.

So get vaccinated and stop worrying about what other people do
Sorry Clownface but we don't know either how long these vaccines are efficacious and we don't know how long natural immunity lasts.

You're so scared of Covid that we have to wear masks that don't work while you are fine with importing millions of unvaccinated people and spreading them through the country without any restrictions.

You always know liars because you so constantly contradict yourself

(i believe the actual number was 40/60, the guy misspoke). So it's 40 vaxxed 60 unvaxxed

The Israel data you can look up yourself they make it publicly available. Same shit

Amazing how they get different results than us. lol
Not true that they don't work at all. Early research shows that they may be less effective. Moderna and Pfizer are both working on new vaccines to handle the known variants.

Probably by next year, we will get an annual COVID shot that like the flu shots are tweaked to handle the most likely variants.
Wrong jackass, it is ineffective.

Biden better get his buddies in Big Pharma to make a safe and effective vaccine if he wants all of us to get it.

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