Breastfeeding= Nanny State

It is no more a luxury item than a vasectomy or birth control is. Or getting a deduction for having kids.

So raising kids is an unecessary expense?

Maybe could outsource reproduction.
The shit is getting deep here.

The issue is...What is the role of a Nanny State?

By giving you a tax deduction while denying it to childless couples, isn't the Nanny State encroaching on your personal life and stating a preference for couples who have children?

Michelle Bachmann should be outraged
Listen, any rational person knows rightwingloons only like the nanny state when they are the one's benefiting from it.
So raising kids is an unecessary expense?

Maybe could outsource reproduction.
The shit is getting deep here.

The issue is...What is the role of a Nanny State?

By giving you a tax deduction while denying it to childless couples, isn't the Nanny State encroaching on your personal life and stating a preference for couples who have children?

Michelle Bachmann should be outraged

Breast pumps are not a necessary part of raising kids or breast feeding. Nor are they a necessary part of any other life function. Last time I checked, kids need parents; old people need young people to care for them. Dependency deductions are not SOLELY for children. Dependency deductions are encouraging a NECESSARY part of life - caring for the next generation and the last generation. A breast pumps does not compare in the least. That's why it's nanny state bullshit.

Again, just because you guys come up with some bullshit deductions or exemptions does not prove that this is somehow appropriate. It proves the exact opposite. You want to call Bachmann a hypocrite. Big fucking deal, everyone is a hypocrite. That doens't mean she's wrong on this.

Breast feeding is a part of raising kids.......God said so

You can have artificial parents instead of natural parents just like you can feed your child with artificial milk instead of natural milk

Nanny State in either case. If you say the Government should not express an opinion of breastfeeding ...then they shouldn't express a preference on you having kids in the first place
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as p:anj_stfu:art of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

Firstly, if it is legal to claim children as a tax deduction, then everyone has that right. It is not hypocritical to want to cut deductions and still claim deductions that you are legally entitled to. Why should deductions be only for those who agree with them?

Secondly, no one.... absolutely no one.... has the right to tell American to STFU, unless their speech in someway is outside the boundary of free speech. All anyone achieves by telling someone to STFU is to make themselves look ridiculous.

Telling someone to STFU is protected under the First Amendment. You are not required to do it, but they have the right to tell you
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The issue is...What is the role of a Nanny State?

By giving you a tax deduction while denying it to childless couples, isn't the Nanny State encroaching on your personal life and stating a preference for couples who have children?

Michelle Bachmann should be outraged

Breast pumps are not a necessary part of raising kids or breast feeding. Nor are they a necessary part of any other life function. Last time I checked, kids need parents; old people need young people to care for them. Dependency deductions are not SOLELY for children. Dependency deductions are encouraging a NECESSARY part of life - caring for the next generation and the last generation. A breast pumps does not compare in the least. That's why it's nanny state bullshit.

Again, just because you guys come up with some bullshit deductions or exemptions does not prove that this is somehow appropriate. It proves the exact opposite. You want to call Bachmann a hypocrite. Big fucking deal, everyone is a hypocrite. That doens't mean she's wrong on this.

Breast feeding is a part of raising kids.......God said so

You can have artificial parents instead of natural parents just like you can feed your child with artificial milk instead of natural milk

Nanny State in either case. If you say the Government should not express an opinion of breastfeeding ...then they shouldn't express a preference on you having kids in the first place

Then breastfeed. You don't need a breast pump. Pumps are just a luxury. It's for women that are too busy or too lazy to feed their kids every couple of hours.
Breast pumps are not a necessary part of raising kids or breast feeding. Nor are they a necessary part of any other life function. Last time I checked, kids need parents; old people need young people to care for them. Dependency deductions are not SOLELY for children. Dependency deductions are encouraging a NECESSARY part of life - caring for the next generation and the last generation. A breast pumps does not compare in the least. That's why it's nanny state bullshit.

Again, just because you guys come up with some bullshit deductions or exemptions does not prove that this is somehow appropriate. It proves the exact opposite. You want to call Bachmann a hypocrite. Big fucking deal, everyone is a hypocrite. That doens't mean she's wrong on this.

Breast feeding is a part of raising kids.......God said so

You can have artificial parents instead of natural parents just like you can feed your child with artificial milk instead of natural milk

Nanny State in either case. If you say the Government should not express an opinion of breastfeeding ...then they shouldn't express a preference on you having kids in the first place

Then breastfeed. You don't need a breast pump. Pumps are just a luxury. It's for women that are too busy or too lazy to feed their kids every couple of hours.

You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?
Breast feeding is a part of raising kids.......God said so

You can have artificial parents instead of natural parents just like you can feed your child with artificial milk instead of natural milk

Nanny State in either case. If you say the Government should not express an opinion of breastfeeding ...then they shouldn't express a preference on you having kids in the first place

Then breastfeed. You don't need a breast pump. Pumps are just a luxury. It's for women that are too busy or too lazy to feed their kids every couple of hours.

You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?
Leave it up to a lib to cherry-pick what was said.

I said ether too busy or too lazy.

Besides, you libs fought for the right to whip it out in public yet you have a problem with using the privilage. We can't win with you whiners.
Breast feeding is a part of raising kids.......God said so

You can have artificial parents instead of natural parents just like you can feed your child with artificial milk instead of natural milk

Nanny State in either case. If you say the Government should not express an opinion of breastfeeding ...then they shouldn't express a preference on you having kids in the first place

Then breastfeed. You don't need a breast pump. Pumps are just a luxury. It's for women that are too busy or too lazy to feed their kids every couple of hours.

You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?


Some lactation consultants recommend pumping right from the start as a way to stimulate and increase your milk production. This pumped milk can be given to the baby with a bottle, or through a nursing system in which the pumped milk goes through a small tube that attaches to the mother's nipple.

If you're returning to work after maternity leave, it's a good idea to start trying to pump a couple of weeks beforehand. If you wait until the day you go back to work, you may be frustrated to learn that it's not always easy to get your body to respond to the pump, which isn't nearly as cute and cuddly as your baby. In fact, it may take some practice and patience before you're able to produce enough milk without your baby's help. It also may take time for your baby to get used to taking a bottle.

Depending on how heavy their milk flow is, some women can fill a bottle in one pumping session, whereas others may need to pump two or three times (and sometimes more) to get a full bottle.

As frustrating as pumping may seem for some women at first, giving your baby a bottle of breast milk can allow you to get some much-needed rest and can let your partner, or other family members, participate in the bonding experience of feeding your baby. It also can allow you to continue to provide breast milk for your child when you return to work.

Breastfeeding FAQs: Pumping

A Personal Decision

Choosing whether to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is one of the first decisions expectant parents will make. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) joins other organizations such as the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Dietetic Association (ADA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) in recommending breastfeeding as the best for babies. Breastfeeding helps defend against infections, prevent allergies, and protect against a number of chronic conditions.

The AAP says babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months. Beyond that, the AAP encourages breastfeeding until at least 12 months, and longer if both the mother and baby are willing.

Although experts believe breast milk is the best nutritional choice for infants, breastfeeding may not be possible for all women. For many women, the decision to breastfeed or formula feed is based on their comfort level, lifestyle, and specific medical considerations that they might have.

For mothers who are unable to breastfeed or who decide not to, infant formula is a good alternative. Some women feel guilty if they don't breastfeed. But if you feed your baby with a commercially prepared formula, be assured that your baby's nutritional needs will be met. And you'll still bond with your baby just fine. After all, whether with breast milk or formula, feeding is an important time of connection between mother and baby.

The decision to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is a very personal one. But here are some points you may want to consider as you decide which is best for you and your new addition.
Then breastfeed. You don't need a breast pump. Pumps are just a luxury. It's for women that are too busy or too lazy to feed their kids every couple of hours.

You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?
Leave it up to a lib to cherry-pick what was said.

I said ether too busy or too lazy.

Besides, you libs fought for the right to whip it out in public yet you have a problem with using the privilage. We can't win with you whiners.

So I take it you believe they need a breast pump then
Michelle Obama agrees with you

My wife would pump milk when we had a babysitter coming. Does that make her busy or lazy?
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You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?
Leave it up to a lib to cherry-pick what was said.

I said ether too busy or too lazy.

Besides, you libs fought for the right to whip it out in public yet you have a problem with using the privilage. We can't win with you whiners.

So I take it you believe they need a breast pump then
Michelle Obama agrees with you

My wife would pump milk when we had a babysitter coming. Does that make her busy or lazy?

Busy of course. You needed a baby-sitter cuz you had other things to do. Course taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for you "busy" schedule.

You always have the option to take the little tike with you, but you chose not to.
Breast pumps are considered "Durable Medical Equipment" and are typically covered by your health insurance plan if prescribed by your doctor.

LOTS of things are considered DME and covered by insurance all the time...
Medical Supplies - Durable Medical Equipment - DME Supply Group -
lol...latex gloves! Let us watch the rightwing meltdown over that item. :lol:

:lol: If you have DME coverage as part of your health insurance policy, you still need to have a medical condition which requires such equipment as prescribed by your doctor.

A breast pump is prescribed routinely for nursing mothers and people have different levels of insurance coverage with deductibles and out of pocket expenses...

Not sure why some think it's a bad thing for American families to able to deduct these medical costs from their taxable income...???
Leave it up to a lib to cherry-pick what was said.

I said ether too busy or too lazy.

Besides, you libs fought for the right to whip it out in public yet you have a problem with using the privilage. We can't win with you whiners.

So I take it you believe they need a breast pump then
Michelle Obama agrees with you

My wife would pump milk when we had a babysitter coming. Does that make her busy or lazy?

Busy of course. You needed a baby-sitter cuz you had other things to do. Course taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for you "busy" schedule.

You always have the option to take the little tike with you, but you chose not to.

Do tax payers "pay" for your other deductions...?

SCHEDULE A (Form 1040)

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (99)
Itemized Deductions

▶ Attach to Form 1040. ▶ See Instructions for Schedule A (Form 1040).
OMB No. 1545-0074
Attachment Sequence No. 07
Name(s) shown on Form 1040
Your social security number
Medical and Dental Expenses
Caution. Do not include expenses reimbursed or paid by others.
Medical and dental expenses (see instructions).....
Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38
Multiply line 2 by 7.5% (.075)...........
Subtract line 3 from line 1. If line 3 is more than line 1, enter -0-........
Taxes You Paid
State and local (check only one box):
Income taxes, or
General sales taxes
Real estate taxes (see instructions).........
New motor vehicle taxes from line 11 of the worksheet on back (for certain vehicles purchased in 2009). Skip this line if you checked box 5b..............
Other taxes. List type and amount ▶
Add lines 5 through 8......................
Interest You Paid
Note. Your mortgage interest deduction may be limited (see instructions).
Home mortgage interest and points reported to you on Form 1098
Home mortgage interest not reported to you on Form 1098. If paid to the person from whom you bought the home, see instructions and show that person’s name, identifying no., and address ▶
Points not reported to you on Form 1098. See instructions for special rules.................
Mortgage insurance premiums (see instructions).....
Investment interest. Attach Form 4952 if required. (See instructions.)
Add lines 10 through 14.....................
Gifts to Charity If you made a gift and got a benefit for it, see instructions.
Gifts by cash or check. If you made any gift of $250 or more, see instructions................
Other than by cash or check. If any gift of $250 or more, see instructions. You must attach Form 8283 if over $500...
Carryover from prior year............
Add lines 16 through 18.....................
Casualty and Theft Losses
Casualty or theft loss(es). Attach Form 4684. (See instructions.)........
Job Expenses and Certain Miscellaneous Deductions
Unreimbursed employee expenses—job travel, union dues, job education, etc. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ if required. (See instructions.) ▶
Tax preparation fees.............
Other expenses—investment, safe deposit box, etc. List type and amount ▶
Add lines 21 through 23............
Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38
Multiply line 25 by 2% (.02)...........
Subtract line 26 from line 24. If line 26 is more than line 24, enter -0-......
Other Miscellaneous Deductions
Other—from list in instructions. List type and amount ▶
Total Itemized Deductions
Add the amounts in the far right column for lines 4 through 28. Also, enter this amount on Form 1040, line 40 .....................
If you elect to itemize deductions even though they are less than your standard deduction, check here...................▶
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions.
Cat. No. 17145C
Schedule A (Form 1040) 2010

Internal Revenue Service
Leave it up to a lib to cherry-pick what was said.

I said ether too busy or too lazy.

Besides, you libs fought for the right to whip it out in public yet you have a problem with using the privilage. We can't win with you whiners.

So I take it you believe they need a breast pump then
Michelle Obama agrees with you

My wife would pump milk when we had a babysitter coming. Does that make her busy or lazy?

Busy of course. You needed a baby-sitter cuz you had other things to do. Course taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for you "busy" schedule.

You always have the option to take the little tike with you, but you chose not to.

The Nanny State is already paying for my cute little deductions
Breast feeding is a part of raising kids.......God said so

You can have artificial parents instead of natural parents just like you can feed your child with artificial milk instead of natural milk

Nanny State in either case. If you say the Government should not express an opinion of breastfeeding ...then they shouldn't express a preference on you having kids in the first place

Then breastfeed. You don't need a breast pump. Pumps are just a luxury. It's for women that are too busy or too lazy to feed their kids every couple of hours.

You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?
Yep. And lazy people that want to rely on crutches instead of dragging themselves across the floor. Or whittling their own out of foraged lumber.
Then breastfeed. You don't need a breast pump. Pumps are just a luxury. It's for women that are too busy or too lazy to feed their kids every couple of hours.

You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?
Leave it up to a lib to cherry-pick what was said.

I said ether too busy or too lazy.

Besides, you libs fought for the right to whip it out in public yet you have a problem with using the privilage. We can't win with you whiners.
:cuckoo: Quite a few women use breast pumps because idiots like you freak out over seeing a woman breast feed her child.
People don't create jobs, businesses do. You can't provide a job unless you have a business.

If you want more jobs common-sense tells you that you need to make it easier in a Capitalist society to do business.

Now there's the rub. You probably hate Capitalists. So you hate businesses, and by that measure you hate employers.

So let's become like every Middle Eastern country and get rid of the employers so our youth can start rioting over unemployment. Most Middle Eastern countries don't manufacture anything other then bomb vests and IEDs.

It is the Government subsidizing poor people with housing allowances, food stamps and healtcare that allows businesses to hire employees at substandard wages. We pay to take care of these people while business profits off their labor

Yes, profit is terrible

Let's outlaw profit and make all the jobs it creates go poof.
What happens when you subsidize the poor? You get nothing but debt. If you cut taxes on businesss you get more jobs. This is what sucks. If you get more jobs, more earners, and more taxpayers, and more revenue, thus less debt. No, that's a bad thing. Debt is good. Profits are really what's bad.

So you are saying the breast pumps are made in China, and American workers don't make them? By the way, how many kinds of pumps have women got anyway? I mean this breast pump just might be the tip of the ice berg! LOL!
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Breast pumps are considered "Durable Medical Equipment" and are typically covered by your health insurance plan if prescribed by your doctor.

LOTS of things are considered DME and covered by insurance all the time...
Medical Supplies - Durable Medical Equipment - DME Supply Group -
lol...latex gloves! Let us watch the rightwing meltdown over that item. :lol:

:lol: If you have DME coverage as part of your health insurance policy, you still need to have a medical condition which requires such equipment as prescribed by your doctor.

A breast pump is prescribed routinely for nursing mothers and people have different levels of insurance coverage with deductibles and out of pocket expenses...

Not sure why some think it's a bad thing for American families to able to deduct these medical costs from their taxable income...???
Because breast pumps don't create jobs! :lol:
So I take it you believe they need a breast pump then
Michelle Obama agrees with you

My wife would pump milk when we had a babysitter coming. Does that make her busy or lazy?

Busy of course. You needed a baby-sitter cuz you had other things to do. Course taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for you "busy" schedule.

You always have the option to take the little tike with you, but you chose not to.

Do tax payers "pay" for your other deductions...?

SCHEDULE A (Form 1040)

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service (99)
Itemized Deductions

▶ Attach to Form 1040. ▶ See Instructions for Schedule A (Form 1040).
OMB No. 1545-0074
Attachment Sequence No. 07
Name(s) shown on Form 1040
Your social security number
Medical and Dental Expenses
Caution. Do not include expenses reimbursed or paid by others.
Medical and dental expenses (see instructions).....
Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38
Multiply line 2 by 7.5% (.075)...........
Subtract line 3 from line 1. If line 3 is more than line 1, enter -0-........
Taxes You Paid
State and local (check only one box):
Income taxes, or
General sales taxes
Real estate taxes (see instructions).........
New motor vehicle taxes from line 11 of the worksheet on back (for certain vehicles purchased in 2009). Skip this line if you checked box 5b..............
Other taxes. List type and amount ▶
Add lines 5 through 8......................
Interest You Paid
Note. Your mortgage interest deduction may be limited (see instructions).
Home mortgage interest and points reported to you on Form 1098
Home mortgage interest not reported to you on Form 1098. If paid to the person from whom you bought the home, see instructions and show that person’s name, identifying no., and address ▶
Points not reported to you on Form 1098. See instructions for special rules.................
Mortgage insurance premiums (see instructions).....
Investment interest. Attach Form 4952 if required. (See instructions.)
Add lines 10 through 14.....................
Gifts to Charity If you made a gift and got a benefit for it, see instructions.
Gifts by cash or check. If you made any gift of $250 or more, see instructions................
Other than by cash or check. If any gift of $250 or more, see instructions. You must attach Form 8283 if over $500...
Carryover from prior year............
Add lines 16 through 18.....................
Casualty and Theft Losses
Casualty or theft loss(es). Attach Form 4684. (See instructions.)........
Job Expenses and Certain Miscellaneous Deductions
Unreimbursed employee expenses—job travel, union dues, job education, etc. Attach Form 2106 or 2106-EZ if required. (See instructions.) ▶
Tax preparation fees.............
Other expenses—investment, safe deposit box, etc. List type and amount ▶
Add lines 21 through 23............
Enter amount from Form 1040, line 38
Multiply line 25 by 2% (.02)...........
Subtract line 26 from line 24. If line 26 is more than line 24, enter -0-......
Other Miscellaneous Deductions
Other—from list in instructions. List type and amount ▶
Total Itemized Deductions
Add the amounts in the far right column for lines 4 through 28. Also, enter this amount on Form 1040, line 40 .....................
If you elect to itemize deductions even though they are less than your standard deduction, check here...................▶
For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see Form 1040 instructions.
Cat. No. 17145C
Schedule A (Form 1040) 2010

Internal Revenue Service


Line 38 Amount from line 37 (adjusted gross income) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Line 40 Itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see instructions) . . 40 ____________

Line 41 Subtract line 40 from line 38
You mean like lazy women who actually have jobs?
Leave it up to a lib to cherry-pick what was said.

I said ether too busy or too lazy.

Besides, you libs fought for the right to whip it out in public yet you have a problem with using the privilage. We can't win with you whiners.
:cuckoo: Quite a few women use breast pumps because idiots like you freak out over seeing a woman breast feed her child.

Well if we allowed women to go topless, guys wouldn't get freaked out. Did you know that among the sex industry there are guys who buy women so they can suckle at their breasts? Freud had a case study on it as well. Seems us guys just can't get off the nipple. LOL!
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