Breastfeeding= Nanny State

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." Gandhi

You got it right, if the government supports corporations it's not a nanny state, if the government support the people who are part of the government, it is a nanny state. We have become a nation of the rich and powerful, the rest can eat cake.

America's new values: The Conservative Nanny State

"Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our sense of collective purpose. We know what things cost but have no idea what they are worth. We no longer ask of a judicial ruling or a legislative act: is it good? Is it fair? Is it just? Is it right? Will it help bring about a better society or a better world? Those used to be the political questions, even if they invited no easy answers. We must learn once again to pose them." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land' The Good Society: The Humane Agenda (0046442859981): John Kenneth Galbraith: Books

People don't create jobs, businesses do. You can't provide a job unless you have a business.

If you want more jobs common-sense tells you that you need to make it easier in a Capitalist society to do business.

Now there's the rub. You probably hate Capitalists. So you hate businesses, and by that measure you hate employers.

So let's become like every Middle Eastern country and get rid of the employers so our youth can start rioting over unemployment. Most Middle Eastern countries don't manufacture anything other then bomb vests and IEDs.

It is the Government subsidizing poor people with housing allowances, food stamps and healtcare that allows businesses to hire employees at substandard wages. We pay to take care of these people while business profits off their labor

Yes, profit is terrible

Let's outlaw profit and make all the jobs it creates go poof.

What happens when you subsidize the poor? You get nothing but debt. If you cut taxes on businesss you get more jobs. This is what sucks. If you get more jobs, more earners, and more taxpayers, and more revenue, thus less debt. No, that's a bad thing. Debt is good. Profits are really what's bad.
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

Firstly, if it is legal to claim children as a tax deduction, then everyone has that right. It is not hypocritical to want to cut deductions and still claim deductions that you are legally entitled to. Why should deductions be only for those who agree with them?

Secondly, no one.... absolutely no one.... has the right to tell American to STFU, unless their speech in someway is outside the boundary of free speech. All anyone achieves by telling someone to STFU is to make themselves look ridiculous.
Damn right she does and we have a right to call her a fool when she does.

call her whatever you want, but DEMANDING you see her tax returns to see IF SHE CLAIMS HER CHILDERN.
Why you hate exposing hypocrites?

And btw, what deductions do you take when filing your tax return?

ummmm, that's what you call it now days. exposing hypocrites.
and what I claim is none of your fucking business, and neither is Mrs. Bachman's.
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All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

So it's a crime to claim your own kids as depenants?

You're falling off the deep end here Ravi.
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

Firstly, if it is legal to claim children as a tax deduction, then everyone has that right. It is not hypocritical to want to cut deductions and still claim deductions that you are legally entitled to. Why should deductions be only for those who agree with them?

Secondly, no one.... absolutely no one.... has the right to tell American to STFU, unless their speech in someway is outside the boundary of free speech. All anyone achieves by telling someone to STFU is to make themselves look ridiculous.
When did you become against free speech. I may tell anyone to stfu.

And yes, she's a raving hypocrite. Next time she starts whining about all the other medical deductions will be the first time.
call her whatever you want, but DEMANDING you see her tax returns to see IF SHE CLAIMS HER CHILDERN.
Why you hate exposing hypocrites?

And btw, what deductions do you take when filing your tax return?

ummmm, that's what you call it now days. exposing hypocrites.
and what I claim is none of your fucking business, and neither is Mrs. Bachman's.
Then the two of you can stfu.
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

So it's a crime to claim your own kids as depenants?

You're falling off the deep end here Ravi.
Have you lost your ability to read for comprehension?
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

Firstly, if it is legal to claim children as a tax deduction, then everyone has that right. It is not hypocritical to want to cut deductions and still claim deductions that you are legally entitled to. Why should deductions be only for those who agree with them?

Secondly, no one.... absolutely no one.... has the right to tell American to STFU, unless their speech in someway is outside the boundary of free speech. All anyone achieves by telling someone to STFU is to make themselves look ridiculous.

Well this is Ravi we're talking about, lol.
We do have the right to tell people to shut up ....but that in no way can compel them to do so if they don't want to, and we can't otherwise force them....
People don't create jobs, businesses do. You can't provide a job unless you have a business.

If you want more jobs common-sense tells you that you need to make it easier in a Capitalist society to do business.

Now there's the rub. You probably hate Capitalists. So you hate businesses, and by that measure you hate employers.

So let's become like every Middle Eastern country and get rid of the employers so our youth can start rioting over unemployment. Most Middle Eastern countries don't manufacture anything other then bomb vests and IEDs.

It is the Government subsidizing poor people with housing allowances, food stamps and healtcare that allows businesses to hire employees at substandard wages. We pay to take care of these people while business profits off their labor

Yes, profit is terrible

Let's outlaw profit and make all the jobs it creates go poof.

What happens when you subsidize the poor? You get nothing but debt. If you cut taxes on businesss you get more jobs. This is what sucks. If you get more jobs, more earners, and more taxpayers, and more revenue, thus less debt. No, that's a bad thing. Debt is good. Profits are really what's bad.

We are not just subsidizing the poor. We are picking up the tab for businesses to pay less than market rates for their workforce. That family of four that is living off the $10 an hour that you pay is being subsidized by the taxpayer. If you had to pay your employees enough to actually live in your area, you would have to pay them $15 an hour or else not be able to hire a workforce
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

So it's a crime to claim your own kids as depenants?

You're falling off the deep end here Ravi.

It is not a crime..but it is a Nanny State

The Government is paying you to have children. Why can't you pick up the tab for your own offspring? Why shoud the taxpayer subsidize you by giving you a tax break? Aren't you responsible for your own decisions?
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

So it's a crime to claim your own kids as depenants?

You're falling off the deep end here Ravi.
Have you lost your ability to read for comprehension?
No. You compared deductions for living expenses to a luxury item deduction.

I wanted to show the silliness of your argument. Let's have the IRS audit the lady for her legitimate deductions.
So it's a crime to claim your own kids as depenants?

You're falling off the deep end here Ravi.
Have you lost your ability to read for comprehension?
No. You compared deductions for living expenses to a luxury item deduction.

I wanted to show the silliness of your argument. Let's have the IRS audit the lady for her legitimate deductions.
It is no more a luxury item than a vasectomy or birth control is. Or getting a deduction for having kids.
All this does is let people pay for breast pumps out of their HSA accounts, just like they can pay for many other legitimate expenses, or if they spend over 7.5% of their income on medical in one year they can count this as part of the 7.5%.

It is no more "nanny" state than any other medical deduction is.

I think Michelle Bachman should release her income tax returns so we can determine if she ever used one of her five children as a tax deduction, if she ever claimed her mortgage interest as a deduction, or enjoyed any other legitimate deductions brought to her by the "nanny" state.

Then we should tell the bitch to stfu.

Firstly, if it is legal to claim children as a tax deduction, then everyone has that right. It is not hypocritical to want to cut deductions and still claim deductions that you are legally entitled to. Why should deductions be only for those who agree with them?

Secondly, no one.... absolutely no one.... has the right to tell American to STFU, unless their speech in someway is outside the boundary of free speech. All anyone achieves by telling someone to STFU is to make themselves look ridiculous.

Telling someone to STFU is protected under the First Amendment. You are not required to do it, but they have the right to tell you
Have you lost your ability to read for comprehension?
No. You compared deductions for living expenses to a luxury item deduction.

I wanted to show the silliness of your argument. Let's have the IRS audit the lady for her legitimate deductions.
It is no more a luxury item than a vasectomy or birth control is. Or getting a deduction for having kids.

So raising kids is an unecessary expense?

Maybe could outsource reproduction.
The shit is getting deep here.
Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann ripped into Michelle Obama today over breastfeeding, calling the first lady's promotion of nursing an example of a "nanny state."

You're a shameless liar.

The article says nothing of the sort. The issue is the deduction of breast pumps as a medical supply when formula and other baby products are not.

You never miss a chance to smear - no matter how dishonest you have to be - do you?
No. You compared deductions for living expenses to a luxury item deduction.

I wanted to show the silliness of your argument. Let's have the IRS audit the lady for her legitimate deductions.
It is no more a luxury item than a vasectomy or birth control is. Or getting a deduction for having kids.

So raising kids is an unecessary expense?

Maybe could outsource reproduction.
The shit is getting deep here.

The issue is...What is the role of a Nanny State?

By giving you a tax deduction while denying it to childless couples, isn't the Nanny State encroaching on your personal life and stating a preference for couples who have children?

Michelle Bachmann should be outraged
Tea Party favorite Michele Bachmann ripped into Michelle Obama today over breastfeeding, calling the first lady's promotion of nursing an example of a "nanny state."

You're a shameless liar.

The article says nothing of the sort. The issue is the deduction of breast pumps as a medical supply when formula and other baby products are not.

You never miss a chance to smear - no matter how dishonest you have to be - do you?

I never said that
It is no more a luxury item than a vasectomy or birth control is. Or getting a deduction for having kids.

So raising kids is an unecessary expense?

Maybe could outsource reproduction.
The shit is getting deep here.

The issue is...What is the role of a Nanny State?

By giving you a tax deduction while denying it to childless couples, isn't the Nanny State encroaching on your personal life and stating a preference for couples who have children?

Michelle Bachmann should be outraged

Breast pumps are not a necessary part of raising kids or breast feeding. Nor are they a necessary part of any other life function. Last time I checked, kids need parents; old people need young people to care for them. Dependency deductions are not SOLELY for children. Dependency deductions are encouraging a NECESSARY part of life - caring for the next generation and the last generation. A breast pumps does not compare in the least. That's why it's nanny state bullshit.

Again, just because you guys come up with some bullshit deductions or exemptions does not prove that this is somehow appropriate. It proves the exact opposite. You want to call Bachmann a hypocrite. Big fucking deal, everyone is a hypocrite. That doens't mean she's wrong on this.
No. You compared deductions for living expenses to a luxury item deduction.

I wanted to show the silliness of your argument. Let's have the IRS audit the lady for her legitimate deductions.
It is no more a luxury item than a vasectomy or birth control is. Or getting a deduction for having kids.

So raising kids is an unecessary expense?

Maybe could outsource reproduction.
The shit is getting deep here.
You seem to think so since your are anal enough to not treat breast pumps like any other durable medical appliance.

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