Breeding Nazis in Ukraine, has American Media reported you about that?

Bad Yanukovich, promises from someone, someone should give you something. Are you a child?

No one owes you nothing in this world. You should trust only your close relatives and very close friends. No one is going to 'give' you anything.

I didn't trust those who promised you "European future", no corruption and no oligarchs. You seemed to. So, what are you preaching me about?

What irritated me the most in Yanukovich was not his refusing to sign an agreement with the EU per se. It was just a final drop.

As we pointed out recently, even the poll commissioned by the U.S. State Department found that only 37 percent of Ukrainians favored joining the EU.

Why then, should Americans take direction from George Soros, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, John McCain and other internationalist voices who insist it is Ukraine that must “choose” … but the only choice considered acceptable and legitimate to the globalist choir is for Ukraine to join the EU? Soros and his huge stable of “public intellectuals” at Project Syndicate have been flooding the global media with propaganda to that purpose.
George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil

Stephen Cohen: Why did the European Union tell the democratically elected president of such a profoundly divided country, two Ukraines, in November, that he must decide either/or, you’re either with Europe, or you’re with Russia? That’s a provocation, and that’s where this began. And here’s what’s not reported.
The Real Reason the US Media Hates Vladimir Putin - Daily Reckoning

There should have been a referendum to choose whom to be with: Russia or EU and Yanukovich wanted only to prolong Ukraine's neutral status and to make a decision later. The coup was anti-constitutional but as long as it was not pro-Western president overthrown you were ok with that. BTW, Eastern Ukraine hated Yuschenko quite a bit too but we waited until his term was over and ELECTED somebody different

This system of power was going to fall anyway. Except of that, the economic situation was not so cloudless as you want to imply. In the last two years of his rule there was stagnation in the econony, the central bank annualy sold some of its reserves to support the exchange rate of the currency. And that is just two things which i remembered the first.

Then right thing to do was to wait until the next elections (they were supposed to be held the next year!)

For me the question 'was the coup worth it' sounds ridiculous. Because as I said above his system of power was going to fall anyway.

With bad Yanuckovich and his stagnation almost everybody could afford to buy food, medicine, clothes, to pay utilities. There was industry in Ukraine and people had jobs and were actually paid (now people keep losing the jobs and their bosses delay the salaries or even don't pay at all). Now mainly crooks and those who work for crooks have jobs and are paid (with a rear exception.) Ukraine was promised to be "another Switzerland " or "another France" to encourage the people to vote for "independence" in 1991. Now Ukraine reminds another Somalia.

With bad Yanuckovich there was no war, there were no attacks of the churches and seizing the churches, there were no attacks on singers and actors (just because they were pro-Western or pro-Russian), the people could choose their first language for education, Nazis were not marching in our streets, the people were not burnt alive (like in Odessa) and so on and on,
I didn't trust those who promised you "European future", no corruption and no oligarchs. You seemed to. So, what are you preaching me about
'European future' won't be brought to you by someone, child. Every person is a master of their own future. You still don't get it? How old are you?

As we pointed out recently, even the poll commissioned by the U.S. State Department found that only 37 percent of Ukrainians favored joining the EU.
Why didn't you mention the second part of the paragraph, troll? It says that those who favored the Customs Union comprise 33%. The third part, I suppose, either refused to answer or didn't decide.

There should have been a referendum to choose whom to be with: Russia or EU and Yanukovich wanted only to prolong Ukraine's neutral status and to make a decision later. The coup was anti-constitutional but as long as it was not pro-Western president overthrown you were ok with that. BTW, Eastern Ukraine hated Yuschenko quite a bit too but we waited until his term was over and ELECTED somebody different
I doubt that with Yanukovich at the helm there would be a fair elections. You seem not to write carefully what I wrote above.

With bad Yanuckovich and his stagnation almost everybody could afford to buy food, medicine, clothes, to pay utilities. There was industry in Ukraine and people had jobs and were actually paid (now people keep losing the jobs and their bosses delay the salaries or even don't pay at all). Now mainly crooks and those who work for crooks have jobs and are paid (with a rear exception.) Ukraine was promised to be "another Switzerland " or "another France" to encourage the people to vote for "independence" in 1991. Now Ukraine reminds another Somalia.

With bad Yanuckovich there was no war, there were no attacks of the churches and seizing the churches, there were no attacks on singers and actors (just because they were pro-Western or pro-Russian), the people could choose their first language for education, Nazis were not marching in our streets, the people were not burnt alive (like in Odessa) and so on and on,
Again this crap about prices, economy, Nazis. You don't have money to buy food? Do you see Nazis marching in your town?

The system of power under Yanukovich was going to fall anyway. And I already wrote why.
'European future' won't be brought to you by someone, child. Every person is a master of their own future. You still don't get it? How old are you?
Hey dude, do you understand English?
We don't need you "European future" and neither I nor you will ever see it anyway. That was just a cheese in a mousetrap for those who betrayed their country and helped the foreigners with the coup.

Why didn't you mention the second part of the paragraph, troll? It says that those who favored the Customs Union comprise 33%. The third part, I suppose, either refused to answer or didn't decide.
Yanukovich was NOT pupping you into Custom Union, that's WHY i didn't mention it.

I doubt that with Yanukovich at the helm there would be a fair elections. You seem not to write carefully what I wrote above.
Doubts are not a good reason for the coup. Yuschenko was a lot less trustful personage (and having wife who had been an American official on the top of everything) but we, the East, were not even thinking to overthrow his as* and waited for 5 long years for get rid of him with the respect to Ukrainian Constitution. Those who supported the coup did not have any respect either to the constitution nor to the millions of their countrymen from the East. That what Ukrainians like yourself call "independence and democracy"?
And that was a signal for Crimea and Donbass to get out of such a "democratic and independent" Ukraine.

Again this crap about prices, economy, Nazis. You don't have money to buy food? Do you see Nazis marching in your town?

The system of power under Yanukovich was going to fall anyway. And I already wrote why.
Yes, I saw Nazis walking in the streets of my town and even if I didn't yet it's now just a matter of time.
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Hey dude, do you understand English?
We don't need you "European future" and neither I nor you will ever see it anyway. That was just a cheese in a mousetrap for those who betrayed their country and helped the foreigners with the coup.
First of all, it depends on what one considers 'European future' to be.

Second, in any case I am sure that our views won't coincide.

Third. Support a party (or parties) which will bring you some other future, 'Russian' for example. There is already one, at least.

Yanukovich was NOT pupping you into Custom Union, that's WHY i didn't mention it.
No, that wasn't a reason. And we both know it.

Regardless. Yanukovich wasn't? It wasn't a choice between two vectors? Oh, I forgot. You couldn't now. You just fell from the Moon then.

Doubts are not a good reason for the coup. Yuschenko was a lot less trustful personage (and having wife who had been an American official on the top of everything) but we, the East, were not even thinking to overthrow his as* and waited for 5 long years for get rid of him with the respect to Ukrainian Constitution. Those who supported the coup did not have any respect either to the constitution nor to the millions of their countrymen from the East. That what Ukrainians like yourself call "independence and democracy"?
And that was a signal for Crimea and Donbass to get out of such a "democratic and independent" Ukraine.
Respect to Constitution))). You just made my day.

Honey, you can sell this crap to someone else, ok? If your Russian masters had organized similar events in the East then, you would have praised it from every corner.

Yes, I saw Nazis walking in the streets of my town and even if I didn't yet it's now just a matter of time.
I see. And who they were - the members of Svoboda, or Right Sector, or Azov, or... just Nazis?
Not too much from what you just said made sense except for observing Ukrainian constitution and respecting the will of the millions from the East looked ridiculous to you. That was expected.

If you read the Bible, which has been the wisest book in the world for the last 2000 years, you would know that:

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:17–18 - Wikipedia

With such ugly, evil and bitter fruits which post coup Ukraine has been producing no sane person can call her "a good tree" except for those who treat Ukrainians as useful idiots while taking advantage of their country.

Sooner or later even you and the people like yourself will wake up.
Not too much from what you just said made sense except for observing Ukrainian constitution and respecting the will of the millions from the East looked ridiculous to you. That was expected.

If you read the Bible, which has been the wisest book in the world for the last 2000 years, you would know that:

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:17–18 - Wikipedia

With such ugly, evil and bitter fruits which post coup Ukraine has been producing no sane person can call her "a good tree" except for those who treat Ukrainians as useful idiots while taking advantage of their country.

Sooner or later even you and the people like yourself will wake up.
I am always amused when people like you cite the Bible. Okay, I want to offer another citation to you. It is also Matthew, and also chapter 7, but some other verse.

3 “And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? 4 Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Not too much from what you just said made sense except for observing Ukrainian constitution and respecting the will of the millions from the East looked ridiculous to you. That was expected.

If you read the Bible, which has been the wisest book in the world for the last 2000 years, you would know that:

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:17–18 - Wikipedia

With such ugly, evil and bitter fruits which post coup Ukraine has been producing no sane person can call her "a good tree" except for those who treat Ukrainians as useful idiots while taking advantage of their country.

Sooner or later even you and the people like yourself will wake up.
I am always amused when people like you cite the Bible. Okay, I want to offer another citation to you. It is also Matthew, and also chapter 7, but some other verse.

3 “And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? 4 Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Good quote, thank you. And it's about all of us, including yourself, isn't it?

BTW, Ukraine is also my home county. So if she's ever able to pull all the specks out of her eyes and to kick out the overseas bosses all Ukrainian will only benefit.
Not too much from what you just said made sense except for observing Ukrainian constitution and respecting the will of the millions from the East looked ridiculous to you. That was expected.

If you read the Bible, which has been the wisest book in the world for the last 2000 years, you would know that:

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:17–18 - Wikipedia

With such ugly, evil and bitter fruits which post coup Ukraine has been producing no sane person can call her "a good tree" except for those who treat Ukrainians as useful idiots while taking advantage of their country.

Sooner or later even you and the people like yourself will wake up.
I am always amused when people like you cite the Bible. Okay, I want to offer another citation to you. It is also Matthew, and also chapter 7, but some other verse.

3 “And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? 4 Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Good quote, thank you. And it's about all of us, including yourself, isn't it?

BTW, Ukraine is also my home county. So if she's ever able to pull all the specks out of her eyes and to kick out the overseas bosses all Ukrainian will only benefit.
Only 'oversees' bosses? It will be good if 'over-porebryk' bosses also follow the suit.
I have just made a thread in "US Politics" - The US President’s accusations against the Ukrainian President remain unproved for 6 years

The thread is about US support of coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014 and the US President Obama's allegations that the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovitch was a corrupt ruler.
Dude, you missed the time with this stuff about Yanukovich, the 'coup' and the like. It had been widely discussed in 2014-15 years.

Now you should accept how the things are and leave Yanukovich in your Rostov. There won't be any return to those times.
Soros and Obama’s administration have also tuned Ukraine into a cozy place for breeding, training and recruiting of Neo-Nazis. FBI agents and several Congressmen have been trying to attract the people attention but...American Media has been sooooo silent about that.

1. Criminal Complaint of special FBI agent Scott Bierwirth

Page 9:
In August 2018 RAM members had a trip in Ukraine and met with Olena Semenyaka the leader of a political party in Ukraine which was found out of a military regiment called Azov Battalion. Azov Battalion is a paramilitary unit of Ukrainian National Guard which is known for its association with Neo-Nazi ideology and use of Nazi symbolism and which is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing United States-based white supremacy organizations.

!!!! RAM is an extremist group headquartered in S. California.

Olena Semenyaka’s picture:
View attachment 291322

2. October 16, 2019 , Dozens of House Dems in Asking State Dept: Why Aren’t White Supremacist Groups Listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

“White supremacist violent extremism, one type of racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism, is one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism.” Rose’s letter names Azov Battalion, Nordic Resistance Movement, and National Action as three examples of foreign groups that have been connected to recent terrorist attacks around the world as well as recruiting and influencing American citizens.

The shooter in the Christchurch, New Zeeland, was also trained in Azov Battalion.
Rose Leads Dozens of House Dems in Asking State Dept: Why Aren’t White Supremacist Groups Listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

3. KYIV, Ukraine—When Deputy Secretary of State George Kent spoke at the U.S. House of Representatives impeachment hearings this week, he painted a powerful picture of Ukrainian bravery in the face of Russian aggression.

But Kent most likely did not have in mind the most famous—and infamous—of those volunteer units, the Azov Battalion, which 40 members of Congress have asked the State Department to designate as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Some of its members are neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and avowed anti-Semites.
Ukraine’s Anti-Russia Azov Battalion: ‘Minutemen’ or Neo-Nazi Terrorists?

4. Ex FBI agent Ali Soufan:

And what Syria did for jihadists, Ukraine is doing for white supremacists. “It’s had a galvanizing effect,” Blazakis said. “It’s given them, for lack of a better word, a playground in which there is turmoil and chaos, a kind of playground that doesn’t exist in a conventional sense in places like the United States.”

One of the most prominent destinations for these fighters is the Azov Battalion, a pro-Ukrainian force that analysts say has embraced neo-Nazi views while targeting right-wing or white supremacist groups around the world for recruitment.
Ukraine's Civil War Is a 'Playground' for White Supremacists. What Could Go Wrong?

Pictures of Azov Battalion:

View attachment 291323

View attachment 291324

View attachment 291325

View attachment 291326

How come American journalists have not reported about such a Nazi nest in the middle of Europe? Russian journalists have been good about reporting this problem. All the facts above are from their Nov 22 news release:
Neo-Nazi groups are not an extremely huge group in the world; more threatening are Islam and Marxism.
Not too much from what you just said made sense except for observing Ukrainian constitution and respecting the will of the millions from the East looked ridiculous to you. That was expected.

If you read the Bible, which has been the wisest book in the world for the last 2000 years, you would know that:

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:17–18 - Wikipedia

With such ugly, evil and bitter fruits which post coup Ukraine has been producing no sane person can call her "a good tree" except for those who treat Ukrainians as useful idiots while taking advantage of their country.

Sooner or later even you and the people like yourself will wake up.
I am always amused when people like you cite the Bible. Okay, I want to offer another citation to you. It is also Matthew, and also chapter 7, but some other verse.

3 “And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? 4 Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Good quote, thank you. And it's about all of us, including yourself, isn't it?

BTW, Ukraine is also my home county. So if she's ever able to pull all the specks out of her eyes and to kick out the overseas bosses all Ukrainian will only benefit.
Only 'oversees' bosses? It will be good if 'over-porebryk' bosses also follow the suit.
Ukraine has some other bosses besides the overseas ones? Well, then you admit Ukraine is not independent.

I have never had that illusion and I'm sure Ukraine was dragged away from Russia by the people who wanted to make Ukraine really dependent. And obviously they have succeeded.
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Not too much from what you just said made sense except for observing Ukrainian constitution and respecting the will of the millions from the East looked ridiculous to you. That was expected.

If you read the Bible, which has been the wisest book in the world for the last 2000 years, you would know that:

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:17–18 - Wikipedia

With such ugly, evil and bitter fruits which post coup Ukraine has been producing no sane person can call her "a good tree" except for those who treat Ukrainians as useful idiots while taking advantage of their country.

Sooner or later even you and the people like yourself will wake up.
I am always amused when people like you cite the Bible. Okay, I want to offer another citation to you. It is also Matthew, and also chapter 7, but some other verse.

3 “And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? 4 Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Good quote, thank you. And it's about all of us, including yourself, isn't it?

BTW, Ukraine is also my home county. So if she's ever able to pull all the specks out of her eyes and to kick out the overseas bosses all Ukrainian will only benefit.
Only 'oversees' bosses? It will be good if 'over-porebryk' bosses also follow the suit.
Ukraine has some other bosses besides the overseas ones? Well, then you admit Ukraine is not independent.

I have never had that illusion and I'm sure Ukraine was dragged away from Russia by the people who wanted to make Ukraine really dependent. And obviously they have succeeded.
Welcome to the real world, child. There are no really independent countries. Countries depend on each other in economic ties, military treaties, political unions and so on.

Ukraine dragged from Russia? Ok, you can call it this way. It changes nothing. It is a natural historical process and you should accept it.

I still wait an answer about Nazis in your town.
Not too much from what you just said made sense except for observing Ukrainian constitution and respecting the will of the millions from the East looked ridiculous to you. That was expected.

If you read the Bible, which has been the wisest book in the world for the last 2000 years, you would know that:

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 7:17–18 - Wikipedia

With such ugly, evil and bitter fruits which post coup Ukraine has been producing no sane person can call her "a good tree" except for those who treat Ukrainians as useful idiots while taking advantage of their country.

Sooner or later even you and the people like yourself will wake up.
I am always amused when people like you cite the Bible. Okay, I want to offer another citation to you. It is also Matthew, and also chapter 7, but some other verse.

3 “And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? 4 Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Good quote, thank you. And it's about all of us, including yourself, isn't it?

BTW, Ukraine is also my home county. So if she's ever able to pull all the specks out of her eyes and to kick out the overseas bosses all Ukrainian will only benefit.
Only 'oversees' bosses? It will be good if 'over-porebryk' bosses also follow the suit.
Ukraine has some other bosses besides the overseas ones? Well, then you admit Ukraine is not independent.

I have never had that illusion and I'm sure Ukraine was dragged away from Russia by the people who wanted to make Ukraine really dependent. And obviously they have succeeded.
Welcome to the real world, child. There are no really independent countries. Countries depend on each other in economic ties, military treaties, political unions and so on.

Ukraine dragged from Russia? Ok, you can call it this way. It changes nothing. It is a natural historical process and you should accept it.

I still wait an answer about Nazis in your town.
Thanks for a lesson, dear teacher (who can't differ sh*t from Shinola himself).

So, what has Ukraine been celebrating on August 24 since last century? A fake independence? I'll gladly agree with that.
I have just made a thread in "US Politics" - The US President’s accusations against the Ukrainian President remain unproved for 6 years

The thread is about US support of coup d’état in Ukraine in 2014 and the US President Obama's allegations that the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovitch was a corrupt ruler.
They couldn't even prove that that famous golden toilet which was all over the Internet in 2014 belonged to Yanukovich as they claimed:

The photo gold toilet has been around since at least 2012, and there’s no evidence that it belongs to Yanukovych or anyone else in Ukraine.

Yulia Tymoshenko: “Our homeland will from today on be able to see the sun and sky as a dictatorship has ended,” she said Saturday. “Each drop of blood was not spilled in vain,” she added, referring to the 77 protesters who were killed.
Golden Toilet Fake: Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych Doesnt' Have Gold Toilet

Besides, if the “protestors” leaders showed their own residences I bet we’d see not only golden toilets in their bathrooms but whole bunch of other valuable things there as well.

And now, almost 6 years after the coup we still can’t see any sun and sky over corrupt and miserable Ukraine.
I am always amused when people like you cite the Bible. Okay, I want to offer another citation to you. It is also Matthew, and also chapter 7, but some other verse.

3 “And why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? 4 Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye."
Good quote, thank you. And it's about all of us, including yourself, isn't it?

BTW, Ukraine is also my home county. So if she's ever able to pull all the specks out of her eyes and to kick out the overseas bosses all Ukrainian will only benefit.
Only 'oversees' bosses? It will be good if 'over-porebryk' bosses also follow the suit.
Ukraine has some other bosses besides the overseas ones? Well, then you admit Ukraine is not independent.

I have never had that illusion and I'm sure Ukraine was dragged away from Russia by the people who wanted to make Ukraine really dependent. And obviously they have succeeded.
Welcome to the real world, child. There are no really independent countries. Countries depend on each other in economic ties, military treaties, political unions and so on.

Ukraine dragged from Russia? Ok, you can call it this way. It changes nothing. It is a natural historical process and you should accept it.

I still wait an answer about Nazis in your town.
Thanks for a lesson, dear teacher (who can't differ sh*t from Shinola himself).

So, what has Ukraine been celebrating on August 24 since last century? A fake independence? I'll gladly agree with that.
Ukraine celebrates the end of a political union with Russia which had lasted inexucasable long.

It seems that your answer about the Nazis will never show up, as well as haven't the Nazis in your town.

Haven't you been told, child, that the lie is not a good thing?
Ukraine celebrates the end of a political union with Russia which had lasted inexucasable long.
"The end of a political union with Russia" and "independence" are two different conceptions, you are trying to spin again. So, my dear teacher, INDEPENDENCE from what? Here is a little suggestion for you: independence from all common sense. Even the people from Western Ukraine admit that. Independent Ukraine has been a joke. However you seem to like a special ostrich position in the sand with your butt up.

It seems that your answer about the Nazis will never show up, as well as haven't the Nazis in your town.
I have already answered in my post #303.

Haven't you been told, child, that the lie is not a good thing?
You need to share that wisdom with Ukrainian politicians and their overseas bosses. I'm afraid they don't care though.
The end of a political union with Russia" and "independence" are two different conceptions, you are trying to spin again. So, my dear teacher, INDEPENDENCE from what? Here is a little suggestion for you: independence from all common sense. Even the people from Western Ukraine admit that. Independent Ukraine has been a joke. However you seem to like a special ostrich position in the sand with your butt up.
At the first turn, political independence from Russia. Is it simple enough for you to understand?

I have already answered in my post #303.
And I asked who these Nazis were. The members of Azov or Right Sector or what. My question still stands.

You need to share that wisdom with Ukrainian politicians and their overseas bosses. I'm afraid they don't care though.
Start with yourself at first, honey.
The end of a political union with Russia" and "independence" are two different conceptions, you are trying to spin again. So, my dear teacher, INDEPENDENCE from what? Here is a little suggestion for you: independence from all common sense. Even the people from Western Ukraine admit that. Independent Ukraine has been a joke. However you seem to like a special ostrich position in the sand with your butt up.
At the first turn, political independence from Russia. Is it simple enough for you to understand?

I have already answered in my post #303.
And I asked who these Nazis were. The members of Azov or Right Sector or what. My question still stands.

You need to share that wisdom with Ukrainian politicians and their overseas bosses. I'm afraid they don't care though.
Start with yourself at first, honey.
Independence from Russia or any other country remains a joke. May be from Mozambique only. And complete independence of all the common sense, dear ostrich.

Do you think I asked those Nazis whom they were? They were wearing black T-shorts with double wolf hook on them. It was at the same time a shameful and scary view. BTW, if you do live in Ukraine you know that Ukrainian police do not interfere if they decide to attack the people or offices or whatever. We do NOT need Nazis in the streets of our towns, period.

I don't want to argue with you if I lie or not and it doesn't really matter for Ukraine. What does matters is that basically all local and foreign "leaders" have been lying to Ukrainians. So, start preaching to them because your future depends on them, not on me.
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