Breeding Nazis in Ukraine, has American Media reported you about that?

You wrote a set of words with little meaning. And it seems you don't understand what you are talking about.

I will ask once more - Do you understand that this law will allow the selling the land which already is in private property? Do you know what the word 'pai' means?
Regardless of what this law allows on the paper in our 3rd world corrupt and very dependent on foreigners country technically it will allow whoever from wherever to do whatever they want on the lands they buy: to store/bury chemical and nuclear debris, to grow GMOs and so on and on. Anybody with any remains of brains should be able to understand it. You don't seem to or just pretend?
It is waste of the money to use one of the best arable lands in the world to store some debris.

I understand that you are a little bit slow, so I repeat it once more. This land is already private. Do you understand what this word means? And if it was possible no one could forbid the owners to do the things you described above.

Probably, lands are not privet enough for those who want them. Besides, when whoever buys the lands they will be able to do WHATEVER they want on those lands regardless if it makes sense or not like a monkey with a grenade, you won't be able to control them. And in our corrupt country the laws have been just a joke as well as human rights, Constitution and other things which are supposed to be democratic.


Bright example is Biden who made Poroshenko fire the prosecutor Shokin because Biden didn't want any investigation of his son's criminal activities in "independent" Ukraine. As we already know, it was pretty darn simple for Biden.

Also nobody has been punished for Busina assassination, for Odessa massacre, for Nazis attacks on churches, TV channels, offices etc. Ukraine has become wide open for any criminal activity and very dangerous for those who wants to stay honest and fair. If you don't know that you don't live in Ukraine.

All that fake independence (from nobody, basically) has had one of its main goals, selling the lands, almost achieved and it's coming to finita la comedia now. How can some people be so blind?
You seem to be slower than I expected. Okay, I will repeat it once again. The land is already private. This law doesn't change the status. And according to you logic (well, I understand that this word isn't appropriate for you) the owners would already have the possibility to do whatever they want with it. No matters they bought it or something else.

You can't do whatever you want with land you own. Because there are other laws which regulate producing GMOs for example or changing the status of the land.

Funny that you are constantly bitching about how corrupt and criminal Ukrainian government is, but at the same time you advocate their control of the land market. That is some form of masochism?
So, you don't seem to be bothered with crimes flourishing in Ukraine and with the fact that Ukrainian laws can't (or don't want to) stop them (I tried to remind you about some well known unpunished crimes and you ignored that). But you expect some magic laws to control Ukrainian lands selling. Unbelievable. Be so kind, name some other countries which sold their lands.
That is a interesting short article for you. Japan wants to limit foreigners in buying some lands there. Foreigners will be forbidden to buy lands near military bases, nuclear plants and some other strategic entities. The law may be passed in 2021. Now there are no limits for foreigners to buy land in Japan.

Does it mean Japan sold it lands, silly child?

Regardless of what this law allows on the paper in our 3rd world corrupt and very dependent on foreigners country technically it will allow whoever from wherever to do whatever they want on the lands they buy: to store/bury chemical and nuclear debris, to grow GMOs and so on and on. Anybody with any remains of brains should be able to understand it. You don't seem to or just pretend?
It is waste of the money to use one of the best arable lands in the world to store some debris.

I understand that you are a little bit slow, so I repeat it once more. This land is already private. Do you understand what this word means? And if it was possible no one could forbid the owners to do the things you described above.

Probably, lands are not privet enough for those who want them. Besides, when whoever buys the lands they will be able to do WHATEVER they want on those lands regardless if it makes sense or not like a monkey with a grenade, you won't be able to control them. And in our corrupt country the laws have been just a joke as well as human rights, Constitution and other things which are supposed to be democratic.


Bright example is Biden who made Poroshenko fire the prosecutor Shokin because Biden didn't want any investigation of his son's criminal activities in "independent" Ukraine. As we already know, it was pretty darn simple for Biden.

Also nobody has been punished for Busina assassination, for Odessa massacre, for Nazis attacks on churches, TV channels, offices etc. Ukraine has become wide open for any criminal activity and very dangerous for those who wants to stay honest and fair. If you don't know that you don't live in Ukraine.

All that fake independence (from nobody, basically) has had one of its main goals, selling the lands, almost achieved and it's coming to finita la comedia now. How can some people be so blind?
You seem to be slower than I expected. Okay, I will repeat it once again. The land is already private. This law doesn't change the status. And according to you logic (well, I understand that this word isn't appropriate for you) the owners would already have the possibility to do whatever they want with it. No matters they bought it or something else.

You can't do whatever you want with land you own. Because there are other laws which regulate producing GMOs for example or changing the status of the land.

Funny that you are constantly bitching about how corrupt and criminal Ukrainian government is, but at the same time you advocate their control of the land market. That is some form of masochism?
So, you don't seem to be bothered with crimes flourishing in Ukraine and with the fact that Ukrainian laws can't (or don't want to) stop them (I tried to remind you about some well known unpunished crimes and you ignored that). But you expect some magic laws to control Ukrainian lands selling. Unbelievable. Be so kind, name some other countries which sold their lands.
What a stupid question - "sold their lands". Are you playing a fool, trolling or really that dense? Ukraine as a state won't be selling any lands. The owners of these lands are Mykola, Petro, Stepan and other citizens of Ukraine. They are owners, not the state. The fact that Mykola owns the land doesn't change the fact that this land is Ukrainian territory and Ukrainian laws are applied there. When Mykola will sell his land to Petro or some company, the land will change its owner, but at the same time it won't change the fact that the land will be the territory of Ukraine.

The land market exists in the vast majority of countries. The US is among them for example.

Yes unbelievable. Corrupt and unlawful government, as you constantly crying, and at the same time you are in favour of this government controlling the land market. That is what unbelievable.
Law enforcement is still strong in US (as well as in Japan mentioned by you) that’s why crooks like Biden prefer make their dirty money in 3rd world countries like Ukraine.

Same people who have been destroying USA (slowly) are now destroying Ukraine (very quickly). Americans call them Deep State and Soros is one of them. Soros is going to buy the vast majority of Ukrainian lands (through shell companies, of course). I’m sure Ukrainian Media will never mention his name. But all your Mykolas and Petros will end up with the same last name: Soros. And you, ostriches, are welcoming it.

Well, hearing to Russian media doesn't help you either. Or even makes the situation worse. You are the one of the most ignorant persons I have ever talked with.

I have no statistics. Of course I can made up some figures as surely your sources of the information did (or even you yourself), but for what?

You have no statistics because Ukrainian Media hates to admit the amount of Nazis in Ukraine otherwise all the platform for "independent" post coup Ukraine based on hate to Russia and all Russian may collapse.

FYI, Russian Media has been delivering the truth about the events I know about from my own experience or the my people tell me about. Ukrainian Media is just bunch of aggressive lies.

Here is a French documentary (posted by RT) about the Bidens’s crimes in Ukraine (which I mentioned above) with the help of Ukrainian officials and supported with all kinds of documents. Watch and make up your own mind if it’s true or not and tell me how many lies you can find there.
It is waste of the money to use one of the best arable lands in the world to store some debris.

I understand that you are a little bit slow, so I repeat it once more. This land is already private. Do you understand what this word means? And if it was possible no one could forbid the owners to do the things you described above.

Probably, lands are not privet enough for those who want them. Besides, when whoever buys the lands they will be able to do WHATEVER they want on those lands regardless if it makes sense or not like a monkey with a grenade, you won't be able to control them. And in our corrupt country the laws have been just a joke as well as human rights, Constitution and other things which are supposed to be democratic.


Bright example is Biden who made Poroshenko fire the prosecutor Shokin because Biden didn't want any investigation of his son's criminal activities in "independent" Ukraine. As we already know, it was pretty darn simple for Biden.

Also nobody has been punished for Busina assassination, for Odessa massacre, for Nazis attacks on churches, TV channels, offices etc. Ukraine has become wide open for any criminal activity and very dangerous for those who wants to stay honest and fair. If you don't know that you don't live in Ukraine.

All that fake independence (from nobody, basically) has had one of its main goals, selling the lands, almost achieved and it's coming to finita la comedia now. How can some people be so blind?
You seem to be slower than I expected. Okay, I will repeat it once again. The land is already private. This law doesn't change the status. And according to you logic (well, I understand that this word isn't appropriate for you) the owners would already have the possibility to do whatever they want with it. No matters they bought it or something else.

You can't do whatever you want with land you own. Because there are other laws which regulate producing GMOs for example or changing the status of the land.

Funny that you are constantly bitching about how corrupt and criminal Ukrainian government is, but at the same time you advocate their control of the land market. That is some form of masochism?
So, you don't seem to be bothered with crimes flourishing in Ukraine and with the fact that Ukrainian laws can't (or don't want to) stop them (I tried to remind you about some well known unpunished crimes and you ignored that). But you expect some magic laws to control Ukrainian lands selling. Unbelievable. Be so kind, name some other countries which sold their lands.
What a stupid question - "sold their lands". Are you playing a fool, trolling or really that dense? Ukraine as a state won't be selling any lands. The owners of these lands are Mykola, Petro, Stepan and other citizens of Ukraine. They are owners, not the state. The fact that Mykola owns the land doesn't change the fact that this land is Ukrainian territory and Ukrainian laws are applied there. When Mykola will sell his land to Petro or some company, the land will change its owner, but at the same time it won't change the fact that the land will be the territory of Ukraine.

The land market exists in the vast majority of countries. The US is among them for example.

Yes unbelievable. Corrupt and unlawful government, as you constantly crying, and at the same time you are in favour of this government controlling the land market. That is what unbelievable.
Law enforcement is still strong in US (as well as in Japan mentioned by you) that’s why crooks like Biden prefer make their dirty money in 3rd world countries like Ukraine.

Same people who have been destroying USA (slowly) are now destroying Ukraine (very quickly). Americans call them Deep State and Soros is one of them. Soros is going to buy the vast majority of Ukrainian lands (through shell companies, of course). I’m sure Ukrainian Media will never mention his name. But all your Mykolas and Petros will end up with the same last name: Soros. And you, ostriches, are welcoming it.

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Your obsession about Soros is just laughable and ridiculous. No honey, it is a boogyman for your first grade mates.

Destroying Ukraine? You can call it this way. But unless you get rid of your 'sovok' mentality, you won't understand the processes unfolding in Ukraine. Including about the land market. It is a hard and difficult way. But I support it.

Unfortunately, your one cell brain can only process the stories about the Nazis and Soros. Some time ago there was added the Biden function. That is the full capacity it seems.
But unless you get rid of your 'sovok' mentality, you won't understand the processes unfolding in Ukraine. Including about the land market. It is a hard and difficult way. But I support it.

Ukrainians like yourself are lot more brainwashed than anybody in Soviet times, your posts have been clearly proving it. And you are still a sovok, just a new Ukrainian type of sovok buying Ukrainian Pravda.

The last but perhaps most important example is media. It holds the key to public opinion and, thus, ultimately to progress in the country. Today, the majority of Ukrainian media rely on the financial support of oligarchs or international donors. Their business model is advocacy of interests of their funders against those of their opponents. If reforms are successful, that model is dead.
How Ukraine’s Never Ending Transition Makes the Rich Richer and Everyone Else Poorer - Atlantic Council
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But unless you get rid of your 'sovok' mentality, you won't understand the processes unfolding in Ukraine. Including about the land market. It is a hard and difficult way. But I support it.

Ukrainians like yourself are lot more brainwashed than anybody in Soviet times, your posts have been clearly proving it. And you are still a sovok, just a new Ukrainian type of sovok buying Ukrainian Pravda.

The last but perhaps most important example is media. It holds the key to public opinion and, thus, ultimately to progress in the country. Today, the majority of Ukrainian media rely on the financial support of oligarchs or international donors. Their business model is advocacy of interests of their funders against those of their opponents. If reforms are successful, that model is dead.
How Ukraine’s Never Ending Transition Makes the Rich Richer and Everyone Else Poorer - Atlantic Council
One of the main sources of information for me is Russian media Kommersant, you silly child.

Did you read the article you posted? It was written by Timofey Milovanov, the current Economy Minister, btw. There was written about the situation with the land market among others. But as I can understand your one cell brain wasn't able to fully comprehend the article.
But unless you get rid of your 'sovok' mentality, you won't understand the processes unfolding in Ukraine. Including about the land market. It is a hard and difficult way. But I support it.

Ukrainians like yourself are lot more brainwashed than anybody in Soviet times, your posts have been clearly proving it. And you are still a sovok, just a new Ukrainian type of sovok buying Ukrainian Pravda.

The last but perhaps most important example is media. It holds the key to public opinion and, thus, ultimately to progress in the country. Today, the majority of Ukrainian media rely on the financial support of oligarchs or international donors. Their business model is advocacy of interests of their funders against those of their opponents. If reforms are successful, that model is dead.
How Ukraine’s Never Ending Transition Makes the Rich Richer and Everyone Else Poorer - Atlantic Council
One of the main sources of information for me is Russian media Kommersant, you silly child.

Did you read the article you posted? It was written by Timofey Milovanov, the current Economy Minister, btw. There was written about the situation with the land market among others. But as I can understand your one cell brain wasn't able to fully comprehend the article.

The article has made it sound as though land markets have been suspended a number of times and are still not in effect. Do you have any clue about what are you talking about, doesn't sound like it? If you do please contrast and compare the differences between land markets and market economies. And discuss the weaknesses and strengths of either or both.

And how many lies have you found in :
UkraineGate: MSM believed Biden’s narrative, but documentary reveals ousted prosecutor had 6 cases against Burisma
which was presented by RT?
But unless you get rid of your 'sovok' mentality, you won't understand the processes unfolding in Ukraine. Including about the land market. It is a hard and difficult way. But I support it.

Ukrainians like yourself are lot more brainwashed than anybody in Soviet times, your posts have been clearly proving it. And you are still a sovok, just a new Ukrainian type of sovok buying Ukrainian Pravda.

The last but perhaps most important example is media. It holds the key to public opinion and, thus, ultimately to progress in the country. Today, the majority of Ukrainian media rely on the financial support of oligarchs or international donors. Their business model is advocacy of interests of their funders against those of their opponents. If reforms are successful, that model is dead.
How Ukraine’s Never Ending Transition Makes the Rich Richer and Everyone Else Poorer - Atlantic Council
One of the main sources of information for me is Russian media Kommersant, you silly child.

Did you read the article you posted? It was written by Timofey Milovanov, the current Economy Minister, btw. There was written about the situation with the land market among others. But as I can understand your one cell brain wasn't able to fully comprehend the article.

The article has made it sound as though land markets have been suspended a number of times and are still not in effect. Do you have any clue about what are you talking about, doesn't sound like it? If you do please contrast and compare the differences between land markets and market economies. And discuss the weaknesses and strengths of either or both.

And how many lies have you found in :
UkraineGate: MSM believed Biden’s narrative, but documentary reveals ousted prosecutor had 6 cases against Burisma
which was presented by RT?
The article also says that in Ukraine so called grey market of the land came to existence. Do you understand what this means? It means that with the help of corrupt officials you can buy or sell land despite official moratorium.

In my opinion, establishing open land market is a strong counter-corruption measure.

Compare the differences between land markets and markets economies? What does it mean? The land market is a part of the market economy.
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The article also says that in Ukraine so called grey market of the land came to existence. Do you understand what this means? It means that with the help of corrupt officials you can buy or sell land despite official moratorium.
The article says only 2 things about land market:
1. There is a shadow market for land, but the legislature has extended the land market moratorium sixteen times.
2. Some oppose international competition that liberalizing the land market might bring.

I don’t see the author advocating the free land market here, it could mean number of solutions, getting rid of corruption (as Maidan leaders proclaimed and never did) could be one of them.

In my opinion, establishing open land market is a strong counter-corruption measure.
If the government has proper regulations and zoning that it enforces then private individuals could be allowed to sell their private properties in a free market. Corruption can buy any regulations. Until there is a transparency in Ukraine the government can’t be trusted to do what is best for Ukrainian citizens.

The land market is a part of the market economy.

Not true for the 3rd world corrupt countries like Ukraine: there is NO free market where corruption sets the price and determines the buyer, especially, for land.

P.S. Since you remain silent about RT article I posted, I guess there was NO lies there.
The article also says that in Ukraine so called grey market of the land came to existence. Do you understand what this means? It means that with the help of corrupt officials you can buy or sell land despite official moratorium.
The article says only 2 things about land market:
1. There is a shadow market for land, but the legislature has extended the land market moratorium sixteen times.
2. Some oppose international competition that liberalizing the land market might bring.

I don’t see the author advocating the free land market here, it could mean number of solutions, getting rid of corruption (as Maidan leaders proclaimed and never did) could be one of them.

In my opinion, establishing open land market is a strong counter-corruption measure.
If the government has proper regulations and zoning that it enforces then private individuals could be allowed to sell their private properties in a free market. Corruption can buy any regulations. Until there is a transparency in Ukraine the government can’t be trusted to do what is best for Ukrainian citizens.

The land market is a part of the market economy.

Not true for the 3rd world corrupt countries like Ukraine: there is NO free market where corruption sets the price and determines the buyer, especially, for land.

P.S. Since you remain silent about RT article I posted, I guess there was NO lies there.
It is directly not said about free land market. But considering that the author is a member of the government now which is trying to establish this market, I suppose that he meant exactly that.

I don't believe in big government. I think the more government has regulatory functions and the more it has ways to influence economy and private businesses, then the more chances are that the corruotion in this government will thrive.

I haven't read the RT article and don't have much desire to do so. You can say in a nutshell what is written there if you want.
It is directly not said about free land market. But considering that the author is a member of the government now which is trying to establish this market, I suppose that he meant exactly that.
Ukraine as well as its government is under external control anyway.

I don't believe in big government. I think the more government has regulatory functions and the more it has ways to influence economy and private businesses, then the more chances are that the corruotion in this government will thrive.

Land market can't exist without regulations and without transparency corruption can easily get around any of them.

I haven't read the RT article and don't have much desire to do so. You can say in a nutshell what is written there if you want.
Then you can't RT is lying. Also I have a feeling you are not happy that Rudy Guiliany wants to investigate Biden's crimes in Ukraine because the world has a chance to know a lot of ugly truth about Ukraine. Don't worry, in our corrupt Ukraine it's not gonna happen.
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It is directly not said about free land market. But considering that the author is a member of the government now which is trying to establish this market, I suppose that he meant exactly that.
Ukraine as well as its government is under external control anyway.

I don't believe in big government. I think the more government has regulatory functions and the more it has ways to influence economy and private businesses, then the more chances are that the corruotion in this government will thrive.

Land market can't exist without regulations and without transparency corruption can easily get around any of them.

I haven't read the RT article and don't have much desire to do so. You can say in a nutshell what is written there if you want.
Then you can't RT is lying. Also I have a feeling you are not happy that Rudy Guiliany wants to investigate Biden's crimes in Ukraine because the world has a chance to know a lot of ugly truth about Ukraine. Don't worry, in our corrupt Ukraine it's not gonna happen.
There should be as few regulations as possible. The gevernment's influence on economy should be as low as possible. The government should be as small as possible. Do you get my idea? What else do you want to hear from me?

I should underline that there are no easy and quick solutions to get out of the situation Ukraine is now because of the years of mismanagement and corruption.

And establishing land market, full scale privatisation (except of a handful of strategic companies such as Energoatom) and significant lowering of state regulations are the steps which are inevitable. Of course they are not ideal and there are risks, but I am sure Ukraine should do them.

There are many fields in Ukraine that must be reformed - the judicial system (including our police because the reform which was undertaken is far from sufficient), the elections system, the authority of local communities, health care, pensions and so on.

I am not much concerned about an investigation against Biden. I am not sure what crimes you mean. If you are about Burisma, then what I can say about it is that Burisma is a private company owned by a former Yanukovich's official Zlochevsky (he was an Ecology Minister, IIRC). Basically, it is a right of the owner to hire everyone he wants. Why there was a need to hire a son of high-ranked American official after the change of power, one can guess.
There should be as few regulations as possible. The gevernment's influence on economy should be as low as possible. The government should be as small as possible. Do you get my idea? What else do you want to hear from me?
Quantity of regulations means a lot less than their quality. Transparency is the most important factor (which is impossible in our corrupt country) which you don’t seem to care much about and ready to invite even more corruption.

I am not much concerned about an investigation against Biden. I am not sure what crimes you mean. If you are about Burisma, then what I can say about it is that Burisma is a private company owned by a former Yanukovich's official Zlochevsky (he was an Ecology Minister, IIRC). Basically, it is a right of the owner to hire everyone he wants. Why there was a need to hire a son of high-ranked American official after the change of power, one can guess.
1. A foreign country VP Biden was interfering in Ukrainian internal affairs by blackmailing Poroshenko with firing Shokin who was prosecuting his son’s suspicious activities in Ukraine. Biden admitting it himself. Not a crime from your point of view?

2. Biden stole millions from your country (that’s just what became public) and never has been investigated in “independent” Ukraine which can’t even think about investigating her overseas bosses. Again you don’t care about investigation and the finding out the truth.
BREAKING, Ukraine MP Says Hunter Biden Stole Millions From Ukrainian Citizens

Burisma is a private company owned by a former Yanukovich's official Zlochevsky (he was an Ecology Minister, IIRC)..
Poroshenko was also in Yanukovich administration. Big problem of Ukraine is that almost all Ukrainian politicians have been political prostitutes

Poroshenko saw the Orange parties swept from power in 2010. Poroshenko resumed his affiliation with the Party of Regions in 2012, when he became minister of trade in the cabinet of Pres. Viktor Yanukovych.
Petro Poroshenko | Facts & Biography

All that ^ doesn’t seem to bother "patriots" like you. Unbelievable… Why were you preaching me about honesty then?
The USA hasn't defaulted on any debt, silly Commie.
Ok, and Commies actually killed the Czar, dear smart person. Stay with the subject of the thread if you would.

Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?

Ever bothered to look up the definitions?
Never. He prefers to bother us instead.

I suspect our zero college patriot didn't know adolf hated commies and socialists.
That why he inserted "national" into his socialist perty.
And lost the war by attacking Russia in the winter.
Ah well

adolf hated commies and socialists.

Yup, big government fascists hate big government commies.
Stalinists hated Trotskyists hated Mensheviks etc.
Ok, and Commyies actually killed the Czar, dear smart person. Stay with the subject of the thread if you would.

Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?

Ever bothered to look up the definitions?
Never. He prefers to bother us instead.

I love when Commies pretend Nazis are more evil.

Yup, don't see ayran in the commie def.
a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust.

Ah,info, too much to ask from trumpanzees/ trump u??

Yup, don't see ayran in the commie def.

Oh, the tens of millions killed by communists feel better knowing that.
I want to remind you honey that these lands doesn't belong to the state. Since almost 20 years ago. And what to do with a property is a right of the owner to decide.

Predictions about the collapse, don't play a fool honey.
I knew there were a lot of Zombies living in post coup Ukraine but you were able to surprise me with how deep the problem was.

We were talking about fake Ukrainian independence and you were trying to play a fool but just clearly confirmed: the lands didn't belong to the state. So, what belongs to your "independent' state besides misery, chaos, corruption, unpunished crimes and Nazis?
What did you want to say with this flow of consciousness? Do you want to say that you think that it is the state land which will be allowed to sell or what? Have you heard the word 'pai'?
I said what I said. Now you pretend not to understand English? Sorry, Russian and Ukrainian letters are forbidden on this forum.

You seem to be pretty good at spinning, have you been doing it for living?
You wrote a set of words with little meaning. And it seems you don't understand what you are talking about.

I will ask once more - Do you understand that this law will allow the selling the land which already is in private property? Do you know what the word 'pai' means?
Regardless of what this law allows on the paper in our 3rd world corrupt and very dependent on foreigners country technically it will allow whoever from wherever to do whatever they want on the lands they buy: to store/bury chemical and nuclear debris, to grow GMOs and so on and on. Anybody with any remains of brains should be able to understand it. You don't seem to or just pretend?

it will allow whoever from wherever to do whatever they want on the lands they buy: to store/bury chemical and nuclear debris,


Only Mother Russia is allowed to do that to Ukraine, eh comrade?
Ok, and Commies actually killed the Czar, dear smart person. Stay with the subject of the thread if you would.

Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?

Ever bothered to look up the definitions?
Never. He prefers to bother us instead.

I suspect our zero college patriot didn't know adolf hated commies and socialists.
That why he inserted "national" into his socialist perty.
And lost the war by attacking Russia in the winter.
Ah well

adolf hated commies and socialists.

Yup, big government fascists hate big government commies.
Stalinists hated Trotskyists hated Mensheviks etc.
Trolling again, comrade?
It is waste of the money to use one of the best arable lands in the world to store some debris.

I understand that you are a little bit slow, so I repeat it once more. This land is already private. Do you understand what this word means? And if it was possible no one could forbid the owners to do the things you described above.

Probably, lands are not privet enough for those who want them. Besides, when whoever buys the lands they will be able to do WHATEVER they want on those lands regardless if it makes sense or not like a monkey with a grenade, you won't be able to control them. And in our corrupt country the laws have been just a joke as well as human rights, Constitution and other things which are supposed to be democratic.


Bright example is Biden who made Poroshenko fire the prosecutor Shokin because Biden didn't want any investigation of his son's criminal activities in "independent" Ukraine. As we already know, it was pretty darn simple for Biden.

Also nobody has been punished for Busina assassination, for Odessa massacre, for Nazis attacks on churches, TV channels, offices etc. Ukraine has become wide open for any criminal activity and very dangerous for those who wants to stay honest and fair. If you don't know that you don't live in Ukraine.

All that fake independence (from nobody, basically) has had one of its main goals, selling the lands, almost achieved and it's coming to finita la comedia now. How can some people be so blind?
You seem to be slower than I expected. Okay, I will repeat it once again. The land is already private. This law doesn't change the status. And according to you logic (well, I understand that this word isn't appropriate for you) the owners would already have the possibility to do whatever they want with it. No matters they bought it or something else.

You can't do whatever you want with land you own. Because there are other laws which regulate producing GMOs for example or changing the status of the land.

Funny that you are constantly bitching about how corrupt and criminal Ukrainian government is, but at the same time you advocate their control of the land market. That is some form of masochism?
So, you don't seem to be bothered with crimes flourishing in Ukraine and with the fact that Ukrainian laws can't (or don't want to) stop them (I tried to remind you about some well known unpunished crimes and you ignored that). But you expect some magic laws to control Ukrainian lands selling. Unbelievable. Be so kind, name some other countries which sold their lands.
What a stupid question - "sold their lands". Are you playing a fool, trolling or really that dense? Ukraine as a state won't be selling any lands. The owners of these lands are Mykola, Petro, Stepan and other citizens of Ukraine. They are owners, not the state. The fact that Mykola owns the land doesn't change the fact that this land is Ukrainian territory and Ukrainian laws are applied there. When Mykola will sell his land to Petro or some company, the land will change its owner, but at the same time it won't change the fact that the land will be the territory of Ukraine.

The land market exists in the vast majority of countries. The US is among them for example.

Yes unbelievable. Corrupt and unlawful government, as you constantly crying, and at the same time you are in favour of this government controlling the land market. That is what unbelievable.
Law enforcement is still strong in US (as well as in Japan mentioned by you) that’s why crooks like Biden prefer make their dirty money in 3rd world countries like Ukraine.

Same people who have been destroying USA (slowly) are now destroying Ukraine (very quickly). Americans call them Deep State and Soros is one of them. Soros is going to buy the vast majority of Ukrainian lands (through shell companies, of course). I’m sure Ukrainian Media will never mention his name. But all your Mykolas and Petros will end up with the same last name: Soros. And you, ostriches, are welcoming it.

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Soros is going to buy the vast majority of Ukrainian lands

How many acres? Is he going to move them somewhere?

Is he going to take them with when he dies?
Killing the Czar doesn't mean Commies can just default on their debt.

Still working on the list of differences between Nazis and Commies?
Or are you admitting they're basically the same thing?

Ever bothered to look up the definitions?
Never. He prefers to bother us instead.

I suspect our zero college patriot didn't know adolf hated commies and socialists.
That why he inserted "national" into his socialist perty.
And lost the war by attacking Russia in the winter.
Ah well

adolf hated commies and socialists.

Yup, big government fascists hate big government commies.
Stalinists hated Trotskyists hated Mensheviks etc.
Trolling again, comrade?

If that's what you call mocking Russian idiocy......sure.

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