Brexit busted.

Its a process. The Brexit camp have already admitted that two of their main campaign planks were "misunderstood".
Firstly that money saved by brexit would support the NHS. That aint gonna happen.
Nigel Farage disowns Vote Leave '£350m for the NHS pledge' hours after EU referendum result

Secondly that the levels of immigration would fall. Again they have backtracked on that.
EU referendum: No promise of immigration drop - Nigel Evans MP - BBC News

When the brexit negotiations start it will become apparent how bad a deal it is for the UK. The government, whoever it is will be forced to go back to the country and say "this is the actual deal, do you still want it ?"

If there is no deal cut inside two years then british manufacturers will automatically face 12% tariffs when exporting to Europe. Why would Eurpean countries offer us better terms than that unless we knuckle down and accept the EU terms.

So you can have decent terms if you allow free movement and all the other stuff that the brexiteers hate.

Or you can pay through the nose and see jobs lost.

The reality of that will focus minds more than the fantasy weaved by the brexiters.

The former would be the status quo, the latter would be a disaster.

A second vote is inevitable.

"You cant always get what you want"

The facts are that:
  • Wales voted in favour of leaving the EU
  • England voted in favour of leaving the EU
  • Scotland voted in favour of staying in the EU and may now vote for independence and seek membership in the EU
  • Northern Ireland voted in favour of staying in the EU and could reunite with the Republic of Ireland and remain in the EU
There will be no second referendum and Great Britain may have to change its name to reflect the fact that only two countries remain in the "United Kingdom" .......England and Wales.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

There will have to be a second referendum. The consequences of Brexit will be so grim that the public will need to be consulted.

= Stuck on denial.
Perhaps you might ask an adult to help you form an argument. At the moment you support the public not having the facts.
Hey Limey, get your fat ass to bed. Its late and your cognitive abilities have failed you once again.

This 'Limey' shames us other Limeys.

Fact is that we voted for, and will obtain, our freedom from a bureaucratic, largely undemocratic control-freaking colossus. One moving towards so-called 'SuperState' status, in which all its member States must march to the beat of the Brussels drum. No freedom to do otherwise.

Here's the truth. The UK, until it formally cuts ties with the EU, will have to maintain porous borders, meaning that 50 percent of all immigration is out of its control. This is unacceptable, and our electorate found it to be. They acted accordingly.

More ... the EU is a house of cards waiting to be toppled. Greece, with its small economy, nonetheless gave the EU a major headache not too long ago. Similar, but rather larger 'headaches' can be expected when other weak economies default in future. I don't believe the EU will ultimately stand up to the enormous pressures this will foist on other EU members ... and we'll see the EU eventually disintegrate.

Happily, we'll have got out in time. I believe the UK's long-term future is the brightest one of all on my part of the planet !
Once Article 50 is activated a deal has to be completed within 2 years, if not:

"If no deal is reached, membership will automatically cease two years after notification"

Brexit referendum: EU ministers press UK for quick exit - BBC News

Hard to imagine that the 27 remaining EU countries would be willing to allow the UK a second referendum.


The reading I've done, and in the last days I've read a hell of a lot of British press, confirms that Article 50 must be activated within two years but that only (in this instance) Britain can activate it. True there is all sorts of scurrying about to try to find a way to force activation but none yet has been found (as of this writing).

The EU wants the exit to take place as quickly as possible to avoid further chaos. The longer the exit lasts the more toxic it becomes. France will hold presidential elections in 2017 and Le Pen has said she wants a referendum for France. If the EU doesn't make it clear before than that leaving the EU has undesirable consequences and pushes French voters to elect someone other than Le Pen than the EU is finished.

The EU seems ready to accept any statement by the British in order to claim that notification under article 50 has been delivered:

"The European Union has clarified the way the UK can kickstart formal negotiations to exit the bloc following Thursday's referendum."

"It says Britain can trigger Article 50, which sets a two-year deadline for a deal, by making a formal declaration either in a letter or a speech."

Brexit: EU spells out procedure for UK to leave - BBC News

The EU wants them out now and will look to any justification to do so.

Once Article 50 is activated a deal has to be completed within 2 years, if not:

"If no deal is reached, membership will automatically cease two years after notification"

Brexit referendum: EU ministers press UK for quick exit - BBC News

Hard to imagine that the 27 remaining EU countries would be willing to allow the UK a second referendum.


The reading I've done, and in the last days I've read a hell of a lot of British press, confirms that Article 50 must be activated within two years but that only (in this instance) Britain can activate it. True there is all sorts of scurrying about to try to find a way to force activation but none yet has been found (as of this writing).

The latest evidence that the EU will seek to trigger article 50 in the coming days:

"Britain need not send a formal letter to the European Union to trigger a two-year countdown to its exit from the bloc, EU officials said, implying British Prime Minister David Cameron could start the process when he speaks at a summit on Tuesday."

"'Triggering' ... could either be a letter to the president of the European Council or an official statement at a meeting of the European Council duly noted in the official records of the meeting," a spokesman for the council of EU leaders said."

'No need to write, David,' impatient EU tells Cameron

Its a process. The Brexit camp have already admitted that two of their main campaign planks were "misunderstood".
Firstly that money saved by brexit would support the NHS. That aint gonna happen.
Nigel Farage disowns Vote Leave '£350m for the NHS pledge' hours after EU referendum result

Secondly that the levels of immigration would fall. Again they have backtracked on that.
EU referendum: No promise of immigration drop - Nigel Evans MP - BBC News

Soon, on all TV channels of Britain, pro-Brexit politicians about their promises.

The facts are that:
  • Wales voted in favour of leaving the EU
  • England voted in favour of leaving the EU
  • Scotland voted in favour of staying in the EU and may now vote for independence and seek membership in the EU
  • Northern Ireland voted in favour of staying in the EU and could reunite with the Republic of Ireland and remain in the EU
There will be no second referendum and Great Britain may have to change its name to reflect the fact that only two countries remain in the "United Kingdom" .......England and Wales.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

There will have to be a second referendum. The consequences of Brexit will be so grim that the public will need to be consulted.

= Stuck on denial.
Perhaps you might ask an adult to help you form an argument. At the moment you support the public not having the facts.
Hey Limey, get your fat ass to bed. Its late and your cognitive abilities have failed you once again.

This 'Limey' shames us other Limeys.

Fact is that we voted for, and will obtain, our freedom from a bureaucratic, largely undemocratic control-freaking colossus. One moving towards so-called 'SuperState' status, in which all its member States must march to the beat of the Brussels drum. No freedom to do otherwise.

Here's the truth. The UK, until it formally cuts ties with the EU, will have to maintain porous borders, meaning that 50 percent of all immigration is out of its control. This is unacceptable, and our electorate found it to be. They acted accordingly.

More ... the EU is a house of cards waiting to be toppled. Greece, with its small economy, nonetheless gave the EU a major headache not too long ago. Similar, but rather larger 'headaches' can be expected when other weak economies default in future. I don't believe the EU will ultimately stand up to the enormous pressures this will foist on other EU members ... and we'll see the EU eventually disintegrate.

Happily, we'll have got out in time. I believe the UK's long-term future is the brightest one of all on my part of the planet !

Really? The £ in freefall, the equivalent of 15 years EU contributions wiped off the stock market in a single day, the Brexit lying scum actually having the gall to admit they lied about the how they'd pend the £350million a day on the NHS (whoever believed that in the first place, is too stupid to be allowed a vote, in my view) amongst other lies they peddled. France overtaking us as the world's 5th largest economy, loosing our AAA credit rating....and we haven't formally said we're leaving yet.

Long term, macro-economically, means a periond of around 7-10 years, that added to the 2 year exit, means we're looking at 9-12 years of chaos and "super-austerity", with no guarentee of things improving after that time. That brightness you see on this particular part of the planet is the flash of the nuclear explosion, just before the fireball engulfs not only you, but the next generation.

Add to that the fact that Brexiters are crawling out from whatever rocks they came from and sayind "I didn't mean it" makes me ashamed of my fellow countrymen and how monumentaly stupid they've been.

The Bregretters! Meet the voters who wish they'd chosen to remain

I voted for Brexit - and now I realise what a terrible mistake I made
There will have to be a second referendum. The consequences of Brexit will be so grim that the public will need to be consulted.

= Stuck on denial.
Perhaps you might ask an adult to help you form an argument. At the moment you support the public not having the facts.
Hey Limey, get your fat ass to bed. Its late and your cognitive abilities have failed you once again.

This 'Limey' shames us other Limeys.

Fact is that we voted for, and will obtain, our freedom from a bureaucratic, largely undemocratic control-freaking colossus. One moving towards so-called 'SuperState' status, in which all its member States must march to the beat of the Brussels drum. No freedom to do otherwise.

Here's the truth. The UK, until it formally cuts ties with the EU, will have to maintain porous borders, meaning that 50 percent of all immigration is out of its control. This is unacceptable, and our electorate found it to be. They acted accordingly.

More ... the EU is a house of cards waiting to be toppled. Greece, with its small economy, nonetheless gave the EU a major headache not too long ago. Similar, but rather larger 'headaches' can be expected when other weak economies default in future. I don't believe the EU will ultimately stand up to the enormous pressures this will foist on other EU members ... and we'll see the EU eventually disintegrate.

Happily, we'll have got out in time. I believe the UK's long-term future is the brightest one of all on my part of the planet !

Really? The £ in freefall, the equivalent of 15 years EU contributions wiped off the stock market in a single day, the Brexit lying scum actually having the gall to admit they lied about the how they'd pend the £350million a day on the NHS (whoever believed that in the first place, is too stupid to be allowed a vote, in my view) amongst other lies they peddled. France overtaking us as the world's 5th largest economy, loosing our AAA credit rating....and we haven't formally said we're leaving yet.

Long term, macro-economically, means a periond of around 7-10 years, that added to the 2 year exit, means we're looking at 9-12 years of chaos and "super-austerity", with no guarentee of things improving after that time. That brightness you see on this particular part of the planet is the flash of the nuclear explosion, just before the fireball engulfs not only you, but the next generation.

Add to that the fact that Brexiters are crawling out from whatever rocks they came from and sayind "I didn't mean it" makes me ashamed of my fellow countrymen and how monumentaly stupid they've been.

The Bregretters! Meet the voters who wish they'd chosen to remain

I voted for Brexit - and now I realise what a terrible mistake I made
The propaganda and fear mongering by those who want elitist rule from Brussels, has unfortunately duped many.
... Brexiters are crawling out from whatever rocks they came from ...

So, anyone who disagrees with your lordship on this issue must have 'crawled out from under a rock'?
They must demonize and marginalize their political opponents.

I mean really...who wouldn't want to be ruled by a bunch of unaccountable elitists, with unlimited power????
There will have to be a second referendum. The consequences of Brexit will be so grim that the public will need to be consulted.

= Stuck on denial.
Perhaps you might ask an adult to help you form an argument. At the moment you support the public not having the facts.
Hey Limey, get your fat ass to bed. Its late and your cognitive abilities have failed you once again.

This 'Limey' shames us other Limeys.

Fact is that we voted for, and will obtain, our freedom from a bureaucratic, largely undemocratic control-freaking colossus. One moving towards so-called 'SuperState' status, in which all its member States must march to the beat of the Brussels drum. No freedom to do otherwise.

Here's the truth. The UK, until it formally cuts ties with the EU, will have to maintain porous borders, meaning that 50 percent of all immigration is out of its control. This is unacceptable, and our electorate found it to be. They acted accordingly.

More ... the EU is a house of cards waiting to be toppled. Greece, with its small economy, nonetheless gave the EU a major headache not too long ago. Similar, but rather larger 'headaches' can be expected when other weak economies default in future. I don't believe the EU will ultimately stand up to the enormous pressures this will foist on other EU members ... and we'll see the EU eventually disintegrate.

Happily, we'll have got out in time. I believe the UK's long-term future is the brightest one of all on my part of the planet !

Really? The £ in freefall, the equivalent of 15 years EU contributions wiped off the stock market in a single day, the Brexit lying scum actually having the gall to admit they lied about the how they'd pend the £350million a day on the NHS (whoever believed that in the first place, is too stupid to be allowed a vote, in my view) amongst other lies they peddled. France overtaking us as the world's 5th largest economy, loosing our AAA credit rating....and we haven't formally said we're leaving yet.

Long term, macro-economically, means a periond of around 7-10 years, that added to the 2 year exit, means we're looking at 9-12 years of chaos and "super-austerity", with no guarentee of things improving after that time. That brightness you see on this particular part of the planet is the flash of the nuclear explosion, just before the fireball engulfs not only you, but the next generation.

Add to that the fact that Brexiters are crawling out from whatever rocks they came from and sayind "I didn't mean it" makes me ashamed of my fellow countrymen and how monumentaly stupid they've been.

The Bregretters! Meet the voters who wish they'd chosen to remain

I voted for Brexit - and now I realise what a terrible mistake I made

I don't know for certain either way on the entire thing, but I have to laugh at your post for a different reason.

It's funny how people run around "Democracy!" this, and "Democracy" that, and it's democracy wonderful, and isn't democracy fantastic, and democracy will fix everything.

Then you get the democracy you want.... and all of a sudden.... "whoever believed that in the first place, is too stupid to be allowed a vote, in my view". Suddenly you shouldn't have democracy if you believe that! And "ashamed of my fellow countrymen" who engaged in Democracy.

Funny how that works. Democracy is great and wonderful and perfect, and the solution to all problems, until.... they vote against you, and then how dare they, how stupid of them, how dumb the public is. They shouldn't have Democracy.

Dude... this is democracy. You are getting what you asked for. The public spoke. Power to the people man. That's how democracy works.
The EU wants the exit to take place as quickly as possible to avoid further chaos. The longer the exit lasts the more toxic it becomes. France will hold presidential elections in 2017 and Le Pen has said she wants a referendum for France. If the EU doesn't make it clear before than that leaving the EU has undesirable consequences and pushes French voters to elect someone other than Le Pen than the EU is finished.

The EU seems ready to accept any statement by the British in order to claim that notification under article 50 has been delivered:

"The European Union has clarified the way the UK can kickstart formal negotiations to exit the bloc following Thursday's referendum."

"It says Britain can trigger Article 50, which sets a two-year deadline for a deal, by making a formal declaration either in a letter or a speech."

Brexit: EU spells out procedure for UK to leave - BBC News

The EU wants them out now and will look to any justification to do so.


And there you have it. Confirmation that The EU is all about bullying and threatening. Even trying to interfere in national elections. May I please have your permission to forward this to Ms. Le Pen? I'm sure it would be helpful in convincing French voters that the change in national leadership has to come quickly if their freedom to vote in/out is to be maintained.
The EU wants the exit to take place as quickly as possible to avoid further chaos. The longer the exit lasts the more toxic it becomes. France will hold presidential elections in 2017 and Le Pen has said she wants a referendum for France. If the EU doesn't make it clear before than that leaving the EU has undesirable consequences and pushes French voters to elect someone other than Le Pen than the EU is finished.

The EU seems ready to accept any statement by the British in order to claim that notification under article 50 has been delivered:

"The European Union has clarified the way the UK can kickstart formal negotiations to exit the bloc following Thursday's referendum."

"It says Britain can trigger Article 50, which sets a two-year deadline for a deal, by making a formal declaration either in a letter or a speech."

Brexit: EU spells out procedure for UK to leave - BBC News

The EU wants them out now and will look to any justification to do so.


And there you have it. Confirmation that The EU is all about bullying and threatening. Even trying to interfere in national elections. May I please have your permission to forward this to Ms. Le Pen? I'm sure it would be helpful in convincing French voters that the change in national leadership has to come quickly if their freedom to vote in/out is to be maintained.

Yeah, because the UK, or any other nation, has never done that.

You flipped off the EU, and now you are complaining because they want you out even more than you want to leave?

This is how it works dude. The EU has been fighting to keep unity for several years now, and you just slapped them in the face with the biggest 'screw you' vote since the EU was formed.

Now you expect them to be happy and friendly as you leave? I'm not sure what you expected the reaction of the EU to be after spending 5 years trying to hold the EU together, only to have the UK suddenly and abruptly vacate, but your expectations are unreasonable.

Not don't get me wrong. I don't know if leaving the EU was good or bad in the long run. But spare me this complaining and moaning about how the EU is taking this badly. You should have known from the very start, that leaving the EU would have consequences, and that you were going to make a ton of people extremely upset. You made that choice, so buck up and take it, and stop whining about it.
The EU wants the exit to take place as quickly as possible to avoid further chaos. The longer the exit lasts the more toxic it becomes. France will hold presidential elections in 2017 and Le Pen has said she wants a referendum for France. If the EU doesn't make it clear before than that leaving the EU has undesirable consequences and pushes French voters to elect someone other than Le Pen than the EU is finished.

The EU seems ready to accept any statement by the British in order to claim that notification under article 50 has been delivered:

"The European Union has clarified the way the UK can kickstart formal negotiations to exit the bloc following Thursday's referendum."

"It says Britain can trigger Article 50, which sets a two-year deadline for a deal, by making a formal declaration either in a letter or a speech."

Brexit: EU spells out procedure for UK to leave - BBC News

The EU wants them out now and will look to any justification to do so.


And there you have it. Confirmation that The EU is all about bullying and threatening. Even trying to interfere in national elections. May I please have your permission to forward this to Ms. Le Pen? I'm sure it would be helpful in convincing French voters that the change in national leadership has to come quickly if their freedom to vote in/out is to be maintained.

Henry, can I call you Henry?....probably not. Anyway the issue is presenting voters with the facts and consequences of their vote, something that many who voted to leave the EU now claim they really didn't understand.....some who voted for Brexit in fact claim that they were lied to by politicians and now regret their vote to leave.

Several arguments were given by Brexit politicians in prompting voters to leave the EU. For example:

That the 350 million a week sent as the UK's contribution to the EU could be better spent on the UK's National Health Service (NHS). Leave the EU and save the NHS...........The morning after the vote UKIP's Mr. Farage admitted this was a mistake.

Another claim motivating voters to leave the EU was that it would reduce the number of immigrants in the UK. That was also a lie.

"When asked to say if migration to the UK would fall significantly now the country was leaving the EU, Mr Evans answered: “No.""

Nigel Evans says idea that Brexit will bring immigration down is a 'misunderstanding'

The argument that Brexit supporters made that they could simply renegotiate a trade deal with the EU freeing them from any of the present cost and obligations was the biggest lie of all. To access the EU market as an independent country the UK will have to follow a model similar to that used by Norway:
  • accept freedom of movement.
  • pay into the EU's structural fund
  • the UK will still have to abide by all the EU rules the British hate but now they will have no say or influence in their creation
Before the vote Norway paid more per capita to the EU than the UK because as an EU member country the UK enjoyed a rebate. Now the UK will have more to pay, no influence and all the rules they hate.

Brits look to Norway for post-Brexit model. Norwegians urge Brits to look again.

Brexit voters were lied to.

The next country should know the truth and consequences of their decision and should they choose to leave they do so as an informed choice, something that British voters were not given.

There will have to be a second referendum. The consequences of Brexit will be so grim that the public will need to be consulted.

= Stuck on denial.
Perhaps you might ask an adult to help you form an argument. At the moment you support the public not having the facts.
Hey Limey, get your fat ass to bed. Its late and your cognitive abilities have failed you once again.

This 'Limey' shames us other Limeys.

Fact is that we voted for, and will obtain, our freedom from a bureaucratic, largely undemocratic control-freaking colossus. One moving towards so-called 'SuperState' status, in which all its member States must march to the beat of the Brussels drum. No freedom to do otherwise.

Here's the truth. The UK, until it formally cuts ties with the EU, will have to maintain porous borders, meaning that 50 percent of all immigration is out of its control. This is unacceptable, and our electorate found it to be. They acted accordingly.

More ... the EU is a house of cards waiting to be toppled. Greece, with its small economy, nonetheless gave the EU a major headache not too long ago. Similar, but rather larger 'headaches' can be expected when other weak economies default in future. I don't believe the EU will ultimately stand up to the enormous pressures this will foist on other EU members ... and we'll see the EU eventually disintegrate.

Happily, we'll have got out in time. I believe the UK's long-term future is the brightest one of all on my part of the planet !

Really? The £ in freefall, the equivalent of 15 years EU contributions wiped off the stock market in a single day, the Brexit lying scum actually having the gall to admit they lied about the how they'd pend the £350million a day on the NHS (whoever believed that in the first place, is too stupid to be allowed a vote, in my view) amongst other lies they peddled. France overtaking us as the world's 5th largest economy, loosing our AAA credit rating....and we haven't formally said we're leaving yet.

Long term, macro-economically, means a periond of around 7-10 years, that added to the 2 year exit, means we're looking at 9-12 years of chaos and "super-austerity", with no guarentee of things improving after that time. That brightness you see on this particular part of the planet is the flash of the nuclear explosion, just before the fireball engulfs not only you, but the next generation.

Add to that the fact that Brexiters are crawling out from whatever rocks they came from and sayind "I didn't mean it" makes me ashamed of my fellow countrymen and how monumentaly stupid they've been.

The Bregretters! Meet the voters who wish they'd chosen to remain

I voted for Brexit - and now I realise what a terrible mistake I made

The markets change. They go down. They recover. It's been the established nature of them for around a century, at least !!

Uncertainty is hated, and is reacted against. This is, RIGHT NOW, what the Brexit vote has supplied .. in their minds, anyway. But these circumstances will change, as they inevitably do, and a resurgence will happen. I can't say when. I can say with great confidence that it WILL.

It's my belief that the EU is a house of cards just waiting to collapse. Possibly through other Member States quitting, but I think it far more likely that the end will come from another Greece-like fiscal default, only coming from a far larger economy, requiring a far larger and more crippling bailout to steady the scales. The crunch will come from the rest of the EU's fitness to respond .. and even their willingness to.

We will not be a part of any such unfolding failure. We will therefore do massively better ! Yes, WE are the long-term future of stable economics in my part of the world. I feel it !!
The EU wants the exit to take place as quickly as possible to avoid further chaos. The longer the exit lasts the more toxic it becomes. France will hold presidential elections in 2017 and Le Pen has said she wants a referendum for France. If the EU doesn't make it clear before than that leaving the EU has undesirable consequences and pushes French voters to elect someone other than Le Pen than the EU is finished.

The EU seems ready to accept any statement by the British in order to claim that notification under article 50 has been delivered:

"The European Union has clarified the way the UK can kickstart formal negotiations to exit the bloc following Thursday's referendum."

"It says Britain can trigger Article 50, which sets a two-year deadline for a deal, by making a formal declaration either in a letter or a speech."

Brexit: EU spells out procedure for UK to leave - BBC News

The EU wants them out now and will look to any justification to do so.


And there you have it. Confirmation that The EU is all about bullying and threatening. Even trying to interfere in national elections. May I please have your permission to forward this to Ms. Le Pen? I'm sure it would be helpful in convincing French voters that the change in national leadership has to come quickly if their freedom to vote in/out is to be maintained.

Yeah, because the UK, or any other nation, has never done that.

You flipped off the EU, and now you are complaining because they want you out even more than you want to leave?

This is how it works dude. The EU has been fighting to keep unity for several years now, and you just slapped them in the face with the biggest 'screw you' vote since the EU was formed.

Now you expect them to be happy and friendly as you leave? I'm not sure what you expected the reaction of the EU to be after spending 5 years trying to hold the EU together, only to have the UK suddenly and abruptly vacate, but your expectations are unreasonable.

Not don't get me wrong. I don't know if leaving the EU was good or bad in the long run. But spare me this complaining and moaning about how the EU is taking this badly. You should have known from the very start, that leaving the EU would have consequences, and that you were going to make a ton of people extremely upset. You made that choice, so buck up and take it, and stop whining about it.

Unity is wanted because power is wanted. It's all about power. The greater the act of subsuming a nation to your will, the greater the power exercised.

The EU is all about remolding in order to consolidate power.

The EEC was its forerunner .. existing for the purpose of facilitating trade, and simply that. It's mutated out of all recognition to become a power-hungry colossus.

The UK has a right to self-determination. Any of the EU's Member States do, and I wish them every success in gaining it. Yet ... to what extent does Brussels rule them ?

It's reckoned that it'll take around TEN years to 'de-louse' the British set of laws to remove all EU interference in our affairs, courtesy of them all !!!
The facts are that:
  • Wales voted in favour of leaving the EU
  • England voted in favour of leaving the EU
  • Scotland voted in favour of staying in the EU and may now vote for independence and seek membership in the EU
  • Northern Ireland voted in favour of staying in the EU and could reunite with the Republic of Ireland and remain in the EU
There will be no second referendum and Great Britain may have to change its name to reflect the fact that only two countries remain in the "United Kingdom" .......England and Wales.

It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

There will have to be a second referendum. The consequences of Brexit will be so grim that the public will need to be consulted.

Once Article 50 is activated a deal has to be completed within 2 years, if not:

"If no deal is reached, membership will automatically cease two years after notification"

Brexit referendum: EU ministers press UK for quick exit - BBC News

Hard to imagine that the 27 remaining EU countries would be willing to allow the UK a second referendu

Its unprecedented.But they wont want to lose the UK and will do what it takes.
I support the English, and if they want out, that is OK. It might hurt my 401k and the market, But I am ok with that. I really wished the UK had stayed in the EU. But I will stick with them, whatever.
It is now clear that the out campaign was a pack of lies. That cant be right.
It blew me away, I never thought after all the work of getting the UK in the EU would be taken away like that. And my understanding is older folks supported the leave push, and I respect that. I am sure there is a undercurrent to this that popular press or the netbots ignore. They can't anymore.
The UK will devolve into England and Wales and will return to what it was, economically, before it was allowed to join the EEC (now the EU).
Well, I disagree with and agree with it too Tommy. My take away is people don't like being dictated to by a minority of whatever group. There is a revolution going on here. Listen to us.

What minority was that? The problem is the English want it their way and believed their small minority should control the other 400 million Europeans. The empire is gone, so up your's English. The EU will go on and may have a new member, Scotland. NI will merge with Ireland who will receive much of the companies and investment that was going to the UK. Sadly, the progressive and more educated English and Welsh are the losers.
The minority would be those that want Britain to remain in the EU, you fill in the blanks, Einstein. I would have rather they stayed in. It fills me with sadness and gloom, but I see this as a democratic revolution. Turn and face the changes.
Well, I disagree with and agree with it too Tommy. My take away is people don't like being dictated to by a minority of whatever group. There is a revolution going on here. Listen to us.

What minority was that? The problem is the English want it their way and believed their small minority should control the other 400 million Europeans. The empire is gone, so up your's English. The EU will go on and may have a new member, Scotland. NI will merge with Ireland who will receive much of the companies and investment that was going to the UK. Sadly, the progressive and more educated English and Welsh are the losers.
The minority would be those that want Britain to remain in the EU, you fill in the blanks, Einstein. I would have rather they stayed in. It fills me with sadness and gloom, but I see this as a democratic revolution. Turn and face the changes.

The UK was a minority in the EU, you moron. They tried to dictate terms to the majority while representing 10% of the EU population.

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