Brexit victory means slump in the economy

You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion

total bullshit. It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with intelligence and the desire to control ones own life. Socialism has failed, as it always does. Freedom works, as it always has. You are a relic of the 60s Marxist collectivist brainwashing. Said another way, you are a loser.
Your way is the unthinking, unwashed silliness of the mccarthyism of the fifties. The millennials want nothing to do with the wacky reactionary rump raiding rangers of the far right.
Starkey is just parroting what he is reading and listening to on the leftist web sites and news organizations.

He is a parrot after all.

Remember and do not forget that he is an American hating asshole who believes this country has been illegitimate from its founding and 100% believes it has never been great at any point in history.

The leftists are arrogant and they will not ( I an assure you) see the message of the vote. They will blame virtually this entire "disaster" on white Christians and capitalists. They will report it as it being a "disaster."

"Starkey is just parroting what he is reading and listening to on the leftist web sites and news organizations.

He is a parrot after all."

I beg to differ, owl.....

Psittacine species, parrots, have a brain to body ration equal to that of chimpanzees. As such, parrots are the smartest of all birds with the cognitive capacity of a five-year-old child.

Clearly you have overestimated Jake the Fake....

...and owe an apology to parrots.
And all of you are going to say it was the media's fault when Dangerous Donnie does not get 35% of the vote in November.

You people are just stupid. You let your emotions control you. You can't think clearly.

Which is why referenda are idiocy.
Pound is tanking and the far right reactionary rump raiding rangers are wailing.

I have told my broker to look at property in Greater London. The values will be greater in East Anglia but who wants to live among the unwashed.
East Anglia???


Lots and lots of FUDGE there...
Lots and lots of moors, etc. The land is greatly over inflated. Well, Greater London is as well. But do you want to live out there in the marshes with Uthred the Unloved or in London?
"Brexit victory means slump in the economy"

Illustrating the idiocy of referenda to decide such important issues and the fundamental failing of democracies.

Ha, spoken like a true Globalist Elite Bootlicker. NWO scum hate Democracy. Fluck em and their New World Order. WTG Great Britain!
Ever heard the phrase "no pain, no gain"?
It will be well worth it in the end regaining their sovereignty
Ever heard the phrase "no pain, no gain"?
It will be well worth it in the end regaining their sovereignty
They always had their sovereignty, bud. And they just showed how badly they used it. Well, they deserve the shellacking that is coming then. The Scots, at least, will get out.
I bet my portfolio this would happen, but I think it will not be good for many Brits and a few Americans.

Cameron will have to resign.

US futures tumble after UK votes to quit EU; David Cameron plans to resign
So you might double your $100 life savings?
We have our broker looking at property in Greater London. You interested?
You're a pretty disingenuous sort and bringing this up after the fact stinks of...well, you.
I bet my portfolio this would happen, but I think it will not be good for many Brits and a few Americans.

Cameron will have to resign.

US futures tumble after UK votes to quit EU; David Cameron plans to resign
So you might double your $100 life savings?
We have our broker looking at property in Greater London. You interested?
You're a pretty disingenuous sort and bringing this up after the fact stinks of...well, you.
Demonstrates clear sight on my part and a envy on yours. The "winners" deserve the financial pillorying they are going to take.
Why do you hate the mother country so much starkey? They just done good and you're bitter at them for breaking away from a corrupt bankrupt EU.
I am delighted they were that stupid. The Scots are bitter, as is Greater London, at the old farts who sold everybody down river.

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