Brexit victory means slump in the economy

OK, the crazies are on the loose.

The falls will be worldwide primarily in the equities markets.

Citi, JP Morgan, etc., are down and down.

temporary emotional drop, buy, buy, buy. its TEMPORARY.
I agree with you, but I will wait some.

Like you invested in Brexit passing? :lmao:

And you don't know HOW you invested to do that. Is your "portfolio" what you call your lunch money, Jake?
Go back and read what I wrote. You so act out of your emotions, that you read "want" you want it to say instead of what it says. :lol:
Frank wants to take America backwards to mccarthyville and that is why he has hopes pinned on Trump. When Trump does not get 35% of the vote, Frank will have a heart attack.
The brexit vote has flushed the far right and libertarians into the light where all can see what they are and how they want to hurt everyone with whom they disagree.

Time to make some money, suckers!

See you in a while.
OK, the crazies are on the loose.

The falls will be worldwide primarily in the equities markets.

Citi, JP Morgan, etc., are down and down.

The crazies are the Left Wingers that keeping doing the same dumbass failed things over and over again.
Brexit does not mean any slump in the economy. It means certain investors are very angry with British voters and want to make it appaer Britain made a mistake by not following the advice of their "media," which wanted them to stay.

I'll bet anyone here that the Pound outperforms the Euro in the next 5 years.
OK, the crazies are on the loose.

The falls will be worldwide primarily in the equities markets.

Citi, JP Morgan, etc., are down and down.

temporary emotional drop, buy, buy, buy. its TEMPORARY.
I agree with you, but I will wait some.

Like you invested in Brexit passing? :lmao:

And you don't know HOW you invested to do that. Is your "portfolio" what you call your lunch money, Jake?
Go back and read what I wrote. You so act out of your emotions, that you read "want" you want it to say instead of what it says. :lol:

It says

I bet my portfolio this would happen

You didn't read your OP, Jake? I asked what investments you made to do that. There is not an investment called "Brexit."

As for emotions, what does asking you how you bet on Brexit an emotion? You crying again and just projecting?

What were the investment moves you made to bet on Brexit? Just admit you lied about that
I bet my portfolio this would happen, but I think it will not be good for many Brits and a few Americans.

Cameron will have to resign.

US futures tumble after UK votes to quit EU; David Cameron plans to resign
Fuck the EU, The sooner it falls the better for the world.

Better how?

when the citizens get fed up, they remove stupid corrupt governments. The European socialists are being kicked out by the sane members of society, and that is good for the world.
You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion
You old fogey losers are something else. But here in the US, unlike GB, there are not enough you to pull everybody else down with a press complicit in your evil.

"Young Britons—the multicultural generation which grew up in and of Europe, the people who have only ever known European passports—voted overwhelmingly to remain. They’re the generation that just lost its future. Meanwhile, Britons over the age of 65, fed a diet of lies by a sensationalist UK press, voted by a large margin to leave" Fusion

total bullshit. It has nothing to do with age, it has to do with intelligence and the desire to control ones own life. Socialism has failed, as it always does. Freedom works, as it always has.

You are a relic of the 60s Marxist collectivist brainwashing. Said another way, you are a loser.
Yes, the NWO Globalist bastards will seek revenge on England. They'll try to make things miserable for it for awhile. But the Brits will get through it. They've gotten through tougher times.

However I have to admit i'm very surprised the People rose up against the Globalist Elites this way. It's very rare. Gotta give huge props to the brave British People. Now hopefully Americans will see that they can defeat the Globalists too.

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