Brexit victory means slump in the economy

I bet my portfolio this would happen, but I think it will not be good for many Brits and a few Americans.

Cameron will have to resign.

US futures tumble after UK votes to quit EU; David Cameron plans to resign

Jake what part of the EU has become a dictatorship did you miss? What part of Britain paid billions more to the EU than they got back? What part of Cameron was giving away all of Britain's sovereignty did you overlook?

I put up a thread on why Brexit needed to happen. These were my three biggies off the list. And I am over the moon that Britain will return to her Commonwealth roots and I welcome her with open arms.

God Bless the Queen and the Union Jack!


We pay far more into the EU budget than we get back — making a net contribution of around £8.5 billion last year (£23 million a day), which is more than we spend on the police service or border controls.

The NHS costs £8.5 billion a month and the Health Service would get an extra £5 billion a year as a result of Brexit.

Also, almost £1 billion of British cash goes to the EU for international aid.

Oh and most definitely these two.


Parliament is powerless, under EU treaties, to defend itself against the rulings of the European Court of Justice — which has interfered in everything from the price of beer to the right to deport terror suspects.

The UK has lost three-quarters of the cases it’s challenged since 1973. This makes a mockery of the idea that the UK’s Supreme Court is supreme.


Thanks to Brussels diktats, some of the EU’s most evil killers, rapists and drug-dealers have been allowed to remain here — because their right to free movement has been put ahead of keeping the British public safe.

A report by the Labour-led Commons Home Affairs Committee said the number of foreign criminals who had not been deported could fill a ‘small town’. British jails hold almost 10,000 foreign prisoners — including 1,000 Poles."

Read more: Undecided? Read this essential primer...
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I bet my portfolio this would happen, but I think it will not be good for many Brits and a few Americans.

Cameron will have to resign.

US futures tumble after UK votes to quit EU; David Cameron plans to resign
You would never fit in with America;s greatest generation

His was the ideology we fought against

You fought in WWII?

What branch?

Unlike you and Jake, I'm proud to be American and don't feel the need to transform it into a third world socialist shithole
So now President Shit for Brains is planning on putting the Brits at the end of the line. How cute!.
He insults many with his numerous ignorant statements, yet the MSM seldom reports this crap let alone offering any criticism. This will change if an R gets in the WH.

Oh the speech he gave was appalling. Telling Britain that for America Britain would have to go to the back of the queue.

One has to understand that Obama's man Messina has been counselling Cameron AND set up the "Stay" campaign. Glad he's now out of a job.
So now President Shit for Brains is planning on putting the Brits at the end of the line. How cute!.
He insults many with his numerous ignorant statements, yet the MSM seldom reports this crap let alone offering any criticism. This will change if an R gets in the WH.

Oh the speech he gave was appalling. Telling Britain that for America Britain would have to go to the back of the queue.

One has to understand that Obama's man Messina has been counselling Cameron AND set up the "Stay" campaign. Glad he's now out of a job.
Yes. Most insulting, yet did anyone in the MSM condemn or even offer the slightest criticism? He has said so many insulting things during is presidency.

Trump says something mild in comparison, and the MSM goes nuts..and leftist dupes get all crazy.
The far right fascists and the libertarian kooks are hilarious.

They think the fascist Trump will bring them liberty.
The far right fascists and the libertarian kooks are hilarious.

They think the fascist Trump will bring them liberty.

The Leftest dumbasses that got themselves into that debt ridden oppressive politically correct EU quagmire were the idiots.

At least most the people in the UK had the intelligence to tell the Libtard assholes to fuck off.

We need to do the same thing here in the US and tell the Libtards to cram it.
Unlike you and Jake, I'm proud to be American and don't feel the need to transform it into a third world socialist shithole

So by "we" you really mean "they".

And you might want to reserve your pride for personal accomplishments and not for winning a birthing lottery.
The Dow will have a couple of bad days, then everything will be just fine. Monday is probably a very good day to put in some buy orders.
The market was going to overreact regardless of which direction this vote went.

The pundits predicting doom & gloom are just guessing.

There's an investing theory called the "Odd Lot Theory": It essentially says to look at what most people are doing and do the opposite.


People are silly.
Independence Day in the UK.

We need to have the same kind of independence from big Leftest failed government here in the US.
Unlike you and Jake, I'm proud to be American and don't feel the need to transform it into a third world socialist shithole

So by "we" you really mean "they".

And you might want to reserve your pride for personal accomplishments and not for winning a birthing lottery.

You and Michael/Michelle Obama might not feel proud to be an American, but I am
OK, the crazies are on the loose.

The falls will be worldwide primarily in the equities markets.

Citi, JP Morgan, etc., are down and down.
I have no doubt the Fed will do everything in its power to tank the economy when Trump wins
OK, the crazies are on the loose.

The falls will be worldwide primarily in the equities markets.

Citi, JP Morgan, etc., are down and down.

Time to audit the Fed and see why they feel its in their mission to manipulate the markets
The far right fascists and the libertarian kooks are hilarious.

They think the fascist Trump will bring them liberty.

We have liberty via the constitution. Obozo has ignored the constitution, Trump will follow it. End of story
The end of the story will be when he overthrows it.

No president can overthrow the constitution, Obama tried and failed. Only left wing socialists are threatened by individual freedom.

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