Brexit won't happen when UK finds pill too bitter to swallow

One of the lessons that has not been learned is the obvious one from my point of view. The people who are elected to represent the voters, don't understand that they are the lucky ones. The situation has become one in where the voters are supposed to feel lucky that the Representative has allowed them to vote for him/her. A mentality that is hard to get rid of, and one despite the evidence of changing attitudes in the electors, has yet to be embraced.

No, I think you're wrong. Many of the electors don't need to care about the voters simply because they can advertise themselves to death. Trump didn't win because people are fed up with politicians, Trump won because he is more entertaining, says more lies, basically tells many people what they want to hear, and gives them hope, something to give them the chance at a better life (that will never happen).

Let's be honest. Democrats had the majority from the 2006 election until 2010. Why? How did they get the majority? Republicans appeared out of touch with the voters. The Democrats played on that sensation, and we won. Good. Now what happened next? The Democrats told the Blue Dogs that they were scum and had to vote for whatever the people from the safe seat districts wanted. If the Blue Dogs balked, they were told to do it or the Party wouldn't support them during the next election.

Then when those Blue Dogs were defeated, the Party cheered and said good riddance. Who wanted those rural redneck idiots anyway? Well the Party may not want them, but it does need them if they want to maintain the majority.

Trump tapped into that. He told the people what they wanted to hear, and if he gives it a fight for what the people want, he'll be able to keep the voters in those districts behind him. Hillary told the people what they really wanted was something completely different. The Party just won't learn.

In 2006 people from all over sent Bricks to Congress to protest the Bush Co. Amnesty plan. McCain showed his ass and said that it wasn't Amnesty. Bush showed his ass and said that racism was the only reason that people objected to it. The Republicans lost in 2008. The Democrats showed their ass in 2010 and were voted out. When the people didn't like what the ACA was turning into, and then Pelosi showed her ass and said you have to pass it to find out what is in it, the Party was doomed to the minority.

It isn't a company where you have to do what the boss wants. It isn't the Military where you have to obey those who are above you. It is the real world where you had better represent that which the people electing you, believe in. If you don't, then you lose. It's that simple.
Yes, it's exactly what I see. People who love populist politics because it gives their sad or boring little lives some hope. The hope might turn to nothing, but they enjoy the ride getting there, and enjoy insulting people and explaining why they are better than everyone else because they are "right" somehow.
wow, you hid the real meaning and your real feelings really well in that post...I doubt anyone will pick up on it

And what meaning and feeling do you think I hid?
One of the lessons that has not been learned is the obvious one from my point of view. The people who are elected to represent the voters, don't understand that they are the lucky ones. The situation has become one in where the voters are supposed to feel lucky that the Representative has allowed them to vote for him/her. A mentality that is hard to get rid of, and one despite the evidence of changing attitudes in the electors, has yet to be embraced.

No, I think you're wrong. Many of the electors don't need to care about the voters simply because they can advertise themselves to death. Trump didn't win because people are fed up with politicians, Trump won because he is more entertaining, says more lies, basically tells many people what they want to hear, and gives them hope, something to give them the chance at a better life (that will never happen).

Let's be honest. Democrats had the majority from the 2006 election until 2010. Why? How did they get the majority? Republicans appeared out of touch with the voters. The Democrats played on that sensation, and we won. Good. Now what happened next? The Democrats told the Blue Dogs that they were scum and had to vote for whatever the people from the safe seat districts wanted. If the Blue Dogs balked, they were told to do it or the Party wouldn't support them during the next election.

Then when those Blue Dogs were defeated, the Party cheered and said good riddance. Who wanted those rural redneck idiots anyway? Well the Party may not want them, but it does need them if they want to maintain the majority.

Trump tapped into that. He told the people what they wanted to hear, and if he gives it a fight for what the people want, he'll be able to keep the voters in those districts behind him. Hillary told the people what they really wanted was something completely different. The Party just won't learn.

In 2006 people from all over sent Bricks to Congress to protest the Bush Co. Amnesty plan. McCain showed his ass and said that it wasn't Amnesty. Bush showed his ass and said that racism was the only reason that people objected to it. The Republicans lost in 2008. The Democrats showed their ass in 2010 and were voted out. When the people didn't like what the ACA was turning into, and then Pelosi showed her ass and said you have to pass it to find out what is in it, the Party was doomed to the minority.

It isn't a company where you have to do what the boss wants. It isn't the Military where you have to obey those who are above you. It is the real world where you had better represent that which the people electing you, believe in. If you don't, then you lose. It's that simple.

Yes, Trump tapped into something. But what?

It's not hard. Obama said "Hope" and Trump said "hope" and Hillary didn't say it, and McCain didn't say it, and Romney didn't say it. Is this a simplistic view? Sure it is, but hope is a powerful message. Politicians can offer hope, no one can say they didn't achieve this because it's not quantifiable in any way, it's a matter of opinion. It's perfect. "Make America Great Again", bullshit, but people pick up on it.
Yes, Trump tapped into something. But what?

It's not hard. Obama said "Hope" and Trump said "hope" and Hillary didn't say it, and McCain didn't say it, and Romney didn't say it. Is this a simplistic view? Sure it is, but hope is a powerful message. Politicians can offer hope, no one can say they didn't achieve this because it's not quantifiable in any way, it's a matter of opinion. It's perfect. "Make America Great Again", bullshit, but people pick up on it.[/QUOTE]
Worked for Reagan, too; no substance, but a well received show.

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