Bribery is a loser

What sort of things have I ignored?


theres over 6 hrs of tape and you talked about 5 minutes of it,,,

A lot of it is Beck mugging for the camera. He's a clown. By my estimate, there's probably about 30 minutes of actual content. My favorite parts are where he tried to claim Shokin might not have been corrupt by, get this, ignoring everything that had to do with his corruption. Shokin claimed in his testimony to have never been criticized by the Obama administration when in fact there is a public record of our ambassador criticizing his office well before Biden showed up.

Anyway, what relevant information did I ignore?
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,

Are you referring to Shokin in this reply?


I guess you think I’m posting under different names but that’s not true. I’ve replied to everyone of your posts with a substantive statement.
he thinks you are my secret profile... the dude is off his rocker

hes one of you ignorant fuckers,,,

theres over 6 hrs of tape and you talked about 5 minutes of it,,,

A lot of it is Beck mugging for the camera. He's a clown. By my estimate, there's probably about 30 minutes of actual content. My favorite parts are where he tried to claim Shokin might not have been corrupt by, get this, ignoring everything that had to do with his corruption. Shokin claimed in his testimony to have never been criticized by the Obama administration when in fact there is a public record of our ambassador criticizing his office well before Biden showed up.

Anyway, what relevant information did I ignore?
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,

Shokin scuttled a UK investigation into Burisma’s owner by refusing to assist with evidence.

Shokin’s own prosecutors were found with millions of dollars worth of diamonds. The investigators tasked with determining why Shokin’s prosecutors (who were allies with him) had all these diamonds were dismissed. Makes you wonder.
what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,

Are you referring to Shokin in this reply?


I guess you think I’m posting under different names but that’s not true. I’ve replied to everyone of your posts with a substantive statement.
he thinks you are my secret profile... the dude is off his rocker

hes one of you ignorant fuckers,,,

That’s not nice. I know more about this than you. I’m trying to share some wisdom.

theres over 6 hrs of tape and you talked about 5 minutes of it,,,

A lot of it is Beck mugging for the camera. He's a clown. By my estimate, there's probably about 30 minutes of actual content. My favorite parts are where he tried to claim Shokin might not have been corrupt by, get this, ignoring everything that had to do with his corruption. Shokin claimed in his testimony to have never been criticized by the Obama administration when in fact there is a public record of our ambassador criticizing his office well before Biden showed up.

Anyway, what relevant information did I ignore?
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,

Are you referring to Shokin in this reply?

Sorry man but to get 20 GOP senators to vote with all the Dem senators that is only going to happen with public support and that is also a consensus in my mind. It’s just a word though, no big deal.

IMO trump wins the mud slinging game and that’s what a senate impeachment trial would be. I also think that Trump becomes a martyr and the divide in the country goes to fever pitch if he is removed from office. Best thing for this country is an overwhelming loss in next year election. Let the people kick his ass out of there and give him no room to cry foul

At the time the public hearings started, support for impeachment AND removal inched upwards of 50%. I agree, it's a weak measure of what Goober Senators are facing while heading into an election, but...

In my mind, the country is getting increasingly tired of president Spectacle's perennial spectacle, and the mud slinging in particular. They've had their fill. It may well be that you are right, and Trump will be re-elected, but that's not because of impeachment, but a fairly diverse set of circumstances have to align for that to happen, and impeachment is only one of these. On the other hand, if Democrats in the House right now fold, and - having officially started Impeachment procedures - don't bring their case to the Senate, they are going to lose a significant portion of their support, all but sealing their fate. That's to say, your narrative is wanting, as it leaves out a lot of contradictory influences on the election in 2020, many of which we don't even know right now.

Clearly, "Impeachment guarantees Trump's re-election" is patently wrong. The House folding is much more likely to guarantee that outcome, not least because it would tear the Democratic party apart. Overwhelming defeat for Trump is actually the least likely outcome as of now, because he has a significant portion of all-out hooligans supporting him no matter what.

All that said, Impeachment is the procedure the body politic uses to cleanse itself, part of the national hygiene. It is an end in itself, the nation through its representatives expressing their disapproval of corruption in the highest office of the land. In the face of brazen corruption, that procedure shall not be halted and meekly shelved because it is politically dicey. In fact, that would amount to dereliction of duty, and set a devastating precedent for presidents to come. With that, I disagree with every aspect of your argument, from beginning to end. Again, it is distressing no end to see reasonable folk, such as you, not able or not willing to see things for what they are, and shrinking in the face of peril to the nation.
Last edited:

theres over 6 hrs of tape and you talked about 5 minutes of it,,,

A lot of it is Beck mugging for the camera. He's a clown. By my estimate, there's probably about 30 minutes of actual content. My favorite parts are where he tried to claim Shokin might not have been corrupt by, get this, ignoring everything that had to do with his corruption. Shokin claimed in his testimony to have never been criticized by the Obama administration when in fact there is a public record of our ambassador criticizing his office well before Biden showed up.

Anyway, what relevant information did I ignore?
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?
Are you referring to Shokin in this reply?


I guess you think I’m posting under different names but that’s not true. I’ve replied to everyone of your posts with a substantive statement.
he thinks you are my secret profile... the dude is off his rocker

hes one of you ignorant fuckers,,,

That’s not nice. I know more about this than you. I’m trying to share some wisdom.
He likes to be ignorant to the facts. If Beck didn’t say it then it’s not true
A lot of it is Beck mugging for the camera. He's a clown. By my estimate, there's probably about 30 minutes of actual content. My favorite parts are where he tried to claim Shokin might not have been corrupt by, get this, ignoring everything that had to do with his corruption. Shokin claimed in his testimony to have never been criticized by the Obama administration when in fact there is a public record of our ambassador criticizing his office well before Biden showed up.

Anyway, what relevant information did I ignore?
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???

Oleksandr Korniets and Volodymyr Shapakin
Sorry man but to get 20 GOP senators to vote with all the Dem senators that is only going to happen with public support and that is also a consensus in my mind. It’s just a word though, no big deal.

IMO trump wins the mud slinging game and that’s what a senate impeachment trial would be. I also think that Trump becomes a martyr and the divide in the country goes to fever pitch if he is removed from office. Best thing for this country is an overwhelming loss in next year election. Let the people kick his ass out of there and give him no room to cry foul

At the time the public hearings started, support for impeachment AND removal inched upwards of 50%. I agree, it's a weak measure of what Goober Senators are facing while heading into an election, but...

In my mind, the country is getting increasingly tired of president Spectacle's perennial spectacle, and the mud slinging in particular. They've had their fill. It may well be that you are right, and Trump will be re-elected, but that's not because of impeachment, but a fairly diverse set of circumstances have to align for that to happen, and impeachment is only one of these. On the other hand, if Democrats in the House right now fold, and - having officially started Impeachment procedures - don't bring their case to the Senate, they are going to lose a significant portion of their support, all but sealing their fate. That's to say, your narrative is wanting, as it leaves out a lot of contradictory influences on the election in 2020, many of which we don't even know right now.

Clearly, "Impeachment guarantees Trump's re-election" is patently wrong. The House folding is much more likely to guarantee that outcome, not least because it would tear the Democratic party apart. Overwhelming defeat for Trump is actually the least likely outcome as of now, because he has a significant portion of all-out hooligans supporting him no matter what.

All that said, Impeachment is the procedure the body politic uses to cleanse itself, part of the national hygiene. It is an end in itself, the nation through its representatives expressing their disapproval of corruption in the highest office of the land. In the face of brazen corruption, that procedure shall not be halted and meekly shelved because it is politically dicey. In fact, that would amount to dereliction of duty, and set a devastating precedent for president's to come. With that, I disagree with every aspect of your argument, from beginning to end. Again, it is distressing no end to see reasonable folk, such as you, not able or not willing to see things for what they are, and shrinking in the face of peril to the nation.
i appreciate your POV but I disagree with the politics of it. I want to see a mandate by the people to get trump out by their vote and a much needed movement towards unity in this country
my friends, there's a reason CNN dispatched a whole bunch folks to Russia to try to verify the Steele Dossier and came up with nothing. its because this whole thing is a sham, my friends!

i remember when i first told my husband about the dossier, he laughed his ass off. it was like something from The Onion, he quipped
theres also a letter from our congress signed by Ron Johnson amounts other GOP and Dem senators calling out the corruption in his office

what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
colfax_m spelled out the burisma situation in simple terms so even you can understand. He also listed names. Your question ha e been answered directly, take notes. All this talk about me being ignorant to the facts and you have no clue about these easily researched facts. All this mind reading about what Biden was thinking but not even an attempt to analyze Ron Johnson. You’re done man
my friends, there's a reason CNN dispatched a whole bunch folks to Russia to try to verify the Steele Dossier and came up with nothing. its because this whole thing is a sham, my friends!

i remember when i first told my husband about the dossier, he laughed his ass off. it was like something from The Onion, he quipped
Everything is a sham now a days... word of the week
what corruption??? wheres the charges ???

wheres the follow up to his conviction???

at this point the evidence shows he was being silenced because he wanted it reopened,,,
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
colfax_m spelled out the burisma situation in simple terms so even you can understand. He also listed names. Your question ha e been answered directly, take notes. All this talk about me being ignorant to the facts and you have no clue about these easily researched facts. All this mind reading about what Biden was thinking but not even an attempt to analyze Ron Johnson. You’re done man

so no list??/

sounds like it was all a lie and shokin was fired because he was trying to open the investigation back up
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
colfax_m spelled out the burisma situation in simple terms so even you can understand. He also listed names. Your question ha e been answered directly, take notes. All this talk about me being ignorant to the facts and you have no clue about these easily researched facts. All this mind reading about what Biden was thinking but not even an attempt to analyze Ron Johnson. You’re done man

so no list??/

sounds like it was all a lie and shokin was fired because he was trying to open the investigation back up
Corruption in Ukraine didn’t end with Shokin. His predecessor also had a very bad reputation... I don’t know what your trying to prove by asking for a list but it’s a irrelevant point that you are trying to make.

if you need proof that Shokin was considered corrupt by most the world just do some research. Biden was not a driving force or lone voice on this issue

EU hails sacking of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
colfax_m spelled out the burisma situation in simple terms so even you can understand. He also listed names. Your question ha e been answered directly, take notes. All this talk about me being ignorant to the facts and you have no clue about these easily researched facts. All this mind reading about what Biden was thinking but not even an attempt to analyze Ron Johnson. You’re done man

so no list??/

sounds like it was all a lie and shokin was fired because he was trying to open the investigation back up

Where’s the evidence he was trying to open the investigation back up?
he wasn’t doing his job and prosecuting corrupt politicians and business owners. So he was fired. That doesn’t mean they charged him with a crime.

so are you claiming the Ron Johnson called out Shokins office because he wanted The Burisma investigation dropped? You really gonna go with that?


who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
colfax_m spelled out the burisma situation in simple terms so even you can understand. He also listed names. Your question ha e been answered directly, take notes. All this talk about me being ignorant to the facts and you have no clue about these easily researched facts. All this mind reading about what Biden was thinking but not even an attempt to analyze Ron Johnson. You’re done man

so no list??/

sounds like it was all a lie and shokin was fired because he was trying to open the investigation back up

You just can't stop lying, can you?

You were given a list with two names. That, by the definition, is a list...


a simple series of words or numerals (such as the names of persons or objects)

who was later charge with corruption that he failed to prosecute???

and I never said anything about ron johnson,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
colfax_m spelled out the burisma situation in simple terms so even you can understand. He also listed names. Your question ha e been answered directly, take notes. All this talk about me being ignorant to the facts and you have no clue about these easily researched facts. All this mind reading about what Biden was thinking but not even an attempt to analyze Ron Johnson. You’re done man

so no list??/

sounds like it was all a lie and shokin was fired because he was trying to open the investigation back up
Corruption in Ukraine didn’t end with Shokin. His predecessor also had a very bad reputation... I don’t know what your trying to prove by asking for a list but it’s a irrelevant point that you are trying to make.

if you need proof that Shokin was considered corrupt by most the world just do some research. Biden was not a driving force or lone voice on this issue

EU hails sacking of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin

when all you have is the EU and UN as a source on corruption it usually means their corruption is being investigated,,,
they are after all one of the 2 most corrupt groups on the planet,,,

OH and I didnt see a list of who shokin refused to prosecute,,,
Well then say something about him because I’ve asked several times and you dodge answering. Was Ron Johnson trying to help Hunter Biden by signing that letter?

sorry not a mind reader,,,

and where is that list of names he refuse to prosecute for corruption???
colfax_m spelled out the burisma situation in simple terms so even you can understand. He also listed names. Your question ha e been answered directly, take notes. All this talk about me being ignorant to the facts and you have no clue about these easily researched facts. All this mind reading about what Biden was thinking but not even an attempt to analyze Ron Johnson. You’re done man

so no list??/

sounds like it was all a lie and shokin was fired because he was trying to open the investigation back up
Corruption in Ukraine didn’t end with Shokin. His predecessor also had a very bad reputation... I don’t know what your trying to prove by asking for a list but it’s a irrelevant point that you are trying to make.

if you need proof that Shokin was considered corrupt by most the world just do some research. Biden was not a driving force or lone voice on this issue

EU hails sacking of Ukraine’s prosecutor Viktor Shokin

when all you have is the EU and UN as a source on corruption it usually means their corruption is being investigated,,,
they are after all one of the 2 most corrupt groups on the planet,,,

OH and I didnt see a list of who shokin refused to prosecute,,,
haha, why do I have to do all your homework for you. I should start charging you. How many times did you call me ignorant and now we sit here and you don’t know these obvious things?! Wow, talk about clueless...

Here you go. Read slowly and comprehend.

President Petro Poroshenko appointed Shokin to the role in February 2015. From the outset, he stood out by causing great damage even to Ukraine’s substandard legal system. Most strikingly, Shokin failed to prosecute any single prominent member of the Yanukovych regime. Nor did he prosecute anyone in the current government.

Shokin skillfully blocked reform. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution, which the European Union had insisted on for years. It aimed to reduce the role of the prosecutors, who were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine. The law also involved a reevaluation of all prosecutors with the intention of weeding out corrupt and incompetent prosecutors. Shokin manipulated the process so successfully that the old prosecutors prevailed and minimal renewal occurred.

Shokin’s Revenge: Ukraine’s Odious Prosecutor General Fires Honest Deputy Before Parliament Sacks Him - Atlantic Council

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