Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
Hamas will go to ground and blend in with the local populace when confronted with a trained army like the IDF. They have no guts for a fair fight.


The guning down civilians,

or/and bomb placing - for years,

the atrocities Oct/7 (including obsession with gential area of men and women),

the always masked ..

the hiding-like-rata in tunnels...


The most voluminous evidence is of bodily mutilation of sexual organs by bullet, knife or even scissors, according to an NBC News analysis of the evidence currently available. “They had a thing with sexual organs, both in women and men,” a first responder told police in videotaped testimony.

A woman whose job it was to open the body bags of women and prepare their bodies for burial told NBC News in an interview Monday that she saw multiple female corpses that had been mutilated. “They were shot in the vagina, they were shot in the breast,” she said. “And this seemed like a systematic attempt at genital mutilation.”

Pictures of victims of the Nova music festival attack are displayed at the site near Kibbutz Re'im and Israel's border with Gaza on Nov. 28, 2023.

Pictures of victims of the Nova music festival attack are displayed at the site near Kibbutz Re'im and Israel's border with Gaza on Nov. 28.Spencer Platt / Getty Images

The most detailed eyewitness account of rape is from a young woman who attended the Supernova music festival where more than 350 young people were killed.

“They laid a woman down and I understood that he is raping her …they passed her on to another person“ the witness told police in a video reviewed by NBC News. “And he cuts her breasts, he throws it on the road they are playing with it.”

Israeli officials pointed to a Hamas pamphlet discovered on Nov. 2 that gives detailed instructions about how to pronounce phrases in Hebrew including “raise your hands and open your legs” and “take off your pants.”

During interrogations, captured Hamas militants talked about raping women and children as a Hamas tactic of war. “To have our way with them, to dirty them, to rape them,” said one Hamas militant during a videotaped interrogation.

Another captured militant refers to dead bodies raped on Oct. 7. “Having sex with dead bodies,” the militant said in a videotaped interrogation reviewed by NBC News. “Meaning the body of a dead young woman,” the militant told interrogators.

Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony
By Yaron Steinbuch.
Published Dec. 5, 2023

Last edited:

The guning down civilians,

or/and bomb placing - for years,

the atrocities Oct/7 (including obsession with gential area of men and women),

the always masked ..

the hiding-like-rata in tunnels...


The most voluminous evidence is of bodily mutilation of sexual organs by bullet, knife or even scissors, according to an NBC News analysis of the evidence currently available. “They had a thing with sexual organs, both in women and men,” a first responder told police in videotaped testimony.

A woman whose job it was to open the body bags of women and prepare their bodies for burial told NBC News in an interview Monday that she saw multiple female corpses that had been mutilated. “They were shot in the vagina, they were shot in the breast,” she said. “And this seemed like a systematic attempt at genital mutilation.”

Pictures of victims of the Nova music festival attack are displayed at the site near Kibbutz Re'im and Israel's border with Gaza on Nov. 28, 2023.

Pictures of victims of the Nova music festival attack are displayed at the site near Kibbutz Re'im and Israel's border with Gaza on Nov. 28.Spencer Platt / Getty Images

The most detailed eyewitness account of rape is from a young woman who attended the Supernova music festival where more than 350 young people were killed.

“They laid a woman down and I understood that he is raping her …they passed her on to another person“ the witness told police in a video reviewed by NBC News. “And he cuts her breasts, he throws it on the road they are playing with it.”

Israeli officials pointed to a Hamas pamphlet discovered on Nov. 2 that gives detailed instructions about how to pronounce phrases in Hebrew including “raise your hands and open your legs” and “take off your pants.”

During interrogations, captured Hamas militants talked about raping women and children as a Hamas tactic of war. “To have our way with them, to dirty them, to rape them,” said one Hamas militant during a videotaped interrogation.

Another captured militant refers to dead bodies raped on Oct. 7. “Having sex with dead bodies,” the militant said in a videotaped interrogation reviewed by NBC News. “Meaning the body of a dead young woman,” the militant told interrogators.

Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony
By Yaron Steinbuch.
Published Dec. 5, 2023

It’s beyond sick what the Muslim terrorists did to these poor women - and children! - yet 75% of “innocent” Palestinians support it.

And the radical left marching in support of Palestinians are thus supporting it as well. Antisemitism is ”the in thing” these days.
It’s beyond sick what the Muslim terrorists did to these poor women - and children! - yet 75% of “innocent” Palestinians support it.

And the radical left marching in support of Palestinians are thus supporting it as well. Antisemitism is ”the in thing” these days.

Did you read what l posted on another thread about that genocide?

And here‘re some more prevarications.

It’s beyond sick what the Muslim terrorists did to these poor women - and children! - yet 75% of “innocent” Palestinians support it.

And the radical left marching in support of Palestinians are thus supporting it as well. Antisemitism is ”the in thing” these days.
One can also remember the "innocent civilian" masses, how they moaned from "joy" and abused half naked girls upon arriving in s-ithole-Gaza on that dark page in history Oct.7.23.

the Lebanese newspaper Sada al-Janub has called for flights;

the Jordanian Daily, Felastin, of 17.05.1955 describes how the evacuation of Akko (Acre) of 17.05.1948 went according to plan;

in the Felastin of 19.02.1949 and in the Cairo Daily people call for an evacuation.


In 1958, Falastin openly blamed the Arabs for Arab Palestinian refugees problem: link:
The most dramatic editorial to appear thus far was in today’s Falastin which said the Arabs were responsible for the existence of the refugee problem. It held the Arabs at fault for refusing to cooperate in 1947 with the UN partition decision, with invading Israel in 1947 and with obstructing the resettlement efforts of the past 10 years.[/I[

Of 30,000 Gaza - genocidal Arab terrorists - how many eliminated?​

Not really key because the question should be
How many have been created ?
Answers in round million terms please .

The USless , along with its proxy , Israel , have really sown the seeds of their possible destruction .
Deep State must be ecstatic, with everything so far going to plan .
How did U.S. stock market players days before the terrorist attack in Israel dumped shares of Israeli companies?
Out of 30,000 racist Arab-terrorists -- who control Gaza-health-ministry -- how many eliminated?

Regardless of selective 'only children' images provided by Hamas to the media...

Analysis: Israel targets Hamas tunnels in new phase of Gaza war.
Nov 7, 2023 — Hamas is estimated to have a force of between 20,000 and 30,000 fighters, according to Israeli security sources.


Palestinian use human shields




View attachment 868622

Hilarious, that Rashida meme.
Luiza supports the child killers Palestinian-Islamic regime who cause the fatalities of both sides
Not much difference between Hamas and the Palestinian people, when polls show that about 86% strongly or somewhat support Hamas.
Luiza supports the child killers Palestinian-Islamic regime who cause the fatalities of both sides
I remember the words from a letter from home found on a dead german soldier, something like, "we all here are outraged by the senseless resistance of the russians, because of which the casualties continue"....

Something like that could well be found on the body of an Israeli soldier.....
Tja ganz toll

How that 'racist motivated poster' luiza has been desperately using the word "desperate".🤣🤣🤣
There waa never an Arab Palestine state.
In the early 1900s, there were the Turks then British mandate.
But why did Arab racism object Jews returnees to their historic land?

It was during this time, in the 1920s that the International League Against Anti-Semitism (LICA) was founded by Bernard Lecache.[64] Some Muslim reformers agreed with Lecache, among them Abdelhamid Ben Badis, Mohammed Salah Bendjelloul, and Sheikh Tayeb El-Okbi. Lecache believed in Arab-Jewish reconciliation against rising inter-communal tensions. El-Okbi would later say that "LICA is the true incarnation of the Islamic spirit.

The Qur’an says that humans are born brothers and that Islam does not make a difference between races. True Muslims do not belittle other races. They are against hatred of people, injustice and inequality."

In 1939, Abder-Rahmane Fitrawe published Le racisme et l’Islam ("Racism and Islam") which sought to illustrate the threat of Nazism and Fascism by arguing that they went against the teachings of Islam.

Some of these Muslim intellectuals were criticized for allying with Jewish leaders and calling for Muslim-Jewish collaboration.


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