Out of 30,000 "palestinian"-terrorists Hamas/PIJ: how many were eliminated?

  • 10,000

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • 15,000

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 70% of whatever Jihad regime provides

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Most of them - eliminated

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most killed are non-combatants human shields used by Hamas

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
The irony.

In 1948, the Arabs in Mandatory-Palestine were told by their leaders, including (Hitler's) Mufti, to leave, to flee the land before the Arab states (and Arab fighters, trained, aided by former SS throw the Jews into the sea..

While the Arab world kicked out almost a Million Jews. Ethnic cleansed.

Now, the Jihado-fascist Arab-Supremacist HAMAS
(who also control the "Health ministry Gaza" and the pictures you see on TV coming out from Gaza and their mouthpiece is mostly al JihadZeera) tells (and previously forced) people to stay for their 'dead baby strategy'. Despite humane Israel urging them to leave, for their safety.

Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: 'Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis'

It's a good thing they left.the Zionists destroyed more than 300 Arab villages.

Since October 7 they have killed over 15,000 Palestinians... 70% are women and children.
Real ethnic cleansing...

It's a good thing they left.the Zionists destroyed more than 300 Arab villages.

Since October 7 they have killed over 15,000 Palestinians... 70% are women and children.

Only 15,000?
If they were trying to kill Arabs, why aren't there hundreds of thousands dead?
Hamas will go to ground and blend in with the local populace when confronted with a trained army like the IDF. They have no guts for a fair fight.
Many fled to Egypt via terror tunnels - I presume.
Hamas will go to ground and blend in with the local populace when confronted with a trained army like the IDF. They have no guts for a fair fight.
In carefully selected images Gaza regime supplies , one rarely sees men.. NM
The subjugated people are the civilians in Gaza, being subjugated by Hamas which is the Government in Gaza.

Israel LEFT Gaza in 2005. There was no need for any rockets to be fired into Israel after Israel left.

So what was Hamas excuse from then on till now?
I remember the words from a letter from home found on a dead german soldier, something like, "we all here are outraged by the senseless resistance of the russians, because of which the casualties continue"....

Something like that could well be found on the body of an Israeli soldier.....
That’s very romantic but fact is, no Palestinian showed outrage over the attrocities of Oct. 7. Even before Israel had started its retaliation. in fact a majority celebrated and supported it.
The Racist supporters of the Child Killers dare not read how the Jews made milliions out of the False Flag on the exchanges .,
There is a thread by LL but it is unwise for racists to look at material which undoes their wickedness .

Similarly , a thread that shows how the Child Killers have an AI system that they employ for general genocide .
Any civilians will do , say the Nutty Yahooists .
I bet Hezbollah are polishing their missiles and attaching friendly messages to the casing .
They only have about 200 000 but that could make life tricky for Israel .rofl .
The Racist supporters of the Child Killers dare not read how the Jews made milliions out of the False Flag on the exchanges .,
There is a thread by LL but it is unwise for racists to look at material which undoes their wickedness .

Similarly , a thread that shows how the Child Killers have an AI system that they employ for general genocide .
Any civcilian will do .
I bet Hezbollah are polishing their missiles and attaching friendly messages to the casing .
They only have about 200 000 but that could make life tricky for Israel .
Meh, nobody bothers reading and deciphering these incoherent responses filled with mumbo jumbo. Hezbollah and Iran have already told Hamas they’re on their own.
That’s very romantic but fact is, no Palestinian showed outrage over the attrocities of Oct. 7. Even before Israel had started its retaliation. in fact a majority celebrated and supported it.
You know, there were russians, who welcomed the Nazi invasion of the USSR

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