"Brilliant" Trump drives up health care costs (again)!

Wrong. President Obama did not write the bill or create the bill. He did what no other president has done, and that is to reform health care in America.

Propagandists yelled "Socialism" and the biddable fools all echoed this foolish BIG LIE. The PPACA was not perfect, but it was not a clusterfuck (such as Trump's tariff policy and The Congress' recent Tax Bill). Any problems in Obamacare could and can be fixed, except the Republican Party hated to see their benefactors (Hospitals, Instance Companies, LLP practices) provide more and profit less.

For years the R's complained that people needed to be personally responsible. And yet went people were required to pay for some of the health insurance or be fined, they called that unreasonable & unfair. Isn't that a rejection of the claim by the conservatives that the poor expect everything free?

Wake up people, the republican party is dishonest to its core.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
great--- FORCE people to pay for things they don't need--
sounds like Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Jim Jones,
that sounds real American ---
how about we make people to pay for crap--??
You mean like paying for rich people's tax cuts or a stupid border wall that won't do jack squat along the border?

Sorry sunshine, IMPOSSIBLE to say any given person won't "need" health care. Ridiculous assertion....
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
/----/ Great idea. Now make auto insurance mandatory for everyone man, woman and child even if they don't own a car, to lower my insurance rates. Man you libtards are brilliant.
Awesome! Ummmmmm, anyone who owns a car DOES have to pay for insurance. WHY? Because they could get into an accident and affect other people. The difference with health insurance is you never know when you're going to need it. I did not, for example, know that I was going to have open heart surgery 10 years ago. Thank God I had insurance or it would've bankrupted me. NO AMERICAN should be put into a situation where they have to choose between health and bankruptcy. It isn't only ethically wrong....it is a really stupid way to run a society.

Think of it as modern day Darwinism.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
/----/ Great idea. Now make auto insurance mandatory for everyone man, woman and child even if they don't own a car, to lower my insurance rates. Man you libtards are brilliant.
Awesome! Ummmmmm, anyone who owns a car DOES have to pay for insurance. WHY? Because they could get into an accident and affect other people. The difference with health insurance is you never know when you're going to need it. I did not, for example, know that I was going to have open heart surgery 10 years ago. Thank God I had insurance or it would've bankrupted me. NO AMERICAN should be put into a situation where they have to choose between health and bankruptcy. It isn't only ethically wrong....it is a really stupid way to run a society.
/----/ I said EVEN IF THEY DON'T OWN A CAR. And please don't pretend you don't know the distinction. BTW, liability insurance is required to cover those who you hurt or whose property you damage while driving. If your car is paid off then Comprehensive is optional.
Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
/----/ Great idea. Now make auto insurance mandatory for everyone man, woman and child even if they don't own a car, to lower my insurance rates. Man you libtards are brilliant.
Awesome! Ummmmmm, anyone who owns a car DOES have to pay for insurance. WHY? Because they could get into an accident and affect other people. The difference with health insurance is you never know when you're going to need it. I did not, for example, know that I was going to have open heart surgery 10 years ago. Thank God I had insurance or it would've bankrupted me. NO AMERICAN should be put into a situation where they have to choose between health and bankruptcy. It isn't only ethically wrong....it is a really stupid way to run a society.
HUGE difference--with cars, you usually run into someone else
..your personal health usually does not affect others health!!!!
wrong/bad analogy
Again....this shows how little you understand how health insurance pooling works. Good Christ dude......educate yourself a little bit.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
great--- FORCE people to pay for things they don't need--
sounds like Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Jim Jones,
that sounds real American ---
how about we make people to pay for crap--??
You mean like paying for rich people's tax cuts or a stupid border wall that won't do jack squat along the border?

Sorry sunshine, IMPOSSIBLE to say any given person won't "need" health care. Ridiculous assertion....
let's FORCE people that live in the desert to buy boats
You don't "get" health insurance....do you? Not sure how getting more people involved in risk pools increases health care costs?????

By the way, based on your posts.....you're one of those who gives Trump credit for the economy, right?! Even though he hasn't done jackdiddlysquat for it (other than ride the wave started by Obama). I'd LOVE to hear how giving the people who crashed the economy 10 years ago a windfall of cash was great for the economy?!?
/----/ Ask Obozo. He created the policy that the courts struck down.

Wrong. President Obama did not write the bill or create the bill. He did what no other president has done, and that is to reform health care in America.

Propagandists yelled "Socialism" and the biddable fools all echoed this foolish BIG LIE. The PPACA was not perfect, but it was not a clusterfuck (such as Trump's tariff policy and The Congress' recent Tax Bill). Any problems in Obamacare could and can be fixed, except the Republican Party hated to see their benefactors (Hospitals, Instance Companies, LLP practices) provide more and profit less.

For years the R's complained that people needed to be personally responsible. And yet went people were required to pay for some of the health insurance or be fined, they called that unreasonable & unfair. Isn't that a rejection of the claim by the conservatives that the poor expect everything free?

Wake up people, the republican party is dishonest to its core.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,

younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that

Younger people crash motorcycles, break legs on the ski slopes, tear ACLs playing sports, tear ligaments, get infections, get shot and get STD's and are not immune to heart disease, cancers, and TBI's

Yes, I do want everyone to pay for their health care, and I'd be pleased if we had a single payer system.
Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
/----/ Great idea. Now make auto insurance mandatory for everyone man, woman and child even if they don't own a car, to lower my insurance rates. Man you libtards are brilliant.
Awesome! Ummmmmm, anyone who owns a car DOES have to pay for insurance. WHY? Because they could get into an accident and affect other people. The difference with health insurance is you never know when you're going to need it. I did not, for example, know that I was going to have open heart surgery 10 years ago. Thank God I had insurance or it would've bankrupted me. NO AMERICAN should be put into a situation where they have to choose between health and bankruptcy. It isn't only ethically wrong....it is a really stupid way to run a society.
/----/ I said EVEN IF THEY DON'T OWN A CAR. And please don't pretend you don't know the distinction. BTW, liability insurance is required to cover those who you hurt or whose property you damage while driving. If your car is paid off then Comprehensive is optional.
Right.....but, other people aren't going to have to pay for your car if you don't have insurance. Other people WILL have to pay for health procedures if you don't pay for them. THAT is the big difference.
/----/ Ask Obozo. He created the policy that the courts struck down.

Wrong. President Obama did not write the bill or create the bill. He did what no other president has done, and that is to reform health care in America.

Propagandists yelled "Socialism" and the biddable fools all echoed this foolish BIG LIE. The PPACA was not perfect, but it was not a clusterfuck (such as Trump's tariff policy and The Congress' recent Tax Bill). Any problems in Obamacare could and can be fixed, except the Republican Party hated to see their benefactors (Hospitals, Instance Companies, LLP practices) provide more and profit less.

For years the R's complained that people needed to be personally responsible. And yet went people were required to pay for some of the health insurance or be fined, they called that unreasonable & unfair. Isn't that a rejection of the claim by the conservatives that the poor expect everything free?

Wake up people, the republican party is dishonest to its core.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,

younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that

Younger people crash motorcycles, break legs on the ski slopes, tear ACLs playing sports, tear ligaments, get infections, get shot and get STD's and are not immune to heart disease, cancers, and TBI's

Yes, I do want everyone to pay for their health care, and I'd be pleased if we had a single payer system.
/-----/ If by "a single payer system." you mean every single person who wants coverage pays for it themselves, then I agree.
Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
great--- FORCE people to pay for things they don't need--
sounds like Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Jim Jones,
that sounds real American ---
how about we make people to pay for crap--??
You mean like paying for rich people's tax cuts or a stupid border wall that won't do jack squat along the border?

Sorry sunshine, IMPOSSIBLE to say any given person won't "need" health care. Ridiculous assertion....

let's FORCE people that live in the desert to buy boats

Off topic, idiot-gram
Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
/----/ Great idea. Now make auto insurance mandatory for everyone man, woman and child even if they don't own a car, to lower my insurance rates. Man you libtards are brilliant.
Awesome! Ummmmmm, anyone who owns a car DOES have to pay for insurance. WHY? Because they could get into an accident and affect other people. The difference with health insurance is you never know when you're going to need it. I did not, for example, know that I was going to have open heart surgery 10 years ago. Thank God I had insurance or it would've bankrupted me. NO AMERICAN should be put into a situation where they have to choose between health and bankruptcy. It isn't only ethically wrong....it is a really stupid way to run a society.

Think of it as modern day Darwinism.
Darwinism doesn't including screwing other people to help pay for your reckless behavior.
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
/----/ Great idea. Now make auto insurance mandatory for everyone man, woman and child even if they don't own a car, to lower my insurance rates. Man you libtards are brilliant.
Awesome! Ummmmmm, anyone who owns a car DOES have to pay for insurance. WHY? Because they could get into an accident and affect other people. The difference with health insurance is you never know when you're going to need it. I did not, for example, know that I was going to have open heart surgery 10 years ago. Thank God I had insurance or it would've bankrupted me. NO AMERICAN should be put into a situation where they have to choose between health and bankruptcy. It isn't only ethically wrong....it is a really stupid way to run a society.
/----/ I said EVEN IF THEY DON'T OWN A CAR. And please don't pretend you don't know the distinction. BTW, liability insurance is required to cover those who you hurt or whose property you damage while driving. If your car is paid off then Comprehensive is optional.
Right.....but, other people aren't going to have to pay for your car if you don't have insurance. Other people WILL have to pay for health procedures if you don't pay for them. THAT is the big difference.
/-----/ "Right.....but, other people aren't going to have to pay for your car if you don't have insurance." THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. THAT'S WHAT I TRIED EXPLAINING TO LIBTARDS who justified mandatory HC insurance to mandated auto insurance. You can't compare the two.
Wrong. President Obama did not write the bill or create the bill. He did what no other president has done, and that is to reform health care in America.

Propagandists yelled "Socialism" and the biddable fools all echoed this foolish BIG LIE. The PPACA was not perfect, but it was not a clusterfuck (such as Trump's tariff policy and The Congress' recent Tax Bill). Any problems in Obamacare could and can be fixed, except the Republican Party hated to see their benefactors (Hospitals, Instance Companies, LLP practices) provide more and profit less.

For years the R's complained that people needed to be personally responsible. And yet went people were required to pay for some of the health insurance or be fined, they called that unreasonable & unfair. Isn't that a rejection of the claim by the conservatives that the poor expect everything free?

Wake up people, the republican party is dishonest to its core.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,

younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that

Younger people crash motorcycles, break legs on the ski slopes, tear ACLs playing sports, tear ligaments, get infections, get shot and get STD's and are not immune to heart disease, cancers, and TBI's

Yes, I do want everyone to pay for their health care, and I'd be pleased if we had a single payer system.
/-----/ If by "a single payer system." you mean every single person who wants coverage pays for it themselves, then I agree.

If this is a serious question you have no business to post on this topic.
Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
great--- FORCE people to pay for things they don't need--
sounds like Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Jim Jones,
that sounds real American ---
how about we make people to pay for crap--??
You mean like paying for rich people's tax cuts or a stupid border wall that won't do jack squat along the border?

Sorry sunshine, IMPOSSIBLE to say any given person won't "need" health care. Ridiculous assertion....
let's FORCE people that live in the desert to buy boats
Health care is a necessity.......buying a boat is a choice. Is this really that difficult to understand, or, are you being purposely obtuse?
Yes, I do want everyone to pay for their health care, and I'd be pleased if we had a single payer system.

Dr. Trump will see you now ...

What's this ^^^ supposed to mean?

It means that putting government in charge of health insurance means that, sometimes, your political opponents will be in charge of your health insurance. Does that really seem like a good idea to you?
Sorry goober......never once went to the doctor and had him/her ask for my political affiliation?! God, what a friggin' ridiculous statement.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,

younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that

Younger people crash motorcycles, break legs on the ski slopes, tear ACLs playing sports, tear ligaments, get infections, get shot and get STD's and are not immune to heart disease, cancers, and TBI's

Yes, I do want everyone to pay for their health care, and I'd be pleased if we had a single payer system.
/-----/ If by "a single payer system." you mean every single person who wants coverage pays for it themselves, then I agree.

If this is a serious question you have no business to post on this topic.
/-----/ Like you Libtards, I have every right to post my opinions here even if you don't like them. My point is Single Payer is a misnomer since it's all taxpayers who pay the bills.
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.
great--- FORCE people to pay for things they don't need--
sounds like Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Jim Jones,
that sounds real American ---
how about we make people to pay for crap--??
You mean like paying for rich people's tax cuts or a stupid border wall that won't do jack squat along the border?

Sorry sunshine, IMPOSSIBLE to say any given person won't "need" health care. Ridiculous assertion....

let's FORCE people that live in the desert to buy boats

Off topic, idiot-gram
/----/ Actually forcing FORCE people that live in the desert to buy boats is a great analogy that you can't refute..
Wrong. President Obama did not write the bill or create the bill. He did what no other president has done, and that is to reform health care in America.

Propagandists yelled "Socialism" and the biddable fools all echoed this foolish BIG LIE. The PPACA was not perfect, but it was not a clusterfuck (such as Trump's tariff policy and The Congress' recent Tax Bill). Any problems in Obamacare could and can be fixed, except the Republican Party hated to see their benefactors (Hospitals, Instance Companies, LLP practices) provide more and profit less.

For years the R's complained that people needed to be personally responsible. And yet went people were required to pay for some of the health insurance or be fined, they called that unreasonable & unfair. Isn't that a rejection of the claim by the conservatives that the poor expect everything free?

Wake up people, the republican party is dishonest to its core.
they taxed/fined people for not having healthcare----FK Obama
let's TAX/fine people for not having healthcare--real smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider, if you can:

A person without health insurance will go to the ER at a public hospital (usually) and receive treatment. This treatment will be paid by the local government's taxpayers. The taxpayer's money won't go to police services, fire services, school services, road repairs etc.; and taxes will go up as costs to service the poor and those who refuse to buy their own subsidized policy increase.

Then consider this, if every one buys health insurance, and there is a single payer system, the costs for health insurance will go down, since younger healthier people will use less services and paying less for them, and, if the single payer system provides free physical exams for all of us - cradle to grave - fewer chronic and preventable disease will need to be treated,
younger people do not need healthcare, generally speaking
taxes go up no matter what--for many reasons
so you want younger, healthier people to pay for other people's health insurance?? --FK that
Shows EXACTLY why you don't understand health insurance as it exists today. You lower costs by spreading risk over larger groups of people....if you only have sick people in insurance pools, it will be impossible to afford.

/----/ Great idea. Now make auto insurance mandatory for everyone man, woman and child even if they don't own a car, to lower my insurance rates. Man you libtards are brilliant.

Not a brilliant ^^^ rebuttal.

Those who don't own a car, and will never drive one will still need health insurance, since they will one day need to see a doctor, and never need to see an auto insurance claims adjuster.

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