Bring masculinity back

---But scientists are particularly concerned about the contraceptive chemical EE2 because of its ability to “feminize” male fishes and its association with plummeting fish fertility. ---

So is our drinking water "feminizing" human males?

Thank God I have a well. Both Alex Jones and RFK Jr. have mentioned this. That shit they put in the water is even turning frogs gay...

There isn't any thing more American than masculinty. So why are liberals against it?

Because they lack all vestiges of masculinity.

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There isn't any thing more American than masculinty. So why are liberals against it? This should definitely get more Americans to vote GOP.

---Experts warn of ‘devastating effect’ as traditional male roles deemed ‘toxic’ by media, Hollywood---

The GOP has been crying over a Barbie movie and burning dolls in protest. What examples of masculinity they are..... 😄

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