bripat9643: Dumbest liberal statements in USMB "Demand creates jobs"

I provided a thoughtful example of why demand does not create jobs, did you miss it, or just ignore it?

There is no thoughtful example. Every job that ever existed started with demand. Every job. If anyone gets paid for anything, they are fulfilling a demand. How could anyone not know that?

Really? Where was the demand for the smartphone before Apple invented it?

There is constant demand for new advanced technologies in the cell phone industry. The smart phone, or hand held computer has been a dream since being written about in science fiction decades ago. A phone that could transmit images has been predicted since comic book days of the 50's.
Demand for the smart phone has been around for decades.

If people don't buy, how long will those jobs last?

I provided a thoughtful example of why demand does not create jobs, did you miss it, or just ignore it?

There is no thoughtful example. Every job that ever existed started with demand. Every job. If anyone gets paid for anything, they are fulfilling a demand. How could anyone not know that?

Explain ET the Extraterrestrial video game for Atari under that theory. Those people had a job making that game, but there was no demand for it, so they ended up burying it in the desert.
Since the wage gap is so wide and so many rich are really mega rich, why aren't we drowning in jobs? They certainly have enough money to create jobs.

Yeah! Why isn't Warren Buffett hiring?!

The Proletariat must control the means of production!
I didn't see any Republicans who told this person they were wrong.

So the question is, "Do Republicans see any connection between "demand" and "jobs"?

My personal opinion is that demand if the foundation of every single job ever created in the entire 6,000 year history of the world.

We've been through this before, you have a net sum of zero knowledge of macro-economics. You fancy yourself promoting Keynesian theory, but you've never read anything by Keynes, instead you read leftist Pablum by Krugman and think his stupidity is rational.

You have no grasp what "demand" is, you simply spew the political bullshit that you read on the hate sites, and imagine that you can bluff your way through real discussions. You know full well you can't bluff your way with me - or Toro. You ran from me for years, that was perhaps the wiser course.

I'll give an example to demonstrate what a fool you are and how little grasp you have of market forces;

What was the demand for a smart phone in 2006? About zero (ask HP and Microsoft, they couldn't give the damned things away.)

But then along comes Jobs and company, make an iPhone that there was zero demand for, and in 2007 - created the hottest product in history. Supply created demand - the marketing genius of Apple showed the world why they wanted an iPhone - supply creates demand.

Says law in action, but you don't know Says law, you don't know the invisible hand, you don't know a fucking thing about economics - that's the truth of it.
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For about the umpteenth time...demand does not mean production will begin or that jobs will be created. It is the anticipation of profit that induces investment of capital. You could have HUGE demand for a product or a service but if there is no profit anticipation then you're not going to get anyone to risk their capital to meet that demand.

your statement seems to indicate a lack of understanding. 1. there will be no production unless there is demand. 2. prices are set based on the cost per unit and the operating costs of the business. profit occurs at the point at which demand meets manufacturing goals.

Deanie keeps starting this same idiotic thread...over...and over...and over...and over again! Then people wonder why progressives have such a hard time creating jobs? Well of course they're going to struggle at it...THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND BASIC ECONOMIC CONCEPTS!

rightwingnut yapping from someone who CLEARLY doesn't understand ECONOMIC CONCEPTS (thought i'd capitalize that since you seem to think you said something by doing so).

but nice rightwingnut talking points.

"Profit occurs at the point at which demand meets manufacturing goals." Really? So if there is demand for Corvette sports cars selling at $25,000 and Chevrolet can manufacture 100,000 Corvettes...does that mean that Chevrolet will build those cars and sell them at that price? The answer to that is an emphatic NO and the reason they won't build all those Corvettes is that in order for them to make a profit on that car they need to sell it for $60,000. Demand does not and never will induce investment unless there is an anticipation of profit. That isn't a "talking point"...that is an economic reality!
I provided a thoughtful example of why demand does not create jobs, did you miss it, or just ignore it?

There is no thoughtful example. Every job that ever existed started with demand. Every job. If anyone gets paid for anything, they are fulfilling a demand. How could anyone not know that?

Explain ET the Extraterrestrial video game for Atari under that theory. Those people had a job making that game, but there was no demand for it, so they ended up burying it in the desert.

There are two answers I can think of. The first is that the demand was perceived by investors but did not actually exist. The second is that the perception that the demand was real was accurate, but the execution of developing a product to meet the demand failed. In either case, demand or the belief of demand was the causation of production of the game. The production of the game created jobs.
For about the umpteenth time...demand does not mean production will begin or that jobs will be created. It is the anticipation of profit that induces investment of capital. You could have HUGE demand for a product or a service but if there is no profit anticipation then you're not going to get anyone to risk their capital to meet that demand.

your statement seems to indicate a lack of understanding. 1. there will be no production unless there is demand. 2. prices are set based on the cost per unit and the operating costs of the business. profit occurs at the point at which demand meets manufacturing goals.

Deanie keeps starting this same idiotic thread...over...and over...and over...and over again! Then people wonder why progressives have such a hard time creating jobs? Well of course they're going to struggle at it...THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND BASIC ECONOMIC CONCEPTS!
rightwingnut yapping from someone who CLEARLY doesn't understand ECONOMIC CONCEPTS (thought i'd capitalize that since you seem to think you said something by doing so).

but nice rightwingnut talking points.

Except that, occasionally, someone sets up production in the anticipation of demand, and the demand never materializes. Remember Smith and Wesson mountain bikes, Cosmopolitan yogurt, Life Savers soda, Ben-Gay aspirin, and WebTV?
There is no thoughtful example. Every job that ever existed started with demand. Every job. If anyone gets paid for anything, they are fulfilling a demand. How could anyone not know that?

Explain ET the Extraterrestrial video game for Atari under that theory. Those people had a job making that game, but there was no demand for it, so they ended up burying it in the desert.

There are two answers I can think of. The first is that the demand was perceived by investors but did not actually exist. The second is that the perception that the demand was real was accurate, but the execution of developing a product to meet the demand failed. In either case, demand or the belief of demand was the causation of production of the game. The production of the game created jobs.

I can provide hundreds of examples of people imagining demand and being wrong, history is, literally, filled to overflowing with them. I can also provide examples of demand that is 100% real that has not resulted in the creation of jobs. The OP is s simpleton that insist that demand, and demand alone, creates jobs. Are you as stupid as he is?
Explain ET the Extraterrestrial video game for Atari under that theory. Those people had a job making that game, but there was no demand for it, so they ended up burying it in the desert.

There are two answers I can think of. The first is that the demand was perceived by investors but did not actually exist. The second is that the perception that the demand was real was accurate, but the execution of developing a product to meet the demand failed. In either case, demand or the belief of demand was the causation of production of the game. The production of the game created jobs.

I can provide hundreds of examples of people imagining demand and being wrong, history is, literally, filled to overflowing with them. I can also provide examples of demand that is 100% real that has not resulted in the creation of jobs. The OP is s simpleton that insist that demand, and demand alone, creates jobs. Are you as stupid as he is?

Name a job that exist that does not have demand for the specific service or product in the equation for the jobs existence.
There is no thoughtful example. Every job that ever existed started with demand. Every job. If anyone gets paid for anything, they are fulfilling a demand. How could anyone not know that?

Explain ET the Extraterrestrial video game for Atari under that theory. Those people had a job making that game, but there was no demand for it, so they ended up burying it in the desert.

There are two answers I can think of. The first is that the demand was perceived by investors but did not actually exist. The second is that the perception that the demand was real was accurate, but the execution of developing a product to meet the demand failed. In either case, demand or the belief of demand was the causation of production of the game. The production of the game created jobs.

Sigh...the production of the game isn't what created was the anticipation of profit that created those jobs and it was the realization that profits would not be forthcoming that made those jobs disappear. Do you really not grasp this?
A great example of what I'm talking about is shale oil. Back in the 70's during the Oil embargo the cost of oil skyrocketed and made the mining of shale oil (which up to that point was not cost effective) profitable. Shale oil was were created. Then the oil embargo ceased and those jobs were gone in a flash. Why? It wasn't that there was less demand for oil. It was simply that the mining of shale oil couldn't be done cheaply enough to compete with crude coming from traditional drilling. Those shale oil jobs "magically" appeared because someone saw the opportunity to make a profit. Those same jobs disappeared as soon as the profit from shale oil disappeared.
Well, the production of the game is exactly what created the jobs, if only long enough to determine the venture was a failure. The anticipation of profit that you say created those jobs only existed because the investor believed their was a demand by a demographic for the game. When the investors learned that a demand for their particular game did not exist, production of the game ceased as did the jobs. Hence it was the anticipation of demand that created the jobs, and the realization of there not being demand that ended the jobs. Do you really not grasp this?
Well, the production of the game is exactly what created the jobs, if only long enough to determine the venture was a failure. The anticipation of profit that you say created those jobs only existed because the investor believed their was a demand by a demographic for the game. When the investors learned that a demand for their particular game did not exist, production of the game ceased as did the jobs. Hence it was the anticipation of demand that created the jobs, and the realization of there not being demand that ended the jobs. Do you really not grasp this?

If the demand for the game did not exist...then how did demand create jobs? You disprove your own contention. Obviously what created jobs was the anticipation of profit.
A great example of what I'm talking about is shale oil. Back in the 70's during the Oil embargo the cost of oil skyrocketed and made the mining of shale oil (which up to that point was not cost effective) profitable. Shale oil was were created. Then the oil embargo ceased and those jobs were gone in a flash. Why? It wasn't that there was less demand for oil. It was simply that the mining of shale oil couldn't be done cheaply enough to compete with crude coming from traditional drilling. Those shale oil jobs "magically" appeared because someone saw the opportunity to make a profit. Those same jobs disappeared as soon as the profit from shale oil disappeared.

Exactly. When the price of oil reached a certain level shale oil was mined because it offered a financially viable replacement for imported oil which was being embargoed. Oil shale was in demand, so it was mined and that created jobs. Once the embargo was lifted the demand for shale ceased the demand no longer existed. No demand, no jobs.
Well, the production of the game is exactly what created the jobs, if only long enough to determine the venture was a failure. The anticipation of profit that you say created those jobs only existed because the investor believed their was a demand by a demographic for the game. When the investors learned that a demand for their particular game did not exist, production of the game ceased as did the jobs. Hence it was the anticipation of demand that created the jobs, and the realization of there not being demand that ended the jobs. Do you really not grasp this?

If the demand for the game did not exist...then how did demand create jobs? You disprove your own contention. Obviously what created jobs was the anticipation of profit.

The demand did exist in the minds of the investors, or as I have pointed out, existed in reality but the investors did not execute the production in a way that would make a profit. Other games were successful. The demand for these types of games existed. Why would investors invest in making a product if they didn't believe there was a demand?
Clearly this is beyond your caliber of comprehension. His point, is that a demand for something doesn't create the product. Demand is only a starting point for which production can be signaled. Demand itself creates nothing but demand. In order to fulfill that demand, someone needs to invent and/or invest capital in order to create a supply. Demand does not make any of that so. There is a high demand for a cure for cancer. Where is the cure with so much demand?


Leftism is predicated upon ignorance. Economic ignorance is the primary attribute of the USMB left.
What a stupid response. Why would anyone need umbrellas if there were no rain?
Isn't the point also to create demand for stuff we don't really need? Like through advertising. ;)[/QUOTE]

Advertising incites demand for that which there is a ready supply of - the supply must exist or the advertising would be stupid. If demand outstripped supply, advertising would be stupid.

One only advertises that which has a supply that exceeds demand.

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