Brit PM spells it right out

Maybe the Brits will come to their senses.

We are dealing with a hateful barbaric political ideology hiding under the cloak of religion.

These Barbarians need to be banned because of their medieval culture & political views; never mind their religion....much like we banned Communists from Russia during the Cold War, without regard for the fact that they were Atheists as well.

When will the Vote-Whoring Democrats in this country come to their senses? These Barbarians from the Middle East and North Africa won't even be reliable Democratic voters. They hate Gays and Women's Rights, for starters.

And yes, only a few actually blow themselves up just to take some Infidels with them, but the ones that do are glorified as Martyrs by a HUGE portion of the rest of the Sick Cultural and their mothers are accorded special status in their communities for birthing one of these Sickos...and all that does is breed more Sickos.

Can anybody tell what these ridiculous Democrats are thinking by insisting we bring in a mass of this Europe and England have done...for which they are now paying dearly.
You belong in the dark ages with views like that.
she's the cause of the problems. blow that fuckin' head off !!!
Interesting physical threat to the PM of the UK.

who's PM ??

Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack
As long as the Prime Minister and other politicians continue to hold the idiotic stance that these killers are "perverting" the Islamic faith, they are destined to lose their nation to Islam. The killers are following their religion to the letter. The goal of Islam has always been and always will be, "convert, subjugate or, kill the non-believers and conquer the world.
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack
As long as the Prime Minister and other politicians continue to hold the idiotic stance that these killers are "perverting" the Islamic faith, they are destined to lose their nation to Islam. The killers are following their religion to the letter. The goal of Islam has always been and always will be, "convert, subjugate or, kill the non-believers and conquer the world.
Do christians follow their religion to the letter?
I'll be very interested to hear the language of the London Mayor's speech. Assuming he even makes one.

He actually did. Not so much last night when this was happening, but this morning -- he covered it surprisingly well.
I think any inclination he had to "protect" the unassimilated immigrant communities from surveillance and police presence is wearing thin on him as well. I was relieved to see him get in front of the problem..
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Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack

The Brits unfortunately are on the defensive, their symbolic gestures are meaningless. You are never going to defeat them with lighting more candles and putting flowers on the street.

What must be done is for the police and military to penetrate the many Islamic no go zones, which unfortunately do exist ,and "drain the swamp" of all Islamists.

Unfortunately the government is not willing to take these aggressive measures no matter how many attacks occur.

Also Theresa May couldn't even bring herself to bluntly tell the truth, that the problem is in fact Islam not a perversion of Islam.

So let's not become too optimistic. She is no Margaret Thatcher.
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack
As long as the Prime Minister and other politicians continue to hold the idiotic stance that these killers are "perverting" the Islamic faith, they are destined to lose their nation to Islam. The killers are following their religion to the letter. The goal of Islam has always been and always will be, "convert, subjugate or, kill the non-believers and conquer the world.

BINGO! :clap:
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack
As long as the Prime Minister and other politicians continue to hold the idiotic stance that these killers are "perverting" the Islamic faith, they are destined to lose their nation to Islam. The killers are following their religion to the letter. The goal of Islam has always been and always will be, "convert, subjugate or, kill the non-believers and conquer the world.
Do christians follow their religion to the letter?
In the case of Christians, you have their Jesus calling for people to "turn the other cheek" and "love thine enemy," thus tempering their attitudes. In the case of Islam, their monstrous founder, filled them with hate towards non-believers and told them that there would be no prophets after him, thus ensuring that his followers wouldn't listen to anyone else who would come along after him. Let Lebanon be a guide as to how Muslims behave. It was a Christian majority nation that was tolerant of all, then when the large influx of Muslims changed the nation to a Muslim majority one, their behavior changed. Muslim neighbors who acted as friends towards Christians, turned on them and began killing the Christians. The Christians entered into a fight for their very lives. Islam is and always will be.....hideously evil and those Muslims who you may think are your friends, will turn on you if they become the majority population.
May might be as repulsive as Trump. She knows there's an election on Thursday. She's uses this tragedy to give her and her party points for the election.

She forgot to mention the cuts to the police services in Britain. She has had all these terrorist attacks under her leadership. Perhaps she needs to do some self reflection.

Now she's talking about regulating the Internet ( aka taking people's privacy away).

How about increase funding for intelligence agencies so they can be better equip to track down these terrorist before they strike.
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack

She's right. And she isn't attacking all of Islam - she's specific and accurate.

And that's a good start. Maybe in the future she'll realize that pretty much ALL of Islam is incompatible with the West.
Wow, this is fucking amazing!!!!
I wonder if this means the Brit's will be willing to get in the mosques and weed out the bad people? Will they suspend the open door policies?

I'm shocked to see someone of her stature (other than Trump) actually state that Islamic extremeism and Western culture are at odds.

"We cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are. Things need to change, and they need to change in 4 important ways.

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single, evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division, and promotes sectarianism. It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth."

UK Prime Minister May's statement following London attack

She's right. And she isn't attacking all of Islam - she's specific and accurate.

And that's a good start. Maybe in the future she'll realize that pretty much ALL of Islam is incompatible with the West.
No it isn't. Millions of Muslims live amongst us in peace and harmony.

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