British General Election Results

You will find that several influential neocons are in fact Zionists.
These British elections do indicate that the people are turning away from the hard right. Young people have been voting for the Left today and that is encouraging for the future.
The Queen will want to know how Theresa May hopes to hold a majority in the House of Commons.
I think it would be poetic justice for one of Diana's boys to become PM.

Maybe her sons could become the English version of the Kennedy's?
LOL I'm afraid the Royal Family cannot become involved in politics.
The Tory seat of Kensington has just gone to Labour by 20 votes! What a shocker!

Conservative 318
Labour 261
Scottish National Party 35
Liberal Democrats 12
DUP 10
The Tory seat of Kensington has just gone to Labour by 20 votes! What a shocker!

Conservative 318
Labour 261
Scottish National Party 35
Liberal Democrats 12
DUP 10

^ Incorrect, they have scheduled a third recount set to begin at 6PM.

It must be wondered how long Theresa May will remain as British prime minister who is relying on the Protestant sectarian Democratic Unionist Party of North Ireland to get legislation passed. It is a government that is not tenable. I predict a new election within two years and Theresa May will not be the Tory leader then.
She has a tough job to unite her own party. Many of them have lost friends through this . There are also seea fair sized number of remainer s in the Tory group and they will see this as an opportunity to get a sensible deal. How she placates them will be interesting. Clarke and Soubry have already spoken up. I hope the dup get something good out of it. Their beliefs are going to be exposed and that won't help Ulster.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using mobile app
It must be wondered how long Theresa May will remain as British prime minister who is relying on the Protestant sectarian Democratic Unionist Party of North Ireland to get legislation passed. It is a government that is not tenable. I predict a new election within two years and Theresa May will not be the Tory leader then.

Not surprisingly this is how sick, perverted and mentally ill Far Leftists are, they have edited the Wikipedia page entry for the DUP and rewritten the first two paragraphs, no doubt you'll find the below very amusing.

The perverted Far Left have a thing for sick, twisted sex things as they illustrate below, joking about rape for instances are always funny aren't they?

I presume the pro-Sexual Deviants here will read this with delight as they masturbate to pictures of women being raped by their Kebab pets.

Far Left = Sore Losers who circle the drain, hopefully the next Islamic Terrorist attack will blow more Leftists up, the already dead will have been probably Leftist as the attacks take place in Left leaning cities, nobody cares if Far Leftists are blown to pieces or mowed down by vehicles, good riddance to bad DNA rubbish.

It must be wondered how long Theresa May will remain as British prime minister who is relying on the Protestant sectarian Democratic Unionist Party of North Ireland to get legislation passed. It is a government that is not tenable. I predict a new election within two years and Theresa May will not be the Tory leader then.

Not surprisingly this is how sick, perverted and mentally ill Far Leftists are, they have edited the Wikipedia page entry for the DUP and rewritten the first two paragraphs, no doubt you'll find the below very amusing.

The perverted Far Left have a thing for sick, twisted sex things as they illustrate below, joking about rape for instances are always funny aren't they?

I presume the pro-Sexual Deviants here will read this with delight as they masturbate to pictures of women being raped by their Kebab pets.

Far Left = Sore Losers who circle the drain, hopefully the next Islamic Terrorist attack will blow more Leftists up, the already dead will have been probably Leftist as the attacks take place in Left leaning cities, nobody cares if Far Leftists are blown to pieces or mowed down by vehicles, good riddance to bad DNA rubbish.

View attachment 131895

More twisted sex references, Far Leftists are obsessed with Deviant Sex, this is because they're mentally ill and normal people won't have sex with them, so the Far Left have to resort to masturbating while looking at child and animal porn or paying Exotic coloured men to anally penetrate them.

It must be wondered how long Theresa May will remain as British prime minister who is relying on the Protestant sectarian Democratic Unionist Party of North Ireland to get legislation passed. It is a government that is not tenable. I predict a new election within two years and Theresa May will not be the Tory leader then.

Not surprisingly this is how sick, perverted and mentally ill Far Leftists are, they have edited the Wikipedia page entry for the DUP and rewritten the first two paragraphs, no doubt you'll find the below very amusing.

The perverted Far Left have a thing for sick, twisted sex things as they illustrate below, joking about rape for instances are always funny aren't they?

I presume the pro-Sexual Deviants here will read this with delight as they masturbate to pictures of women being raped by their Kebab pets.

Far Left = Sore Losers who circle the drain, hopefully the next Islamic Terrorist attack will blow more Leftists up, the already dead will have been probably Leftist as the attacks take place in Left leaning cities, nobody cares if Far Leftists are blown to pieces or mowed down by vehicles, good riddance to bad DNA rubbish.

View attachment 131895

More twisted sex references, Far Leftists are obsessed with Deviant Sex, this is because they're mentally ill and normal people won't have sex with them, so the Far Left have to resort to masturbating while looking at child and animal porn or paying Exotic coloured men to anally penetrate them.

View attachment 131896

Excellent and fast work by the people at Wikipedia who have now wiped away the Far Left filth, the DUP Wikipedia entry is now back as normal.


UKIP down 10.9%, they're dead.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

Yes, I know. Well actually their two defections became one actual seat in a General Election.

But, UKIP was always going to nose dive, it's good for the Tories.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.

Which is bad news. It means the DUP will just ask for stuff to screw the catholics and the Tories will screw everyone else.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

Yes, I know. Well actually their two defections became one actual seat in a General Election.

But, UKIP was always going to nose dive, it's good for the Tories.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.
The ordinary English people have no concept of the trouble they are in if the Tories can form a government only with the help of a Protestant, anti-Catholic, homophobic bigots such as are members of the DUP. How that government can be balanced and objective about N. Ireland and relations with the Republic of Ireland while it depends on the DUP defies belief.

Well this is what the British are getting the Conservatives with the DUP, so they'll just have to get used to that because that's the Government they are getting.

Well there are certain issues around this. What have the DUP offered? They were certainly quick to come to an agreement. Which means the DUP didn't really want much other than agreement on how they can fuck over catholics in Northern Ireland. They probably both have agreements on most things anyway, so what did the DUP ask for? That's the main thing. Will it be that they don't screw over the NHS, no chance. So five years of the Tories destroying institutions and Labour spending the next five years being useless. Better not move to the UK any time soon.
It must be wondered how long Theresa May will remain as British prime minister who is relying on the Protestant sectarian Democratic Unionist Party of North Ireland to get legislation passed. It is a government that is not tenable. I predict a new election within two years and Theresa May will not be the Tory leader then.

Not surprisingly this is how sick, perverted and mentally ill Far Leftists are, they have edited the Wikipedia page entry for the DUP and rewritten the first two paragraphs, no doubt you'll find the below very amusing.

The perverted Far Left have a thing for sick, twisted sex things as they illustrate below, joking about rape for instances are always funny aren't they?

I presume the pro-Sexual Deviants here will read this with delight as they masturbate to pictures of women being raped by their Kebab pets.

Far Left = Sore Losers who circle the drain, hopefully the next Islamic Terrorist attack will blow more Leftists up, the already dead will have been probably Leftist as the attacks take place in Left leaning cities, nobody cares if Far Leftists are blown to pieces or mowed down by vehicles, good riddance to bad DNA rubbish.

View attachment 131895

More twisted sex references, Far Leftists are obsessed with Deviant Sex, this is because they're mentally ill and normal people won't have sex with them, so the Far Left have to resort to masturbating while looking at child and animal porn or paying Exotic coloured men to anally penetrate them.

View attachment 131896

Excellent and fast work by the people at Wikipedia who have now wiped away the Far Left filth, the DUP Wikipedia entry is now back as normal.

View attachment 131897

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More likely it was Nationalists in Northern Ireland who did it, not far leftists. But that would require some knowledge of what they wrote and why.
The Tory seat of Kensington has just gone to Labour by 20 votes! What a shocker!

Conservative 318
Labour 261
Scottish National Party 35
Liberal Democrats 12
DUP 10

Wow, had the Liberal Democrats been on the ball, the Tories would have failed even to form a coalition with the DUP.
The Tory seat of Kensington has just gone to Labour by 20 votes! What a shocker!

Conservative 318
Labour 261
Scottish National Party 35
Liberal Democrats 12
DUP 10

^ Incorrect, they have scheduled a third recount set to begin at 6PM.

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Tilly thoughts?

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A strong relationship, like the Tories ignore them unless they need them. Hmm, sounds like a Trumpism "Yeah, Comey's doing an amazing job, oh, and I'm firing him."
UKIP down 10.9%, they're dead.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

Yes, I know. Well actually their two defections became one actual seat in a General Election.

But, UKIP was always going to nose dive, it's good for the Tories.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.

Which is bad news. It means the DUP will just ask for stuff to screw the catholics and the Tories will screw everyone else.

Well quite a lot of Socially Conservative Catholics vote for and support the DUP, their former leader and First Minister Peter Robinson made a point to reach out to Socially Conservative Catholics, Sinn Fein being Left-Wing and very Socially Liberal.

I think in Northern Ireland it's for some time been less about hardcore religion as a reason to support a party and more about actual policies in supporting a party, which is how it should be, people have moved on from supporting a party simply based upon their religion, you know Roman Catholics MUST support either Sinn Fein or the SDLP and Protestants MUST support the DUP or the UUP regardless of whether they agree with the party policies.

Socially Conservative Catholics for example are anti-Abortion, the DUP are anti-Abortion, Sinn Fein and the SDLP are pro-Abortion, so it's logical on just that one issue that Socially Conservative Catholics would vote for the DUP.

The results in Northern Ireland now show there are only two parties there the DUP and Sinn Fein, the SDLP have lost all their seats and the UUP have lost all their seats and the Alliance Party (Northern Ireland party affiliated with UK Liberal Democrat Party) have been annihilated.

The DUP won the South Belfast seat off the SDLP and won back the South Antrim seat from the UUP.

The Independent is Lady Sylvia Hermon who used to be in the UUP from 1998-2010 and then she left the party in 2010 and has sat as an Independent since.


Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

Yes, I know. Well actually their two defections became one actual seat in a General Election.

But, UKIP was always going to nose dive, it's good for the Tories.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.

Which is bad news. It means the DUP will just ask for stuff to screw the catholics and the Tories will screw everyone else.

Well quite a lot of Socially Conservative Catholics vote for and support the DUP, their former leader and First Minister Peter Robinson made a point to reach out to Socially Conservative Catholics, Sinn Fein being Left-Wing and very Socially Liberal.

I think in Northern Ireland it's for some time been less about hardcore religion as a reason to support a party and more about actual policies in supporting a party, which is how it should be, people have moved on from supporting a party simply based upon their religion, you know Roman Catholics MUST support either Sinn Fein or the SDLP and Protestants MUST support the DUP or the UUP regardless of whether they agree with the party policies.

Socially Conservative Catholics for example are anti-Abortion, the DUP are anti-Abortion, Sinn Fein and the SDLP are pro-Abortion, so it's logical on just that one issue that Socially Conservative Catholics would vote for the DUP.

The results in Northern Ireland now show there are only two parties there the DUP and Sinn Fein, the SDLP have lost all their seats and the UUP have lost all their seats and the Alliance Party (Northern Ireland party affiliated with UK Liberal Democrat Party) have been annihilated.

The DUP won the South Belfast seat off the SDLP and won back the South Antrim seat from the UUP.

The Independent is Lady Sylvia Hermon who used to be in the UUP from 1998-2010 and then she left the party in 2010 and has sat as an Independent since.

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Well, there are still hard core supporters on both sides. I knew a protestant who voted for Sinn Fein. Northern Ireland is changing, but it's still a pain in the ass full of problems. I think there was a big protest because people played football on a Sunday, I mean, they're kind of backwards over there.
Yes, I know. Well actually their two defections became one actual seat in a General Election.

But, UKIP was always going to nose dive, it's good for the Tories.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.
The ordinary English people have no concept of the trouble they are in if the Tories can form a government only with the help of a Protestant, anti-Catholic, homophobic bigots such as are members of the DUP. How that government can be balanced and objective about N. Ireland and relations with the Republic of Ireland while it depends on the DUP defies belief.

Well this is what the British are getting the Conservatives with the DUP, so they'll just have to get used to that because that's the Government they are getting.

Well there are certain issues around this. What have the DUP offered? They were certainly quick to come to an agreement. Which means the DUP didn't really want much other than agreement on how they can fuck over catholics in Northern Ireland. They probably both have agreements on most things anyway, so what did the DUP ask for? That's the main thing. Will it be that they don't screw over the NHS, no chance. So five years of the Tories destroying institutions and Labour spending the next five years being useless. Better not move to the UK any time soon.
The Dup will do all they can not to have to deal with Jeremy Corbyn as PM.
Yes, I know. Well actually their two defections became one actual seat in a General Election.

But, UKIP was always going to nose dive, it's good for the Tories.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.

Which is bad news. It means the DUP will just ask for stuff to screw the catholics and the Tories will screw everyone else.

Well quite a lot of Socially Conservative Catholics vote for and support the DUP, their former leader and First Minister Peter Robinson made a point to reach out to Socially Conservative Catholics, Sinn Fein being Left-Wing and very Socially Liberal.

I think in Northern Ireland it's for some time been less about hardcore religion as a reason to support a party and more about actual policies in supporting a party, which is how it should be, people have moved on from supporting a party simply based upon their religion, you know Roman Catholics MUST support either Sinn Fein or the SDLP and Protestants MUST support the DUP or the UUP regardless of whether they agree with the party policies.

Socially Conservative Catholics for example are anti-Abortion, the DUP are anti-Abortion, Sinn Fein and the SDLP are pro-Abortion, so it's logical on just that one issue that Socially Conservative Catholics would vote for the DUP.

The results in Northern Ireland now show there are only two parties there the DUP and Sinn Fein, the SDLP have lost all their seats and the UUP have lost all their seats and the Alliance Party (Northern Ireland party affiliated with UK Liberal Democrat Party) have been annihilated.

The DUP won the South Belfast seat off the SDLP and won back the South Antrim seat from the UUP.

The Independent is Lady Sylvia Hermon who used to be in the UUP from 1998-2010 and then she left the party in 2010 and has sat as an Independent since.

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Well, there are still hard core supporters on both sides. I knew a protestant who voted for Sinn Fein. Northern Ireland is changing, but it's still a pain in the ass full of problems. I think there was a big protest because people played football on a Sunday, I mean, they're kind of backwards over there.
How about Medieval?

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