British General Election Results

UKIP down 10.9%, they're dead.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

The collapsed UKIP vote went more to Labour than the Conservatives, especially in the English Midlands and North Western seats, the Labour Party got a larger share of the UKIP vote.
Sinn Fein about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories.

"You are mistaken again"

Lol I was never wrong last night not ONE time, I said from the beginning that the Conservatives would form the next British Government, I also said in the middle of the night that the DUP would give the Conservatives the overall majority and they have.

I was never wrong or mistaken, but you and the other Socialist supporters were 100% wrong ALL night, in desperation suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn would become the British Prime Minister despite it being a COMPLETE mathematical impossibility.

My posts from last night are here in this thread for all to read, for all to see I was correct all along and you people were wrong all along.

I was never mistaken, but you were mistaken consistently.

"about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories"

Wrong, I was reading the Internals, I'll post them later.
General Election 2017 live: Astonishing exit poll shows Tories set to lose majority as UK heads for possible Hung Parliament

Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line.

The SNP and Liberal Democrats are the only ones, other than Labour, who could do this. The Lib Dems won't and I'm sure after losing a few seats to the Tories in Scotland, the SNP won't either. The SNP know that a referendum wouldn't give them a positive result, so what's the point of seeing the NHS fall.

So what could is be?

A grand coalition with Labour going hard on more money for the NHS, the Police, education?

Labour forming government? They'd need 65 seats to do that, the SNP have 34, the Lib Dems 12, that's 46, way short and three parties is hard enough, let alone needing another 20 from the DUP, Sinn Fein AND Plaid to make it work. That's not going to happen.

"Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line."

This is incorrect of course. The mathematics as it stands:

The Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The new British Government.

Probably not a full Coalition, the DUP more likely will support the Conservatives on vote basis, the Queen's Speech, Budget, voting to get through Government Bills etc.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + the smaller parties = Cannot outvote the Government, they don't have enough votes combined together.

"Sinn Fein"

Nobody gets the votes of Sinn Fein ever, Sinn Fein with their Abstentionist Policy have always refused to take their seats in the House of Parliament.
What will ordinary English people think when they realize that the Orange Order of Ulster Protestant sectarian bigots will be calling the shots in their government.
UKIP down 10.9%, they're dead.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

Yes, I know. Well actually their two defections became one actual seat in a General Election.

But, UKIP was always going to nose dive, it's good for the Tories.
Because the general election uses a first-past-the-post system, there is no hope for multiple parties. Small parties cannot grow and governments will always gain power with a minority of votes. This type of voting will put pressure to form two parties; right and left and as close to the center as possible to get votes.

The BBC World Service say that Theresa May going to Buckingham Palace at 12.30PM to tell Queen she can form a Government with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)

As it stands the Conservatives have 318 seats, this will be 319 seat soon as Kensington and Chelsea are still counting and it's a safe Tory seat.

Therefore the Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The Conservatives will be able to get through the Queen's Speech and also pass a Budget etc.

Sinn Fein have 7 seats but won't take their seats as they have an Abstentionist Policy because they won't swear allegiance to the British Queen.
The ordinary English people have no concept of the trouble they are in if the Tories can form a government only with the help of a Protestant, anti-Catholic, homophobic bigots such as are members of the DUP. How that government can be balanced and objective about N. Ireland and relations with the Republic of Ireland while it depends on the DUP defies belief.

Well this is what the British are getting the Conservatives with the DUP, so they'll just have to get used to that because that's the Government they are getting.
UKIP down 10.9%, they're dead.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

The collapsed UKIP vote went more to Labour than the Conservatives, especially in the English Midlands and North Western seats, the Labour Party got a larger share of the UKIP vote.
Sinn Fein about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories.

"You are mistaken again"

Lol I was never wrong last night not ONE time, I said from the beginning that the Conservatives would form the next British Government, I also said in the middle of the night that the DUP would give the Conservatives the overall majority and they have.

I was never wrong or mistaken, but you and the other Socialist supporters were 100% wrong ALL night, in desperation suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn would become the British Prime Minister despite it being a COMPLETE mathematical impossibility.

My posts from last night are here in this thread for all to read, for all to see I was correct all along and you people were wrong all along.

I was never mistaken, but you were mistaken consistently.

"about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories"

Wrong, I was reading the Internals, I'll post them later.
I never said Jeremy Corbyn would or could be prime minister.
There is no way the Tories would have the DUP in government.
General Election 2017 live: Astonishing exit poll shows Tories set to lose majority as UK heads for possible Hung Parliament

Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line.

The SNP and Liberal Democrats are the only ones, other than Labour, who could do this. The Lib Dems won't and I'm sure after losing a few seats to the Tories in Scotland, the SNP won't either. The SNP know that a referendum wouldn't give them a positive result, so what's the point of seeing the NHS fall.

So what could is be?

A grand coalition with Labour going hard on more money for the NHS, the Police, education?

Labour forming government? They'd need 65 seats to do that, the SNP have 34, the Lib Dems 12, that's 46, way short and three parties is hard enough, let alone needing another 20 from the DUP, Sinn Fein AND Plaid to make it work. That's not going to happen.

"Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line."

This is incorrect of course. The mathematics as it stands:

The Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The new British Government.

Probably not a full Coalition, the DUP more likely will support the Conservatives on vote basis, the Queen's Speech, Budget, voting to get through Government Bills etc.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + the smaller parties = Cannot outvote the Government, they don't have enough votes combined together.

"Sinn Fein"

Nobody gets the votes of Sinn Fein ever, Sinn Fein with their Abstentionist Policy have always refused to take their seats in the House of Parliament.
What will ordinary English people think when they realize that the Orange Order of Ulster Protestant sectarian bigots will be calling the shots in their government.

Well the British have had Conservative + UUP (Ulster Unionist Party) before.

These parties are very different to how they were in the 1970s etc, for a very long time now in Northern Ireland the DUP have been in a Coalition with Sinn Fein, the latter Deputy First Minister an actual former Commander of the IRA Martin McGuinness.

Emotionally mature people put the past in the past and move on and shake hands and say "let's try and work together on what we can agree on" the DUP who were linked with the UDA and the UVF the Protestant versions of the IRA sat in a room and at a table with Sinn Fein the political wing of the IRA and they shook hands and formed a Coalition.

If people held the hate and bigotry that you Far Leftists do refering to people as "sectarian bigots" then the murders would still be happening, there would have been NO Northern Ireland Peace Deal.

Emotionally mature people move on and forward, Far Leftists live in the past, the majority do not they want to move on and forward.
Missing her because she fucked people over? Wow.


all the contrary! :)

Then explain.

Otherwise it just looks like you'll say anything just for attention, like Katy Hopkins.

I miss her because she was a strong woman, who knew what side she was on and who didn't pussyfoot around with the Left like many other British leaders.

Yes, she was on the wrong side, and she bloody well knew it, and no, she didn't pussyfoot around thinking about the people she was designed to represent, especially the coal miners and the poor people. The UK is still suffering from many of her policies.

She was one of the greatest British politicians of the 20th century, she was the first woman prime minister in Europe, she held the job for 11 years. In the 20th century no other prime minister had been in office for such a long period, the woman was strong and amazing.

Why other women Prime Ministers can not be more like her?

But this thread is not about Maggie.

Margaret Thatcher yes was one of the greatest Western leaders along with Ronald Reagan. We have total respect for both Thatcher and Reagan.
General Election 2017 live: Astonishing exit poll shows Tories set to lose majority as UK heads for possible Hung Parliament

Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line.

The SNP and Liberal Democrats are the only ones, other than Labour, who could do this. The Lib Dems won't and I'm sure after losing a few seats to the Tories in Scotland, the SNP won't either. The SNP know that a referendum wouldn't give them a positive result, so what's the point of seeing the NHS fall.

So what could is be?

A grand coalition with Labour going hard on more money for the NHS, the Police, education?

Labour forming government? They'd need 65 seats to do that, the SNP have 34, the Lib Dems 12, that's 46, way short and three parties is hard enough, let alone needing another 20 from the DUP, Sinn Fein AND Plaid to make it work. That's not going to happen.

"Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line."

This is incorrect of course. The mathematics as it stands:

The Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The new British Government.

Probably not a full Coalition, the DUP more likely will support the Conservatives on vote basis, the Queen's Speech, Budget, voting to get through Government Bills etc.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + the smaller parties = Cannot outvote the Government, they don't have enough votes combined together.

"Sinn Fein"

Nobody gets the votes of Sinn Fein ever, Sinn Fein with their Abstentionist Policy have always refused to take their seats in the House of Parliament.
What will ordinary English people think when they realize that the Orange Order of Ulster Protestant sectarian bigots will be calling the shots in their government.

Well the British have had Conservative + UUP (Ulster Unionist Party) before.

These parties are very different to how they were in the 1970s etc, for a very long time now in Northern Ireland the DUP have been in a Coalition with Sinn Fein, the latter Deputy First Minister an actual former Commander of the IRA Martin McGuinness.

Emotionally mature people put the past in the past and move on and shake hands and say "let's try and work together on what we can agree on" the DUP who were linked with the UDA and the UVF the Protestant versions of the IRA sat in a room and at a table with Sinn Fein the political wing of the IRA and they shook hands and formed a Coalition.

If people held the hate and bigotry that you Far Leftists do refering to people as "sectarian bigots" then the murders would still be happening, there would have been NO Northern Ireland Peace Deal.
Please stop writing untruths; the DUP is not the Ulster Unionist Party, they are Paisleyites, homophobes, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish language, anti-European Union (while the majority of N.Ireland voters are for Remain). The DUP have not moved on and the power-sharing Authority in Stormont came to a halt because Arlene Foster (DUP) did not have the courtesy to treat Martin McGuinness (whom you mentioned) with common respect. They are members of the Protestant Orange Order and ordinary English people have nothing in common with their fundamentalist hate.
UKIP down 10.9%, they're dead.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

The collapsed UKIP vote went more to Labour than the Conservatives, especially in the English Midlands and North Western seats, the Labour Party got a larger share of the UKIP vote.
Sinn Fein about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories.

"You are mistaken again"

Lol I was never wrong last night not ONE time, I said from the beginning that the Conservatives would form the next British Government, I also said in the middle of the night that the DUP would give the Conservatives the overall majority and they have.

I was never wrong or mistaken, but you and the other Socialist supporters were 100% wrong ALL night, in desperation suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn would become the British Prime Minister despite it being a COMPLETE mathematical impossibility.

My posts from last night are here in this thread for all to read, for all to see I was correct all along and you people were wrong all along.

I was never mistaken, but you were mistaken consistently.

"about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories"

Wrong, I was reading the Internals, I'll post them later.
I never said Jeremy Corbyn would or could be prime minister.
There is no way the Tories would have the DUP in government.

Just give it up, like all Socialists you are wrong about everything.

"There is no way the Tories would have the DUP in government."

I have made several long posts already about this just moments ago, people reading this thread can read all my comments, do have reading comprehension problems or something, 20 minutes ago I already posted:

NOTE: "Probably not a full Coalition"


British General Election Results

all the contrary! :)

Then explain.

Otherwise it just looks like you'll say anything just for attention, like Katy Hopkins.

I miss her because she was a strong woman, who knew what side she was on and who didn't pussyfoot around with the Left like many other British leaders.

Yes, she was on the wrong side, and she bloody well knew it, and no, she didn't pussyfoot around thinking about the people she was designed to represent, especially the coal miners and the poor people. The UK is still suffering from many of her policies.

She was one of the greatest British politicians of the 20th century, she was the first woman prime minister in Europe, she held the job for 11 years. In the 20th century no other prime minister had been in office for such a long period, the woman was strong and amazing.

Why other women Prime Ministers can not be more like her?

But this thread is not about Maggie.

Margaret Thatcher yes was one of the greatest Western leaders along with Ronald Reagan. We have total respect for both Thatcher and Reagan.
Margaret Thatcher was booted out of Number 10 by the Tories in her own party.
General Election 2017 live: Astonishing exit poll shows Tories set to lose majority as UK heads for possible Hung Parliament

Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line.

The SNP and Liberal Democrats are the only ones, other than Labour, who could do this. The Lib Dems won't and I'm sure after losing a few seats to the Tories in Scotland, the SNP won't either. The SNP know that a referendum wouldn't give them a positive result, so what's the point of seeing the NHS fall.

So what could is be?

A grand coalition with Labour going hard on more money for the NHS, the Police, education?

Labour forming government? They'd need 65 seats to do that, the SNP have 34, the Lib Dems 12, that's 46, way short and three parties is hard enough, let alone needing another 20 from the DUP, Sinn Fein AND Plaid to make it work. That's not going to happen.

"Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line."

This is incorrect of course. The mathematics as it stands:

The Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The new British Government.

Probably not a full Coalition, the DUP more likely will support the Conservatives on vote basis, the Queen's Speech, Budget, voting to get through Government Bills etc.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + the smaller parties = Cannot outvote the Government, they don't have enough votes combined together.

"Sinn Fein"

Nobody gets the votes of Sinn Fein ever, Sinn Fein with their Abstentionist Policy have always refused to take their seats in the House of Parliament.
What will ordinary English people think when they realize that the Orange Order of Ulster Protestant sectarian bigots will be calling the shots in their government.

Well the British have had Conservative + UUP (Ulster Unionist Party) before.

These parties are very different to how they were in the 1970s etc, for a very long time now in Northern Ireland the DUP have been in a Coalition with Sinn Fein, the latter Deputy First Minister an actual former Commander of the IRA Martin McGuinness.

Emotionally mature people put the past in the past and move on and shake hands and say "let's try and work together on what we can agree on" the DUP who were linked with the UDA and the UVF the Protestant versions of the IRA sat in a room and at a table with Sinn Fein the political wing of the IRA and they shook hands and formed a Coalition.

If people held the hate and bigotry that you Far Leftists do refering to people as "sectarian bigots" then the murders would still be happening, there would have been NO Northern Ireland Peace Deal.
Please stop writing untruths; the DUP is not the Ulster Unionist Party, they are Paisleyites, homophobes, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish language, anti-European Union (while the majority of N.Ireland voters are for Remain). The DUP have not moved on and the power-sharing Authority in Stormont came to a halt because Arlene Foster (DUP) did not have the courtesy to treat Martin McGuinness (whom you mentioned) with common respect. They are members of the Protestant Orange Order and ordinary English people have nothing in common with their fundamentalist hate.

^ Ignore the Far Left Sectarian Hate Monger, gibbering and gibbering about the DUP while ignoring that Martin McGuinness was a Commander in the IRA and admitted himself he gave orders to have people murdered.

Far Left = Terrorist Supporters, be they IRA terrorists, Hamas terrorists or ISIS terrorists.
Ukip never had more than 1 seat and that was a defection. The English press and TV gave their loudmouth Leader, Farage, far too much in inches of ink and air time. They were mostly unhappy Tories.
It ought to be worrying how the English media try to make, and in the case of Jeremy Corbyn, break people they support or reject. The English media are unbalanced, right-wing, and pro-Tory.

The collapsed UKIP vote went more to Labour than the Conservatives, especially in the English Midlands and North Western seats, the Labour Party got a larger share of the UKIP vote.
Sinn Fein about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories.

"You are mistaken again"

Lol I was never wrong last night not ONE time, I said from the beginning that the Conservatives would form the next British Government, I also said in the middle of the night that the DUP would give the Conservatives the overall majority and they have.

I was never wrong or mistaken, but you and the other Socialist supporters were 100% wrong ALL night, in desperation suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn would become the British Prime Minister despite it being a COMPLETE mathematical impossibility.

My posts from last night are here in this thread for all to read, for all to see I was correct all along and you people were wrong all along.

I was never mistaken, but you were mistaken consistently.

"about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories"

Wrong, I was reading the Internals, I'll post them later.
I never said Jeremy Corbyn would or could be prime minister.
There is no way the Tories would have the DUP in government.

Just give it up, like all Socialists you are wrong about everything.

"There is no way the Tories would have the DUP in government."

I have made several long posts already about this just moments ago, people reading this thread can read all my comments, do have reading comprehension problems or something, 20 minutes ago I already posted:

NOTE: "Probably not a full Coalition"

View attachment 131886

British General Election Results
Stop being rude if you expect a response from me.
General Election 2017 live: Astonishing exit poll shows Tories set to lose majority as UK heads for possible Hung Parliament

Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line.

The SNP and Liberal Democrats are the only ones, other than Labour, who could do this. The Lib Dems won't and I'm sure after losing a few seats to the Tories in Scotland, the SNP won't either. The SNP know that a referendum wouldn't give them a positive result, so what's the point of seeing the NHS fall.

So what could is be?

A grand coalition with Labour going hard on more money for the NHS, the Police, education?

Labour forming government? They'd need 65 seats to do that, the SNP have 34, the Lib Dems 12, that's 46, way short and three parties is hard enough, let alone needing another 20 from the DUP, Sinn Fein AND Plaid to make it work. That's not going to happen.

"Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line."

This is incorrect of course. The mathematics as it stands:

The Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The new British Government.

Probably not a full Coalition, the DUP more likely will support the Conservatives on vote basis, the Queen's Speech, Budget, voting to get through Government Bills etc.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + the smaller parties = Cannot outvote the Government, they don't have enough votes combined together.

"Sinn Fein"

Nobody gets the votes of Sinn Fein ever, Sinn Fein with their Abstentionist Policy have always refused to take their seats in the House of Parliament.
What will ordinary English people think when they realize that the Orange Order of Ulster Protestant sectarian bigots will be calling the shots in their government.

Well the British have had Conservative + UUP (Ulster Unionist Party) before.

These parties are very different to how they were in the 1970s etc, for a very long time now in Northern Ireland the DUP have been in a Coalition with Sinn Fein, the latter Deputy First Minister an actual former Commander of the IRA Martin McGuinness.

Emotionally mature people put the past in the past and move on and shake hands and say "let's try and work together on what we can agree on" the DUP who were linked with the UDA and the UVF the Protestant versions of the IRA sat in a room and at a table with Sinn Fein the political wing of the IRA and they shook hands and formed a Coalition.

If people held the hate and bigotry that you Far Leftists do refering to people as "sectarian bigots" then the murders would still be happening, there would have been NO Northern Ireland Peace Deal.
Please stop writing untruths; the DUP is not the Ulster Unionist Party, they are Paisleyites, homophobes, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish language, anti-European Union (while the majority of N.Ireland voters are for Remain). The DUP have not moved on and the power-sharing Authority in Stormont came to a halt because Arlene Foster (DUP) did not have the courtesy to treat Martin McGuinness (whom you mentioned) with common respect. They are members of the Protestant Orange Order and ordinary English people have nothing in common with their fundamentalist hate.

^ Ignore the Far Left Sectarian Hate Monger, gibbering and gibbering about the DUP while ignoring that Martin McGuinness was a Commander in the IRA and admitted himself he gave orders to have people murdered.

Far Left = Terrorist Supporters, be they IRA terrorists, Hamas terrorists or ISIS terrorists.
Consider yourself on my 'ignore' list.
Then explain.

Otherwise it just looks like you'll say anything just for attention, like Katy Hopkins.

I miss her because she was a strong woman, who knew what side she was on and who didn't pussyfoot around with the Left like many other British leaders.

Yes, she was on the wrong side, and she bloody well knew it, and no, she didn't pussyfoot around thinking about the people she was designed to represent, especially the coal miners and the poor people. The UK is still suffering from many of her policies.

She was one of the greatest British politicians of the 20th century, she was the first woman prime minister in Europe, she held the job for 11 years. In the 20th century no other prime minister had been in office for such a long period, the woman was strong and amazing.

Why other women Prime Ministers can not be more like her?

But this thread is not about Maggie.

Margaret Thatcher yes was one of the greatest Western leaders along with Ronald Reagan. We have total respect for both Thatcher and Reagan.
Margaret Thatcher was booted out of Number 10 by the Tories in her own party.

Yes prior to that she had given them several landslides and the Socialists were out of power for 19 years, they only won in 1997 because Tony Blair dropped ALL Socialism from the platform and was basically a Soft Tory, there was nothing Labour about Tony Blair, the only way Socialists can win is by becoming Soft Conservative.

There's nothing more to say in this thread, you are descending into Hate Speech and Sour Grapes like a typical Sore Loser Far Leftist Terrorist Sympathiser.
"Looks like the Tories will fall 12 short of 326, which means the DUP won't be able to get them over the line."

This is incorrect of course. The mathematics as it stands:

The Conservatives 319 + DUP 10 = 329 = The new British Government.

Probably not a full Coalition, the DUP more likely will support the Conservatives on vote basis, the Queen's Speech, Budget, voting to get through Government Bills etc.

The Labour Party + SNP + Liberal Democrats + the smaller parties = Cannot outvote the Government, they don't have enough votes combined together.

"Sinn Fein"

Nobody gets the votes of Sinn Fein ever, Sinn Fein with their Abstentionist Policy have always refused to take their seats in the House of Parliament.
What will ordinary English people think when they realize that the Orange Order of Ulster Protestant sectarian bigots will be calling the shots in their government.

Well the British have had Conservative + UUP (Ulster Unionist Party) before.

These parties are very different to how they were in the 1970s etc, for a very long time now in Northern Ireland the DUP have been in a Coalition with Sinn Fein, the latter Deputy First Minister an actual former Commander of the IRA Martin McGuinness.

Emotionally mature people put the past in the past and move on and shake hands and say "let's try and work together on what we can agree on" the DUP who were linked with the UDA and the UVF the Protestant versions of the IRA sat in a room and at a table with Sinn Fein the political wing of the IRA and they shook hands and formed a Coalition.

If people held the hate and bigotry that you Far Leftists do refering to people as "sectarian bigots" then the murders would still be happening, there would have been NO Northern Ireland Peace Deal.
Please stop writing untruths; the DUP is not the Ulster Unionist Party, they are Paisleyites, homophobes, anti-Catholic, anti-Irish language, anti-European Union (while the majority of N.Ireland voters are for Remain). The DUP have not moved on and the power-sharing Authority in Stormont came to a halt because Arlene Foster (DUP) did not have the courtesy to treat Martin McGuinness (whom you mentioned) with common respect. They are members of the Protestant Orange Order and ordinary English people have nothing in common with their fundamentalist hate.

^ Ignore the Far Left Sectarian Hate Monger, gibbering and gibbering about the DUP while ignoring that Martin McGuinness was a Commander in the IRA and admitted himself he gave orders to have people murdered.

Far Left = Terrorist Supporters, be they IRA terrorists, Hamas terrorists or ISIS terrorists.
Consider yourself on my 'ignore' list.

I'm not bothered, sorry you cannot handle reality.

People can also read your comments in this thread where you played down Jeremy Corbyn meeting with IRA terrorists and him supporting the Hamas terrorists.
You could replace "Tories" with "Republicans" and you would get almost the exact narrative for this country.

Laurie Penny writing at Salon:
"The Tories haven’t just fucked up this election. They’ve fucked up the country, mercilessly and for eight long years, and people are sick of them. In less than two terms, they have destroyed the welfare state; almost bankrupted our health service and school system; plunged millions of children into poverty; presided over an enormous uptick in racism, social division and terrorist violence; utterly failed to balance the nation’s finances; and sent us spinning out of the European Union into the maw of decades of uncertainty, recession and fear. Racists are running brave in the streets. Food banks are the new normal. Millions of people are languishing in exhausting, low-paid work. People with disabilities are dying in their homes. School buildings are rotting. The mental health system is close to collapse. Young people have given up hope of starting families. People are poor, angry and scared."

2018. Just sayin', 2018.
You could replace "Tories" with "Republicans" and you would get almost the exact narrative for this country.

Laurie Penny writing at Salon:
"The Tories haven’t just fucked up this election. They’ve fucked up the country, mercilessly and for eight long years, and people are sick of them. In less than two terms, they have destroyed the welfare state; almost bankrupted our health service and school system; plunged millions of children into poverty; presided over an enormous uptick in racism, social division and terrorist violence; utterly failed to balance the nation’s finances; and sent us spinning out of the European Union into the maw of decades of uncertainty, recession and fear. Racists are running brave in the streets. Food banks are the new normal. Millions of people are languishing in exhausting, low-paid work. People with disabilities are dying in their homes. School buildings are rotting. The mental health system is close to collapse. Young people have given up hope of starting families. People are poor, angry and scared."

2018. Just sayin', 2018.
I believe you are quite right. Both English Tories and modern Republicans in the USA have similar values.
The collapsed UKIP vote went more to Labour than the Conservatives, especially in the English Midlands and North Western seats, the Labour Party got a larger share of the UKIP vote.
Sinn Fein about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories.

"You are mistaken again"

Lol I was never wrong last night not ONE time, I said from the beginning that the Conservatives would form the next British Government, I also said in the middle of the night that the DUP would give the Conservatives the overall majority and they have.

I was never wrong or mistaken, but you and the other Socialist supporters were 100% wrong ALL night, in desperation suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn would become the British Prime Minister despite it being a COMPLETE mathematical impossibility.

My posts from last night are here in this thread for all to read, for all to see I was correct all along and you people were wrong all along.

I was never mistaken, but you were mistaken consistently.

"about twice as many Ukip supporters went to the Tories"

Wrong, I was reading the Internals, I'll post them later.
I never said Jeremy Corbyn would or could be prime minister.
There is no way the Tories would have the DUP in government.

Just give it up, like all Socialists you are wrong about everything.

"There is no way the Tories would have the DUP in government."

I have made several long posts already about this just moments ago, people reading this thread can read all my comments, do have reading comprehension problems or something, 20 minutes ago I already posted:

NOTE: "Probably not a full Coalition"

View attachment 131886

British General Election Results
Stop being rude if you expect a response from me.

All you have done is spew hate about the DUP "sectarian bigots" while at the same time completely played down that Sinn Fein would also be considered "sectarian bigots" and that Martin McGuinness was an actual Commander in the IRA and gave orders himself to have people murdered.

The DUP in Coalition in Northern Ireland for YEARS with Sinn Fein no longer consider each other "sectarian bigots"
I believe you are quite right. Both English Tories and modern Republicans in the USA have similar values.
I'm always telling people the reason I can't stand Zionists (who happen to major assholes), is because they remind me of neocons. And I definitely hate neocons!
I believe you are quite right. Both English Tories and modern Republicans in the USA have similar values.
I'm always telling people the reason I can't stand Zionists (who happen to major assholes), is because they remind me of neocons. And I definitely hate neocons!
You will find that several influential neocons are in fact Zionists.
These British elections do indicate that the people are turning away from the hard right. Young people have been voting for the Left today and that is encouraging for the future.
The Queen will want to know how Theresa May hopes to hold a majority in the House of Commons.
You will find that several influential neocons are in fact Zionists.
These British elections do indicate that the people are turning away from the hard right. Young people have been voting for the Left today and that is encouraging for the future.
The Queen will want to know how Theresa May hopes to hold a majority in the House of Commons.
I think it would be poetic justice for one of Diana's boys to become PM.

Maybe her sons could become the English version of the Kennedy's?

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