British General Election Results

I understand that they have taken Shipley and kicked out the member for ladbrokes north. the most corrupt member of parliament we currently have.
Carmarthen East (Wales) Plaid Cymru hold
Battersea Labour gain from Tories
Ealing Central Labour hold

Labour 49
Conservative 29
Independent 5
Plaid Cymru 1
The first result is from Newcastle Upon Tyne Central and the seat goes to Labour which represents a swing to Labour of 2% from the Conservatives.

This constituency has a university and graduates are giving support to Labour.

Houghton and Sunderland South: Labour win!

This gives Labour the first two seats.

After seven results so far, Exit Poll projection vs Actual Results.

Exit Polls based on those seven results together showed:

Conservatives + 2 Labour + 15 UKIP - 14

Actual Results based on those seven results together are:

Conservatives + 8 Labour + 9 UKIP - 13

Difference from Exit Poll:

Conservatives + 6 Labour - 6 UKIP - 1

After ninety six results so far, Exit Poll projection vs Actual Results.

Exit Poll based on the ninety six results together are:

Conservatives + 6 Labour + 10 UKIP - 12

Actual Results based on the ninety six results together are:

Conservatives + 7 Labour + 9 UKIP - 12

Only 554 results to be declared, which is a huge amount of results to be declared.
Labour 8
Tories 5

^ That is all in three hours, very slow.
You must keep up, Lucy.
Labour 10
Tories 6

That's why I need a Martini stimulant to help me keep up.

Go take your concoction darling..... but hurry back for the .....the "running commentary" here :laugh::laugh:

The BBC Projection is now:

Conservatives to get 322 seats - up from the Exit Poll of 314 seats

Labour to get 261 seats - down from the Exit Poll of 266 seats

SNP to get 32 seats

Liberal Democrats to get 13 seats

That would mean the Conservatives would be short of an overall majority by 4 seats, which the DUP will give them the majority.

There is no scenario whatsover where Labour can form a Government, it is mathematically impossible based on that BBC Projection.

Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrats = 306 where do Labour get another 20 seats from?

  1. BBC forecasts Conservatives to win 322 seats
  2. That's short of a parliamentary majority
  3. Labour predicted to get 261
  4. Home secretary among ministers under threat
  5. SNP's Westminster leader loses his seat
  6. Lib Dems forecast to gain six but Nick Clegg could lose seat
General election 2017: BBC forecasts Conservatives largest party - BBC News
Last edited:
Labour 8
Tories 5

^ That is all in three hours, very slow.
You must keep up, Lucy.
Labour 10
Tories 6

That's why I need a Martini stimulant to help me keep up.

Go take your concoction darling..... but hurry back for the .....the "running commentary" here :laugh::laugh:

The BBC Projection is now:

Conservatives to get 322 seats

Labour to get 261 seats

SNP to get 32 seats

Liberal Democrats to get 13 seats

That would mean the Conservatives would be short of an overall majority by 4 seats, which the DUP will give them the majority.

There is no scenario whatsover where Labour can form a Government, it is mathematically impossible based on that BBC Projection.

Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrats = 306 where do Labour get another 20 seats from?
Not a lot of value in projections at this stage. Results are coming in thick and fast.

Labour 95
Conservative 76
SNP 13
Plaid Cymru 2
Sinn Fein 2
^ That is all in three hours, very slow.
You must keep up, Lucy.
Labour 10
Tories 6

That's why I need a Martini stimulant to help me keep up.

Go take your concoction darling..... but hurry back for the .....the "running commentary" here :laugh::laugh:

The BBC Projection is now:

Conservatives to get 322 seats

Labour to get 261 seats

SNP to get 32 seats

Liberal Democrats to get 13 seats

That would mean the Conservatives would be short of an overall majority by 4 seats, which the DUP will give them the majority.

There is no scenario whatsover where Labour can form a Government, it is mathematically impossible based on that BBC Projection.

Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrats = 306 where do Labour get another 20 seats from?
Not a lot of value in projections at this stage. Results are coming in thick and fast.

Labour 91
Conservative 72
SNP 13
Plaid Cymru 2
Sinn Fein 2

The next British Government will be the Conservative Party backed by the DUP and also very possibly the Ulster Unionist Party.

The BBC Projection of 322 seats for the Conservatives, they only need one more seat to get The Queens Speech through, because as I commented earlier, Sinn Fein won't take their seats so they don't have a vote, so the working majority is actually only 323 seats as opposed to 326 seats.

Labour will not be their next Government and the Liberal Democrats have already said no.

So Labour 261 + SNP 32 = 293 they have nowhere to get another 30 seats from.
Rurherglen (Scotland) Labour gain from SNP.
Down North (N. Ireland) Independent.

Labour 19
Tories 8
Independent 1

You do realise that the Labour gains only count if they take seats off the Conservatives, which reduces the Conservative total and adds to the Labour total.

Any Labour gain from the SNP or the Liberal Democrats isn't as important as the SNP and the Liberal Democrats are not in control of the Government of Westminster.
You must keep up, Lucy.
Labour 10
Tories 6

That's why I need a Martini stimulant to help me keep up.

Go take your concoction darling..... but hurry back for the .....the "running commentary" here :laugh::laugh:

The BBC Projection is now:

Conservatives to get 322 seats

Labour to get 261 seats

SNP to get 32 seats

Liberal Democrats to get 13 seats

That would mean the Conservatives would be short of an overall majority by 4 seats, which the DUP will give them the majority.

There is no scenario whatsover where Labour can form a Government, it is mathematically impossible based on that BBC Projection.

Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrats = 306 where do Labour get another 20 seats from?
Not a lot of value in projections at this stage. Results are coming in thick and fast.

Labour 91
Conservative 72
SNP 13
Plaid Cymru 2
Sinn Fein 2

The next British Government will be the Conservative Party backed by the DUP and also very possibly the Ulster Unionist Party.

The BBC Projection of 322 seats for the Conservatives, they only need one more seat to get The Queens Speech through, because as I commented earlier, Sinn Fein won't take their seats so they don't have a vote, so the working majority is actually only 323 seats as opposed to 326 seats.

Labour will not be their next Government and the Liberal Democrats have already said no.

So Labour 261 + SNP 32 = 293 they have nowhere to get another 30 seats from.
How pathetic that a Tory government would have to rely on 5 Ulster Protestant sectarian votes.
They must be in real deep trouble.
That's why I need a Martini stimulant to help me keep up.

Go take your concoction darling..... but hurry back for the .....the "running commentary" here :laugh::laugh:

The BBC Projection is now:

Conservatives to get 322 seats

Labour to get 261 seats

SNP to get 32 seats

Liberal Democrats to get 13 seats

That would mean the Conservatives would be short of an overall majority by 4 seats, which the DUP will give them the majority.

There is no scenario whatsover where Labour can form a Government, it is mathematically impossible based on that BBC Projection.

Labour + SNP + Liberal Democrats = 306 where do Labour get another 20 seats from?
Not a lot of value in projections at this stage. Results are coming in thick and fast.

Labour 91
Conservative 72
SNP 13
Plaid Cymru 2
Sinn Fein 2

The next British Government will be the Conservative Party backed by the DUP and also very possibly the Ulster Unionist Party.

The BBC Projection of 322 seats for the Conservatives, they only need one more seat to get The Queens Speech through, because as I commented earlier, Sinn Fein won't take their seats so they don't have a vote, so the working majority is actually only 323 seats as opposed to 326 seats.

Labour will not be their next Government and the Liberal Democrats have already said no.

So Labour 261 + SNP 32 = 293 they have nowhere to get another 30 seats from.
How pathetic that a Tory government would have to rely on 5 Ulster Protestant sectarian votes.
They must be in real deep trouble.

I have read up on this just before and the John Major Government in the early to mid 1990s were supported by the Ulster Unionist Party.

There have been other instances before that 1990s situation also.

How wonderful that Nick Clegg has just lost his seat, so many of the Liberal Democrats were punished in 2015 and he who caused the near total collapse of the Liberal Democratic Party kept his seat, well Karma is a bitch and she's finally got him now.

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