British Muslim on gay marriage

My lib friend said 'other steps' meant democratic methods despite the article talking about democratic steps until he brings up other steps at the very end
Proposed Gay Marriage Bill & Muslim Silence

What other steps is he referring to in the last paragraph?

He sounds like some posters here. Some RW posters.

Are right wing posters people of diversity and tolerance that are your DARLINGS?

Why do yhou libs pick darling groups that hate your other darling groups?

Do you enjoy darling group catfights? Or is it the mental illness that all liberals have? You'll stick your head in the sand when presented with the fact your darling groups hate each other.

In the mind of a mentally defective liberal retard, a white southern guy watching nascar is a bigger islamophobe for thinking negative thoughts abouto hijabs than muslims are for killing other muslims on a daily basis for being of the "wrong" sect of islam.

Because you liberals NEED to live in a fantasy world of denial becase you are SO FUCKING MENTALLY ILL.
It is going to be much harder to get muslims to deny reality than those raised in western culture. Of course the west is also supposed to deny the reality of muslims too!
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

Good question.

Could it possibly be because of the same people that blow up health clinics and shoot doctors in their own churches?

Why do Christians embrace those who kill others (i.e. murder)?

I thought one of the 10 Commandments was that "thou shalt not murder"?
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

I didn't see any part of that article where he was threatening violence.
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

I didn't see any part of that article where he was threatening violence.
I didn't say "threatening", I said "suggesting".
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

I didn't see any part of that article where he was threatening violence.
I didn't say "threatening", I said "suggesting".

Okay, but I read the article and must have interpreted it differently. I assume you refer to the part about 'Day of Judgement' etc?
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

As I some RW posters some of Katz's stuff for starters.
Liberals simply don't believe that muslims would really harm gays. They will fall right into the liberal line. People will only take being pushed so far. With muslims that line isn't nearly as far away as it is with Christians.
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

As I some RW posters some of Katz's stuff for starters.
That's right, change the subject.

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