British Muslim on gay marriage

He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

As I some RW posters some of Katz's stuff for starters.
That's right, change the subject.

Isn't the subject "suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way"? Isn't that in YOUR post? I'm pointing out that this isn't all that uncommon an attitude with some posters here. Apparently you think that it's a bad thing with a muslim.....not so bad if it's a RW poster. Right?
As I some RW posters some of Katz's stuff for starters.
That's right, change the subject.

Isn't the subject "suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way"? Isn't that in YOUR post? I'm pointing out that this isn't all that uncommon an attitude with some posters here. Apparently you think that it's a bad thing with a muslim.....not so bad if it's a RW poster. Right?
Go back and read the OP. You're changing the subject, as well as trying to derail the thread. But then, that's what you usually do.
Homosexuals are excecuted in most Muslim countries, homosexuality is totally out lawed in the Quran, what response did we expect from him?
He's suggesting the possible use of violence if they don't get their way. Funny how liberals condemn Christians for being opposed to gay marriage, yet embrace muslims, who execute homosexuals. What's wrong with that picture?

So...this is not YOUR post in this thread, S.J.?
YES, IT'S MY POST IN THIS THREAD! But it's not my thread, dumbshit.

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