Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

They are owed by the government that wronged them.

That government still exists.

They're going to get their reparations.


Those issues were fixed in the 60's.

There is no Constitutional or Contractural basis for any reparations based on race.
Then sue the people that took the property. They just did this in LA for some beach property recently, didn't they?

Non realized assumed gains are not losses, That's Ponzi scheme talk.

Reparations are not owed due to thought crime, which seems to be the basis of your current rant.
The government is responsible. This ain't about thought crimes. Funny how racists think.

From Ferguson to Baltimore​

The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

The government is responsible. This ain't about thought crimes. Funny how racists think.

From Ferguson to Baltimore​

The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation

And the laws/rules were fixed. That is all that is owed to the people wronged by the laws.
We are quickly approaching the "less than half" mark for blacks who have ZERO ancestors who were slaves in America, and also have no relatives who lived in America pre-1960. They immigrated here post 1960. Thus would not qualify for reparations.
But of course, any reparations would 100% include them anyway.... because... virtue signaling.
No, that won't be necessary. You really need to stop reading stormfront history.
I have nothing to do with stormfront. How do you plan on preventing white descendants of slaves from receiving reparations payments if you don't have a skin color monitor visually inspecting them?
Those issues were fixed in the 60's.

There is no Constitutional or Contractural basis for any reparations based on race.
No they were not fixed in the 1960''s. The signature on a piece of paper has not stopped white racism. Again here is an example:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

This was supposed to have been fixed in the 60's according to you, but this comment was made in 2020. Reparations are not based on race moron. They are baseed on human rights violations by U.S. governments at the federal, state, county, and local leveels. Stop listening to white race hustlers.
No they were not fixed in the 1960''s. The signature on a piece of paper has not stopped white racism. Again here is an example:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

This was supposed to have been fixed in the 60's according to you, but this comment was made in 2020. Reparations are not based on race moron. They are baseed on human rights violations by U.S. governments at the federal, state, county, and local leveels. Stop listening to white race hustlers.

It has stopped institutional racism. you can't stop people from being biased regardless of the bias.

As long as the rules aren't biased, in a free society you have to live with bias.

In NY government jobs are forced BY LAW to meet 30% minority business subcontracting. That is clear institutional racism, but it's the kind you like.

The only race hustler here is you.
We are quickly approaching the "less than half" mark for blacks who have ZERO ancestors who were slaves in America, and also have no relatives who lived in America pre-1960. They immigrated here post 1960. Thus would not qualify for reparations.
But of course, any reparations would 100% include them anyway.... because... virtue signaling.
Incorrect. Because reparations are not just for slavery. But white racists will continue trying this dishonest argument to foment violence as reparations become a reality.
It has stopped institutional racism. you can't stop people from being biased regardless of the bias.

As long as the rules aren't biased, in a free society you have to live with bias.

In NY government jobs are forced BY LAW to meet 30% minority business subcontracting. That is clear institutional racism, but it's the kind you like.

The only race hustler here is you.
No it has not stopped institutional raacism.

You purposefully ignore the racial preferences whites have been givven to squawk about a 30 percent requirement created because whites would not hire minorities without it.

Another dishonest opinion

Again, stop listening to white race hustlers.
No it has not stopped institutional raacism.

You purposefully ignore the racial preferences whites have been givven to squawk about a 30 percent requirement created because whites would not hire minorities without it.

Another dishonest opinion

Again, stop listening to white race hustlers.

Those preference are illegal currently, unlike the DBE scam which institutionalizes racism against certain non minorities and men.

All your side does is make the race divide worse by encouraging bitterness and government interference.
They can still demonstrate that they were less likely to get callbacks on their resumes, still more likely to be pulled over by the police due to racial profiling, etc.

Yes, how dare they have nice things. Next, they'll be appearing on posters, and Lisa will wet her Depends!

That someone has worked hard to eat at a nice steakhouse (I assume they aren't eating there every day) or affording a nice pair of shoes, doesn't take away from the fact they had to overcome a lot more obstacles than you or I had to.

I am. I also understand that this was a CHOICE made by my grandfather. No one brought him over here in chains. Did he encounter prejudice for being a German-American between the World Wars? You betcha. But that kind of thing pretty much ended with my Dad's Generation who stopped speaking German and doing German stuff.

Not all white people are as awful as you are...
No, many like you are far worse.
No they were not fixed in the 1960''s. The signature on a piece of paper has not stopped white racism. Again here is an example:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, I was an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

This was supposed to have been fixed in the 60's according to you, but this comment was made in 2020. Reparations are not based on race moron. They are baseed on human rights violations by U.S. governments at the federal, state, county, and local leveels. Stop listening to white race hustlers.
You have found ONE JACKASS that you keep holding up as an example of ALL WHITES. What you always neglect to mention is that his company would have fired him for his conduct if they had known and it's likely that the government would have thrown him in jail for a hate crime if it had known. Grow up.
Uhhh, I have news for you, the Aryan white supremacists hate Jews more than they do blacks.
And I also don’t hear masses of people marching around liberal college universities calling out “Death to Blacks!” and the university presidents unwilling to condemn it.

The biggest concern involving bigotry is now that directed against Jews. Liberals who refuse to condemn the current calls to genocide Jews, or downplay it, while demanding that blacks get white people’s money because of something generations ago, that the white people who would have to pay it had nothing to do with, just makes them look like hypocrites.

And YES….white people would have to pay it. Where do you think the government gets most of its money? From white people.
Yeah, and...?
His point is that there are minorities who are on the receiving end of bigotry and hate much more than blacks. A Jew is 2.6x more likely to be a victim of a hate crime than a black.

So quick bitching and be thankful that you were born in this country. And be glad that young people aren’t being so brainwashed that they want YOU dead.
I get tired of the same dumb questions being asked over and over by whites who know they are still screwing people of color over based on race. And don't come with that white "it ain't me" garbage.
Saying it ain’t me is a white thing? So you think all whites are guilty? It’s pathetic that you choose to blame race on anything denied to blacks even though the same things are denied to whites. That is YOU playing the victim, as usual.
No, many like you are far worse.
I'm not the one who freaks out because she saw pictures of black people at the mall.

The biggest concern involving bigotry is now that directed against Jews. Liberals who refuse to condemn the current calls to genocide Jews, or downplay it, while demanding that blacks get white people’s money because of something generations ago, that the white people who would have to pay it had nothing to do with, just makes them look like hypocrites.
I haven't heard anyone call for death to Jews. We had a very big demonstration by Palestinians in our town square, the protestors were quite reasonable in calling for a cease fire and the end to the occupation of Palestine.

The problem is, of course, is your side doesn't want any viewpoint other than the Zionist one heard on this issue.
I'm not the one who freaks out because she saw pictures of black people at the mall.

For the 90th time, pointing out the anti-white racism on display when there are 20 advertising posters, and all 20 are pulled from 12% of the population, is not “freaking out seeing pictures of black people.” Everyone knows it is pointing out the extreme bias in favor of blacks, and your lies will not silence whites from objecting to this racism.
I haven't heard anyone call for death to Jews. We had a very big demonstration by Palestinians in our town square, the protestors were quite reasonable in calling for a cease fire and the end to the occupation of Palestine.

The problem is, of course, is your side doesn't want any viewpoint other than the Zionist one heard on this issue.
What a liar. Just because YOU haven’t heard it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. There was a Comgressional hearing about the antisemites like you screaming it on college campuses. The liberal presidents, of course, who like you would be the first to condemn calls to genocide blacks refused to condemn calls to genocide Jews.
The same people touting reparations for the black descendants of slaves will tell you that the income disparity between whites and blacks is due to whites unfairly inheriting wealth they didn’t earn.
All Inherited Wealth Was Stolen From Whites Only

Don't try to feed us that preppy-loving lie, which is designed to trick proud Whites into supporting the root of all evil, hereditary wealth. Race-traitor heiristocrats are against earned wealth and think that was taken from the lazy and incompetent Aframs.

Liberals are agents-provocateurs, at least subconsciously working for the side they pretend to be against. The entire Left and the entire Right are mortal enemies of the type of people who built America.

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