Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

To expect somebody like you or me or millions of others who have NEVER mistreated or maligned another person due to his/her race, ethnicity, religion or whatever to pay restitution to somebody for what happened to others 60, 70, 80 years ago is not only ludicrous but would also be a huge injustice.
Why do you think that you & Lisa as well as the rest of your ilk, would be expected to ante-up to pay reparations to Black people in America. Reparations are paid by the government because the government was responsible for creating and enforcing laws, policies, procedures, social more, etc. that were racially discriminatory and dangerous to the lives of Black people in America. You all are NOT the government.

And before you start in on "I don't want my taxes going for blah blah blah", well I don't necessarily want my taxes going toward paying for aid to Ukraine or to the Israeli government, but I don't get a say in those matters.
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I just explained that no black person living today can demonstrate any damages to himself/herself or any others due to laws that existed sixty years ago. Not when thousands/millions of black people rose above those handicaps and accomplished themselves as well as any other people.
Damages are presumed, just like they are presumed for certain torts although reparations are not civil law.
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So there is a case in 2023 not 70 years ago as you proclaimed.

And no it's not a "just a case", there are a multitude of them but I am not about to spend my time reposting the same information you're already aware of.

And it does not surprise me that you know of two white people whom have prevailed in an EEOC case. It's been documented that whites been more successful in bringing suit under the Civil RIghts Act of 1964 than Black people.
What are you talking about, 70 years ago? You’re so eager to argue that you get all sorts of information wrong.
Well since you're fairly new, I will enlighten you that Lisa has a habit of trying out some of the more inflammatory terms to describe the Black members of this board.

And while it may be obvious to some that the words are not synonym, that can't be assumed with discussing Lisa & her crew.
No, if anything her words are tempered and restrained. It was probably a subconscious tactic on your part to characterize yourself as an extremist before anyone else stated the obvious.

Lets cut to the chase. What dollar amount are you owed in reparations? And what justification do you have for that figure?
How is someone richer than me or equal to me in economic status getting money from the government I cannot get from the government just because of race equal protection?
If they were harmed by the government's intentional acts, then they are entitled to recompense.

Reparations has nothing to do with a person's current economic circumstances, only with the fact that they suffered at the hands of our government's racially discriminatory policies that allowed its non-Black citizens, and local/state governments to racially discriminate and harm it's Black citizens.

It's the fact that they were subjected to and suffered at the hands of white supremacists policies and acts.

I honestly do not understand why it's so difficult for you all to grasp this concept unless you just don't want to.
Come on Mariyam, exactly how much do white people owe you in reparations? And what is your justification for that number?
No, if anything her words are tempered and restrained. It was probably a subconscious tactic on your part to characterize yourself as an extremist before anyone else stated the obvious.

Lets cut to the chase. What dollar amount are you owed in reparations? And what justification do you have for that figure?
I hear ridiculous sums of money being tossed around - like $1 million lump sum per black, plus a free house, plus $93,000 a year for life.

The Jews who survived the Holocaust got a few hundred a month, just to establish a benchmark.
Why do you think that you & Lisa as well as the rest of your ilk, would be expected to ante-up to pay reparations to Black people in America. Reparations are paid by the government because the government was responsible for creating and enforcing laws, policies, procedures, social more, etc. that were racially discriminatory and dangerous to the lives of Black people in America. You all are NOT the government.

And before you start in on "I don't want my taxes going for blah blah blah", well I don't necessarily want my taxes going toward paying for aid to Ukraine or to the Israeli government, but I don't get a say in those matters.
They have been race baited to believe that they are going to be made to pay blacks personally.
Apparently, if a Jew criticizes the pro-Palestinians and thugs who screaming they want to kill Jews, the Jew is the racist one.
Foxfyre said:
I just explained that no black person living today can demonstrate any damages to himself/herself or any others due to laws that existed sixty years ago. Not when thousands/millions of black people rose above those handicaps and accomplished themselves as well as any other people.

Foxfyre can't explain anything. If blacks rose so much why do whites still have 15 times more wealth than blacks. Blacks had 2 percent of the national wealth when freed from slavery and 2.7 percent of the wealth now. There are something like 20,000 black families, 400 have a net worth of 1 million or more. That's 2 percent. You should not try engaging blacks in discussions when you don't know the facts.
Then sue the people that took the property. They just did this in LA for some beach property recently, didn't they?

Non realized assumed gains are not losses, That's Ponzi scheme talk.

Reparations are not owed due to thought crime, which seems to be the basis of your current rant.
I don't believe that was a lawsuit because the statute of limitations would have lapsed a long time ago.
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They have been race baited to believe that they are going to be made to pay blacks personally.
It’s basic economics. The government has no income of its own. All of the government’s money comes from the tax payer. Thats me and you. You want reparations which would be in excess of any taxes you might pay. So, where is that money coming from? The answer is anyone who is not receiving reparations in excess of what they are paying in taxes. White people.

The most embarrassing part of this is the people who will make the most off reparations will be mostly white politicians. That’s how the government works. You give them a dollar for something, they give fifty cent to special interests, thirty cents for administrative fees, six cents on pizza and hotdogs and only fourteen cents to the thing you gave them a dollar for.
There is no contract to be disputed or compensated for being in arrears of.

None of your long post makes any rational case for reparations Soley based on race, which is what you are looking for.

Equal protection has been the law of the land since the 60's, after correcting the mistake made in Plessey.
You're wrong but I'll let ChatGPT explain why:

The key distinctions between reparations paid by a government for a historical wrong and damages paid in a lawsuit are rooted in the nature of the actions, the parties involved, and the legal contexts. Let's explore each concept separately:

  1. Reparations Paid by a Government for a Historical Wrong:
    • Nature of Action: Reparations in this context typically refer to compensation or amends made by a government for historical injustices, such as slavery, genocide, or other systemic and widespread abuses. These actions are often part of a broader acknowledgment of past wrongdoing.
    • Parties Involved: The government is usually the entity responsible for providing reparations. It may be the same government that perpetrated the wrongdoing or a successor government. The recipients of reparations are often individuals or communities who were directly or indirectly affected by the historical wrong.
    • Legal Context: Reparations for historical wrongs often involve legislative or executive action. Governments may pass laws or create programs to provide compensation, offer apologies, or implement other measures to address the lasting effects of past injustices. Legal frameworks for reparations may vary widely between countries.
  2. Damages Paid in a Lawsuit:
    • Nature of Action: Damages awarded in a lawsuit generally result from a specific legal dispute between parties. This could involve civil cases such as personal injury, contract disputes, or other legal claims where one party alleges harm caused by another.
    • Parties Involved: Lawsuits involve two or more private parties, such as individuals, companies, or organizations. The party seeking damages (plaintiff) must demonstrate that the other party (defendant) is legally responsible for the harm suffered.
    • Legal Context: Damages in a lawsuit are determined through the legal process, often involving a court trial. The court assesses the evidence, applies relevant laws, and awards monetary compensation to the injured party if liability is established. Damages can cover various categories, including compensatory damages for actual harm, punitive damages to deter future misconduct, and other types based on the circumstances of the case.
In summary, reparations for historical wrongs involve actions taken by governments to address widespread and systemic injustices, often on a societal level. Damages in a lawsuit, on the other hand, result from legal proceedings between private parties seeking compensation for specific, usually individualized, harms. The legal processes, parties involved, and the nature of the actions distinguish these two concepts.
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Tonights Lesson:

Stop Being White Telling Blacks What We Cannot Demonstrate!

On February 26, 2018, fifty years after the Kerner Commission findings,the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. The study compared the improvement in black communities in 2018 with the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 Years After the Kerner Commission,” the study concluded that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced, but blacks still faced disadvantages based on race.

Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op-ed published in the February 28, 2018 edition of the New York Daily News titled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” After studying the Kerner Report, Rothstein stated: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”

Listening to right wing trash opinions will not give you the facts. Running around as a whiite person who believes in the Teflon Theory of History whereby you want to tell blacks how the signture on a piece of paper magically ended racial discrimination while simultaneously exhibiting the saame racist behavior and attitudes, well, those days are over. There is all kinds of evidence showing that CONTINUING WHIITE RACISM is a problem. And what's worse is that your continuing racist attitudes create the drain on government revenues you all complain about every single day.
IM2, what dollar amount are you owed in reparations? And what is your justification for that number?
I hear ridiculous sums of money being tossed around - like $1 million lump sum per black, plus a free house, plus $93,000 a year for life.

The Jews who survived the Holocaust got a few hundred a month, just to establish a benchmark.
White Jews got Federal government assistance like every other white person. Furthermore the holocaust was about 10 years. Jim Crow alone was 100 years.

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