Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

See? And there you go again, calling me a racist.

I am explaining why it Is NOT comparable between the black man with the government-provided free education who had to sit in a segregated car IF he ventured south and the expensive artwork stolen from Jews by the Nazis when they murdered their parents.

The colors of the group involved have nothing to do with it. One group went through Hell on Earth, and the other group, to which I specifically referred, were educated gratis by our fine country but had to sit in a separate train car IF they went south.

If I were a black man given a free college education by New York, I wouldn’t have gone down South. If he had family down there, he could have used his college-level salary to bring them up here.
You really don’t get it. Again, you are minimizing what life under Jim Crowe was like, making it sound like a minor inconvenience.

Jim Crowe killed people. It corrupted the justice system. It closed the door on many occupations and paid Black workers less. It relegated housing to the worse areas of town. A segregated railroad car often meant Black men riding with livestock…pigs, cows, etc.

You don’t get it and that is why I fail to understand you.
Saying most Jews are liberal isn’t assigning a stereotype. Simple statistics. But calling a Jew a princess IS assigning a steretype.
….so is “If you’re like most liberals….”
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Then, like I said, you're going to have to have a visual color inspection of each recipient to make sure they're black enough to get reparations. Is that really where you want to go? As soon as you say, "descendants of slaves", you're going to have to do it.
No, that won't be necessary. You really need to stop reading stormfront history.
You really don’t get it. Again, you are minimizing what life under Jim Crowe was like, making it sound like a minor inconvenience.

Jim Crowe killed people. It corrupted the justice system. It closed the door on many occupations and paid Black workers less. It relegated housing to the worse areas of town. A segregated railroad car often meant Black men riding with livestock…pigs, cows, etc.

You don’t get it and that is why I fail to understand you.
She's being disingenuous.
How is someone richer than me or equal to me in economic status getting money from the government I cannot get from the government just because of race equal protection?
How much more stupid can this argument get? I doubt if black millionaires would take the reparation money. Wealthy Japanese got reparations. This opposition and all the excuses are nothing more than anti black hatred.
How much more stupid can this argument get? I doubt if black millionaires would take the reparation money. Wealthy Japanese got reparations. This opposition and all the excuses are nothing more than anti black hatred.
An inconvenient fact.
Blacks are indeed entitled to reparations from Fed, state, and local governments.
It's constitutional for descendants of American slaves.

If you're a descendant of an American slave, then it's constitutional to repair the harm done to them and their descendants.
Are you ASSuming there was harm to their descendants?
Whites has committed more violent crime than anybody else and have been given all kinds of financial help from the government. They got money while the blacks, native americsns, hispanics, and asians they killed were lying in graves, many of them unmarked.
More bullshit. Which whites today are getting financial help that you are denied? Which whites are committing more violent crimes?
It is dumb because whites were not slaves, whites did not face Jim Crow, and whites have benefitted from programs and policies that excluded blacks. So your white descendants of slaves have received reparations.
Who today is denied benefits and programs due to race?
I just explained that no black person living today can demonstrate any damages to himself/herself or any others due to laws that existed sixty years ago. Not when thousands/millions of black people rose above those handicaps and accomplished themselves as well as any other people.

That prejudices and injustices exist has been evident throughout all of human history. Prejudices and injustices are happening in the here and now. Because humankind is imperfect prejudice and injustice will be found among humankind for as long as we exist as a species. I experienced it in the professional world as a woman. I experience it now as a senior citizen and am considered by many as beyond my prime and less capable than a younger woman would be. That did not/does not harm me in any permanent way. It only made me/makes me more determined to prove my worth.

The best we can do is change bad laws and promote policies that minimize the handicaps that prejudice and injustice impose on people as much as realistically can be done. And when those laws and policies were changed six decades ago, promoting restitution now for prejudice and injustice suffered by one segment of American society but not all is in itself prejudiced and unjust. Most especially when it is people who had absolutely nothing to do with that prejudice and injustice but descended from those who corrected it who are now required to pay the restitution.

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During Walter Williams life, he was paid at least 1.9 million dollars in grants by various conservative organizations to produce the anti black trash you cite.

“There is another class of white people who make a business of keeping the advantages of whites maintained by gaslighting the public into a belief that white racism is now an illusion and that it is whites who face anti-white racism. … Some of these people do not want whites to lose preference, because they do not want to lose their jobs … There is a certain class of white race-‘problem solvers’ who don’t want America to get well.”

Damages have beeen shown. You really need to shut up. You ran from our debate and you come in here with this garbage because you get protected by other bigots. You complain about being callled a racist.. Well, that's what you are. There are all kinds of studies and proof that justifies reparations for blacks in America. The fact is that your parents got reparations froom Germany and government benefits from America. My father who fought and took a bullet to free your father was denied those things. Same with my uncles, one who lived with PTSD for the rest of his life after fighting to save members of your family. And where do you get the idea that blacks went to college for free? You talk about people being born after 1960 not being eligible.. What's that based on? The racist opinion of some ignorant.....? Because:

Citygroup did a study focusing on U.S. GDP from 2000 until 2020.The study revealed huge losses in GDP due to continuing discrimination against blacks in business revenue, education, housing credit, and income.The study determined that since the year 2000, continuing discriminatory practices in the four areas mentioned in the prior sentence resulted in a loss of 16 trillion dollars in GDP

Citigroup determined money lost due to racial discrimination against blacks since 2000. At a minimum, reparations can be requested for money lost from 2000 until right now. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals $57,569 per black person in America based on the 2020 U.S. Census. Including all losses due to racial discrimination equals $277,185 per black person in America.

This is money owed NOW for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

And that's just in the last 23 years. It's time whites like you faced the truth Lisa. Your existence is evidence that Jim Crow attitudes did not stop by the signing of a piece of paper. So we are owed and either we get paid or this nation will suffer unlike you have ever seen. What will come will make COVID look like a party.

Stop trying to explain about blacks. There are black people here who can do that. You would be best served spending some time reading the Torah, for God took your people out of bondage and told them never to forget how he saved them. He also told them to remember how they were slaves in their treatment of others and that because God gave them justice, they are not to deny justice to others. So you better start asking God to remove Satan from your heart and soul.

Damages have beeen shown. You really need to shut up. You ran from our debate and you come in here with this garbage because you get protected by other bigots. You complain about being callled a racist.. Well, that's what you are. There are all kinds of studies and proof that justifies reparations for blacks in America. The fact is that your parents got reparations froom Germany and government benefits from America. My father who fought and took a bullet to free your father was denied those things. Same with my uncles, one who lived with PTSD for the rest of his life after fighting to save members of your family. And where do you get the idea that blacks went to college for free? You talk about people being born after 1960 not being eligible.. What's that based on? The racist opinion of some ignorant.....? Because:

Citygroup did a study focusing on U.S. GDP from 2000 until 2020.The study revealed huge losses in GDP due to continuing discrimination against blacks in business revenue, education, housing credit, and income.The study determined that since the year 2000, continuing discriminatory practices in the four areas mentioned in the prior sentence resulted in a loss of 16 trillion dollars in GDP

Citigroup determined money lost due to racial discrimination against blacks since 2000. At a minimum, reparations can be requested for money lost from 2000 until right now. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals $57,569 per black person in America based on the 2020 U.S. Census. Including all losses due to racial discrimination equals $277,185 per black person in America.

This is money owed NOW for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.

And that's just in the last 23 years. It's time whites like you faced the truth Lisa. Your existence is evidence that Jim Crow attitudes did not stop by the signing of a piece of paper. So we are owed and either we get paid or this nation will suffer unlike you have ever seen. What will come will make COVID look like a party.

Stop trying to explain about blacks. There are black people here who can do that. You would be best served spending some time reading the Torah, for God took your people out of bondage and told them never to forget how he saved them. He also told them to remember how they were slaves in their treatment of others and that because God gave them justice, they are not to deny justice to others. So you better start asking God to remove Satan from your heart and soul.
Huh? Someone else asked what damages there have been, and you come out again with a long, angry litany against Jew girl.

i said that damages have not been made to ALL blacks - such as the blacks who got a free college education along with my father in the 1940s, courtesy of the government. Those blacks have already received FAR more from the government than any damages, and to go back 70 years and demand that a retired professional, educated by the government for free, gets MORE government is ridiculous.

But the blacks who lived in Jim Crowe states, forced into inferior black schools, DO deserve reparations - perhaps $500 a month for the rest of the lives.

But the blacks in the Jim Crowe state were harmed by his government, while the blacks in my parents’ college were helped. That is why it is unconstituional to give money to all blacks, regardless of circumstances.

Black #1: Grew up with my dad, attended the same public school, studied hard like my dad, and won a free college education, paid for by the government. He majored in engineering and ended up marrying a black girl in his class, who majored in teaching. She also got a free education. They went on to have comfortable middle-class lives, eventually affluent. They went on to have 3 children by 1960.

Black #2: Grew up in Alabama, and was forced to attend inferior black schools. No colleges down there were letting in blacks, and especially not giving them FREE educations. As a result, he ended up with a working class job, dealt with the Jim Crowe laws for another 15 years until they were abolished, and struggled financially.

NOW….you are telling me that all six of these blacks all deserve deserve reparations, decided solely by skin color?
No, it doesn't. Reparations happen because of a violation of equal protection under the law.

Then each person who's protection was violated makes a case against those who violated it. Not broad brush "government gives money to people unconstitutionally"

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