Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

That’s what I said in my OP. Blacks will NEVER get broad-based reparations based on nothing more than their being black. They’d have to show significant damages - the minority of Jews who received reparations had significant losses of health and assets - to receive what would be a few hundred dollars a month.

We can immediately rule out ANY black born after 1960, for starters.

Same thing with the victims of the internment of Japanese citizens and legal aliens during WWII
The same people touting reparations for the black decedents of slaves will tell you that the income disparity between whites and blacks is due to whites unfairly inheriting wealth they didn’t earn.
Without Daddy's Money, They'd Be Nobodies and They Know It

Logically then, you should be in favor of totally taking away large inheritances and trust funds, which also put predatory Preppies in positions they didn't earn, destroying the economy, the government, and the culture. Such a manor-born moocher tax would eliminate any rational need for an income tax.

You are obviously confused about this.

There is a special relationship in a family. One that transcends government interference. Not surprising you stupid Moon Bats don't understand it. Besides, it is not tax money that is being redistributed. It is family money. Under you stupid definition I should not be able to give a child an allowance, or pay for their food or buy my wife a Christmas gift because all the money I make belongs to the state. You actually believe that, don't you?

I have no relationship to the goddamn welfare queens in this country.

It is morally wrong for the government to take money from those that earned it and give it to those that didn't earn it. A moral concept the idiot Moon Bats never seem to grasp. Hint- it is called stealing. Just because the filthy government does it does not make any less of a thief.

That goes for everybody. No welfare, bailouts, subsidies, grants or entitlements. The government should never be in the business of redistribution wealth or income.
I think you've misunderstand what I've been saying. If there are reparations to be made, it shouldbetiedto Jim Crowe. Any Black person, still alive, who lived in the US prior to it's overturning would be eligible. Their constitutional rights were violated and it caused quantifiable damage. In this way it is in line with reparations given to others and would not include descendants.
I just explained that no black person living today can demonstrate any damages to himself/herself or any others due to laws that existed sixty years ago. Not when thousands/millions of black people rose above those handicaps and accomplished themselves as well as any other people.

That prejudices and injustices exist has been evident throughout all of human history. Prejudices and injustices are happening in the here and now. Because humankind is imperfect prejudice and injustice will be found among humankind for as long as we exist as a species. I experienced it in the professional world as a woman. I experience it now as a senior citizen and am considered by many as beyond my prime and less capable than a younger woman would be. That did not/does not harm me in any permanent way. It only made me/makes me more determined to prove my worth.

The best we can do is change bad laws and promote policies that minimize the handicaps that prejudice and injustice impose on people as much as realistically can be done. And when those laws and policies were changed six decades ago, promoting restitution now for prejudice and injustice suffered by one segment of American society but not all is in itself prejudiced and unjust. Most especially when it is people who had absolutely nothing to do with that prejudice and injustice but descended from those who corrected it who are now required to pay the restitution.

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My parents grew up and lived 40 plus years with Jim Crow. Because of Jim Crow, my father was refused the GI Bill when he came home from WW2.. Because of Jim Croww, they were denied the guaranteed home loans to buy a house. They were unable to attend college because they could not afford to go hundreds of miles to the all black college when nearby white colleges would not accept them. All of these things affected their earning capacity which impacted us as their children.

Honorable blacks.. C'mon. Some whites need to stop thinking they know what blacks have endured. Blacks has 2 percent of the national wealth during slavery, and at last check, we have 2.7 percent now despite being 13 percent of the population.

Foxfyre ignores some things that are essential to this discussion. Whites have recieved at least 8 handouts of economic development assistance from the government that blacks were excluded from even as blacks paid taxes. And I think that anyone who wants to arguue in opposition to reparations should do the research on this as well as looking at the long history of reparations that have been paid by this government so they can understand that blacks are not the first and only people who have asked for reparations.
I agree. The WA GI bill gave a huge advantage to returning soldiers and their families and was the catslyst a humongous jimp in home ownership, but it m9stly benefitted Whites in part because of Jim Crowe. And these sorts of things are quantifiable damages. Ot is mot much different than reparatio s paid to interred Japanese Americans.

They were not required prove individual damages nor were they exempted from receiving it if they took advantage of a free college education or managed to be successful in spite of it.

There is a different standard when it comes to African Americans being applied.
I just explained that no black person living today can demonstrate any damages to himself/herself or any others due to laws that existed sixty years ago. Not when thousands/millions of black people rose above those handicaps and accomplished themselves as well as any other people.

How do you know that? Jim Crowe is not some long ago thing, it exists in living memory. Would you make the same argument opposing reparations for the Japanese Americans?

That prejudices and injustices exist has been evident throughout all of human history. Prejudices and injustices are happening in the here and now. Because humankind is imperfect prejudice and injustice will be found among humankind for as long as we exist as a species. I experienced it in the professional world as a woman. I experience it now as a senior citizen and am considered by many as beyond my prime and less capable than a younger woman would be. That did not/does not harm me in any permanent way. It only made me/makes me more determined to prove my worth.

I get your point, but we, as women, never had to deal with a set of laws, called “seperate but equal” that defined every aspect of our public lives, right down to safety, where we could live, what schools we could attend, and how the justice system treated us. I think the fact that you and I, and Lisa, have not lived under a system like that makes it hard to walk in those shoes.

The best we can do is change bad laws and promote policies that minimize the handicaps that prejudice and injustice impose on people as much as realistically can be done. And when those laws and policies were changed six decades ago, promoting restitution now for prejudice and injustice suffered by one segment of American society but not all is in itself prejudiced and unjust. Most especially when it is people who had absolutely nothing to do with that prejudice and injustice but descended from those who corrected it who are now required to pay the restitution.

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Is it? The Japanese Americans did not get reparations until almost 45 years later.

Also restitution is paid by everyone…including those receiving it.
She said the same thing I did. You said you’re not going to engage everyone, but somehow you always manage to tsrget me.

I am also a good poster and genuinely kind person.
If you say so. I actually DO attempt to engage you (politely) but any time I disagree or attack your arguments, you pull the victim card.
If you say so. I actually DO attempt to engage you (politely) but any time I disagree or attack your arguments, you pull the victim card.
No, you don’t. You are constantly implying I am a racist. And what you call the “victim card” is my pointing out how the way you engage with a Jew is different than with others.

Let’s not forget….out of the blue one day you addressed me as “Princess.” Another poster pointed out to you that such was an antisemitic slur, and instead of you apologizing to me, you doubled down.

I am still willing to accept your apology for that if it is heartfelt. My religion teaches me to do that.
That’s what I said in my OP. Blacks will NEVER get broad-based reparations based on nothing more than their being black. They’d have to show significant damages - the minority of Jews who received reparations had significant losses of health and assets - to receive what would be a few hundred dollars a month.

We can immediately rule out ANY black born after 1960, for starters.
That is not exactly true. In addition compensation was also paid to heirs.
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No, you don’t. You are constantly implying I am a racist. And what you call the “victim card” is my pointing out how the way you engage with a Jew is different than with others.
Lisa, it may have escaped your notice, but you are not the only Jew on these boards who I have engaged with. Chew on that.

Let’s not forget….out of the blue one day you addressed me as “Princess.” Another poster pointed out to you that such was an antisemitic slur, and instead of you apologizing to me, you doubled down.
My comment was based on your behavior which actually promotes the stereotype.

I am still willing to accept your apology for that if it is heartfelt. My religion teaches me to do that.
Wait, you’ve called me an antisemite but demand I apologize? Actually, I will apologize, it was unnecessarily nasty.
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That is not exactly true. In addition compensation was also paid to heirs.
Yeah, because the Nazis stole expensive artwork for which there was a market price. The sons and daughters of Holocaust victims deserve payment of the stolen goods, if they were able to prove the art was their parents, and a price established. But others - who suffered and survived through the Holocaust, maimed for life, got a few hundred dollars a month.

That is very different from a black man who 70 years ago got his college education paid for by this country and MIGHT have gone down south and had to sit in a separate railway car. Now if the black man can prove that the Southern state stole his grandmother’s $50,000 painting, then yes,,,,he should get money for that.
Lisa, it may have escaped your notice, but you are not the only Jew on these boards who I have engaged with. Chew on that.
Like who? And on which topics? If you’re like most liberals, your venom is saved for Republican Jews who don‘t toe the “blame racism” narrative.
My comment was based on your behavior which actually promotes the stereotype.
Nothing Princess-like about my behavior. You read into my behavior and assign it a stereotype.
Wait, you’ve called me an antisemite but demand I apologize? Actually, I will apologize, it was unnecessarily nasty.
Apology accepted.
Yeah, because the Nazis stole expensive artwork for which there was a market price. The sons and daughters of Holocaust victims deserve payment of the stolen goods, if they were able to prove the art was their parents, and a price established. But others - who suffered and survived through the Holocaust, maimed for life, got a few hundred dollars a month.

That is very different from a black man who 70 years ago got his college education paid for by this country and MIGHT have gone down south and had to sit in a separate railway car. Now if the black man can prove that the Southern state stole his grandmother’s $50,000 painting, then yes,,,,he should get money for that.
See, you always have an excuse as to why it is different when it comes to Black people and you always have to minimize what they went through. That’s a pattern with you.
Like who? And on which topics? If you’re like most liberals, your venom is saved for Republican Jews who don‘t toe the “blame racism” narrative.

Nothing Princess-like about my behavior. You read into my behavior and assign it a stereotype.

Apology accepted.
Actually I have no venom for Jews. They can go with whatever political ideology they want. Kind of looks like you are assigning stereotypes here doesn’t it?
See, you always have an excuse as to why it is different when it comes to Black people and you always have to minimize what they went through. That’s a pattern with you.
See? And there you go again, calling me a racist.

I am explaining why it Is NOT comparable between the black man with the government-provided free education who had to sit in a segregated car IF he ventured south and the expensive artwork stolen from Jews by the Nazis when they murdered their parents.

The colors of the group involved have nothing to do with it. One group went through Hell on Earth, and the other group, to which I specifically referred, were educated gratis by our fine country but had to sit in a separate train car IF they went south.

If I were a black man given a free college education by New York, I wouldn’t have gone down South. If he had family down there, he could have used his college-level salary to bring them up here.
Actually I have no venom for Jews. They can go with whatever political ideology they want. Kind of looks like you are assigning stereotypes here doesn’t it?
Saying most Jews are liberal isn’t assigning a stereotype. Simple statistics. But calling a Jew a princess IS assigning a steretype.

Anyway, I am dropping out of this debate for a while. Right now the NYC mayor is warning that the pro-Palestian antisemites and thugs might cause violence in Time Square on Sunday evening. I want to watch the news to see what the HAMAS supporters have been threatening.

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