Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Just curious….Foxfyer said the same thing I did, but took it even further - saying she thought blacks asking for reparations for something that happened 70 years ago would be EMBARRASSED for doing so. She also stated that Jim Crowe laws in many states were minimal, meaning blacks and whites couldn’t marry.

Why do you not argue with her, or others who are saying the identical things I am - only stronger - and yer focusing your argument only with the one Jewish poster? Why are you not telling Foxfyer she is minimizing the impact?

Or what about Flash, who just posted above? He said NO blacks should get reparations. Why not argue with him?
1. I am one person, I am not going to engage everyone (particularly run of the mill racists like Flash. what is the point)

2. Foxfyre is a good poster and a genuinely kind person. I haven't read all her posts in this thread asI have been off line since early morning. Foxfyre doesn't run around claiming to be a victim and labeling others antisemites for disagreeing.
I think you've misunderstand what I've been saying. If there are reparations to be made, it shouldbetiedto Jim Crowe. Any Black person, still alive, who lived in the US prior to it's overturning would be eligible. Their constitutional rights were violated and it caused quantifiable damage. In this way it is in line with reparations given to others and would not include descendants.
The only objection I have to what you are saying is that Native American tribes in modern times have recieved reparations for what began before they were born.. Cobell v. Salazar is a case where the government paid a Native American tribe 3.4 billion in 2009 for things that began with the Dawes Act in the 1800's. Also, as late as 2017 the government was still paying descendants of confederate solldiers reparations for a war they never saw.
Honorable black people who stayed in school and educated themselves, got married before having kids, who were willing to do grunge work to develop work ethic, experience, references, and who have succeeded professionally know they personally were not harmed by either slavery or Jim Crow laws however reprehensible and unconscionable both of those conditions were.
There were those who ducceeded in spite of Jim Crowe but to say they were never harmed by it? I don't think many Blacks who lived through it would agree.

The only objection I have to what you are saying is that Native American tribes in modern times have recieved reparations for what began before they were born.. Cobell v. Salazar is a case where the government paid a Native American tribe 3.4 billion in 2009 for things that began with the Dawes Act in the 1800's. Also, as late as 2017 the government was still paying descendants of confederate solldiers reparations for a war they never saw.
Now that is interesting about decendants of Confederates, never heard of that.
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It's constitutional for descendants of American slaves.

If you're a descendant of an American slave, then it's constitutional to repair the harm done to them and their descendants.
What about white descendants of slaves?
If it's constitutional it's constitutional.
Here's the thing. If you go with descendants of slaves get reparations, then you will have white people receiving payments for slavery while black people will not. For the former, there just needs to be one former slave in the family tree, and we know there are some. For the latter, descendants of immigrants from African nations after the Civil War will receive nothing. It might be constitutional, but boy would it kick up a fuss.
There were those who ducceeded in spite of Jim Crowe but to say they were never harmed by it? I don't think many Blacks who lived through it would agree.
My parents grew up and lived 40 plus years with Jim Crow. Because of Jim Crow, my father was refused the GI Bill when he came home from WW2.. Because of Jim Croww, they were denied the guaranteed home loans to buy a house. They were unable to attend college because they could not afford to go hundreds of miles to the all black college when nearby white colleges would not accept them. All of these things affected their earning capacity which impacted us as their children.

Honorable blacks.. C'mon. Some whites need to stop thinking they know what blacks have endured. Blacks has 2 percent of the national wealth during slavery, and at last check, we have 2.7 percent now despite being 13 percent of the population.

Foxfyre ignores some things that are essential to this discussion. Whites have recieved at least 8 handouts of economic development assistance from the government that blacks were excluded from even as blacks paid taxes. And I think that anyone who wants to arguue in opposition to reparations should do the research on this as well as looking at the long history of reparations that have been paid by this government so they can understand that blacks are not the first and only people who have asked for reparations.
Here's the thing. If you go with descendants of slaves get reparations, then you will have white people receiving payments for slavery while black people will not. For the former, there just needs to be one former slave in the family tree, and we know there are some. For the latter, descendants of immigrants from African nations after the Civil War will receive nothing. It might be constitutional, but boy would it kick up a fuss.
How dumb are some of you guys? Whites won't be getting reparations. Indentured servants got land wwhen their time was up. None of this is right and reparations are not just for slavery. Reparations aare paid out all the time, so why is it a problem when blacks demand them?
How dumb are some of you guys? Whites won't be getting reparations. Indentured servants got land wwhen their time was up. None of this is right and reparations are not just for slavery. Reparations aare paid out all the time, so why is it a problem when blacks demand them?
Indentured servants generally didn't get land even IF they survived their term of indenture. Which wasn't likely. My ancestor just had his passage paid for and got nothing for his ten years of servitude.
How dumb are some of you guys? Whites won't be getting reparations. Indentured servants got land wwhen their time was up. None of this is right and reparations are not just for slavery. Reparations aare paid out all the time, so why is it a problem when blacks demand them?
Why is that you can't get it trough your head that the land available on either ethe east coast or western prairies wasn't farmland. In the east, it was untracked hardwood forest, in the west it was dry prairie that laughed at horse drawn plows.
How dumb are some of you guys? Whites won't be getting reparations. Indentured servants got land wwhen their time was up. None of this is right and reparations are not just for slavery. Reparations aare paid out all the time, so why is it a problem when blacks demand them?
It's not. If you want to make if for slavery and that descendant of slaves get reparations, you'll have white people getting them. You'll have to have color monitors to make sure only black people get them. Wonder who's going to do that?
It's not. If you want to make if for slavery and that descendant of slaves get reparations, you'll have white people getting them. You'll have to have color monitors to make sure only black people get them. Wonder who's going to do that?
It is dumb because whites were not slaves, whites did not face Jim Crow, and whites have benefitted from programs and policies that excluded blacks. So your white descendants of slaves have received reparations.
And this one is for Lisa.

White Jews who survived the holocaust and came to America where paid reparations by Germany plus were able to get the government handouts other whites received in America that blacks were excluded from.
It is dumb because whites were not slaves, whites did not face Jim Crow, and whites have benefitted from programs and policies that excluded blacks. So your white descendants of slaves have received reparations.
Then, like I said, you're going to have to have a visual color inspection of each recipient to make sure they're black enough to get reparations. Is that really where you want to go? As soon as you say, "descendants of slaves", you're going to have to do it.

Nobody in the US deserved to be given money that they didn't earn.
Without Daddy's Money, They'd Be Nobodies and They Know It

Logically then, you should be in favor of totally taking away large inheritances and trust funds, which also put predatory Preppies in positions they didn't earn, destroying the economy, the government, and the culture. Such a manor-born moocher tax would eliminate any rational need for an income tax.
1. I am one person, I am not going to engage everyone (particularly run of the mill racists like Flash. what is the point)

2. Foxfyre is a good poster and a genuinely kind person. I haven't read all her posts in this thread asI have been off line since early morning. Foxfyre doesn't run around claiming to be a victim and labeling others antisemites for disagreeing.
She said the same thing I did. You said you’re not going to engage everyone, but somehow you always manage to tsrget me.

I am also a good poster and genuinely kind person.
It's constitutional for descendants of American slaves.

If you're a descendant of an American slave, then it's constitutional to repair the harm done to them and their descendants.

It violates equal protection under the law.
It violates equal protection under the law.
That’s what I said in my OP. Blacks will NEVER get broad-based reparations based on nothing more than their being black. They’d have to show significant damages - the minority of Jews who received reparations had significant losses of health and assets - to receive what would be a few hundred dollars a month.

We can immediately rule out ANY black born after 1960, for starters.

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