Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

I have pushed no racist doctrine. All Llisa does in every post is attack black people.
To IM2, disagreeing with the idea that we should give reparations to Northern blacks, who enjoyed a free college education courtesy of the gocernment, is “attacking black people.”

Saying that college admissions should be race-blind is “attacking black people.”

Saying that it is a supreme insult to Holocaust survivors to compare the nightmare of the Holocaust to the Jim Crowe South Is “attacking black people.”
Are there racists today? Of course there are. They come in all ages, all skin colors, all walks of life. They are a fact of life and probably always will be. But you know what? It is perfectly legal to be racist. It just isn't legal to inflict your racism in a way that infringes on the constitutional or legal rights of others.
It's perfectly legal to be an asshole too, but that's not something that most people would aspire to be or become.

The reason the racism won't go away is because white racists have a support system. People in place who will lie, deny and thwart any attempts to expose or bring down the remaining scaffolding of the systemic racism that is still in place.

The best we can do is to keep working for a society in which all have the option to try for their best potential. And we have to accept that not everybody has the same aptitude, work ethic, intellect, instincts so equality is an unreasonable and unreachable goal without reducing society to its lowest common denominator.

If you honestly believe equality is unattainable then you are in all likelihood a part of the infrastructure described above that is working to keep the white status quo at the top and in a position to make decisions and take adverse actions against anyone who is seen as a threat to that infrastructure.

Equality doesn't mean everyone is the same or has the same abilities. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was all about equal OPPORTUNITIES and that is something that is still being denied. That's one of the reasons I asked you about Lilly Ledbetter. I am intimately familiar with some of the activities going on within these companies because I've been tasked with documenting them.

We're never going to get anywhere if we start out with the premise that "equality will never be achieved".
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Since racists come in all skin collors post some legislation by bllacks that excluded whites from opportunty, o deny them things like the ability to vote.

Your post makes no sense. You're just trying to rationalize the maintenance of white advantage..
You are so blinded by your own attitudes about race you are incapable of seeing anything else it seems. Black people in this country are a small minority with 100% equal rights and opportunity for those who prepare themselves to be ready for it. But whites have been just as unwelcome in all black communities and are not considered for any position of power in most predominantly black countries.

That does not mean that we all should not be working and demanding a color blind society. People like you won't allow that though.

Could you take your own advice here maybe?

I have been denied a job I was quite qualified for because I didn't have the right kind of degree.

I have been denied jobs because I was a woman, because I was a young woman who might become pregnant, because I was a woman with children.

I have been denied a job I was imminently qualified for because I was considered overweight even though I was logging 40 minutes power walking every day.

I was given a lower salary in a very responsible job because I had a husband I could depend on for necessary resources.

I know what it is to experience discrimination. But nobody, not you or anybody else, owes me a dime or pretty much every soul on Earth is due some kind of compensation because of some injustice done to them.
White women have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action. Also white women have been complicit in racism.. Emmitt Till and countless other black men have been beaten oor killled because a white woman lied about beiing harmed by black men. Whites have started riots and burned down black communities because a white woman falsely accused a blackk man of assaulting her.. Three of the most serious days of Amerrican domestic violence was cauused because a white woman in OKC lied abut a black man assaullting her.

Spare us false equivalence filled lectures.
It's perfectly legal to be an asshole too, but that's not something that most people would aspire to be or become.

The reason the racism won't go away is because white racist have a support system. People in place who will lie, deny and thwart any attempts to expose or bring down the remaining scaffolding of the systemic racism that is still in place.

If you honestly believe equality is unattainable then you are in all likelihood a part of the infrastructure described above that is working to keep the white status quo at the top and in a position to make decisions and take adverse actions against anyone who is seen as a threat to that infrastructure.

Equality doesn't mean everyone is the same or has the same abilities. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was all about equal OPPORTUNITIES and that is something that is still being denied. That's one of the reasons I asked you about Lilly Ledbetter. I am intimately familiar with some of the activities going on within these companies because I've been tasked with documenting them.

We're never going to get anywhere if we start out with the premise that "equality will never be achieved".
The reason racism won't go away is because people like IM2 and you won't allow it to go away. The reason racism won't go away is because black people are shamed if they 'act white' meaning dressing, speaking, conducting themselves as mainstream Americans. The reason racism won't go away is because of leftists demanding black people see themselves as victims and demanding white people see themselves as innately racist. The reason racism won't go away because there are too many black and white leaders who profit mightily from racism and aren't about to let that get away from them.
I’m pointing out the hypocrisy.

You are enraged by what you see as racism against blacks. Are you then willing to condemn the black Harvard president for approving of calls to genocide Jews, and say she should be fired for allowing such an antisemitic environment to flourish?

This is the HERE and NOW.
There is no hypocrisy when we are talking about the actual racism of Jim Crowe and your outrage at what a Harvard president, who happens to be Black said. What she said was indefensible but what does her being Black have to with anything and how is that equivalent to Jim Crowe?
White women have benefitted the most from Affirmative Action. Also white women have been complicit in racism.. Emmitt Till and countless other black men have been beaten oor killled because a white woman lied about beiing harmed by black men. Whites have started riots and burned down black communities because a white woman falsely accused a blackk man of assaulting her.. Three of the most serious days of Amerrican domestic violence was cauused because a white woman in OKC lied abut a black man assaullting her.

Spare us false equivalence filled lectures.
I have not benefitted one whit from affirmative action. Not in any way whatsoever.

And affirmative action now is handicapping for black people who are forced into images of being the 'token black' or 'being awarded their job or promotion or position because of their skin color.' They are too often denied ability to be seen as meriting and earning their position in life.
There is no hypocrisy when we are talking about the actual racism of Jim Crowe and your outrage at what a Harvard president, who happens to be Black said. What she said was indefensible but what does her being Black have to with anything and how is that equivalent to Jim Crowe?
There have been no Jim Crow laws approaching 60 years now. 60 years. There aren't all that many people still living who even remember experiencing the Jim Crow laws. At some point you have to allow society to accept that the old problems were fixed and allow people to proceed on their own ability and merit.

You do irreparable harm to black people now by demanding they remain black victims. So long as you do that, we will never have a color blind society or anything approaching equal opportunity.
No, they aren't. 66% of the income taxes are paid by the top 20%. The rich will pay reparations, and we'll all be better off for it.

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So the rich will pay slightly more than half of the reparations which will come from all general revenue, not just income taxes. Do you hate the rich so much that you are willing to cut off your nose to spite your face?
The reason racism won't go away is because people like IM2 and you won't allow it to go away. The reason racism won't go away is because black people are shamed if they 'act white' meaning dressing, speaking, conducting themselves as mainstream Americans. The reason racism won't go away is because of leftists demanding black people see themselves as victims and demanding white people see themselves as innately racist. The reason racism won't go away because there are too many black and white leaders who profit mightily from racism and aren't about to let that get away from them.
I’m going to take issue with one thing I see repeated and that is the demand that Blacks should be culturally White. They should use White names, use White hairstyles (despite a radically different hair type) and assume White modes of dress (which is what exactly). The US has always been a multicultural nation with big differences among the “white” cultures. Much of what we call “Black culture” grew from the African slave cultures, slavery, segregation, a unique American culture that developed in parallel to the White cultures they were excluded from. Why should that be rejected?
Could you take your own advice here maybe?

I have been denied a job I was quite qualified for because I didn't have the right kind of degree.

I have been denied jobs because I was a woman, because I was a young woman who might become pregnant, because I was a woman with children.

I have been denied a job I was imminently qualified for because I was considered overweight even though I was logging 40 minutes power walking every day.

I was given a lower salary in a very responsible job because I had a husband I could depend on for necessary resources.

I know what it is to experience discrimination. But nobody, not you or anybody else, owes me a dime or pretty much every soul on Earth is due some kind of compensation because of some injustice done to them.
I guess the quote went right over your head. I AM in the arena and have sustained numerous ass kickings yet I'm still in it fighting.

You on the other had, if everything you described above is true, have been unlawfully discriminated against in just about every incident you cited, under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 probably Title VII.

That you chose not to or couldn't do anything about this doesn't change the fact that what happened to you was unlawful and had you pursued a legal remedy you quite likely could have prevailed depending on what evidence you had and if you had any witnesses or other parties who could testify on your behalf or at least provide a written affidavit or declaration in support of your claims.

Hell I've been denied just as many jobs as you for some of the same reasons except in one case I was told that I was the better candidate but that they gave the job to the male candidate "because he has a family to support".

So is the reason you feel "too bad so sad" about the harm and suffering that Black Americans have endured and don't want anyone to receive reparations is because you've been discriminated against as a female and/or for other unlawful reasons, therefore you feel that the discrimination that Black people have suffered should just be left unaddressed and uncompensated for as well?

The fact that you could have taken action but didn't means you're NOT in the arena fighting and getting your ass kicked along with the rest of us. You're aware of this, right?
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There have been no Jim Crow laws approaching 60 years now. 60 years. There aren't all that many people still living who even remember experiencing the Jim Crow laws. At some point you have to allow society to accept that the old problems were fixed and allow people to proceed on their own ability and merit.

You do irreparable harm to black people now by demanding they remain black victims. So long as you do that, we will never have a color blind society or anything approaching equal opportunity.
The problem is that Jim Crowe is in living memory as is the violence towards Blacks in the Civil Rights era. Acknowledgement of those wrongs and possible reparations isn’t demanding that they remain victims. The Jews have a saying: never forget. Never forget what was done in the Holocaust. Yet no one accuses them of remaining victims. Reparations to the Japanese Americans were made 43 years after internment ended. Discussion of reparations for Blacks is not new, but of course tbe longer it is dragged out, the fewer survivors remain.
I’m going to take issue with one thing I see repeated and that is the demand that Blacks should be culturally White. They should use White names, use White hairstyles (despite a radically different hair type) and assume White modes of dress (which is what exactly). The US has always been a multicultural nation with big differences among the “white” cultures. Much of what we call “Black culture” grew from the African slave cultures, slavery, segregation, a unique American culture that developed in parallel to the White cultures they were excluded from. Why should that be rejected?
Black people who want to enjoy the best the American dream has to offer should see themselves as Americans, not black people, not white people, not anything other than people. Skin color should be of no more importance than eye color or hair color. ALL people whatever their heritage, country of origin, ethnicity, race or whatever should be taught/encourage to educate themselves and dress, speak, conduct themselves for success.

We have myriad cultures in American society but smart money is not making one's cultural heritage more than just something interesting about themselves. It is not smart to make it the most important and noticeable thing about themselves and thereby create prejudices where none would otherwise exist.
This is the Middleton Place in South Carolina. I met one of my cousins before she passed whose parents were born into slavery here. We can trace our ancestry to this former planation.

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If her parents were born into slavery, they were infants in 1865. If they were born in 1865, they would be 100 in 1965. Infants or toddlers weren’t affected by slavery to any great extent. I knew my Comanche great, great grandmother when I was very young, she died in her low hundreds in about 1955. She didn’t know her exact age, but she was old enough to vaguely remember the immediate post ACW years. Your great great aunt couldn’t have memories of slavery.
If it's not trespass for white people to be there and trespass ONLY for the Black people to be there, then yeah, being Black is an arrestable offense.
It is still trespass, it’s just unlikely that the law would be enforced against a white. Now you are just being stubbornly stupid for nor admitting that you made a mistake.
You are so blinded by your own attitudes about race you are incapable of seeing anything else it seems. Black people in this country are a small minority with 100% equal rights and opportunity for those who prepare themselves to be ready for it. But whites have been just as unwelcome in all black communities and are not considered for any position of power in most predominantly black countries.

That does not mean that we all should not be working and demanding a color blind society. People like you won't allow that though.

A signature on a piece of paper in 1964 didn't magically give us equal rights. Again, here is proof:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, Iwas an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

No doubt you've seen this being done.

It's not people like me that won't allow for a colorblind society.. It's people like you. Because you ain't going to get to colorblind by not pointing out racism when it happens. Whites have had since 1776 to get this right, and yet we are here now having the same argument. So to me this job means there are whites who don't want to change and think they can continue bulllshitting us by promising that one day it will change if blacks just don't say anything to you about it.

Booker T Washington has been dead for over 100 years. And the blacks coming up now are out of patience.. 247 years has been plenty of time. Work to end racism in the white community.
I have a friend who is an attorney as well as a forensic investigator. He told me a long time ago, anytime you can get the government to conduct an investigation on your behalf then it's usually a good idea to allow them to do so because it's free and anything they uncover during the course of their investigation you can use in your lawsuit.
No crap Sherlock.
The reason racism won't go away is because people like IM2 and you won't allow it to go away. The reason racism won't go away is because black people are shamed if they 'act white' meaning dressing, speaking, conducting themselves as mainstream Americans. The reason racism won't go away is because of leftists demanding black people see themselves as victims and demanding white people see themselves as innately racist. The reason racism won't go away because there are too many black and white leaders who profit mightily from racism and aren't about to let that get away from them.
No, the reason racism won't go away is because there are still so many white (and other) racists in the United States who believe it's perfectly fine to be a racist as long as nobody catches you doing things that are detrimental to the rights and wellbeing of Black Americans.
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A signature on a piece of paper in 1964 didn't magically give us equal rights. Again, here is proof:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, Iwas an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.”

No doubt you've seen this being done.

It's not people like me that won't allow for a colorblind society.. It's people like you. Because you ain't going to get to colorblind by not pointing out racism when it happens. Whites have had since 1776 to get this right, and yet we are here now having the same argument. So to me this job means there are whites who don't want to change and think they can continue bulllshitting us by promising that one day it will change if blacks just don't say anything to you about it.

Booker T Washington has been dead for over 100 years. And the blacks coming up now are out of patience.. 247 years has been plenty of time. Work to end racism in the white community.
You keep trotting out this one example. He would have been fired if his upper management had found out about his actions. He made the entire company liable for his illegal actions. Your conduct isn’t helping you make your case.
To IM2, disagreeing with the idea that we should give reparations to Northern blacks, who enjoyed a free college education courtesy of the gocernment, is “attacking black people.”

Saying that college admissions should be race-blind is “attacking black people.”

Saying that it is a supreme insult to Holocaust survivors to compare the nightmare of the Holocaust to the Jim Crowe South Is “attacking black people.”
Reparations were given to all surviving Japanese Americans who were interned. No one was excluded because they received a free college education. No one was excluded because they became wealthy and successful after they were released. None of that mitigates the wrong that was done or the violations of their civil rights based on their race. I strongly suspect that when Germany did reparations they likewise did not exclude those who became successful or benefited from any government programs. So why does it matter when it comes to Blacks?

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