Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

Why are those black people who have become wealthy, even multi-millionaires in this 'racist' country entitled to my meager savings? How much do I owe them? And why?
Why do you keep removing the government as the guilty party who should pay and instead inserting yourself and others similarly situated to yourself as the party who would pay?
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It was Japanese Americans who were interred that received reparation, not all Japanese.

Exactly. That is why, if reparations were to be made, it should be limited to those who were living in America during Jim Crowe.

If we were going to pay reparations it should have been in 1964 when black people were living who actually suffered under Jim Crow laws but even then it would have been almost impossible to determine conclusively who suffered actual damages and who did not. All did not.

Yet we did not provide reparations to the Japanese Americans until almost 45 years later.

There was also no discussion of who “actually” suffered damages and who did not. It was assumed, by virtue of what was done, that they all did. I would assume that apply to Black survivors of Jim Crowe.

Now 60 years after the fact, the idea that all black people have been harmed by Jim Crow laws and are entitled to reparations is so stupid I don't even know where to begin. It is the most blatant form of pandering by a corrupt political party and should be unacceptable to every American regardless of skin color.
Not all Black people imo, only those alive at the time.
What about all of the Black people who died and/or had their lives, homes and business destroyed or burned to the ground during the Tulsa race riots in 1921. That was during Jim Crow, hell the insurance company refused to pay any of the claims and the banks refused to as well because the white power-that-be decided that a [white race] "riot" was not a coverable event.

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I did not do that. Those who did it should pay restitution for those they harmed yes. But that wasn't me. Why I am supposed to be responsible for it? I wasn't even alive then. Nobody I even knew lived anywhere close to there. You are entitled to my money because of what some bad people did to somebody else 102 years ago? Please explain why that is.
Exactly. That is why, if reparations were to be made, it should be limited to those who were living in America during Jim Crowe.

Yet we did not provide reparations to the Japanese Americans until almost 45 years later.

There was also no discussion of who “actually” suffered damages and who did not. It was assumed, by virtue of what was done, that they all did. I would assume that apply to Black survivors of Jim Crowe.

Not all Black people imo, only those alive at the time.
Only black people alive at the time who can demonstrate that they were physically or materially harmed by Jim Crow laws. Certainly most black people alive today were in no way harmed by either slavery or Jim Crow laws. At least in any way they can justify a claim.
Businesses use marketing strategies that will best increase their consumer base. When you ignore that and focus exclusively on racial proportions you think are being represented, you are not being color blind.

So ALL six or so businesses at the mall that featured blacks exclusively and ignored whites think focusing ALL their marketing dollars on 14% of the consumers and ignoring 70% of consumers is done for business reasons? Nope. It’s virtue-signaling and “wokeness.”
IF indeed they are race based. If you assume a black hire is race and unqualified otherwise, then that too is not “color blind”.

I don’t assume it, but when you limit your applicant pool to 14% of the population, the odds are that the BEST candidate is in the other 86%. Simple statistics.
Why do you think the Harvard president is unqualified? Her statement indicates nothing about her qualifications.
She is qualified for two reasons:

1) Her application for the job focused SOLELY on the goal of accepting and promoting more people of color. A candidate for an IVY president should have as at least one of her goals academic excellence.

2) She plagarized 40 times in her thesis.

Why do you think the WH press Secretary is unqualified?

Because she never answers questions and dodges. She is clearly over her head. That red-headed gal - can’t think of her name - was really great at her job. But the powers-that-be decided the job would go to a black.
The VP, yes she was picked because she was Black. Just like Pence was picked because he a White evangelical. VP’s are never picked for “qualifications”, the are picked for their ability to bring a certain demographic to the ticket or balance the top of the ticket.
But Pence isn’t an idiot and can speak intelligently, so he had other redeeming qualities. Harris can’t even complete a sentence without a bunch of word salad that is meaningless.
And of course you naturally assume that the "best we could find who is Black" is inferior to any other candidate who is white.
And Natirally, you lie about what I said In order to fulfill your erroneous idea that I’m racist. I said that when you limit yourself to an applicant pool of only 14% of the population, the odds are that the best candidate will be among the other 86%.
I did not do that. Those who did it should pay restitution for those they harmed yes. But that wasn't me. Why I am supposed to be responsible for it? I wasn't even alive then. Nobody I even knew lived anywhere close to there. You are entitled to my money because of what some bad people did to somebody else 102 years ago? Please explain why that is.
No one said that you did, but our government created an environment that fostered and allowed this type of violent behavior. Not a single one of the white perpetrators was arrested let alone held accountable for their crimes. No recompense was ever paid because the white supremacist infrastructure shielded and protected them. This is a classic case where reparation should have been paid but almost all of the people who were alive then have passed on.

Again, why do you keep falling back on pretending that all white people in American will be asked to personally kick in some money to help pay for these past injustices that our government never addressed?
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Why aren't the progeny of those who lost their fortunes and their lives to win black people their freedom entitled to reparations?
I don’t think progeny are entitled to reparations. Also, reparations aren’t for individual acts by individual people but acts by the government against a group of people.
And Natirally, you lie about what I said In order to fulfill your erroneous idea that I’m racist. I said that when you limit yourself to an applicant pool of only 14% of the population, the odds are that the best candidate will be among the other 86%.
No that's not what you said but it's hilarious that you believe your explanation somehow doesn't make the perception of you any worse.
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People like you and IM2 who demand that racism be the most important issue discussed in America are entitled to what others have earned just because you are black? How much of what those others have earned--people without a racist bone in their bodies and/or who have never ever participated in any harm to anybody--are you entitled? And why?
It's diffficult not to cuss when reading this ignorance. Reparations are not being asked for because we are black. And how much have you and your family members before you earned because blacks were excluded? How much wealth did whites gain from the free,, then extra cheap labor of our ancestors? How much money has the white community made by banks with black depositors loaning money to develop white suburbs while declining potential black entrepreneurs? How much money have white businesses made from black consumers? I can keep going. But you're too stupid to even begin grasping anything I am talking about.

I have posted evidence showing that in the first 20 years of this century alone blacks have been cheated out of 16 trillion dollars because of racism.

Why don't you try reading the information you get presented? Learn something so you don't keep making dumb comments about people asking for reparations because we are black. We're talking about 247 years of human rights violations and all your ignorant white..... can see is we're asking for money because we are black. Stop listening to white race pimps.

This, is one of the reasons we ask for reparations.

National Conference of Black Lawyers, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and the National Lawyers Guild, Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S. pg. 16,

“The Commissioners find a prima facie case of Crimes against Humanity warranting an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The crimes under the Rome Statute include: Murder, Severe Deprivation of Physical Liberty, Torture, Persecution of people of African descent, and other Inhumane Acts, which occurred in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population of Black people in the U.S.”

No that's not what you said but it's hilarious that you believe your explanation somehow doesn't make the perception of you any worse.
That is what I said. Are you so determined to paint me a racist that you must lie about what I’ve said?
No one said that you did, but our government created an environment that fostered and allowed this type of violent behavior. Not a single one of the white perpetrators was arrested let alone held accountable for their crimes. No recompense was ever paid because the white supremacist infrastructure shielded and protected them. This is a classic case where reparation should have been paid but almost all of the people who were alive then have passed on.

Again, why do you keep falling back on pretending that all white people in American will be asked to personally kick in some money to help pay for these past injustices that our government never addressed?
So again tell me what part of the taxes that you will get as reparation did not come from me? Tell me again how much of what I have earned and saved in a life time belongs to you and why.
I don’t think progeny are entitled to reparations. Also, reparations aren’t for individual acts by individual people but acts by the government against a group of people.
The government corrected its errors there 60 years ago. I had nothing to do with any of that before or after. I can say with a 100% clear conscience that I have never harmed or discriminated against or demonstrated racist behavior against a black person in my entire life.

So you tell me. My husband and I live on a very modest income and do without a lot of things it would be nice to have. So you tell me how much of what we have worked for all our lives and the little bit we have saved do we owe to black people for something that happened to them 60 or more years ago? And why do we owe them?
It's diffficult not to cuss when reading this ignorance. Reparations are not being asked for because we are black. And how much have you and your family members before you earned because blacks were excluded? How much wealth did whites gain from the free,, then extra cheap labor of our ancestors? How much money has the white community made by banks with black depositors loaning money to develop white suburbs while declining potential black entrepreneurs? How much money have white businesses made from black consumers? I can keep going. But you're too stupid to even begin grasping anything I am talking about.

I have posted evidence showing that in the first 20 years of this century alone blacks have been cheated out of 16 trillion dollars because of racism.

Why don't you try reading the information you get presented? Learn something so you don't keep making dumb comments about people asking for reparations because we are black. We're talking about 247 years of human rights violations and all your ignorant white..... can see is we're asking for money because we are black. Stop listening to white race pimps.

This, is one of the reasons we ask for reparations.

National Conference of Black Lawyers, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, and the National Lawyers Guild, Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Systemic Racist Police Violence against People of African Descent in the U.S. pg. 16,

“The Commissioners find a prima facie case of Crimes against Humanity warranting an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The crimes under the Rome Statute include: Murder, Severe Deprivation of Physical Liberty, Torture, Persecution of people of African descent, and other Inhumane Acts, which occurred in the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the civilian population of Black people in the U.S.”

So my husband and I don't have much. But how much of what we have earned and what little we were able to save are you entitled? And give me a good reason that you are entitled to what we worked for?
The government corrected its errors there 60 years ago. I had nothing to do with any of that before or after. I can say with a 100% clear conscience that I have never harmed or discriminated against or demonstrated racist behavior against a black person in my entire life.

So you tell me. My husband and I live on a very modest income and do without a lot of things it would be nice to have. So you tell me how much of what we have worked for all our lives and the little bit we have saved do we owe to black people for something that happened to them 60 or more years ago? And why do we owe them?
This. ^^^

I live in one of the affluent counties surrounding DC - affluent because of all the high-paid government workers - and there are many wealthy blacks with incomes of $300,000 out here, living in $1 million homes.

I see them at steakhouses and designer stores. They obviously have a lot of disposable income, and it’s due in large part to the federal government’s bias toward hiring and promoting blacks and other minorities.

So why should the retail worker making $40,000…..the library aide making $35,000….the retiree getting by on $45,000….have to pay money towards the affluent, GS-15 workers?

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