Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

I don't know. How much taxes did they pay me? How much of the taxes I paid did you get? Do you think black people are the only ones who pay taxes? That my parents, grandparents, great grandparents didn't pay taxes? Really? That's way over the top and a completely illogical argument even for you. :)

So I ask you again. How much of what I worked for and earned are you entitled? And why are you entitled to it?

Why do you keep asking this dumb question when the governments of this country will be paying with taxes everybody has paid? You really need to stop listening to white race baiters.
Plessy was a Federal Supreme Court decision.
One of SCOTUS's more questionable decisions of which there have been several over the decades. Now if you want to file suit against the U.S. Supreme Court for reparations of whatever you think you're entitled to, go for it. Let me know when you do that though as I need time to pop the corn for watching and all that.

U.S. freeways flattened Black neighborhoods nationwide​

Syracuse wasn't the only city where Black residents were displaced by the U.S. freeway-building boom of the 1950s and 1960s.
60 to 70 years ago……

Good news, college campus now have “safe spaces” for people who can’t deal with reality.

75 years ago we drop two nukes on the Japan and today the Japanese love the US and we love the Japanese. Love is there if you want it, bro.
Our age is immaterial. We are white. You've told me again and again and again how racist I am. So tell me how much of what we have earned belongs to you. And why.
You age is material. Your parents and grandparents probably benefited from government programs blacks were excluded frromm and depending on your age, you may have also. Those like you want to ask me what I am entitled to take from you when the reality is how much longer to you think you're entitled to keep taking from me?
Why do you keep asking this dumb question when the governments of this country will be paying with taxes everybody has paid? You really need to stop listening to white race baiters.
I ask the dumb question because you Democrats think the government owns the money. They don't. It belongs to the people who gave of the time, talent, energy, resourcefulness, labor, worry, stress to earn it. I would be one of those. So whatever you collect from the government is coming out of my pocket too.

So again how much of the money I worked my butt off to earn are you entitled? And why are you entitled to it?
One of SCOTUS's more questionable decisions of which there have been several over the decades. Now if you want to file suit against the U.S. Supreme Court for reparations of whatever you think you're entitled to, go for it. Let me know when you do that though as I need time to pop the corn for watching and all that.
Try shutting up. Because you talk stupid. The case for reparations is against federal, state and local governments.
I ask the dumb question because you Democrats think the government owns the money. They don't. It belongs to the people who gave of the time, talent, energy, resourcefulness, labor, worry, stress to earn it. I would be one of those. So whatever you collect from the government is coming out of my pocket too.

So again how much of the money I worked my butt off to earn are you entitled? And why are you entitled to it?
We know how the system works. I pay taxes, so you can stop asking me questions as if you're the only one paying taxes. For most of this countries history the talent, energy, resourcefulness, labor,, worry and stress of blacks was not equally rewarded as whites were and it went to primarily benefit whites who had less talent, energy, resourcefulness, did less labor and didn't have to worry or stress about being denied opportunities only because of their skin color.

You and your husband have benefitted from this. So again, how much more of my money are you going to steal? And why are you entitled to it?
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Those like you want to ask me what I am entitled to take from you when the reality is how much longer to you think you're entitled to keep taking from me?
Slow clap.
So, what exactly is being taken from you?

Teflon Theory of History​

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.
We know how the system works. I pay taxes, so you can stop asking me questions as if you're the only one paying taxes. For most of this countries history the talent, energy, resourcefulness, labor,, worry and stress of blacks was not equallly rewarded as whites were and it went to primarily benefit whites who had less talent, energy, resourcefulness, did less labor and didn't have to worry or stress about being denied opportunities only because of their skin color.

You and your husband have benefitted from this. So again, how much more of my money are you going to steal? Andd why aree you entitled to it?
I haven't stolen from anybody. You have no idea how hard we worked, how much we risked, how much we sacrificed to have what we have and I can assure you we have never taken a dime that was not obtained ethically and honestly. I have never felt entitled to anything of yours and have not demanded anything from you or the government for that matter.

You are the one accusing me of being racist and demanding that you be paid money for having black skin. So how much of my money are you entitled? And why do you think you are entitled to have it?
Like all Democrats you think the government owns the money it pays out. It doesn't. The government cannot spend a dime that it does not take from the citizens or puts on the citizens' credit card. If the government issues checks for reparations or anything else, it is the American people who is paying the bill.

The reason I am a Republican or at least closer to the Republican Party than any other is that the Republican Party understands that concept a whole lot better than the Democrats do whether or not the Republicans exercise fiscal restraint.
I am not a Democrat.

My view is this. We pay into the government for services we feel it needs to provide the people. Where we disagree is what those services should be and how to prioritize them. There are a lot of things I don’t want to pay for, but I have to. The two parties, when they are working and not all mucked up, balance each other between fiscal restraint and social responsibility.

So I just keep asking the question Walter E Williams asked that really made an impression on me. How much of what I earn are you or is anybody else entitled? And what makes you or somebody else entitled to what I earn?
Why do you say “entitled”? We pay for services that we, through our elected representives decide are important or necessary. Because we have a democratic form of government, we have to compromise with other groups whose priorities differ. For example, why are religious private schools “entitled” to my money? Why was my money used to fund a war in Iraq?

If a black person wants to file a civil suit/complaint against somebody who discriminated against him/her, that is his/her right. I do not see how that person is entitled to what I worked for and earned.
The government (federal and state) has paid restitution/reparations before, there is quite a long list.

I don’t recall any big objections like this.
I haven't stolen from anybody. You have no idea how hard we worked, how much we risked, how much we sacrificed to have what we have and I can assure you we have never taken a dime that was not obtained ethically and honestly. I have never felt entitled to anything of yours and have not demanded anything from you or the government for that matter.

You are the one accusing me of being racist and demanding that you be paid money for having black skin. So how much of my money are you entitled? And why do you think you are entitled to have it?
1) The only fair way to do this is for the descendants of slave locate the descendants of slave owners and get direct reparations from them. To simplify the process, the government could mandate the amount…. say, $5000 per slave. The government could legislate that of the amount is too much for the family as a lump sum, they could make $500 monthly payments for 10 months, or $250 for 20 months.

2) This idea that whites who had nothing to do with it aren’t going to have to pay because “the government pays” is the typical Democrat thinking, as you point out: it doesnt cost anyone anything because the government will pay!

3) Finally, the tactic of blacktivists and their supporters screeching “racist!!!” at white people who don’t want to go along with this white-to-black money redistribution scheme will make it even less likely that reparations will be awarded at all.
I am not a Democrat.

My view is this. We pay into the government for services we feel it needs to provide the people. Where we disagree is what those services should be and how to prioritize them. There are a lot of things I don’t want to pay for, but I have to. The two parties, when they are working and not all mucked up, balance each other between fiscal restraint and social responsibility.

Why do you say “entitled”? We pay for services that we, through our elected representives decide are important or necessary. Because we have a democratic form of government, we have to compromise with other groups whose priorities differ. For example, why are religious private schools “entitled” to my money? Why was my money used to fund a war in Iraq?

The government (federal and state) has paid restitution/reparations before, there is quite a long list.

I don’t recall any big objections like this.
But we don’t pay in for unconstitutional purposes. Awarding all blacks born before 1965, regardless of what damages they suffered, simply due to skin color is a violation of the equal protection clause. I explained why previously.

And as far as the list, you will note that those were to specific groups based on specific events….not ALL blacks alive.

I, for example, think the Jewish students at liberal universities like Harvard, Columbia, and U of Penn, all deserve free tuition for the remainder of their program based on the antisemitic, threatening atmosphere which the presidents refuse to condemn. Does that mean ALL Jews, including me, should get paid as well? Of course not!
And I said the experiences of CURRENT blacks, who are demanding reparations, does not compare to the Holocaust. Neither does the experiences of those who lived under Jim Crowe. Doesn’t mean I don’t think it was bad, but to try to compare that to the horrors of the concentration camps is insulting to Holocaust survivors. You are minimizing the suffering of Holocaust survivors, who saw their families murdered and were starved to death,

Concentration camps didn't happen in this country... as an American, I have no obligation to feel bad about it. We were very nice letting the survivors immigrate here.

Slavery and Jim Crow DID happen in this country. Blacks didn't ask for that to happen to them.
1) The only fair way to do this is for the descendants of slave locate the descendants of slave owners and get direct reparations from them. To simplify the process, the government could mandate the amount…. say, $5000 per slave. The government could legislate that of the amount is too much for the family as a lump sum, they could make $500 monthly payments for 10 months, or $250 for 20 months.

Lisa reminding me why people in my neighborhood used "Jew" as a verb when I was growing up. Why do you go through this much trouble to find a way to cheat black folks out of compensation for institutionalized racism?

2) This idea that whites who had nothing to do with it aren’t going to have to pay because “the government pays” is the typical Democrat thinking, as you point out: it doesn't cost anyone anything because the government will pay!

First, most of these taxes will be taken from rich people, which I'm fine with because rich people are the ones who made their fortunes from the racial and class inequities in this society.

Secondly, yes, I never owned a slave. However, you and I have absolutely benefited from white privilege that resulted from the racial inequities in this society.

3) Finally, the tactic of blacktivists and their supporters screeching “racist!!!” at white people who don’t want to go along with this white-to-black money redistribution scheme will make it even less likely that reparations will be awarded at all.

Actually, it will probably happen inevitably simply to bring racial peace to this country, and most white folks will go along with it.
Remember that slavery and Jim Crow were quite legal in their day according to the U.S. Congress, the Presidents in office at the time, and according to the courts that passed judgment on those laws from time to time. That is not to say they were good, defensible, justifiable in any sense whatsoever, but they were legal.

The Holocaust was legal in Nazi Germany, but that doesn't stop the Jews from whining about it 80 years later.

The very fact that you try to use that as a justification for not making up for it says a lot.

I’m pointing out the hypocrisy.

You are enraged by what you see as racism against blacks. Are you then willing to condemn the black Harvard president for approving of calls to genocide Jews, and say she should be fired for allowing such an antisemitic environment to flourish?

I'm waiting for see where someone on campus actually called for the Genocide of Jews and not an end to Zionist Apartheid.

Come on, Lisa, show us the video of this being said.
To IM2, disagreeing with the idea that we should give reparations to Northern blacks, who enjoyed a free college education courtesy of the gocernment, is “attacking black people.”

How many "Northern blacks" enjoyed a "Free education" from the government. Give us some numbers, Lisa, I'm betting it's very small.
They were interred!! In prison!! How can you compare that to having to defer to Jim Crowe laws IF a black man from the north decides to visit the South? And a black man, at that, who has gained tremendously from the government‘s generosity in paying for his college?

And stop with your obvious implication that it’s because the group being discussed is Black - which is again your sly way of saying I’m racist. It’s the CIRCUMSTANCES that matter. The color is irrelevant.

Lisa, read up on "Debt Peonage", a practice where black people would be forced into servitude after being convicted of petty crimes, and then forced to pay for their room and board, never getting out of debt.

This practice continued until 1942, and was only abolished by the US Government because it was a bad look going to war with the Axis and their forced labor camps.
So ALL six or so businesses at the mall that featured blacks exclusively and ignored whites think focusing ALL their marketing dollars on 14% of the consumers and ignoring 70% of consumers is done for business reasons? Nope. It’s virtue-signaling and “wokeness.”

I can't believe you are still going on about this.

What were the names of the stores? What were they selling? What is the demographics of the community?

Again, if we were to take your claims at face value, we kind of need evidence of what actually went on there.

I went to the mall before Christmas with my wife. Every store I saw had models of all races, usually in groups of mutli-racial friends in a good mood. If there was a bias, I didn't see it.

I imagine images of white women with black men would piss Lisa off royally.

She is qualified for two reasons:

1) Her application for the job focused SOLELY on the goal of accepting and promoting more people of color. A candidate for an IVY president should have as at least one of her goals academic excellence.

2) She plagarized 40 times in her thesis.

No, she didn't cite sources properly, but she did not present it as her own work.
The Holocaust was legal in Nazi Germany, but that doesn't stop the Jews from whining about it 80 years later.

The very fact that you try to use that as a justification for not making up for it says a lot.

I'm waiting for see where someone on campus actually called for the Genocide of Jews and not an end to Zionist Apartheid.

Come on, Lisa, show us the video of this being said.
Honestly Joe you sincerely need a remedial reading comprehension course.

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