Zone1 Broad-brush reparations to all blacks is unconstituional

The only principle here is your racism. Money has beeen thrown at whites.

What was the long term consequences of that?

A bunch of whites lecturing everyone else about how successful they have been.
For 60 years black people have disproportionately received government subsidies.
I feel the same way about a lot of welfare recipients, regardless of color. Why are there able bodied people receiving compensation from the government that I am not also entitled to? Any reparations pay to the African American community should calculate in their over-representation as welfare recipients.
Yes welfare is a valid debate to have but it is different. No one qualifies for welfare who earns above a certain threshhold. But black people who insist they are due reparations because black people were mistreated in the past is a whole different can of worms that should be quickly dispatched and shown for the absurdity that it is.
No Jew got reparations in Germany who did not suffer direct physical/material damages due to actions of the German government. You do want compensation because you are black by virtue of the fact that you contend all black people have direct damages due to racism. I have asked you time and again to demonstrate what damages you have suffered due to my actions. You refuse to do it but accuse me of stealing your money. I have asked you how it is not stealing my money for you to get paid for something I had absolutely nothing to do with.

I have asked you how much of my money you are entitled to and why you are entitled to it. Your response is I steal your money. Your response is not only disingenuous but dishonest.

l'm sorry but you have zero credibility in your arguments for this issue. Until you are willing to be intellectually honest, you will continue to have zero credibility on this issue.

Do have a pleasant day.
And again, reparations are not just for slavery. Blacks today have beenbharned BY CONTINUING WHITE RACISM. You do understand what the term continuing meeans don't you.

And you do understand what


means don't you?

Questions to you and everybody thinking like you is this:

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. Does that action impact us today?

Did anyone white today sign that document?

So if that past action impacts us now, why is it that slavery would not have an impact on blacks today?
No Jew got reparations in Germany who did not suffer direct physical/material damages due to actions of the German government. You do want compensation because you are black by virtue of the fact that you contend all black people have direct damages due to racism. I have asked you time and again to demonstrate what damages you have suffered due to my actions. You refuse to do it but accuse me of stealing your money. I have asked you how it is reasonable for you to get paid with my money for something I had absolutely nothing to do with.

I have asked you how much of my money you are entitled to and why you are entitled to it. Your response is I steal your money. Your response is not only disingenuous but dishonest.

l'm sorry but you have zero credibility in your arguments for this issue. Until you are willing to be intellectually honest, you will continue to have zero credibility on this issue.

Do have a pleasant day.
I’ve told him that a zillion times. He takes the fact that my grandmother’s second husband, to whom she was married for only about five years (his death) in the 1970s to mean that “my family got reparations.”

Also, the amount of reparations my grandmother’s husband got for the unimaginable suffering he endured during the Holocaust was a pittance, and his digestion system was so ruined that he could never eat more than a few spoonfuls at a time. He was skin and bones, but I’m glad he found companionship with my nana the last few years of his life. I hope he is resting in peace, because his life was hell on earth.
And again, reparations are not just for slavery. Blacks today have beenbharned BY CONTINUING WHITE RACISM. You do understand what the term continuing meeans don't you.

And you do understand what


means don't you?

Questions to you and everybody thinking like you is this:

The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776. Does that action impact us today?

Did anyone white today sign that document?

So if that past action impacts us now, why is it that slavery would not have an impact on blacks today?
Jews today are harmed by continuing antisemitism. How’d you like to walk by a bunch of Arabs yelling to genocide blacks? How much money do Jews get for being harassed walking across the college quad?
Until you are willing to be intellectually honest you have no credibility in this argument.
I have shown studies and policiees. You have only posted your anti black racially biased opinion.

So you're the one being intellectually dishonest and you don't determine credibility. You are either ignnorant of the many policies whites have received that excluded blacks that impacts everyone today, or you're a white person who has decided that you DGAD about how whites have gotten where they are and want it to continue.
This is the Middleton Place in South Carolina. I met one of my cousins before she passed whose parents were born into slavery here. We can trace our ancestry to this former planation.

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/——-/ Sorry for your loss. But, how many can do that? Do you think any fraud will occur? And, will this be the end of it, or will there be cries for even more reparations?
Black people make up 12% of the population but receive 25% of welfare assistance. Over sixty years this disparity equals a significant amount of money, which would be in the trillions of dollars. It’s entirely possible that no group has receive a greater disparity of money from the government.
But we don’t pay in for unconstitutional purposes. Awarding all blacks born before 1965, regardless of what damages they suffered, simply due to skin color is a violation of the equal protection clause. I explained why previously.
The government violated the Constitutional rights of all Black Americans born before 1965 BECAUSE of their skin color. Yet they can’t get reparations BECAUSE of their skin color?

We gave the same reparations to all Japanese Americans who were interred regardless of actual individual damages. Why is that Constitutional in your view but applying the same standard to Blacks is not?

And as far as the list, you will note that those were to specific groups based on specific events….not ALL blacks alive.
This isn’t all Blacks alive but a specific group.

I, for example, think the Jewish students at liberal universities like Harvard, Columbia, and U of Penn, all deserve free tuition for the remainder of their program based on the antisemitic, threatening atmosphere which the presidents refuse to condemn. Does that mean ALL Jews, including me, should get paid as well? Of course not!
No, just like not all Blacks should receive reparations, only those born under Jim Crowe.
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I’ve told him that a zillion times. He takes the fact that my grandmother’s second husband, to whom she was married for only about five years (his death) in the 1970s to mean that “my family got reparations.”

Also, the amount of reparations my grandmother’s husband got for the unimaginable suffering he endured during the Holocaust was a pittance, and his digestion system was so ruined that he could never eat more than a few spoonfuls at a time. He was skin and bones, but I’m glad he found companionship with my nana the last few years of his life. I hope he is resting in peace, because his life was hell on earth.
To assume ANYBODY is due reparations from the government because others of their race or religion or their ancestors were mistreated by somebody would mean every single one of us is most likely due reparations. It is an absurd and unsupportable argument.

Those who accuse others of being racist because we understand how absurd and unsupportable argument that is are some of the worst kinds of racists themselves.

That IM2 or others will not tell me how much of what I earn they are entitled to or why underscores that. They want freebies from the government period. End of story. And those who want money by virtue of the color of their skin are far more racist than those who resist that argument because they want others to provide it for them and ignore the cost to all those who corrected the situation that existed in the distant past.

It's like you throw a rope to save somebody who is drowning and then getting sued because the person chose to swim in the lake.
If you aren't a Democrat, I have never seen a post of your criticizing their policies or actions in any way and you are quick to defend them when others criticize them. You generally defend all or part of every progressive 'woke' initiative. But if you say you aren't a Democrat I'll accept that.

I am a leftist and an independent.

The reason there are objections to reparations for slavery is because of people who demand to be paid for no other reason than they have black skin. I don't know how any honorable person justifies that or can in good conscience defend that.
Yet those who lived under Jim Crowe have a very justifiable case for reparations. And they are also honorable.
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I have shown studies and policiees. You have only posted your anti black racially biased opinion.

So you're the one being intellectually dishonest and you don't determine credibility. You are either ignnorant of the many policies whites have received that excluded blacks that impacts everyone today, or you're a white person who has decided that you DGAD about how whites have gotten where they are and want it to continue.
I can spell ignorant. And anybody who think policies of the past justify my paying reparations to you when you suffered no personal damages from those policies and I had absolutely nothing to do with them is definitely ignorant. If you cannot say how much I owe you from what I earn and why I owe you money that I worked for, you have no case.

Again have a nice day.
I am a leftist and an independent.

Yet those who lived under Jim Crowe have a very justifiable case for reparations. And they are also honorable.
Only those who lived under Jim Crow and can demonstrate physical or material damages should even have their case heard. Not all who lived under Jim Crow laws were physically or materially damaged in any way. I encourage you to read what great minds like Walter E Williams PhD and Thomas Sowell PhD, both who grew up with and were educated during the time of Jim Crow laws, have to say about that. Both were able to get first class educations and have very successful professional careers. They would laugh in your face if you suggested they were entitled to reparations of any kind.
Only those who lived under Jim Crow and can demonstrate physical or material damages should even have their case heard. Not all who lived under Jim Crow laws were physically or materially damaged in any way. I encourage you to read what great minds like Walter E Williams PhD and Thomas Sowell PhD, both who grew up with and were educated during the time of Jim Crow laws, have to say about that. Both were able to get first class educations and have very successful professional careers. They would laugh in your face if you suggested they were entitled to reparations of any kind.

Both were able to INSPITE of Jim Crowe. Not all Japanese Americans who were interred were physically or materially damaged, yet they were not parsed for reparations. Their Constitutional rights were grossly violated and not all damage can be monetized.
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Both were able to INSPITE of Jim Crowe. Not all Japanese Americans who were interred were physically or materially damaged, yet they were not parsed for reparations. Their Constitutional rights were grossly violated and not all damage can be monetized.
Yes, because they were interred!! Imprisoned!!

That is a far cry from blacks living in northern states, who went to movies with whites, and public school with whites, and sat at the same drugstore counters as whites, who got FREE college educations from generous taxpayers, and MIGHT have been subject to Jim Crowe laws for a week if the went down South.

And what if they didn‘t? What if their parents and grandparents were all from New York, and they had no reason to go down there? You want blacks who received government-funded college educations, and went on to live successful lives as a result, to get money from whites* for something that hypothetically COULD have happened 70 years ago, but not necessarily?

*Most revenues come from whites, which means the burden for the wealth transfer will come from them in one form or another.

U.S. freeways flattened Black neighborhoods nationwide​

Syracuse wasn't the only city where Black residents were displaced by the U.S. freeway-building boom of the 1950s and 1960s.

Across the country, local officials saw the proposed interstate system as a convenient way to demolish what they regarded as "slum" neighborhoods near their downtown business districts, historians say. With the federal government picking up 90% of the cost, freeway construction made it easier for politicians and business leaders to pursue their own "urban renewal" projects after residents were evicted.

"It was a mistake that many cities were making," said University of California, Irvine law professor Joseph DiMento, an expert in the policies of the freeway-building era. "The reasons they were built were heavily for removal of Blacks from certain areas."

*In Miami, Interstate 95 was routed through Overtown, a Black neighborhood known as the "Harlem of the South," rather than a nearby abandoned rail corridor.

*In Nashville, Interstate 40 took a noticeable swerve, bisecting the Black community of North Nashville.

*In Montgomery, Alabama, the state highway director, a high-level officer of the Ku Klux Klan, routed Interstate 85 through a neighborhood where many Black civil rights leaders lived, rather than choosing an alternate route on vacant land.

*In New Orleans and Kansas City, officials re-routed freeways from white neighborhoods to integrated or predominantly Black areas.

The interstate highway system destroyed black communities. They ended businesses and prosperity. Generational wealth was lost, this stuff happening 60-70 years impacts blacks right now. Again people need to research everything that happened before responding with the same tired race hustled white right wing opinions.
Every house and business destroyed was bought for a fair price through eminent domain. If anything, the destruction ADDED to generational wealth since most of those structures were worth more than they were originally purchased for. It's not like the government just ran bulldozers through neighborhoods.
Lisa reminding me why people in my neighborhood used "Jew" as a verb when I was growing up. Why do you go through this much trouble to find a way to cheat black folks out of compensation for institutionalized racism?

First, most of these taxes will be taken from rich people, which I'm fine with because rich people are the ones who made their fortunes from the racial and class inequities in this society.

Secondly, yes, I never owned a slave. However, you and I have absolutely benefited from white privilege that resulted from the racial inequities in this society.

Actually, it will probably happen inevitably simply to bring racial peace to this country, and most white folks will go along with it.
Reparations aren't going to "bring racial peace" to anyone. The people receiving them will claim they weren't enough and the people paying them will say they weren't reasonable. They will simply add to racial strife and inflame racist opinion on both sides.
How many "Northern blacks" enjoyed a "Free education" from the government. Give us some numbers, Lisa, I'm betting it's very small.
Starting in the forties, ALL "Northern Blacks" received a free government education just like ALL Whites did. I'm not sure when universal public education started.

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