"Broke" Cheapskates. Earn $160 Million, donate 9%


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
What cheapskates..

Then to top it off, while claiming the "Rich" need to pay more taxes, they put their home in a trust fund to avoid paying taxes.

Bill And Hillary Clinton Earned Over $160 Million - Business Insider

Hillary Clinton's family fortune has come under increasing scrutiny in recent weeks following a series of comments she made about her finances while on tour promoting her new book, "Hard Choices." But just how much has Clinton earned in the years since her husband, former President Bill Clinton, left the White House? Financial disclosures filed by Clinton when she served as New York's junior senator and as secretary of state in the Obama administration show her family earned more than $163 million from 2001 until 2012. The disclosures also detailed the taxes paid by the Clintons and how much they gave to charity during those years.

During Clinton's years in the Senate the disclosures, which were published by OpenSecrets.org, included full tax returns filed by her and her husband. These returns detailed the Clintons' total income, charitable gifts they made, and their total taxes paid from 2001 through 2007. For those seven years, the Clintons earned total income of $108,817,646, the vast majority of which came from Bill Clinton's speaking fees. They paid over $33 million in federal income taxes for an effective tax rate of about 31%. The Clintons also gave more than $10 million to charity from 2001 through 2007, which is about 9% of their total income from this period.

After Clinton left the Senate for the State Department, the public information about her finances became less detailed. Clinton's disclosures from 2008 through 2012 only include ranges for the amount her family earned from property and other investments. They also do not include full salary information, taxes, or the amount the Clintons gave to charity in this period. However, they do detail the amount the Clintons earned from speaking fees from 2008 to 2012, which was over $53 million.

It's not every day we meet broke people who give away ten million dollars, which is good, really. I'd hate to meet people like that every day.
It's not every day we meet broke people who give away ten million dollars, which is good, really. I'd hate to meet people like that every day.

Well you should also then ask YOUR bud Obama... how come when
the President released their 2012 federal income tax returns. $608,611.
The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities.
The largest reported gift to charity was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation.
The President’s effective federal income tax rate is 18.4 percent.

President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House

Guess what the TAX LOOPHOLE criticizer-in-Chief took TAX LOOPHOLE
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS 115,516!!!
FOLKS Obama reduced his taxable income of $724,127 to $608,611 thus reducing his taxes by $65,921!
What a hypocrite!!!!

But then... think about this... did he donate any money to this guy to help cover his $12/year rent on this hut?
What an absolute embarrassment to have a President's brother live this way.
And then this idiot claims.."It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"


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It's not every day we meet broke people who give away ten million dollars, which is good, really. I'd hate to meet people like that every day.

Well you should also then ask YOUR bud Obama... how come when
the President released their 2012 federal income tax returns. $608,611.
The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities.
The largest reported gift to charity was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation.
The President’s effective federal income tax rate is 18.4 percent.

President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House

Guess what the TAX LOOPHOLE criticizer-in-Chief took TAX LOOPHOLE
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS 115,516!!!
FOLKS Obama reduced his taxable income of $724,127 to $608,611 thus reducing his taxes by $65,921!
What a hypocrite!!!!

But then... think about this... did he donate any money to this guy to help cover his $12/year rent on this hut?
What an absolute embarrassment to have a President's brother live this way.
And then this idiot claims.."It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
View attachment 30508
Obama's only my bud because his pastry chef gives me crack flavored coconut cream pie.
Hillary really scares you, doesn't she? Try not to be so jealous.

Why are you attacking the OP for pointing out that once again Hillary Rotten lied? Do you leftist Zombies ever ask questions of your own corrupt politicians??? Get a new tactic loser.
Bill and Hilly were broke after leaving the WH she said but now we learn that earned 53 million dollars in speaking fees alone.. How many people on this forum are that broke?? SHOW OF HANDS PLZ.
It's not every day we meet broke people who give away ten million dollars, which is good, really. I'd hate to meet people like that every day.

Well you should also then ask YOUR bud Obama... how come when
the President released their 2012 federal income tax returns. $608,611.
The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities.
The largest reported gift to charity was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation.
The President’s effective federal income tax rate is 18.4 percent.

President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House

Guess what the TAX LOOPHOLE criticizer-in-Chief took TAX LOOPHOLE
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS 115,516!!!
FOLKS Obama reduced his taxable income of $724,127 to $608,611 thus reducing his taxes by $65,921!
What a hypocrite!!!!

But then... think about this... did he donate any money to this guy to help cover his $12/year rent on this hut?
What an absolute embarrassment to have a President's brother live this way.
And then this idiot claims.."It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
View attachment 30508

How dare they use the LAWS to lower tax liability, and give so much to charity!

The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities. :D:D
It's not every day we meet broke people who give away ten million dollars, which is good, really. I'd hate to meet people like that every day.

Well you should also then ask YOUR bud Obama... how come when
the President released their 2012 federal income tax returns. $608,611.
The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities.
The largest reported gift to charity was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation.
The President’s effective federal income tax rate is 18.4 percent.

President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House

Guess what the TAX LOOPHOLE criticizer-in-Chief took TAX LOOPHOLE
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS 115,516!!!
FOLKS Obama reduced his taxable income of $724,127 to $608,611 thus reducing his taxes by $65,921!
What a hypocrite!!!!

But then... think about this... did he donate any money to this guy to help cover his $12/year rent on this hut?
What an absolute embarrassment to have a President's brother live this way.
And then this idiot claims.."It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
View attachment 30508

How dare they use the LAWS to lower tax liability, and give so much to charity!

The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities. :D:D

And when you have no expenses and use tax payer money for your trips, it easy to give that much.
It's not every day we meet broke people who give away ten million dollars, which is good, really. I'd hate to meet people like that every day.

Well you should also then ask YOUR bud Obama... how come when
the President released their 2012 federal income tax returns. $608,611.
The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities.
The largest reported gift to charity was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation.
The President’s effective federal income tax rate is 18.4 percent.

President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House

Guess what the TAX LOOPHOLE criticizer-in-Chief took TAX LOOPHOLE
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS 115,516!!!
FOLKS Obama reduced his taxable income of $724,127 to $608,611 thus reducing his taxes by $65,921!
What a hypocrite!!!!

But then... think about this... did he donate any money to this guy to help cover his $12/year rent on this hut?
What an absolute embarrassment to have a President's brother live this way.
And then this idiot claims.."It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
View attachment 30508

How dare they use the LAWS to lower tax liability, and give so much to charity!

The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities. :D:D

How dare you pretend to be some type of ethical poster here when you purposely obstruct and play the faux outraged leftist in order to excuse the obvious- A habitual liar, Hillary Clinton - who will do anything and say anything for power.. even laugh about defending a child rapist KNOWING he was guilty.

Hillary said they were broke.. now we have tax records to prove she's a fucking liar and what do you do???? You become a cheering section for their wealth and how they get over, tax wise.. Look at the liberal using "Koch brother" tax avenues and cheering it on when it's one of her own.. Sickening.
Look at the rats scattering for Hilly.. trying to change the narrative.. attacking the OP who simply reported THE TRUTH..

It's soo ridiculously pathetic and cheap..like their liberal politicians they lie for
In an interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer slated to air Monday night, Hillary Clinton revealed that she and former President Bill Clinton were "dead broke" when they left the White House.

During one of their last years in the White House, the Clintons reportedly earned $416,039, the New York Daily News reports, citing the couple's 1999 federal income tax return. But apparently that was not enough to cover their debts and their daughter's education.


Hilly must have had one of those , " I don't recall moments."
What happened to all of the leftist rats who were trying to change the subject in order to cover for their corrupt politician, Hillary Clinton?
It's not every day we meet broke people who give away ten million dollars, which is good, really. I'd hate to meet people like that every day.

Well you should also then ask YOUR bud Obama... how come when
the President released their 2012 federal income tax returns. $608,611.
The Obamas paid $112,214 in total tax.
The President and First Lady also reported donating $150,034 –
or about 24.6 percent of their adjusted gross income – to 33 different charities.
The largest reported gift to charity was $103,871 to the Fisher House Foundation.
The President’s effective federal income tax rate is 18.4 percent.

President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House

Guess what the TAX LOOPHOLE criticizer-in-Chief took TAX LOOPHOLE
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS 115,516!!!
FOLKS Obama reduced his taxable income of $724,127 to $608,611 thus reducing his taxes by $65,921!
What a hypocrite!!!!

But then... think about this... did he donate any money to this guy to help cover his $12/year rent on this hut?
What an absolute embarrassment to have a President's brother live this way.
And then this idiot claims.."It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"
View attachment 30508
Obama's only my bud because his pastry chef gives me crack flavored coconut cream pie.

Well THAT's totally understandable and ACCEPTABLE behavior!!! NO question!

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