Brooks gets a set bail of 5 mil for MURDER?

I'm not going to wade through all the pages but the reason his bail was set was because by WI state law bail has to be set.

WI also does not have the death penalty, that said if he's ever released into general population he will be loved tenderly. I suspect he will spend the rest of his life in a 6X12 and exercise in his very own dog kennel.

Believe me when I say that is as bad as death. WI's version of Super Max (WSPF) is no joke.

Enjoy your stay Mr. Brooks.

A cell at supermax Wisconsin Secure Program Facility in Boscobel, WI.
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I'm not going to wade through all the pages but the reason his bail was set was because by WI state law bail has to be set.

WI also does not have the death penalty, that said if he's ever released into general population he will be loved tenderly. I suspect he will spend the rest of his life in a 6X12 and exercise in his very own dog kennel.

Believe me when I say that is as bad as death. WI's version of Super Max (WSPF) is no joke.

Enjoy your stay Mr. Brooks.

A cell at supermax Wisconsin Secure Program Facility in Boscobel, WI.
As someone who has built jail cells...

I can tell you that there's a limit to the amount of water they are allowed. The vents suck. And the lights are sealed. The ceiling is also double reinforced rock with expanded metal between the layers. The walls are solid block reinforced with rebar.

Donkey kicks to the solid steel doors can eventually warp the frame or door...but it takes a long time. And doing so usually gets you put into solitary confinement and no commissary or any sort of privileges.

Prison is not comfortable to begin can be made even more uncomfortable as time progresses.
I'm not going to wade through all the pages but the reason his bail was set was because by WI state law bail has to be set.

WI also does not have the death penalty, that said if he's ever released into general population he will be loved tenderly. I suspect he will spend the rest of his life in a 6X12 and exercise in his very own dog kennel.

Believe me when I say that is as bad as death. WI's version of Super Max (WSPF) is no joke.

Enjoy your stay Mr. Brooks.

A cell at supermax Wisconsin Secure Program Facility in Boscobel, WI.
Hope this is exactly what the monster gets. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy my long hot shower before I crawl into my very soft bed full of fluffy pillows and a big warm down comforter. I know from experience that it's getting cold in parts of Wisconsin right about now and that skinny little mattress looks mighty uncomfortable. I'll have a nibble of good Belgian chocolate before bed and all he'll have in his mouth is the acrid taste of the death he has caused. I hope he's happy with hell.
The pink pig headed Judge sounded apologetic about setting the bail; whereas it should have been no bail!
I'm very sad about the 8 yr. old who died marching with his Little League team in the parade.
We're living in a Country anymore that fails to protect it's children thanks to Neo-Marxist Dimm's in power that put criminals first, victims second!!
What the Left fails to see in this is that they claim that police should be there to protect us...but in this case progressive polilicies let this violent felon out of jail on a pittance of bail for a known bail jumper...

And the Left wants to Defund the police to where they don't exist.

And the Left doesn't want the common man to have access to firearms so he can defend himself and others.

But yet they believe this stuff...
What the Left fails to see in this is that they claim that police should be there to protect us...but in this case progressive polilicies let this violent felon out of jail on a pittance of bail for a known bail jumper...

And the Left wants to Defund the police to where they don't exist.

And the Left doesn't want the common man to have access to firearms so he can defend himself and others.

But yet they believe this stuff...
It's time for a national divorce.
It's time for a national divorce.
Both sides need to stop pandering.
Stop lining their pockets.
Start actually being leaders
Telling us what we need to hear instead of what we want to hear.
Stop manufacturing issues and discuss real issues.
Both sides need to stop pandering.
Stop lining their pockets.
Start actually being leaders
Telling us what we need to hear instead of what we want to hear.
Stop manufacturing issues and discuss real issues.
Like my Japanese husband used to say............ rotsa ruck.
that’s a good point, given he was out on bail, he’s prior bond should be revoked

i didn’t think about that

i don’t agree with the death penalty. It’s far to costly for tax payers.

You can send a bill for the bullets to the family if you are concerned about the cost to the taxpayers.

The key isn't to drag this case out, but just to move forward with the case and get Mr. Brooks dancing at the end of a rope by Christmas.
You can send a bill for the bullets to the family if you are concerned about the cost to the taxpayers.

The key isn't to drag this case out, but just to move forward with the case and get Mr. Brooks dancing at the end of a rope by Christmas.
A death case will drag it out longer.
So....since when do murderers get released on bail regardless of the amount of that bail? You KNOW some crazy lefty will post it. Or Soros will. The guy tried to run over his wife(?) and that was attempted murder but was released with only 1k bail. Then two days later, he KILLS 6 more people with his weapon of choice...his car. But again...released on bail. WTF?
Democrats claim it was an accident to cover for their terrorist
Fairness is not allowing a dangerous criminal out on bail at all. Was it fair to those crushed to death by an SUB including an 8 year old who suffered and died later.

An SUB?????????? how did they get a sub to Wisconsin? The Great Lakes? Just kidding!

Your point is well taken! I agree, but that is what you usually get when you elect Democrats.
It is 100% fair to revoke bail for someone out on bail that is accused of another crime while out on bail. The right to bail has never been a guarantee for everyone.
The Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that "excessive bail shall not be required." Regardless, the Supreme Court has ruled that the U.S. Constitution permits holding a defendant without bail in some circumstances. In other words, while bail is a Constitutional right, it is not an absolute right.

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