Brothers Out for a Sunday Drive in New York

The motorcycle cut him off then jammed on his brakes. Did you not read that?

Why would I need to read MSM propaganda when I can see in the vid the biker changed lanes and the Yuppie in the SUV did not apply brakes? If the Yuppie remembers Drivers' Ed., he should have been 2 car lengths for every 10 MPH of speed behind a motorcycle. For thinking his SUV was above the law, he now has lawsuits on his hands and two black eyes.

Did you miss the part early in the video where the biker invaded the SUV's lane?
Sure wish a bunch of REAL bikers would go after the rice burners. Then they would know what it feels like and they would have a shitload more stitches as well. Maybe a few body casts.
Sure wish a bunch of REAL bikers would go after the rice burners. Then they would know what it feels like and they would have a shitload more stitches as well. Maybe a few body casts.

Riding a different make and model of motorcycle makes you stronger, tougher, and magically imparts greater fighting ability? They really should mention that in the advertising. Sales would skyrocket.
Of course the poor white guy just had to do a hit and run. Too bad he got stomped in front of his kids and wife but what was he thinking hitting someone and taking off like that? He's lucky someone didn't put a hot one in him.

you are the first to mention race.....and you got it wrong....he wasnt white...

Then I apologize for assuming. I saw the usual Stormfront members and thought the guy was white.

I'd rather ride a bicycle than a rice burner.

Just sayin'.

Oh, and do let me know the next time 10 rice burners pull up alongside of ya and you feel the need to p ull over and let them pass (in short...cower)....then compare it to a group of Hell's Angels. My bet is your blood pressure will go up a tad with the HA. The rice burners? Blech.

It's all for sure in the marketing. Hogs are hogs, riden by men and women who exude this presence. Rice burners just get in my way and don't get a second glance. But that's me.

All I can say is...some rice burner riders would be hurtin' way more than what they got if that were me and just my DOG in the car. Hell's Angels? I would have apologized profusely. But I can't see HA's doing that shit with a 5 year old in the car.
I hope they throw the book at the dumbass biker who caused this mess including the fallout for the poor biker who is now paralyzed because of that shitheads actions.
The motorcycle cut him off then jammed on his brakes. Did you not read that?

Why would I need to read MSM propaganda when I can see in the vid the biker changed lanes and the Yuppie in the SUV did not apply brakes? If the Yuppie remembers Drivers' Ed., he should have been 2 car lengths for every 10 MPH of speed behind a motorcycle. For thinking his SUV was above the law, he now has lawsuits on his hands and two black eyes.

Snouts the biker cut the SUV then hit the brakes. Look at the video,he isn't even watching the road he's going so slow. SUV can't stop on a dime. Were it not for that shitheads actions that family would be fine and that poor biker who got paralyzed trying to help would still be able to walk. You can't fault the Man for protecting his family by instinctivly taking off when feeling threatened. The man had his wife and baby in the car and was surround by about 50 angry bikers. You probably would have done the same thing.
I'd rather ride a bicycle than a rice burner.

Just sayin'.

Oh, and do let me know the next time 10 rice burners pull up alongside of ya and you feel the need to p ull over and let them pass (in short...cower)....then compare it to a group of Hell's Angels. My bet is your blood pressure will go up a tad with the HA. The rice burners? Blech.

It's all for sure in the marketing. Hogs are hogs, riden by men and women who exude this presence. Rice burners just get in my way and don't get a second glance. But that's me.

All I can say is...some rice burner riders would be hurtin' way more than what they got if that were me and just my DOG in the car. Hell's Angels? I would have apologized profusely. But I can't see HA's doing that shit with a 5 year old in the car.

Not these rice burners!

[ame=]TT ~ GLADIATORS ~ ?200mph~DREAM? . . . Isle of Man TT - YouTube[/ame]
And more to the point, these guys have a history of preying on people in nicer vehicles. They did the same thing to some poor sod in 2011. Here is more video and photo's of the assault. - Photos NYC Bikers terrorize family in SUV - "Innocent victim" Jay Meezee peacefully driving his Bike

And here they are doing the same thing in 2011, they ride in and crowd around the intended victim, then one of them brake checks the intended and when they are hit they stop and the assault begins.

Amazingly enough they don't try this sort of shit here in Nevada. There wouldn't be many of them left after they had done it once or twice. People around here don't put up with that crap... - Same group of bikers attacking another driver in 2011
Oh, and do let me know the next time 10 rice burners pull up alongside of ya and you feel the need to p ull over and let them pass (in short...cower)....then compare it to a group of Hell's Angels. My bet is your blood pressure will go up a tad with the HA. The rice burners? Blech. .

You get scared when motorcycles pass you on the road? :confused:
Oh, and do let me know the next time 10 rice burners pull up alongside of ya and you feel the need to p ull over and let them pass (in short...cower)....then compare it to a group of Hell's Angels. My bet is your blood pressure will go up a tad with the HA. The rice burners? Blech. .

You get scared when motorcycles pass you on the road? :confused:

yes, because motorcycles kill :eusa_shhh:
And more to the point, these guys have a history of preying on people in nicer vehicles. They did the same thing to some poor sod in 2011. Here is more video and photo's of the assault. - Photos NYC Bikers terrorize family in SUV - "Innocent victim" Jay Meezee peacefully driving his Bike

And here they are doing the same thing in 2011, they ride in and crowd around the intended victim, then one of them brake checks the intended and when they are hit they stop and the assault begins.

Amazingly enough they don't try this sort of shit here in Nevada. There wouldn't be many of them left after they had done it once or twice. People around here don't put up with that crap... - Same group of bikers attacking another driver in 2011

these bikers are scum. someone posted earlier in the thread more video from helmet cam guy and these assholes are riding through the streets, going the wrong way, running red lights and riding on the sidewalks...not once, but all over the place.
The $64,000 question, what do you do in this situation?

No gun in NYC to hold the pack at bay and protect yourself and your family if necessary.

I'd be tempted to use the SUV as a weapon...but on reflection, that would probably get you put it prison.

So what is the law, is being chased by a gang of thugs and hoodlums on motorcycles (read the comments, this group is well known) rise to the level of "fear for ones life"?

This is what happens where firearms are outlawed for law abiding citizens...might makes right, the largest pack wins.

The civilized are reduced to hope and prayer that they survive long enough to pursue justice under the law.

In my F-350...well, I have 35" tires and a front bull bar. Lock the doors, call 911, haul ass, and run them over as needed. In my 911 and haul ass. It wont' match a zoom-splat, but that car will MOVE...and even the most psychotic biker might think twice after a couple of his buddies get squashed between a K-rail and 5000lbs of steel.

That was my first thought, use the SUVs bulk to make pursuit more costly to the pursuers...but would that have been a legal use of force?

I have my doubts.

As an aside...are you originally from out west?

In my experience, folks from out west use the term K-rail...Jersey Wall in the east, and Texas Barrier in the midwest and south.

No, I'm a lifelong New Englander. My uncle called them K-rails...he's from southern Ohio.

Honestly...this video is the best argument I have ever seen for legalizing sawed-off shotguns!
I'd rather ride a bicycle than a rice burner.

Just sayin'.

Oh, and do let me know the next time 10 rice burners pull up alongside of ya and you feel the need to p ull over and let them pass (in short...cower)....then compare it to a group of Hell's Angels. My bet is your blood pressure will go up a tad with the HA. The rice burners? Blech.

It's all for sure in the marketing. Hogs are hogs, riden by men and women who exude this presence. Rice burners just get in my way and don't get a second glance. But that's me.

All I can say is...some rice burner riders would be hurtin' way more than what they got if that were me and just my DOG in the car. Hell's Angels? I would have apologized profusely. But I can't see HA's doing that shit with a 5 year old in the car.

"Hogs" are ridden by extremely shallow people with more money than sense. For a long-distance tourer...screw the antiques HD sells, give me a Goldwing!
The motorcycle cut him off then jammed on his brakes. Did you not read that?

Why would I need to read MSM propaganda when I can see in the vid the biker changed lanes and the Yuppie in the SUV did not apply brakes? If the Yuppie remembers Drivers' Ed., he should have been 2 car lengths for every 10 MPH of speed behind a motorcycle. For thinking his SUV was above the law, he now has lawsuits on his hands and two black eyes.

Snouts the biker cut the SUV then hit the brakes. Look at the video,he isn't even watching the road he's going so slow. SUV can't stop on a dime. Were it not for that shitheads actions that family would be fine and that poor biker who got paralyzed trying to help would still be able to walk. You can't fault the Man for protecting his family by instinctivly taking off when feeling threatened. The man had his wife and baby in the car and was surround by about 50 angry bikers. You probably would have done the same thing.

The maneuver the squid pulled is called a"swoop and squat". my work truck, it is the single thing I fear the most. If someone does it to me, I simply can't stop.
I'd rather ride a bicycle than a rice burner.

Just sayin'.

Oh, and do let me know the next time 10 rice burners pull up alongside of ya and you feel the need to p ull over and let them pass (in short...cower)....then compare it to a group of Hell's Angels. My bet is your blood pressure will go up a tad with the HA. The rice burners? Blech.

It's all for sure in the marketing. Hogs are hogs, riden by men and women who exude this presence. Rice burners just get in my way and don't get a second glance. But that's me.

All I can say is...some rice burner riders would be hurtin' way more than what they got if that were me and just my DOG in the car. Hell's Angels? I would have apologized profusely. But I can't see HA's doing that shit with a 5 year old in the car.

"Hogs" are ridden by extremely shallow people with more money than sense. For a long-distance tourer...screw the antiques HD sells, give me a Goldwing!

Christ what a dick ! Calling people "shallow" for choosing one type of two wheeled vehicle over another. Fuck you dude !
The motorcycle cut him off then jammed on his brakes. Did you not read that?

Why would I need to read MSM propaganda when I can see in the vid the biker changed lanes and the Yuppie in the SUV did not apply brakes? If the Yuppie remembers Drivers' Ed., he should have been 2 car lengths for every 10 MPH of speed behind a motorcycle. For thinking his SUV was above the law, he now has lawsuits on his hands and two black eyes.

Did you miss the part early in the video where the biker invaded the SUV's lane?

There was a child in that back seat and the idiot biker was slamming the back window with his helmet like he would go after the kid.

Damn drunk fuckfaces.

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