Brothers Out for a Sunday Drive in New York

No fuck you and your gay, Hollywood avatar.

Wowsa, it is always amazing to listen to hysterical MSM propaganda voices lying about what we see with our own eyes. That narrator seemed like she was auditioning for MSNBC apparently not realizing they only hire transgender, sexually ambiguous loons.

All we know a Yuppie in an SUV did something to piss off the bikers and they were checking the Yuppie, saying "Are you seriously gonna be a tough guy with us?" No doubt willing to let it go because riding is more fun than dealing with Yuppies in SUVs. The Yuppie's response is to run over people. That is attempted murder. No doubt a number of the bikers were packing, so the MSM should compliment them on their restraint.

Those were NOT bikers moron, they were PUNKS. If the punks were packing they would have been arrested for that also...

Rice Burners. Blech. And in a pack. Like coyotes. Face one, they yip. Be confronted in a get attacked. I call that chickenshit. ESPECIALLY with a 5 year old in the vehicle. Got a beef with the driver? Fine. Follow him home, let him get his family in the house, THEN confront on one, not the yipping pack along for the ride.

Those guys aren't "bikers". They are punks.
The victiims were the folks that Yuppie bastard ran over.

from what i saw

i would have run him over too

plus i would had the one tailgating sucking my tail pipe

when i slammed on the brakes

and for the dude busting the window in

he would have had a sucking chest wound

but that is only based on the footage provided

if the facts change my opinion may change as well
Rice Burners. Blech. And in a pack. Like coyotes. Face one, they yip. Be confronted in a get attacked. I call that chickenshit. ESPECIALLY with a 5 year old in the vehicle. Got a beef with the driver? Fine. Follow him home, let him get his family in the house, THEN confront on one, not the yipping pack along for the ride.

Those guys aren't "bikers". They are punks.

Well said.
No fuck you and your gay, Hollywood avatar.

Wowsa, it is always amazing to listen to hysterical MSM propaganda voices lying about what we see with our own eyes. That narrator seemed like she was auditioning for MSNBC apparently not realizing they only hire transgender, sexually ambiguous loons.

All we know a Yuppie in an SUV did something to piss off the bikers and they were checking the Yuppie, saying "Are you seriously gonna be a tough guy with us?" No doubt willing to let it go because riding is more fun than dealing with Yuppies in SUVs. The Yuppie's response is to run over people. That is attempted murder. No doubt a number of the bikers were packing, so the MSM should compliment them on their restraint.

Could you post a link to the story that shows the driver of the SUV (beautiful SUV by the way)
was the one harassing the bikers ?
The motorcyclists (I can't call them bikers, they are riding cheapo Japanese motorcycles) started it by surrounding the Land Rover and threatening the driver. The police are investigating and have made a determination that the SUV driver had reason, at that point, to be in fear of his life.

The incident happened when one of the motorcyclists did a swoop and stop. He swerved into the SUV's path and slammed on his brakes. The SUV then clipped the motorcycle. The whole idea of the swoop and stop was to get the SUV to stop so the driver could be attacked. This isn't the first time this kind of incident has occurred. One of the warnings given by the police is to drive to a well lit, well populated area to exchange information rather than on the side of the road. This is a very common way to commit all kinds of crimes.

The SUV driver acted prudently. The motorcyclists used helmet cams that clearly show the motorcyclist swerving into the path of the SUV and slamming on his brakes.

PICTURED: Wealthy couple attacked by wild pack of motorcyclists after harrowing 4-mile chase on the West Side Highway following fender bender turned hit-and-run ? driver fled after running over biker - NY Daily News
This is what you don't get Ace...we oppose criminals and thugs.

I don't give a damn what color they are.

If you saw the video you know it was an all black group of motorcyclists. Which explains everything else.

They weren't all black..

No, most of the club was white. When I first saw the video, I didn't think there were any blacks at all in it. I guess it was a mixed race club, but predominantly white.
No fuck you and your gay, Hollywood avatar.

Wowsa, it is always amazing to listen to hysterical MSM propaganda voices lying about what we see with our own eyes. That narrator seemed like she was auditioning for MSNBC apparently not realizing they only hire transgender, sexually ambiguous loons.

All we know a Yuppie in an SUV did something to piss off the bikers and they were checking the Yuppie, saying "Are you seriously gonna be a tough guy with us?" No doubt willing to let it go because riding is more fun than dealing with Yuppies in SUVs. The Yuppie's response is to run over people. That is attempted murder. No doubt a number of the bikers were packing, so the MSM should compliment them on their restraint.

Kids on Cafe' bikes don't "pack." This wasn't the Hells Angels.
I would have run over them too.

What the SUV driver did wrong was drive in a straight line. He should have swerved from lane to lane, causing the bikes closest to crash.
The $64,000 question, what do you do in this situation?

No gun in NYC to hold the pack at bay and protect yourself and your family if necessary.

I'd be tempted to use the SUV as a weapon...but on reflection, that would probably get you put it prison.

So what is the law, is being chased by a gang of thugs and hoodlums on motorcycles (read the comments, this group is well known) rise to the level of "fear for ones life"?

This is what happens where firearms are outlawed for law abiding citizens...might makes right, the largest pack wins.

The civilized are reduced to hope and prayer that they survive long enough to pursue justice under the law.

In my F-350...well, I have 35" tires and a front bull bar. Lock the doors, call 911, haul ass, and run them over as needed. In my 911 and haul ass. It wont' match a zoom-splat, but that car will MOVE...and even the most psychotic biker might think twice after a couple of his buddies get squashed between a K-rail and 5000lbs of steel.

That was my first thought, use the SUVs bulk to make pursuit more costly to the pursuers...but would that have been a legal use of force?

I have my doubts.

As an aside...are you originally from out west?

In my experience, folks from out west use the term K-rail...Jersey Wall in the east, and Texas Barrier in the midwest and south.

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