Brothers Out for a Sunday Drive in New York

If you saw the video they were black

Kimberly Guilfoil was on OReilly she was in that area. The motorcyclists were going to attend an event called Hollywood Stuntz. The police decided the event was too crowded and started to divert traffic. These guys could not get in. They started causing whatever trouble they could, including swarming cars and intimidating the occupants. They intimidated this guy a bit too much who just hit the gas to get away.

From the video the attackers were all black. There's no way around it.
Black violence has reached staggering levels. Unfortunately America has chosen to ignore it.
The news said the motorcyclist who got hurt was a well know 31 yr. old rap artist in his community.

Translation: feral gang banger with no job living on section 8 and food stamps. .. :cool:
Black violence has reached staggering levels. Unfortunately America has chosen to ignore it.

In the United States, a White person is almost six times more likely to be killed by another White person than by a Black person, according to FBI homicide data. In 2011, there were more cases of Whites killing Whites than there were Blacks killing Blacks. However, the mainstream media obsesses over Black on Black violence and rarely mentions the problem of White on White violence.

White on White crime more prevalent than Black on Black | Call & Post Newspaper | Cleveland, Ohio

According to you, they're all on welfare and to stupid to drive. How can they afford a motor cycle and gas?

Well they stole them obviously. Duh.

That's why they were arrested for theft.:lol:
The $64,000 question, what do you do in this situation?

No gun in NYC to hold the pack at bay and protect yourself and your family if necessary.

I'd be tempted to use the SUV as a weapon...but on reflection, that would probably get you put it prison.

So what is the law, is being chased by a gang of thugs and hoodlums on motorcycles (read the comments, this group is well known) rise to the level of "fear for ones life"?

This is what happens where firearms are outlawed for law abiding citizens...might makes right, the largest pack wins.

Why didn't he just stop like he would if he hit anyone else and exchange insurance cards? Seems to me he panicked because they were bikers and or they were black.

He did stop, watch the video...they go on the attack after his car is surrounded...he drives over the bikes to get away...the chase is on after that.

yep, even the cops said that
The $64,000 question, what do you do in this situation?

No gun in NYC to hold the pack at bay and protect yourself and your family if necessary.

I'd be tempted to use the SUV as a weapon...but on reflection, that would probably get you put it prison.

So what is the law, is being chased by a gang of thugs and hoodlums on motorcycles (read the comments, this group is well known) rise to the level of "fear for ones life"?

This is what happens where firearms are outlawed for law abiding citizens...might makes right, the largest pack wins.

The civilized are reduced to hope and prayer that they survive long enough to pursue justice under the law.

Drive to a police station, if possible.

I think that was his plan.

I considered this as well, but you can't get anywhere in Manhattan in a car without stopping.

This was his major mistake...getting off the interstate.

On the interstate he didn't have to stop. Call the police and keep driving.

his tires were blown
The Yuppie in the SUV needed to learn the lesson that driving an SUV does not make the driver Iron Man. Most SUV drivers drive them because it makes them feel bigger and tougher than they really are. The bikers showed good discipline in not shooting the SUV driver who committed multiple hit and runs and should be in prison. This is a case of righteous street justice. - Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC. (comments)

If you're one of them occupy sob's we all can smell you. Fuck you and your street justice, you can't carry a gun in NY. If the suv driver had a gun, that would be a classic Stand Yo Ground here in Fl...:evil:
No fuck you and your gay, Hollywood avatar.

Wowsa, it is always amazing to listen to hysterical MSM propaganda voices lying about what we see with our own eyes. That narrator seemed like she was auditioning for MSNBC apparently not realizing they only hire transgender, sexually ambiguous loons.

All we know a Yuppie in an SUV did something to piss off the bikers and they were checking the Yuppie, saying "Are you seriously gonna be a tough guy with us?" No doubt willing to let it go because riding is more fun than dealing with Yuppies in SUVs. The Yuppie's response is to run over people. That is attempted murder. No doubt a number of the bikers were packing, so the MSM should compliment them on their restraint.
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The thing is most American flag waving retards don't understand that the MSM is playing them. My guess is the wild west, gun fighter wannabes here would not whip out their gun if there were nothing more than 4 or 5 Hell's Angels riding in a way that inconvenienced them. This is actually more proof that a special license should be required for SUV purchase. If a dumbass Yuppie has no idea what damage it can do, nor how to apply the brakes, they have no business operating it.
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