Brothers Out for a Sunday Drive in New York

Cops have gotten photos of hundreds of license plates from bridge and tunnel cameras and are trying to identify more of the bikers, who first swarmed Lien, his wife and child on the West Side Highway in Harlem Sunday about 1:30 p.m.

But many of the plates are stolen or belong on different bikes, making it tougher to ID the motorcyclists

Of course the poor white guy just had to do a hit and run. Too bad he got stomped in front of his kids and wife but what was he thinking hitting someone and taking off like that? He's lucky someone didn't put a hot one in him.

White Asian a new race is it?
Call em white just to further justify your racist hatred!

This is the biker who was hit.

Does he look black to anyone?


This is the driver and his wife.

Do they look "white?"

To all the racists - fuck off.
All the bikiers had to do was get the guys license plate and report the incident to the cops if they thought the SUV was in the wrong.

The cops will likely laugh out loud, dip their donuts in their coffees and then look for charges on the folks complaining.

Attacking a man like that with a wife and baby in the car is inexcusable especially when they are at fault.

The Yuppie should have though about his responsibilities before thinking he was a tough guy and above average folks because he drove a luxury SUV. The rules of the road are a car length for every ten MPH and twice that when behind a motorcycle.

The motorcycle cut him off then jammed on his brakes. Did you not read that?
The motorcyclist is at least part black. He's married to a black woman.

NYC Motorcycle Attack: Biker's Wife Says He Won't Walk Again - ABC News

The entire group of the thousands of Hollywood Stuntz is not all black, but the group that split off to terrorize people is black.

It's a mixed race group. Some of them are black, most white. The victim is Asian.

Race plays no part in this.

Race plays no part. Culture does. The culture of thugishness does.

It seems that there is some kind of general rebellion against thugs brewing as people start to fight back.
I wonder if the biker who now has his spine crushed wishes he would have not tried to cut the SUV off ?

Withy the money he wins there will be a lot of time to reflect on it.

The police are going to call it even. They can't charge the SUV driver because he was in fear of his life, and they are choosing not to charge the attackers.

DA won?t charge bike assault thug in SUV beating | New York Post

The thugs should be charged.

Everyone should be charged.
The motorcycle cut him off then jammed on his brakes. Did you not read that?

Why would I need to read MSM propaganda when I can see in the vid the biker changed lanes and the Yuppie in the SUV did not apply brakes? If the Yuppie remembers Drivers' Ed., he should have been 2 car lengths for every 10 MPH of speed behind a motorcycle. For thinking his SUV was above the law, he now has lawsuits on his hands and two black eyes.

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